LS is doing her Monday closing so that means little interaction with the rest of the world. Including me. It's the nature of the business. Missing her terribly. Miss her kisses. So fucking addictive. I'm head over heels over her. No other way to describe it. Yeah. This is love.
Amused (last words to a pretty face)
You got me high
then you made me fall
You gave me wings
You later broke
You started something
You took it back
I find amusing
Your lack of spine
I'm not your angel
I never was
The way you treated me
I'm glad it's past
I'm glad it's over
and it didn't last
I'm better off now
Glad I got out fast
So you're on your own
still singing other's songs
I found my home
Away from you
From your fucked up mess
I'm amused I confess
In another I found heaven
You were just another pretty face
Just stay gone
You're no fun
Your sins
yours to own
I found a better person
I'm on a better place
Fuck off and say bye
Delusional basket case
then you made me fall
You gave me wings
You later broke
You started something
You took it back
I find amusing
Your lack of spine
I'm not your angel
I never was
The way you treated me
I'm glad it's past
I'm glad it's over
and it didn't last
I'm better off now
Glad I got out fast
So you're on your own
still singing other's songs
I found my home
Away from you
From your fucked up mess
I'm amused I confess
In another I found heaven
You were just another pretty face
Just stay gone
You're no fun
Your sins
yours to own
I found a better person
I'm on a better place
Fuck off and say bye
Delusional basket case
Ode To Pepe Pesante
Yesterday, Pepe had his birthday and due to some serious communications snafus from my lovely wireless provider, I wasn't able to attend to his birthday bash and I am very sorry for it. So here it is....
Let me just start that this guy deserves the very freaking best in the world. His heart is huge. Yes, we've had disagreements in the past and he's one of the very few people I've ever regretted crossing. He's very well regarded and loved and it's the truth. Fucking guy is so cool and dedicated to the things and people he loves.
Pepe is the epithome of cool. Humble, knowleagable without being arrogant, sometimes diplomatic but never afraid to have his say when he wants to. Dedicated, again, comes to mind. This guy deserves nothing but the best.
Whenever he's in a bad mood, my duty to him is to tell him to stop looking down. Look up and around you mate. You've got friends who love you, a job you like, and you're a vital part of the best radio show ever in Puerto Rico. People love you and respect you. You rule, Ok?
Now please join me in congratulating him and telling him "GO PEPE! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!WOOT WOOT!"
Let me just start that this guy deserves the very freaking best in the world. His heart is huge. Yes, we've had disagreements in the past and he's one of the very few people I've ever regretted crossing. He's very well regarded and loved and it's the truth. Fucking guy is so cool and dedicated to the things and people he loves.
Pepe is the epithome of cool. Humble, knowleagable without being arrogant, sometimes diplomatic but never afraid to have his say when he wants to. Dedicated, again, comes to mind. This guy deserves nothing but the best.
Whenever he's in a bad mood, my duty to him is to tell him to stop looking down. Look up and around you mate. You've got friends who love you, a job you like, and you're a vital part of the best radio show ever in Puerto Rico. People love you and respect you. You rule, Ok?
Now please join me in congratulating him and telling him "GO PEPE! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!WOOT WOOT!"
Mercora P2P Radio review by PC Magazine
Mercora P2P Radio review by PC Magazine Very interesting idea.
It was one of those wonderful weekends. Arrived at Mayaguez Saturday afternoon and met LS for lunch/dinner and afterwards we wandered Mayaguez Mall like one of those couples. Young, in love and annoying to passersby. We don't care. It's our turn now so bear with us. Afterwards, I met LS's co-workers at one of her jobs. Fun bunch indeed. After some munchies shopping, we went to Kymill and Groundel's for some movie watching and schmoozing. Kymill and Groundell as always excellent hosts and friends. We watched "A Mi Mama Le Gustan Las Mujeres" and "Ghost In THe Shell: Innocence". Good flicks. LS had to go home to her mum so we went outside and said our goodbyes.
It was one of those very long and intense goodbyes. Girl takes my breath away and is passionate. I love her kisses and her touch. Lovely.
Anyway, back to K & G to watch "Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow". Yeah full of special effects and retro as fuck, but very entertaining. Afterwards, everybody crashed and again, Kymill's kitties didn't bother my sleep for one bit.
Sunday morning I was up earlier but didn't want to disturb my hosts so I stayed in bed a little while. Showered and got ready. The trip to Aguadilla is described below. Then after surviving a bycicle race down State Road #2, we picked up LS's friend in order for her to come with us to a friend's birthday party. Unfortunately the delays in Road #2 wouldn't allow me to be with them and take the bus home. So my baby dropped me at the bus station and went with her friend to the birthday party. It's sad to see her go but we'll see each other on the Duran Duran concert and on the weekend of February the 12th.
Now, I have some stuff to do so excuse me.
It was one of those very long and intense goodbyes. Girl takes my breath away and is passionate. I love her kisses and her touch. Lovely.
Anyway, back to K & G to watch "Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow". Yeah full of special effects and retro as fuck, but very entertaining. Afterwards, everybody crashed and again, Kymill's kitties didn't bother my sleep for one bit.
Sunday morning I was up earlier but didn't want to disturb my hosts so I stayed in bed a little while. Showered and got ready. The trip to Aguadilla is described below. Then after surviving a bycicle race down State Road #2, we picked up LS's friend in order for her to come with us to a friend's birthday party. Unfortunately the delays in Road #2 wouldn't allow me to be with them and take the bus home. So my baby dropped me at the bus station and went with her friend to the birthday party. It's sad to see her go but we'll see each other on the Duran Duran concert and on the weekend of February the 12th.
Now, I have some stuff to do so excuse me.

I spent my weekend with my girlfriend and even though it was raining she had to do a photo shoot in Aguadilla. So we went there and here she is in photographer mode. She's gonna send a picture she took of me with one of the local drunks who approached us while she was shooting on the town's square. The whole episode was hilarious.

Dethroning King Gillette. Is Ipod the razor or the blade?
Dethroning King Gillette. Is iPod the Razor or the Blade?
An interesting question posed by Robert X. Cringely
An interesting question posed by Robert X. Cringely
Que dia y que noche
Mucho trabajo. Levantarse temprano para comprar regalos, hacer un deposito en el banco y PLOP! Encontrarme a papi en la guagua en camino a ver a mi hermanastro. Papi es terco como el solo pero lo acompanye hasta donde pude porque iba camino al trabajo no sin antes aseguarme que tuviera su dinerito por si queria comer algo o hacer alguna diligencia. "Que tienes en esa bolsa?" - pregunto. "Regalos para mi novia" - le dije. "Adioj tu tienes novia?" - me mira. "Alegrate. Preocupate si te dijera novio". El viejito se echa a reir. Papi rulea.
Trabajo y mas trabajo y no tenia mi musica ready para anoche. Quemando cds y trabajo mas trabajo. LS en SJ y apenas pude salir a la hora que se suponia para cenar con ella en el Denny's antes de tocar. Charlamos y comimos un ratito. Se tardaron un poco en abrir el local asi que quality time junto a ella en lo que el hacha iba y venia. Hablamos mucho y de cosas bien cheveres e importantes. No me deja de sorprender esta novia mia. En Communion empezo la diversion a las 11 y sin audifonos para monitorear pero como quiera me tire la mia. Eze, Alf y Anais bajaron y les presente a LS. Tambien se la presente a la Diabla. Diversion y tragos a granel. La Diabla me aconsejo en su estilo unico y le cayo bien LS. YAY! Tambien se la presente a Vero y a Vivi por aquello de ser cortes pero hey , the cold shower is natural. Sorry girls. Pero puej. Anyway se paso bien, se jodio y eventualmente mi Cenicienta tenia que tomar su carruaje asi que la acompanye y otra despedida de esas que en cierto sentido me joden pero al menos la vere el Sabado.
Alf, Anais y Eze fuimos a Denny's para una hartera post-show. It was good y la mesera le dejamos una pequenya fortuna en propina. Esa senyora para su edad es superfajona. She deserves her tip.
Anyway, back home. Feliz. I just wished she stayed home with me. Soon.
PD - Sacar por el techo a un mamon mediocre y su banda y dejar que ellos mismos se siguan hundiendo es lo mejor del mundo y del universo tambien.
Trabajo y mas trabajo y no tenia mi musica ready para anoche. Quemando cds y trabajo mas trabajo. LS en SJ y apenas pude salir a la hora que se suponia para cenar con ella en el Denny's antes de tocar. Charlamos y comimos un ratito. Se tardaron un poco en abrir el local asi que quality time junto a ella en lo que el hacha iba y venia. Hablamos mucho y de cosas bien cheveres e importantes. No me deja de sorprender esta novia mia. En Communion empezo la diversion a las 11 y sin audifonos para monitorear pero como quiera me tire la mia. Eze, Alf y Anais bajaron y les presente a LS. Tambien se la presente a la Diabla. Diversion y tragos a granel. La Diabla me aconsejo en su estilo unico y le cayo bien LS. YAY! Tambien se la presente a Vero y a Vivi por aquello de ser cortes pero hey , the cold shower is natural. Sorry girls. Pero puej. Anyway se paso bien, se jodio y eventualmente mi Cenicienta tenia que tomar su carruaje asi que la acompanye y otra despedida de esas que en cierto sentido me joden pero al menos la vere el Sabado.
Alf, Anais y Eze fuimos a Denny's para una hartera post-show. It was good y la mesera le dejamos una pequenya fortuna en propina. Esa senyora para su edad es superfajona. She deserves her tip.
Anyway, back home. Feliz. I just wished she stayed home with me. Soon.
PD - Sacar por el techo a un mamon mediocre y su banda y dejar que ellos mismos se siguan hundiendo es lo mejor del mundo y del universo tambien.
Tomorrow tomorrow.........
I've got 7 hours of music for tomorrow and a rough idea of a set list.
The woman I love is coming over tomorrow.
I've got to shave in order to look decent for tomorrow.
I've got to go to the bank tomorrow.
I've got to work tomorrow.
I need to get some sleep in order to function tomorrow.
See you at the gig tomorrow.
The woman I love is coming over tomorrow.
I've got to shave in order to look decent for tomorrow.
I've got to go to the bank tomorrow.
I've got to work tomorrow.
I need to get some sleep in order to function tomorrow.
See you at the gig tomorrow.
MSN Dating & Personals - Seven things men do that drive women nuts
MSN Dating & Personals - Seven things men do that drive women nuts
Some common wisdom in our dealings with the opposite sex. Yes, I haven't got time to properly blog. Sue me. I'd rather hang with LS. I hope you understand. ;)
Some common wisdom in our dealings with the opposite sex. Yes, I haven't got time to properly blog. Sue me. I'd rather hang with LS. I hope you understand. ;)
Installing Debian For The Faint Of Heart -
Installing Debian For The Faint Of Heart -
A useful tutorial for those brave enough to take the challenge.
A useful tutorial for those brave enough to take the challenge.
NewsForge | Retail geeks aren't geeky enough
NewsForge | Retail geeks aren't geeky enough
Remember that these are not geeks, these are salespeople.
Remember that these are not geeks, these are salespeople.
Did Microsoft Block Free Software from Licensing Scheme?
Did Microsoft Block Free Software from Licensing Scheme?
The plot thickens.
In other news, this is the best day so far. I feel great. I'm in luv plus I finishted all my work earlier than expected. Life is beautiful.
The plot thickens.
In other news, this is the best day so far. I feel great. I'm in luv plus I finishted all my work earlier than expected. Life is beautiful.
Bloc Party. Banquet
Bloc Party. Banquet:
"A heart of stone, a smoking gun
I can give you life, I can take it away
A heart of stone, a smoking gun
I'm working it out
Why'd you feel so underrated?
Why'd you feel so negated?
Turning away from the light
Becoming adult
Turning into my soul
I wanted to bite not destroy
To feel her underneath
Turning into my soul
She don't think straight
She's got such a dirty mind and it never ever stops
And you don't taste like her and you never ever will
And we don't read the papers, we don't read the news
Heaven's never enough, we will never be fooled
And if you feel a little left behind
I will see you on the other side
Cos I'm on fire
I'm on fire when you come
I'm on fire so stub me out"
"A heart of stone, a smoking gun
I can give you life, I can take it away
A heart of stone, a smoking gun
I'm working it out
Why'd you feel so underrated?
Why'd you feel so negated?
Turning away from the light
Becoming adult
Turning into my soul
I wanted to bite not destroy
To feel her underneath
Turning into my soul
She don't think straight
She's got such a dirty mind and it never ever stops
And you don't taste like her and you never ever will
And we don't read the papers, we don't read the news
Heaven's never enough, we will never be fooled
And if you feel a little left behind
I will see you on the other side
Cos I'm on fire
I'm on fire when you come
I'm on fire so stub me out"
Alien Loves Predator: In New York, no one can hear you scream.
Alien Loves Predator: In New York, no one can hear you scream.
Courtesy of Ms. Lightshadow. Que mal.
Courtesy of Ms. Lightshadow. Que mal.
The Shining In Thirty Seconds. With Bunnies
Courtesy of Jose Del Diablo. You can also enjoy Alien, The Exorcist, Jaws, Titanic and It's A Wonderful Life in 30 seconds. With bunnies.
Courtesy of Jose Del Diablo. You can also enjoy Alien, The Exorcist, Jaws, Titanic and It's A Wonderful Life in 30 seconds. With bunnies.
The Damage Manual - Stateless
The Damage Manual - Stateless
"You hide high speed out of engine greed,
and don't stop to look the world you bleed,
cars carousel on an unmade bed,
drive the point home after what you said.
Still life in an apocalypse,
add some dirt to your endless list,
force fed freedom defaced your will,
adds an age to the time you kill.
this is you - stateless
Stateless, stateless
candidates are waiting,
you can't open up
'cos your hands are shaking,
waste not, want not,
images blurred,
sugar coated bullet words.
Crime spread wide on an ill timed night,
vanishing point after homicide,
wait, bear arms out of threat or thrill,
don't breathe around 'cos they scare you still.
Cold conviction for remembered threats,
faded flames burn you with no regrets,
new exposure to an old disease,
breaks the surface with a sense of need.
Decaying distance cuts the clock in two,
and sends the time back to remember you,
graveyard name change, unconditioned spit,
resolve recorded in a different light.
this is you - stateless inside"
The Damage Manual - Stateless
"You hide high speed out of engine greed,
and don't stop to look the world you bleed,
cars carousel on an unmade bed,
drive the point home after what you said.
Still life in an apocalypse,
add some dirt to your endless list,
force fed freedom defaced your will,
adds an age to the time you kill.
this is you - stateless
Stateless, stateless
candidates are waiting,
you can't open up
'cos your hands are shaking,
waste not, want not,
images blurred,
sugar coated bullet words.
Crime spread wide on an ill timed night,
vanishing point after homicide,
wait, bear arms out of threat or thrill,
don't breathe around 'cos they scare you still.
Cold conviction for remembered threats,
faded flames burn you with no regrets,
new exposure to an old disease,
breaks the surface with a sense of need.
Decaying distance cuts the clock in two,
and sends the time back to remember you,
graveyard name change, unconditioned spit,
resolve recorded in a different light.
this is you - stateless inside"
Watching "The Gift" which is one of my favorite films and yes, Cate Blanchett is on it.
Ok I'm stopping the drool. She was really good as Katharine Hepburn in "The Aviator". Great acting there as well.
Speaking of great actresses, but this one is very underrated.
Tilda Swinton's acting on "Orlando" was brilliant.
Ok, enough with the Hollywood divas. Thanks to EGV at Sin Rumbo, got "Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence". Ok I am not going to spoil it for LS cause I want her to watch it with me. Let's just say Mamuro Oshii still has it. I luuuuuuuuv the technology curve.

Speaking of great actresses, but this one is very underrated.

Tilda Swinton's acting on "Orlando" was brilliant.
Ok, enough with the Hollywood divas. Thanks to EGV at Sin Rumbo, got "Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence". Ok I am not going to spoil it for LS cause I want her to watch it with me. Let's just say Mamuro Oshii still has it. I luuuuuuuuv the technology curve.
I had one of those long talks with LS. The kind that manages to do a lot for us in different levels. I don't know how to properly describe it, but it was good. I think the best result of it was that we are managing to get closer every day. And it feels good. The other thing I've discovered was that this is the first time that I can start a relationship with a clean slate. In the sense that before, I thought my relationship with Lana was It. As good as it got. Yeah, it was good while it lasted, but thanks to LS, I discovered there is someone out there who I can relate to. Someone who plays it straight and has no time for games and bullshit. Someone who is not afraid to be honest , caring, loving and doesn't hold back. As passionate and as affectionate and as crazy as I am. I am happy. Very happy.
So yes, there is life after. Took four years to find you, but it is worth it. Te amo mucho LS. I look forward to see what happens to us.
So yes, there is life after. Took four years to find you, but it is worth it. Te amo mucho LS. I look forward to see what happens to us.
Wired News: Safe E-Mailing for Dummies
Wired News: Safe E-Mailing for Dummies A very interesting application.
eXeem Lite
eXeem Lite A spyware free version of the latest p2p bittorrent application.
una receta peligrosa
Curiosidad + Aburrimiento
No es mortal, pero si peligrosa. Cuando estas encerrado en una oficina por largas horas y no tienes mas nada que hacer el cerebro empieza a traerte a la mente imagenes del pasado. Honestamente el pasado *ES* pasado. Aprende de el para no repetir el mismo error y siguelo que esta verde. Bastante que me depara el futuro sin contar que estoy con tremenda persona a la que quiero mucho y con la que quiero compartir ese futuro. Asi que como mismo vinieron las imagenes, las despacho. No hay necesidad de invocarlas cuando hay cosas que hacer, que planear y preparar.
Asi como diria Susa: FUERA CATARRO!!!!
No es mortal, pero si peligrosa. Cuando estas encerrado en una oficina por largas horas y no tienes mas nada que hacer el cerebro empieza a traerte a la mente imagenes del pasado. Honestamente el pasado *ES* pasado. Aprende de el para no repetir el mismo error y siguelo que esta verde. Bastante que me depara el futuro sin contar que estoy con tremenda persona a la que quiero mucho y con la que quiero compartir ese futuro. Asi que como mismo vinieron las imagenes, las despacho. No hay necesidad de invocarlas cuando hay cosas que hacer, que planear y preparar.
Asi como diria Susa: FUERA CATARRO!!!!
trust lust bust
Knowing someone is a process. Every person is a universe and a whole set of circumstances that despite any similarities you might share, you run into your differences. Even then it's nothing major, just a different viewpoint, a different worldview. We are not clones, nor I want to be one or have my partner become one. The coolest thing about her is that we trust each other enough to talk about it and we are both glad we did. I respect her stance on the issue and instead of being the typical male that would go yammering and whining and being bitchy about it, I chose not to.
Because some of the choices we make in life are really personal and really individual. I have to respect that. In fact, as she put it I am "looking at the bright side of it", which I believe is the proper way to handle the issue. Do I think she is weird because of it? Hardly! I found it odd, but not weird. I respect her views and I think we came out of it pretty well. In fact, that doesn't change a thing about my feelings for her. They are the same and I love her very much. I am glad she trusts me enough to talk about everything.
Lust? Oh yeah. Miss her kisses and cuddling and whatnot. Yesterday I missed her badly, but I know good things come to those who wait. So it's the 27th and Duran Duran and the weekend of the 12th YAY!
Bust? Well, we were talking last night on the phone and our chat was interrupted by a long distance call from my brother. Oh well. :) Anyway, got a radio show to play tonight. I might hit Communion, depending on how I feel. Still finishing with the flu and I don't want to relapse.
Because some of the choices we make in life are really personal and really individual. I have to respect that. In fact, as she put it I am "looking at the bright side of it", which I believe is the proper way to handle the issue. Do I think she is weird because of it? Hardly! I found it odd, but not weird. I respect her views and I think we came out of it pretty well. In fact, that doesn't change a thing about my feelings for her. They are the same and I love her very much. I am glad she trusts me enough to talk about everything.
Lust? Oh yeah. Miss her kisses and cuddling and whatnot. Yesterday I missed her badly, but I know good things come to those who wait. So it's the 27th and Duran Duran and the weekend of the 12th YAY!
Bust? Well, we were talking last night on the phone and our chat was interrupted by a long distance call from my brother. Oh well. :) Anyway, got a radio show to play tonight. I might hit Communion, depending on how I feel. Still finishing with the flu and I don't want to relapse.
Yahoo! News - FBI Fights for Limited Document Searches
Yahoo! News - FBI Fights for Limited Document Searches
So much for the Freedom of Information Act, eh?
So much for the Freedom of Information Act, eh?
Un dia largo y yo loco por estar con ella. Loco por salir de aqui y compartir. Queria dejar el programa pregrabado para ir a verla, pero no habian espacios disponibles.
Todavia puedo dejarlo grabado por la manyana e ir por la tarde. Pero vamos a ver.
Total, ya mismo la podre ver y tener entre mis brazos y decirle lo mucho que la quiero.
Me hace tan feliz y me siento bien vivo. Pero paciencia, que ya vendra.
Todavia puedo dejarlo grabado por la manyana e ir por la tarde. Pero vamos a ver.
Total, ya mismo la podre ver y tener entre mis brazos y decirle lo mucho que la quiero.
Me hace tan feliz y me siento bien vivo. Pero paciencia, que ya vendra. | Sony admits MP3 error (January 21, 2005)
Their realization comes too late. I just find their arrogance amusing, but hey, at least they admit it. Took them long enough. | Sony admits MP3 error (January 21, 2005):
"Sony admits MP3 error
Yuri Kageyama in Tokyo
January 21, 2005
SONY missed out on potential sales from MP3 players and other gadgets because it was overly proprietary about music and entertainment content, the head of the company's video-game unit said.
Ken Kutaragi, president of Sony Computer Entertainment, said he and other Sony employees had been frustrated for years with management's reluctance to introduce products like Apple's iPod, mainly because the Sony had music and movie units that were worried about content rights.
But Sony's divisions were finally beginning to work together and share a common agenda, Mr Kutaragi said at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Tokyo.
'It's just starting,' he said. 'We are growing up.'
Sony officials have rarely publicly said the company's proprietary stance was mistaken.
Mr Kutaragi, who has long been viewed as a candidate to lead Sony, was unusually direct in acknowledging Sony had made an error.
Sony's music players did not initially support MP3 files and only played Sony's own Atrac format.
Sony's technology innovation had been 'diluted', Mr Kutaragi said
'We have to concentrate on our original nature - challenging and creating,' he said.
Once the powerhouse of global electronics, with success exemplified by its Walkman, Sony has lost some of its glamour lately, losing out in profitability and market share to cheaper Asian rivals.
Mr Kutaragi - known as the 'Father of the PlayStation' for making the game machine a pillar of Sony's business - said the new PSP, or PlayStation Portable, handheld will grow into a global platform for enjoying music and movies as well as games.
The Associated Press" | Sony admits MP3 error (January 21, 2005):
"Sony admits MP3 error
Yuri Kageyama in Tokyo
January 21, 2005
SONY missed out on potential sales from MP3 players and other gadgets because it was overly proprietary about music and entertainment content, the head of the company's video-game unit said.
Ken Kutaragi, president of Sony Computer Entertainment, said he and other Sony employees had been frustrated for years with management's reluctance to introduce products like Apple's iPod, mainly because the Sony had music and movie units that were worried about content rights.
But Sony's divisions were finally beginning to work together and share a common agenda, Mr Kutaragi said at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Tokyo.
'It's just starting,' he said. 'We are growing up.'
Sony officials have rarely publicly said the company's proprietary stance was mistaken.
Mr Kutaragi, who has long been viewed as a candidate to lead Sony, was unusually direct in acknowledging Sony had made an error.
Sony's music players did not initially support MP3 files and only played Sony's own Atrac format.
Sony's technology innovation had been 'diluted', Mr Kutaragi said
'We have to concentrate on our original nature - challenging and creating,' he said.
Once the powerhouse of global electronics, with success exemplified by its Walkman, Sony has lost some of its glamour lately, losing out in profitability and market share to cheaper Asian rivals.
Mr Kutaragi - known as the 'Father of the PlayStation' for making the game machine a pillar of Sony's business - said the new PSP, or PlayStation Portable, handheld will grow into a global platform for enjoying music and movies as well as games.
The Associated Press"
Down, battered, sick but my spirits are great.
Down with the flu. Good show at Communion tonight but I won't risk it. I want to stay in one piece. Finally got paid so I am taking care of some bills tomorrow. Hopefully everything should fall in place in the following next month. Yes, I do miss my lovely lady. Next week she'll be around, I will play a killer DJ set and everyting will be alright in the universe. Yup.
Now I need some medicine and some sleep.
Now I need some medicine and some sleep.
Blogthings - Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence
Blogthings - Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
![]() You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well. An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly. You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view. A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary. You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. |
Yahoo! News - Stan Lee's Spidey Score Settled
Yahoo! News - Stan Lee's Spidey Score Settled In a way it's poetic what Marvel did to Lee in the light of how he treated Jack Kirby et. al. : Homepage - The Free Desktop Screenshot Archive - Linux Screenshots and other Free Software
Joy Division movie closer than ever - NME.COM
Joy Division movie closer than ever - NME.COM WOOT! pt. 1
Life through through rose colored glasses
So, um, yeah. Life is good. I mean, even though yesterday I was pretty much penniless, and the prospects of getting some lunch were dismal, I found myself with extra cash when I searched through my other pockets. So lunch was ok, the work was done early (second day in a row! yeah!) and even though I had to take the bus home and I thought I didn't had money for the bus fare and the prospects of walking home were dim since it was beginning to rain, somehow I found the bus fare in my back pocket, the bus came quickly and took me home. I thanked Fate, God, the Gods, "bob" and anyone else for this lovely coincidences. Yeah life is good and lovely and I still wuv my girlfriend.
SecurityFocus HOME News: FBI retires its Carnivore
SecurityFocus HOME News: FBI retires its Carnivore. But wait, this is old news. And here's a little article about the Mini Mac's insides
Guardian Unlimited | Arts features | Together in electric dreams
Guardian Unlimited | Arts features | Together in electric dreams
A computer program supposedly is able to predict a hit. So no wonder the music's lame and it all sounds the same.
A computer program supposedly is able to predict a hit. So no wonder the music's lame and it all sounds the same.
Se lo robe a Vero lero lero. O algo.
Your Love Life by lpfloatsmyboat | |
Name/username/nickname: | |
favorite color: | |
best physical quaility: | hair |
best personality trait: | you don't follow the croud |
will you marry your bf/gf that you have now? | it depends |
when will you get married? | September 4, 2015 |
your kiss is: | polite |
People date you because: | you're hot |
Quiz created with MemeGen! |
So honey, um what are we gonna do in the next, say, 10 years?
Satrina's Dream
Hablando con mi amiga Satrina y ella me cuenta que el sabado soñó que yo era maestro en alguna escuela superior y que estaba casado con Lightshadow. Si. Yo. Nevermind the married part. I have no problems with it at all. Maestro de high school. Jejej.
Needless to say I find it all interesting in the lights of recent events.
Needless to say I find it all interesting in the lights of recent events.
En Ruta A Carolina El Tren Urbano
En ruta a Carolina el Tren Urbano
Lunes, 17 de enero de 2005
Por José Javier Pérez
El Departamento de Transportación y Obras Públicas (DTOP) ya comenzó los preparativos para la planificación y estudios ambientales de la segunda fase del Tren Urbano, cuya ruta tendrá a Carolina como destino final.
Como parte de los requisitos del gobierno federal para asignar fondos, el DTOP tiene que realizar estudios que demuestren que las vías de acceso actual hacia Carolina ya no son suficientes y que el desplazamiento vehicular a ese municipio es tortuoso.
“Si todo sale bien, la construcción podría comenzar a finales del cuatrienio”, dijo Gabriel Alcaraz, designado secretario de Transportación y Obras Públicas.
Ya se han seleccionado siete u ocho posibles rutas. Una de las alternativas comienza en la estación subterránea de Río Piedras, en donde ya está construido uno de los túneles rumbo a ese municipio. El recorrido, que duraría algunos 25 minutos, culmina en un área aledaña al estadio Roberto Clemente en Carolina.
El costo de la extensión sería de aproximadamente $1,000 millones. Utilizaría un sistema de tren pesado o “heavy train” similar a los vehículos de la fase I del tren. “Esto es porque se espera que la demanda de pasajeros a Carolina sea de unos 80,000 diarios”, explicó Alcaraz.
El funcionario destacó que la intención del DTOP es contratar a una empresa experta en trenes que no sea Siemens. El objetivo es evitar que una misma compañía esté a cargo de todos los proyectos de transportación masiva. No obstante, se sabe que la experiencia de Siemens con el Tren Urbano dejó un sabor amargo en Puerto Rico.
La ruta a Carolina no tendrá las estaciones inmensas o faraónicas que se desarrollaron para el tramo de Bayamón a Santurce. “Esa fue una de las lecciones aprendidas en la primera fase”, dijo Alcaraz.
Aunque la extensión tendrá alguna estructura emblemática, las siete u ocho estaciones que tendría la ruta a Carolina mantendrán un mismo diseño arquitectónico. Obras de arte público darían a cada estación una personalidad particular, señaló Alcaraz.
Lunes, 17 de enero de 2005
Por José Javier Pérez
El Departamento de Transportación y Obras Públicas (DTOP) ya comenzó los preparativos para la planificación y estudios ambientales de la segunda fase del Tren Urbano, cuya ruta tendrá a Carolina como destino final.
Como parte de los requisitos del gobierno federal para asignar fondos, el DTOP tiene que realizar estudios que demuestren que las vías de acceso actual hacia Carolina ya no son suficientes y que el desplazamiento vehicular a ese municipio es tortuoso.
“Si todo sale bien, la construcción podría comenzar a finales del cuatrienio”, dijo Gabriel Alcaraz, designado secretario de Transportación y Obras Públicas.
Ya se han seleccionado siete u ocho posibles rutas. Una de las alternativas comienza en la estación subterránea de Río Piedras, en donde ya está construido uno de los túneles rumbo a ese municipio. El recorrido, que duraría algunos 25 minutos, culmina en un área aledaña al estadio Roberto Clemente en Carolina.
El costo de la extensión sería de aproximadamente $1,000 millones. Utilizaría un sistema de tren pesado o “heavy train” similar a los vehículos de la fase I del tren. “Esto es porque se espera que la demanda de pasajeros a Carolina sea de unos 80,000 diarios”, explicó Alcaraz.
El funcionario destacó que la intención del DTOP es contratar a una empresa experta en trenes que no sea Siemens. El objetivo es evitar que una misma compañía esté a cargo de todos los proyectos de transportación masiva. No obstante, se sabe que la experiencia de Siemens con el Tren Urbano dejó un sabor amargo en Puerto Rico.
La ruta a Carolina no tendrá las estaciones inmensas o faraónicas que se desarrollaron para el tramo de Bayamón a Santurce. “Esa fue una de las lecciones aprendidas en la primera fase”, dijo Alcaraz.
Aunque la extensión tendrá alguna estructura emblemática, las siete u ocho estaciones que tendría la ruta a Carolina mantendrán un mismo diseño arquitectónico. Obras de arte público darían a cada estación una personalidad particular, señaló Alcaraz.
Como puedo explicar este fin de semana que paso? Una delicia. Un pedazo de cielo. Buena musica, ver a los amigos y sobre todo compartir el mismo espacio con una mujer bien chula y agradable. O sea, el simple placer de escuchar y ver lo que ocurrio en el 2do Giratorio de Expresion al lado de alguien que lo entiende, a quien no le tienes que hacer el mapita y con quien puedes compartir el momento en puro silencio es algo especial. Digo, no tanto silencio porque teniamos nuestros tripeos y nuestros chiste tambien, pero es supercool. Estaba super feliz, contento, compartiendo los simples placeres que te da la vida y el momento. Algo tan simple como ver una pelicula o caminar en el parque mientras hay bullicio a tu alrededor y buscarle el humor a la situacion, me hizo el fin de semana completo.
Claro eso no impidio que mi sentido del humor se colara e hiciera de las mias y ella muerta de la risa cuando le di mi interpretacion de los Crazy Kids Dancers (yo decia que eso era un grupo de nenes bailarines sacados de algun manicomio. Por ejemplo, uno de ellos seria un bailarin con Sindrome de Tourette´s bailando y cagandose en la madre de todos los presentes. Y otro con multiple personalidad retandose a bailar el mismo) o los Exploding Dancers (una brigada de nin~os bailarines que tambien eran terroristas) y el lago artificial lleno de bacteria y agua sucia en donde vivian pescados mutantes sacados de un episodio de The Simpsons o como ese paseo en el Parque de los Proceres parecia un episodio de The Simpsons.
Le presente a Kymill y ellas se conocian anteriormente y entonces Kymill le dio a Lightshadow el crash course de su mundo, sus gatos y sus peripecias. Es un milagro que los gatos no me hayan caido encima cuando me quede alli la noche del sabado. El hecho de pasar dos dias con Lightshadow, alguien que te entiende y el placer de tenerla a mi lado es algo tremendo. Le veo muchas cosas buenas a esta relacion y el potencial para mejorar mucho mas. Bueno, a ver que nos depara juntos. She´s a keeper.
El Nomad es un exito rotundo para esos viajes largos. Esencial.
Claro eso no impidio que mi sentido del humor se colara e hiciera de las mias y ella muerta de la risa cuando le di mi interpretacion de los Crazy Kids Dancers (yo decia que eso era un grupo de nenes bailarines sacados de algun manicomio. Por ejemplo, uno de ellos seria un bailarin con Sindrome de Tourette´s bailando y cagandose en la madre de todos los presentes. Y otro con multiple personalidad retandose a bailar el mismo) o los Exploding Dancers (una brigada de nin~os bailarines que tambien eran terroristas) y el lago artificial lleno de bacteria y agua sucia en donde vivian pescados mutantes sacados de un episodio de The Simpsons o como ese paseo en el Parque de los Proceres parecia un episodio de The Simpsons.
Le presente a Kymill y ellas se conocian anteriormente y entonces Kymill le dio a Lightshadow el crash course de su mundo, sus gatos y sus peripecias. Es un milagro que los gatos no me hayan caido encima cuando me quede alli la noche del sabado. El hecho de pasar dos dias con Lightshadow, alguien que te entiende y el placer de tenerla a mi lado es algo tremendo. Le veo muchas cosas buenas a esta relacion y el potencial para mejorar mucho mas. Bueno, a ver que nos depara juntos. She´s a keeper.
El Nomad es un exito rotundo para esos viajes largos. Esencial.
48 hours off the radar......
....spent with friends and the woman I positively love.
Yup. Saturday went with Pellejo to meet Lightshadow at the 2nd Giratorio de Expresion. Great show. Great performances. The highlight of the day was getting together with my girlfriend proper. Hung out with her, Pellejo Ozymandyas, Vero and the rest of the cast. We hung out until around 10. Originally we were going to watch Burning Face but we were too tired. Crashed at Kymill and Stiv's. Then woke up and after having breakfast, Lightshadow picked me up to watch Elektra, then a nice little walk in the park full of screaming brats and their parents. Mayaguez is a quiet little town. We've had a whole lot of time to talk about lots of things. I wish I could go into the details but I am too tired right now.
Anyway, had an abso-freaking-lovely great time with Lightshadow and much thanks to Pellejo, Kymill and Stiv. Lovely.
Yup. Saturday went with Pellejo to meet Lightshadow at the 2nd Giratorio de Expresion. Great show. Great performances. The highlight of the day was getting together with my girlfriend proper. Hung out with her, Pellejo Ozymandyas, Vero and the rest of the cast. We hung out until around 10. Originally we were going to watch Burning Face but we were too tired. Crashed at Kymill and Stiv's. Then woke up and after having breakfast, Lightshadow picked me up to watch Elektra, then a nice little walk in the park full of screaming brats and their parents. Mayaguez is a quiet little town. We've had a whole lot of time to talk about lots of things. I wish I could go into the details but I am too tired right now.
Anyway, had an abso-freaking-lovely great time with Lightshadow and much thanks to Pellejo, Kymill and Stiv. Lovely.
Kenickie Lyrics
Kenickie Lyrics:
Hey punka -
hey how yer doin' hey punka -
hey are you staying true to you
cos that's what punkas do
I want to be a punka too
and if your friends all bitch you're a punka -
punka if your life is kitsch you're a punka -
I'm a punka too hey punka -
hey I've got ambition hey punka -
hey my one wish is to be as punk as you
when I grow up if punkas ever do
grow up and if your hits all miss you're a punka -
punka if you dance like this you're a punka -
punka I'm a punka PUNKA punka!
lo fi songs are great -
punka! PUNKA punka! we never learned to play -
cos we're punka!
I want to be a punka too
when I grow up if punkas ever do
I want to be like you
PUNKA punka! underground clich? -
punka! we always want to stay -
hey punka!
I want to be a punka too
when I grow up if punkas ever do
and play guitar like 1, 2, 3, 4
PUNKA punka!
PUNKA punka!
lo fi songs are great -
punka! PUNKA punka!
don't you want to play - punka!
I want to be a punka too
when I grow up if punkas ever do
I want to be like you"
Hey punka -
hey how yer doin' hey punka -
hey are you staying true to you
cos that's what punkas do
I want to be a punka too
and if your friends all bitch you're a punka -
punka if your life is kitsch you're a punka -
I'm a punka too hey punka -
hey I've got ambition hey punka -
hey my one wish is to be as punk as you
when I grow up if punkas ever do
grow up and if your hits all miss you're a punka -
punka if you dance like this you're a punka -
punka I'm a punka PUNKA punka!
lo fi songs are great -
punka! PUNKA punka! we never learned to play -
cos we're punka!
I want to be a punka too
when I grow up if punkas ever do
I want to be like you
PUNKA punka! underground clich? -
punka! we always want to stay -
hey punka!
I want to be a punka too
when I grow up if punkas ever do
and play guitar like 1, 2, 3, 4
PUNKA punka!
PUNKA punka!
lo fi songs are great -
punka! PUNKA punka!
don't you want to play - punka!
I want to be a punka too
when I grow up if punkas ever do
I want to be like you"
![]() | You scored as Drama nerd.
What's Your High School Stereotype? created with |
SecurityFocus HOME News: Hacker penetrates T-Mobile systems
SecurityFocus HOME News: Hacker penetrates T-Mobile systems
Que mal. Y eso que si cuento las historias de horror de Sprint....
Que mal. Y eso que si cuento las historias de horror de Sprint....
Nevermind the bad vibes..........
.........this man is seriously falling for her. 48 hours and hopefully everything will be alright. I am working my ass off, looking forward to our little tete-a-tetes. I know are schedules are tight, but still you make time for each other. Things should work out nicely. Finally settling down on a playlist for the 27th. Anyway, off to bed.
Snooping by satellite | CNET
Snooping by satellite | CNET
Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you.
Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you.
No hay cosa que mas me encojone.........
1. que la hipocresia
2. que las jodias mentiras
3. que la gente presenta' que se mete en asuntos que no le conciernen.
Pero nada, lo mejor de todo es que uno no tiene que aguantarle mierda a NADIE en esta vida. Menos a gente que en vez de hablar mierda de los demas, meterse en problemas que no le conciernen y tratan de joder amistades. Y aun menos a gente inmadura que en vez de resolver sus propios problemas de se dedican a hablar mierda de reymundo y todo el mundo. Tanto aparente poder de percepcion que tienen. Porque no cogen esa percepcion y la dirigen hacia ellos mismos?
Pero pues eso pasa cuando llevas una vida vacia y prefieres vivir y controlar la de los demas.
Una manda' al carajo no se lo niega a nadie. Sin excepciones.
2. que las jodias mentiras
3. que la gente presenta' que se mete en asuntos que no le conciernen.
Pero nada, lo mejor de todo es que uno no tiene que aguantarle mierda a NADIE en esta vida. Menos a gente que en vez de hablar mierda de los demas, meterse en problemas que no le conciernen y tratan de joder amistades. Y aun menos a gente inmadura que en vez de resolver sus propios problemas de se dedican a hablar mierda de reymundo y todo el mundo. Tanto aparente poder de percepcion que tienen. Porque no cogen esa percepcion y la dirigen hacia ellos mismos?
Pero pues eso pasa cuando llevas una vida vacia y prefieres vivir y controlar la de los demas.
Una manda' al carajo no se lo niega a nadie. Sin excepciones.
The Return of Status Girl and Happy Coincidences
The angry coworker returned. And nothing happened. I didn't even give her time to speak when I politely stepped in a conversation she had with Angelito when I asked him if he wanted anything for lunch. Damnit! I wanted her to give me the $10 back so I could laugh at her.
So here I am on my way for some lunch. Bloc Party's "So Here We Are" playing on the Nomad. I think of her. The melody on that song is achingly beautiful and I smile realizing that I haven't felt this good in a long time. Four years have passed since I have felt this good and comfortable with someone. Anyway, two songs later the Nomad plays it again while I think of her. I grin again.
This feels so good. Anyway, talking to her right now. Laters!
The angry coworker returned. And nothing happened. I didn't even give her time to speak when I politely stepped in a conversation she had with Angelito when I asked him if he wanted anything for lunch. Damnit! I wanted her to give me the $10 back so I could laugh at her.
So here I am on my way for some lunch. Bloc Party's "So Here We Are" playing on the Nomad. I think of her. The melody on that song is achingly beautiful and I smile realizing that I haven't felt this good in a long time. Four years have passed since I have felt this good and comfortable with someone. Anyway, two songs later the Nomad plays it again while I think of her. I grin again.
This feels so good. Anyway, talking to her right now. Laters!
In - ten - so
Apenas acabo de terminar junto a Eze una entrevista bien intensa con Superaquello. Intensa por demas. Pronto la podran escuchar en el programa. Se va el show de 3 horas. Asi de bueno. Creo que este va a ser uno de los mejores programas que vamos a sacar.
Hable con la Srta. Luz y Sombras por la tarde. La conversacion fue lamentablemente muy corta, pero siempre me encanta escuchar su voz. Me he encariñado mucho de ella. Ahora mismo estoy en un estado mental interesante. Es producto de esta relacion, la falta de sueño y todo el ajetreo en la estacion. No es nada malo, es bastante interesante. Me estoy riendo solo y todo. Hoy le shego un paquetisho que le envie. A ver si le gusta el contenido.
Ahora mismo tengo una sed cabrona y un dolor de barriga jodon. Pero nada que unos monchis no puedan resolver.
Ahora mismo tengo a New Order en la cabeza. Bernard Sumner cantando "I Wish You Were Here With Me Now..............." y "And I´ve never met anyone quite like you before".
Hable con la Srta. Luz y Sombras por la tarde. La conversacion fue lamentablemente muy corta, pero siempre me encanta escuchar su voz. Me he encariñado mucho de ella. Ahora mismo estoy en un estado mental interesante. Es producto de esta relacion, la falta de sueño y todo el ajetreo en la estacion. No es nada malo, es bastante interesante. Me estoy riendo solo y todo. Hoy le shego un paquetisho que le envie. A ver si le gusta el contenido.
Ahora mismo tengo una sed cabrona y un dolor de barriga jodon. Pero nada que unos monchis no puedan resolver.
Ahora mismo tengo a New Order en la cabeza. Bernard Sumner cantando "I Wish You Were Here With Me Now..............." y "And I´ve never met anyone quite like you before".
Prayers On Fire
Love and Rockets - So Alive (Lyrics)
Enjoy Ms. Lightshadow:
Letra de Love and Rockets - So Alive (Lyrics):
"Love and Rockets - So Alive
I don't know what colour your eyes are, baby
But your hair is long and brown
Your legs are strong, and you're so, so long
And you don't come from this town
My head is full of magic, baby
And I can share this with you
The feel I'm on a cross again, lately
But it's nothing to do with you
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
This drug makes me crazy
Makes me see you more clearly.
Oh, baby, now I can see you.
Wish I could stop,
Switch off the clock,
Make it all happen for you.
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
Don't know what colour your eyes are, baby
But your hair is long and brown
Your legs are strong, and you're so, so long
And you don't come from this town
My head is full of magic, baby
And I can share this with you
The feel I'm on top again, baby
That's got everything to do with you
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
I'm alive"
Letra de Love and Rockets - So Alive (Lyrics):
"Love and Rockets - So Alive
I don't know what colour your eyes are, baby
But your hair is long and brown
Your legs are strong, and you're so, so long
And you don't come from this town
My head is full of magic, baby
And I can share this with you
The feel I'm on a cross again, lately
But it's nothing to do with you
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
This drug makes me crazy
Makes me see you more clearly.
Oh, baby, now I can see you.
Wish I could stop,
Switch off the clock,
Make it all happen for you.
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
Don't know what colour your eyes are, baby
But your hair is long and brown
Your legs are strong, and you're so, so long
And you don't come from this town
My head is full of magic, baby
And I can share this with you
The feel I'm on top again, baby
That's got everything to do with you
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
I'm alive"
Prezzies, Escape From The Relatives, Farewell To Thee X-Box, Cinema, and Longing
So yesterday I started my day on the right foot. Called Vero and offered her some musical prezzies which I think she will appreciate. Told me she was sick and I hope she recovers soon.
Also, many relatives descended upon the house for the annual Three Kings Day / Epiphany Bash or Whatever Excuse The Family Gets Together To Eat, Drink, Exchange Gifts and Invade Every Corner Of The House.....
I mean everybody from uncles, cousins, their kids, the kid's kids and other assorted lifeforms get together and have a good time. Being a member of the family initially I made the appropiate noises and the appropiate gestures to every person I was introduced to or I haven't seen in a very long time.
Probably you'll see us together at this party or at a funeral. Anyway, as many people started to arrive in the house, one of my second cousins, little kid whom we shall dub Ritalin Kid started wandering around my room. I do not mind as long as I am there. Kids are curious and they tend to wander, ask questions, no problem with that. The other kids were huddled in the living room and they were watching "Drumline" on the idiot box.
Mr. Cheo Fernandez arrived to take away thee X-box in exchange for hard currency. Sad to see you go, but I need the money badly. So off went the X-box, the three games I purchased, the controller and the DVD plug-in thingie.
So I went back inside, most of the kids were either watching telly or with their parents except Ritalin Kid who kept wandering around the house unsupervised. I yelled at his mother to warn her about it. If I was gonna babysit, they better start paying. It's not my party so I am not playing host either. Leave that to Mom and my sister. Dad was too busy sitting, wearing a nice guayabera and busy chatting with other people. After I warned her, all my cousin sent RK's older sister to watch him.
That lasted for about the better part of 10 seconds.
Ok, more people were coming in, phone was ringing so for about 5 minutes I was playing Trafic Controller to some people who had trouble getting in here. So instead of sending them to some nasty housing project, I played nice, gave directions and earned my brownie point of the day. Anyway, I went back to my room, checked whatever was online and sure enough, Ritalin Kid comes in with his Superman action figure and starts to pace around the room and curiosity kicks in.
First he asked me to "put on some videogames". Sorry man, those are movies. I don't have a game console anymore, then he sees me typing away on ze laptop and the thing is in my desk Joel's desktop is still there sitting next to it (at least the monitor, mouse and keyboard). So he goes over and start typing madly on Joel's. Luckily Joel's computer is turned off. So I politely tell Ritalin Kid to look not to touch.
Ok let me stop for a moment and write the following disclaimer: Contrary to what you might read in this entry, I absolutely love kids. I play with them and have fun with them. In fact and if you've known me (or read this) for a while, you might recall the fact that one of my exes had kids and we all got along fine. I got to play stepdad for three years and it was a learning and humbling experience. Ok? Now that we've got this disclaimer out of the way, let's continue.
So Ritalin Kid sort of stops and then starts to tell me about the drawing he made on a computer and asks me to turn on the computer. I politely tell him it's not mine. It's a friends computer and sadly there are no games in it. He takes a look at ze laptop and then I give the 'FOOLISH MORTAL! YOU WILL NOT ASK TO LAY YOUR GRUBBY LITTLE FINGERS ON ZE LAPTOP' look (hey, I could've given him the PETULANT CHILD! look, but I was not in the mood, nor I was gonna be a bigger asshole than I already am). That sort of kept him out of range. His sister comes with some Tostitos and Ritalin Kid goes to his sister and out of my room.
So I figure, it's happy time to take a shower, dress and mingle with the visitors. I mean, I pretty much keep to myself in family gatherings because I despise gossip, most of my relatives have not much interesting to say or to talk about, and frankly, if I want to eat, get drunk and act foolish, I'd rather do that in the company of friends than family. Sue me.
So I pick up some light clothing and a towel, close the door and head for the shower. Shower, take a look in the mirror to make sure I look a bit civilized, head back to my room. Door is still closed but somehow I hear someone inside.
Ritalin Kid is alone in my room with my lovely little flashlight. If this was a Strong Bad cartoon, imagine the techno episode where The Cheat is doing the lightswitch rave thingie. This kid is getting on my nerves. And now there are lots of them, not to mention lots of relatives. A mix of claustrophobia, agoraphobia, plain old misanthropy and righteous indignation at the sight of a stranger running around in the only freaking private space I have in this house starts to sink in.
No, I didn't went into a homicidal rampage and proceeded to kill every living thing within the house.
Instead I politely got Ritalin Kid out of the room, got my sneakers on and locked the door. Went to the back to let Mom and Dad know I would be going to the nearby cinema. Made the appropiate noises to those present and got the hell outta Dodge. I figured the best way to kill at least four hours, would be there.
So I walked down and got to watch "Meet The Fockers" and "The Aviator". "Meet The Fockers" is your standard comedy. You know, Ben Stiller being the usual nice dweeb, this time bringing his fiancee and her family to meet his parents. What's so....disturbing is to see the recent trend of cinema greats doing comedy. I mean, nothing against good comedy, but certainly pedestrian comedy. Oh well, they need to get paid. Dustin Hoffman, De Niro, Barbra Streisand (Babs doind comedy again? People she found her funny bone!) and Blythe Danner, good actors all, reduced to bad comedy times after the prime of their lives. Pathetic? Yeah but hey, they've got bills to pay. Yes, two hours of mindless fun. Ironic that I was watching a movie about relatives when I was avoiding my relatives.
Anyway, Scorcese and Di Caprio team up again in "The Aviator", based on the life of Howard Hughes. Gotta hand it to Scorcese. Good story, great camera work and coaxes good, intense acting. I don't see his films as star vehicles, rather as an ensemble thing. Teaming up DiCaprio with Cate Blanchett, John C. Reilly, Kate Beckinsale, Alan Alda (I think), Treat Williams and Kate Beckinsale makes for good acting. Scorsese pulls no punches and shows us some prime material in his movie. Really cool to watch. I only wished Ms. Lightshadow was there. Her company was sorely missed and I bet she would've enjoyed them flicks.
So after a good five hours of cinema, I decided to get home, pretty sure that most of the relatives are probably gone and it was true. There was only a family there that I didn't know (probably friends of mother) talking with my mom and my sister. Dad already was out for the day sleeping. I made the appropiate noises while I got something to eat from whatever the hordes left.
Came back to my room, settled down for a nice long and interesting chat with Lightshadow full of humor, wit and banter. Last night she made the official claim on the girlfriend title, which I didn't oppose as long I get the claim on the boyfriend title. So in her words "she is territorial" and I replied "as long as you don't piss on me, that is fine". You certainly have to draw the line at the pissing thing.
Meanwhile I was giving her the lowdown on the new season of "24" that started yesterday. Really good start. I missed "Carnivale" but I can always watch the rerun. We kept talking thru a "Nip/Tuck" and "The Shield" reruns but what really freaks me up is that on "The Shield"'s teaser for the new season, someone makes her dayview. Glenn Close. Yes. Glenn freaking Close. Getting the lowdown on Vic Mackey and crew Should make for interesting TV. Lightshadow pointed out I have a tendency for law enforcement shows. I'd say smart law enforcement shows. Then again, it's better than football. Ok, I sometimes indulge in an ocassional peek to "Cops" because of my sick sense of humor. Hakim Bey wrote a good essay on cop shows that you should read. Anyway, yeah sometimes I am a contrary motherfucker. If my hippie peacenik friends engage in all kinds of wartime simulations and whatnot, me, the token angry young individualist (I refuse to subscribe to any dogma or -isms) can certainly afford to watch some good shows like The Shield, The Wire, 24, etc.
Each day I wish to see her more and the thing is that is mutual. We should see each other this Saturday. That's a good start. Counting down the days. Burned two CD's worth of some good stuff and will mail them today. Hopefully, she will like them.
Last night the WWE had a pay per view here. Lots of people suckered to pay $200 for a mediocre show, according to some people. Oh well. Fools and their money.
Slept for about three hours and today is a holiday. I probably have to go to work anyway. Let's see what the day has in store.
Also, many relatives descended upon the house for the annual Three Kings Day / Epiphany Bash or Whatever Excuse The Family Gets Together To Eat, Drink, Exchange Gifts and Invade Every Corner Of The House.....
I mean everybody from uncles, cousins, their kids, the kid's kids and other assorted lifeforms get together and have a good time. Being a member of the family initially I made the appropiate noises and the appropiate gestures to every person I was introduced to or I haven't seen in a very long time.
Probably you'll see us together at this party or at a funeral. Anyway, as many people started to arrive in the house, one of my second cousins, little kid whom we shall dub Ritalin Kid started wandering around my room. I do not mind as long as I am there. Kids are curious and they tend to wander, ask questions, no problem with that. The other kids were huddled in the living room and they were watching "Drumline" on the idiot box.
Mr. Cheo Fernandez arrived to take away thee X-box in exchange for hard currency. Sad to see you go, but I need the money badly. So off went the X-box, the three games I purchased, the controller and the DVD plug-in thingie.
So I went back inside, most of the kids were either watching telly or with their parents except Ritalin Kid who kept wandering around the house unsupervised. I yelled at his mother to warn her about it. If I was gonna babysit, they better start paying. It's not my party so I am not playing host either. Leave that to Mom and my sister. Dad was too busy sitting, wearing a nice guayabera and busy chatting with other people. After I warned her, all my cousin sent RK's older sister to watch him.
That lasted for about the better part of 10 seconds.
Ok, more people were coming in, phone was ringing so for about 5 minutes I was playing Trafic Controller to some people who had trouble getting in here. So instead of sending them to some nasty housing project, I played nice, gave directions and earned my brownie point of the day. Anyway, I went back to my room, checked whatever was online and sure enough, Ritalin Kid comes in with his Superman action figure and starts to pace around the room and curiosity kicks in.
First he asked me to "put on some videogames". Sorry man, those are movies. I don't have a game console anymore, then he sees me typing away on ze laptop and the thing is in my desk Joel's desktop is still there sitting next to it (at least the monitor, mouse and keyboard). So he goes over and start typing madly on Joel's. Luckily Joel's computer is turned off. So I politely tell Ritalin Kid to look not to touch.
Ok let me stop for a moment and write the following disclaimer: Contrary to what you might read in this entry, I absolutely love kids. I play with them and have fun with them. In fact and if you've known me (or read this) for a while, you might recall the fact that one of my exes had kids and we all got along fine. I got to play stepdad for three years and it was a learning and humbling experience. Ok? Now that we've got this disclaimer out of the way, let's continue.
So Ritalin Kid sort of stops and then starts to tell me about the drawing he made on a computer and asks me to turn on the computer. I politely tell him it's not mine. It's a friends computer and sadly there are no games in it. He takes a look at ze laptop and then I give the 'FOOLISH MORTAL! YOU WILL NOT ASK TO LAY YOUR GRUBBY LITTLE FINGERS ON ZE LAPTOP' look (hey, I could've given him the PETULANT CHILD! look, but I was not in the mood, nor I was gonna be a bigger asshole than I already am). That sort of kept him out of range. His sister comes with some Tostitos and Ritalin Kid goes to his sister and out of my room.
So I figure, it's happy time to take a shower, dress and mingle with the visitors. I mean, I pretty much keep to myself in family gatherings because I despise gossip, most of my relatives have not much interesting to say or to talk about, and frankly, if I want to eat, get drunk and act foolish, I'd rather do that in the company of friends than family. Sue me.
So I pick up some light clothing and a towel, close the door and head for the shower. Shower, take a look in the mirror to make sure I look a bit civilized, head back to my room. Door is still closed but somehow I hear someone inside.
Ritalin Kid is alone in my room with my lovely little flashlight. If this was a Strong Bad cartoon, imagine the techno episode where The Cheat is doing the lightswitch rave thingie. This kid is getting on my nerves. And now there are lots of them, not to mention lots of relatives. A mix of claustrophobia, agoraphobia, plain old misanthropy and righteous indignation at the sight of a stranger running around in the only freaking private space I have in this house starts to sink in.
No, I didn't went into a homicidal rampage and proceeded to kill every living thing within the house.
Instead I politely got Ritalin Kid out of the room, got my sneakers on and locked the door. Went to the back to let Mom and Dad know I would be going to the nearby cinema. Made the appropiate noises to those present and got the hell outta Dodge. I figured the best way to kill at least four hours, would be there.
So I walked down and got to watch "Meet The Fockers" and "The Aviator". "Meet The Fockers" is your standard comedy. You know, Ben Stiller being the usual nice dweeb, this time bringing his fiancee and her family to meet his parents. What's so....disturbing is to see the recent trend of cinema greats doing comedy. I mean, nothing against good comedy, but certainly pedestrian comedy. Oh well, they need to get paid. Dustin Hoffman, De Niro, Barbra Streisand (Babs doind comedy again? People she found her funny bone!) and Blythe Danner, good actors all, reduced to bad comedy times after the prime of their lives. Pathetic? Yeah but hey, they've got bills to pay. Yes, two hours of mindless fun. Ironic that I was watching a movie about relatives when I was avoiding my relatives.
Anyway, Scorcese and Di Caprio team up again in "The Aviator", based on the life of Howard Hughes. Gotta hand it to Scorcese. Good story, great camera work and coaxes good, intense acting. I don't see his films as star vehicles, rather as an ensemble thing. Teaming up DiCaprio with Cate Blanchett, John C. Reilly, Kate Beckinsale, Alan Alda (I think), Treat Williams and Kate Beckinsale makes for good acting. Scorsese pulls no punches and shows us some prime material in his movie. Really cool to watch. I only wished Ms. Lightshadow was there. Her company was sorely missed and I bet she would've enjoyed them flicks.
So after a good five hours of cinema, I decided to get home, pretty sure that most of the relatives are probably gone and it was true. There was only a family there that I didn't know (probably friends of mother) talking with my mom and my sister. Dad already was out for the day sleeping. I made the appropiate noises while I got something to eat from whatever the hordes left.
Came back to my room, settled down for a nice long and interesting chat with Lightshadow full of humor, wit and banter. Last night she made the official claim on the girlfriend title, which I didn't oppose as long I get the claim on the boyfriend title. So in her words "she is territorial" and I replied "as long as you don't piss on me, that is fine". You certainly have to draw the line at the pissing thing.
Meanwhile I was giving her the lowdown on the new season of "24" that started yesterday. Really good start. I missed "Carnivale" but I can always watch the rerun. We kept talking thru a "Nip/Tuck" and "The Shield" reruns but what really freaks me up is that on "The Shield"'s teaser for the new season, someone makes her dayview. Glenn Close. Yes. Glenn freaking Close. Getting the lowdown on Vic Mackey and crew Should make for interesting TV. Lightshadow pointed out I have a tendency for law enforcement shows. I'd say smart law enforcement shows. Then again, it's better than football. Ok, I sometimes indulge in an ocassional peek to "Cops" because of my sick sense of humor. Hakim Bey wrote a good essay on cop shows that you should read. Anyway, yeah sometimes I am a contrary motherfucker. If my hippie peacenik friends engage in all kinds of wartime simulations and whatnot, me, the token angry young individualist (I refuse to subscribe to any dogma or -isms) can certainly afford to watch some good shows like The Shield, The Wire, 24, etc.
Each day I wish to see her more and the thing is that is mutual. We should see each other this Saturday. That's a good start. Counting down the days. Burned two CD's worth of some good stuff and will mail them today. Hopefully, she will like them.
Last night the WWE had a pay per view here. Lots of people suckered to pay $200 for a mediocre show, according to some people. Oh well. Fools and their money.
Slept for about three hours and today is a holiday. I probably have to go to work anyway. Let's see what the day has in store.
Sheer motherfucking chaos
Yes, the family from my mother´s side is here. So you can imagine the riot of noises and relatives and children.
late night phone conversations are a wonderful thing
Vero called. We had a very long talk. At an ungodly hour in the morning, but she's allowed to call me any time. I am glad she did. We sorted out our differences and misunderstandings. Our friendship went through a very freakin' rough spot these past few days and after a long talk, we aired our differences. There was a lot of misunderstandings and miscommunication and it is sorted now. No, I don't think this will change our friendship. Every relationship has it's up and downs. We went through a rough spot and I am confident that in the future, this sort of thing won't repeat itself.
From my part, I am sorry about my part on all of this. Vero is still a friend whom I appreciate very much. She means a lot to me and she knows it. Hopefully we can continue our friendship and go past this. She deserves the best in the whole wide world.
Ok, now go back to your Sunday paper. O algo.
From my part, I am sorry about my part on all of this. Vero is still a friend whom I appreciate very much. She means a lot to me and she knows it. Hopefully we can continue our friendship and go past this. She deserves the best in the whole wide world.
Ok, now go back to your Sunday paper. O algo.
And in a completely unrelated subject.....
Finally got to talk to Kymill and it was a nice long chat. I think it's one of the best chats we've had in a long while and we came to terms in many things. I am glad we had the opportunity to clear the air about many things. Not that things were bad between us, hardly. Just that I realized many things about her that I have to accept because that is her nature, and by accepting them, things become easier. Thanks for making me laugh.
I also spoke to Carmelo at length. We ran into a really bad situation by Thanksgiving and I had a nice little migraine to boot. We had a little argument, and we left that day in a bad mood. He called me earlier today but I couldn't answer because I was on my way to the station, but later let him a message and managed to reach him. He came to the station and we talked over an hour and also we mended our little spat. We talked about his plans for the year and they are very interesting and very cool. I've always believed that he should write humor and satire by the side. He's funny as hell, but anyway this year should also be the one for him as well.
Of course, I also talked to Lightshadow, and she's funny and witty as always. We aksi had a long, pleasant chat and this woman is growing on me on an exponential rate. Turns out she knows Kymill as well. Small world. She gave me some valuable advice which I intend to follow. Anyway, she liked Bloc Party and was kinda nonplussed about the Liars' song titles, but the Liars are an acquired taste, especially that last album of theirs. The songs should be on the other cd Ms. L. Promise.
The radio show was a blast. Dedicated a Bloc Party song to Jennie and Lightshadow. "She hears voices" is a nice post punk blast. Then Iohann did the US3 interview. And in the last hour we interview Rafael Bracero from Khaosmaster Productions and Wayne from Pit Fight Demolition. Wayne is a pal from the neighborhood. Nice kid. I didnt like his former band much, but Pit Fight Demolition is nothing but aggression. Brando, the bass player from Mindscrape is also there. I'm glad to see that their working together because Mindscrape was nothing short of amazing.
Pepe and Eze were right on. Pepe being the most dedicated of them all. He went throught the show as tired as he was and managed to do it and also gave me a Futureheads CD. Yay! Eze being the leader of us all did an excellent job. The coolest part of doing the show was talking to Rafael Bracero. This guy's been doing his thing in the island metal scene for years and I've seldom heard someone so professional, right on and proper in a while. He is dedicated to his genre and to what he does and it shows. Good luck with his compilation Domination Vol. 1. I believe this compilation marks a turning point in the local metal scene.
Anyway, I ranted enough for the day. I didn't get to go to Resurrection, but no matter. The evening was a success and I didn't need the potential for drama that could've happened tonight. Spare me.
All in all, a great afternoon and evening.
I also spoke to Carmelo at length. We ran into a really bad situation by Thanksgiving and I had a nice little migraine to boot. We had a little argument, and we left that day in a bad mood. He called me earlier today but I couldn't answer because I was on my way to the station, but later let him a message and managed to reach him. He came to the station and we talked over an hour and also we mended our little spat. We talked about his plans for the year and they are very interesting and very cool. I've always believed that he should write humor and satire by the side. He's funny as hell, but anyway this year should also be the one for him as well.
Of course, I also talked to Lightshadow, and she's funny and witty as always. We aksi had a long, pleasant chat and this woman is growing on me on an exponential rate. Turns out she knows Kymill as well. Small world. She gave me some valuable advice which I intend to follow. Anyway, she liked Bloc Party and was kinda nonplussed about the Liars' song titles, but the Liars are an acquired taste, especially that last album of theirs. The songs should be on the other cd Ms. L. Promise.
The radio show was a blast. Dedicated a Bloc Party song to Jennie and Lightshadow. "She hears voices" is a nice post punk blast. Then Iohann did the US3 interview. And in the last hour we interview Rafael Bracero from Khaosmaster Productions and Wayne from Pit Fight Demolition. Wayne is a pal from the neighborhood. Nice kid. I didnt like his former band much, but Pit Fight Demolition is nothing but aggression. Brando, the bass player from Mindscrape is also there. I'm glad to see that their working together because Mindscrape was nothing short of amazing.
Pepe and Eze were right on. Pepe being the most dedicated of them all. He went throught the show as tired as he was and managed to do it and also gave me a Futureheads CD. Yay! Eze being the leader of us all did an excellent job. The coolest part of doing the show was talking to Rafael Bracero. This guy's been doing his thing in the island metal scene for years and I've seldom heard someone so professional, right on and proper in a while. He is dedicated to his genre and to what he does and it shows. Good luck with his compilation Domination Vol. 1. I believe this compilation marks a turning point in the local metal scene.
Anyway, I ranted enough for the day. I didn't get to go to Resurrection, but no matter. The evening was a success and I didn't need the potential for drama that could've happened tonight. Spare me.
All in all, a great afternoon and evening.
Say hello to the bad guy..........
Vero Dearest:
So now it turns out that
I am the one who is selfish
I am the one who uses people
I am the one who is not a friend
I am the bad guy
I am the one who doesn´t return your affections
I am the one who was honest about it all the time
I am the one who has the guts to say it to you
I have a right to meet, see and be with whoever I choose.
This is not the first time that happened and it is obvious you have problems dealing with that little piece of reality. So the easiest copout becomes:
I am the bad guy
I used you
I don´t give you anything in return
I took our friendship for granted
Go ahead baby. If that little pitiful psychological crutch is what helps you to deal with things, so be it. I know it´s not easy to be in love with someone who doesn´t love you in return. I´ve been there myself, but that is part of life and I´ve dealt with it. So what´s the next excuse you will use when you find yourself in a similar situation?
I never took you for granted and I have never used you. You want to talk shit behind my back? It is your choice. Another layer of it won´t do a thing for me these days. You don´t want to see me? Fine, but we are bound to run into each other being that we hang out in the same circles. Deal with it.
It hurts to see your reaction to this, I thought you were better than that. It would´ve been nice to talk this face to face, but hey...
It is fucking sad. Unfortunately, I will not allow your tantrum to ruin what is shaping to be a great year. You don´t have that power over me. Sorry.
For what it´s worth, thanks for the good times. You were special and unique.
Life goes on.
So now it turns out that
I am the one who is selfish
I am the one who uses people
I am the one who is not a friend
I am the bad guy
I am the one who doesn´t return your affections
I am the one who was honest about it all the time
I am the one who has the guts to say it to you
I have a right to meet, see and be with whoever I choose.
This is not the first time that happened and it is obvious you have problems dealing with that little piece of reality. So the easiest copout becomes:
I am the bad guy
I used you
I don´t give you anything in return
I took our friendship for granted
Go ahead baby. If that little pitiful psychological crutch is what helps you to deal with things, so be it. I know it´s not easy to be in love with someone who doesn´t love you in return. I´ve been there myself, but that is part of life and I´ve dealt with it. So what´s the next excuse you will use when you find yourself in a similar situation?
I never took you for granted and I have never used you. You want to talk shit behind my back? It is your choice. Another layer of it won´t do a thing for me these days. You don´t want to see me? Fine, but we are bound to run into each other being that we hang out in the same circles. Deal with it.
It hurts to see your reaction to this, I thought you were better than that. It would´ve been nice to talk this face to face, but hey...
It is fucking sad. Unfortunately, I will not allow your tantrum to ruin what is shaping to be a great year. You don´t have that power over me. Sorry.
For what it´s worth, thanks for the good times. You were special and unique.
Life goes on.
Bloc Party - So Here We Are - Silent Alarm
Best song ever Saturday January the 8th 2005 at 18:10 AST
Bloc Party - So Here We Are:
"I caught a glimpse
But it's been forgotten
So here we are
I made a vow
To carry you home
I really tried
To be what you wanted
It all went wrong
I made a vow
To carry you home
If you feel sick
If you pass out
I figured it out
I can see it again"
Bloc Party - So Here We Are:
"I caught a glimpse
But it's been forgotten
So here we are
I made a vow
To carry you home
I really tried
To be what you wanted
It all went wrong
I made a vow
To carry you home
If you feel sick
If you pass out
I figured it out
I can see it again"
caretaker, shopper, counselor, a jack of all trades..........
So I am working on today´s playlist when my mother comes in and yells ¨time to go shopping¨ while I am talking to lightshadow on the phone. She just arrived to her workplace so we agree to call each other after her job´s done. I don´t mind shopping. I only mind when my parents are involved. Try to go shopping with two of the most stubborn and strong willed people on this planet who I suspect are bent on making everyone around them miserable if the rest of us don´t do things their way.
And you thought your family was screwed.
Anyway, after the initial drama of going to Costco, which is very close to our home, and finding a spot, my parents descended on Costco. My sister was peeled to the telly watching an MI-5 marathon on A&E. Smart girl. So once we found out how much my older bro gave my dad on a gift card and settling on a budget, Mum shopped for groceries so I was stuck with dad. I just rolled my eyes while I asked dad what he wanted to purchase. The old man wanted some clothing so off we went to check things out. Of course dad being dad wanted to check out movies, prices and playing every trick in th e book to get on my nerves and enjoying every nano second of it.
Hopefully dad is at an age that he tires easily, so after considering getting him one of them courtesy wheelchairs, he refused and asked me to drop him at the food center. I guess he had enough of his amusement with me and decided to let me loose while Mum finished buying groceries. I dropped him by the food court, got his clothes to Mum and promptly I was free with some time and money to make some purchases.
After getting some videogames real cheap for the x-box, I decided to do the sensible thing and buy clothes. Actually a pair of pants and some boxers. Yes, I am getting old and I am getting easily pleased. Go figure.
After everyone made their purchases, Mum decided that we should all eat there as well. I didn´t had any breakfast so I was cranky as fuck and my mother decided a hot dog and a coke would be good food for the old man while she wanted pizza and a soda. Ok, so they bitch and moan about not eating properly and whatnot and here we are. I settled for a yogurt and blueberries. I was pissed off, because I feared I wouldn´t get the playlist done on time.
As soon as I got home, I took care of the playlist, sent it to Eze via email, burned two CD´s and got showered and dressed. Eze dropped by quickly for pickup, had dinner and we talked about lots of stuff and here I am writing this dispatch for you kiddies.
I also managed to chat with Ms. lightshadow a bit. She is busy with her Saturday shopping spree. I think another CD should be coming up this weekend and everything should be sent by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.
I might go to Resurrection,but I´m getting the cold shoulder from Vero. Expected, though. I mean she´s within her rights to do so. Some drama in her circle of friends but I told Jennie what to do about it. Interesting situation that needs to be defused yesterday. I hope their recording goes along.
I should get on the phone ASAP, Carmelo and Cheo called.
Later, kiddies!
PD - The Offended One at the Xmas Party is scheduled to return on Tuesday. OooOOoo. Drama. Eagerly looking forward to her performance. I am so gonna laugh in her face so fucking hard it´s not gonna be funny if she does come up with some stupid drama. Probably she´ll keep busy plotting some shit against me in the office, but baby I got ears on the ground and your people can´t touch me, so fuck off.
And you thought your family was screwed.
Anyway, after the initial drama of going to Costco, which is very close to our home, and finding a spot, my parents descended on Costco. My sister was peeled to the telly watching an MI-5 marathon on A&E. Smart girl. So once we found out how much my older bro gave my dad on a gift card and settling on a budget, Mum shopped for groceries so I was stuck with dad. I just rolled my eyes while I asked dad what he wanted to purchase. The old man wanted some clothing so off we went to check things out. Of course dad being dad wanted to check out movies, prices and playing every trick in th e book to get on my nerves and enjoying every nano second of it.
Hopefully dad is at an age that he tires easily, so after considering getting him one of them courtesy wheelchairs, he refused and asked me to drop him at the food center. I guess he had enough of his amusement with me and decided to let me loose while Mum finished buying groceries. I dropped him by the food court, got his clothes to Mum and promptly I was free with some time and money to make some purchases.
After getting some videogames real cheap for the x-box, I decided to do the sensible thing and buy clothes. Actually a pair of pants and some boxers. Yes, I am getting old and I am getting easily pleased. Go figure.
After everyone made their purchases, Mum decided that we should all eat there as well. I didn´t had any breakfast so I was cranky as fuck and my mother decided a hot dog and a coke would be good food for the old man while she wanted pizza and a soda. Ok, so they bitch and moan about not eating properly and whatnot and here we are. I settled for a yogurt and blueberries. I was pissed off, because I feared I wouldn´t get the playlist done on time.
As soon as I got home, I took care of the playlist, sent it to Eze via email, burned two CD´s and got showered and dressed. Eze dropped by quickly for pickup, had dinner and we talked about lots of stuff and here I am writing this dispatch for you kiddies.
I also managed to chat with Ms. lightshadow a bit. She is busy with her Saturday shopping spree. I think another CD should be coming up this weekend and everything should be sent by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.
I might go to Resurrection,but I´m getting the cold shoulder from Vero. Expected, though. I mean she´s within her rights to do so. Some drama in her circle of friends but I told Jennie what to do about it. Interesting situation that needs to be defused yesterday. I hope their recording goes along.
I should get on the phone ASAP, Carmelo and Cheo called.
Later, kiddies!
PD - The Offended One at the Xmas Party is scheduled to return on Tuesday. OooOOoo. Drama. Eagerly looking forward to her performance. I am so gonna laugh in her face so fucking hard it´s not gonna be funny if she does come up with some stupid drama. Probably she´ll keep busy plotting some shit against me in the office, but baby I got ears on the ground and your people can´t touch me, so fuck off.
The best laid plans.......
The best laid plans go awry. I got myself to blame in this one. I wanted to go out with a bunch of friends over to Luxor to dance. Santos, Stryke and others were on da dex and it was guaranteed mayhem. Well, I'm the one to blame for this one. I should've talked to them way in advance. I called ZZ to see if he was interested and he was. We were scheduled to meet at 10 pm at the Borders near my house, but things got complicated and I called to cancelled. No one's fault, really so I went home, burned a CD for Lightshadow and hit the sack. I'd rather get tomorrow's show early and whatnot. I tried to call her today but calling someone's cell at peaktime it's not a good idea. Sent her a note and here we are. Looking forward to tomorrow's show and Resurrection. Maybe.
Got to get me some wheels this year. Let's see if the work situation pans out.
Got to get me some wheels this year. Let's see if the work situation pans out.
Las maravillas de la comunicacion abierta
Lo mas cool de llegar a los 30 es que estas en una etapa en que tu sabes lo que quieres y sabes como proceder a obtenerlo. Lo mejor de todo es cuando lo haces de una manera que no es forzada, que procede naturalmente y que tambien es abierta y sincera. No hay cabida para la decepcion, la comemierderia ni para el engan~o. En materias sentimentales hay emociones envueltas y como en todo en la vida hay un riesgo que se toma porque esta la probabilidad de que te rechazen, o vamos a hablar claro, a que te tiren y te desechen como pamper cagao' (so much for the rational, calm self-help discourse, eh? this being my blog after all) ;)
De cualquier manera, ves que sucede y descubres que la persona que te atrae no solo tiene una sincronia en cuanto a gustos e intereses, sino que tambien corresponde el interes que tienes por ella. Hablan y discuten la situacion racionalmente porque, obviamente, hay otros factores que considerar y la cosa apenas empieza. Pero yo creo que esta ha sido una de las mejores maneras de empezar el an~o nuevo.
A ver que sucede.
De cualquier manera, ves que sucede y descubres que la persona que te atrae no solo tiene una sincronia en cuanto a gustos e intereses, sino que tambien corresponde el interes que tienes por ella. Hablan y discuten la situacion racionalmente porque, obviamente, hay otros factores que considerar y la cosa apenas empieza. Pero yo creo que esta ha sido una de las mejores maneras de empezar el an~o nuevo.
A ver que sucede.
some good some bad
so i aced the test this morning: high ++ qualification. so let´s see what happens if i can get this job. moneywise it will be great.
met lightshadow for lunch. originally we were gonna watch alexander but conversation was good, so was the food so we talked and hung out and watched lemony snicket´s ¨a series of unfortunate events¨ people warned me about this movie, but it was a very fun thing to watch. violet, klaus and sunny were great. jim carrey being jim carrey, but all the supporting cast was awesome. really fun.
the day went by and we had lots of fun, coffee and conversation. i bought her william gibson and bruce sterling´s ¨the difference engine¨. originally i was shooting for phillip k dick´s ¨valis¨, but i think steampunk sounds a better choice than valis at this point. it is in the list, though. i also saw that stephen r. donaldson put out a new thomas covenant book. wtf? researching.
bloc party on the nomad. has a beautiful song that makes life worth living. it´s that good.
i didn´t realize a friend of a friend killed herself until too late and vivi is devastated. i called to make sure she has my support.
also one of my friend´s grandma passed away, and they´re flying here. i left them messages to call once they get here. i also called them to make sure they have my support.
santos is playing in luxor this friday. dancing! yeah!
some good, some bad. i still love you all.
met lightshadow for lunch. originally we were gonna watch alexander but conversation was good, so was the food so we talked and hung out and watched lemony snicket´s ¨a series of unfortunate events¨ people warned me about this movie, but it was a very fun thing to watch. violet, klaus and sunny were great. jim carrey being jim carrey, but all the supporting cast was awesome. really fun.
the day went by and we had lots of fun, coffee and conversation. i bought her william gibson and bruce sterling´s ¨the difference engine¨. originally i was shooting for phillip k dick´s ¨valis¨, but i think steampunk sounds a better choice than valis at this point. it is in the list, though. i also saw that stephen r. donaldson put out a new thomas covenant book. wtf? researching.
bloc party on the nomad. has a beautiful song that makes life worth living. it´s that good.
i didn´t realize a friend of a friend killed herself until too late and vivi is devastated. i called to make sure she has my support.
also one of my friend´s grandma passed away, and they´re flying here. i left them messages to call once they get here. i also called them to make sure they have my support.
santos is playing in luxor this friday. dancing! yeah!
some good, some bad. i still love you all.
Good News and Interesting News
Good News: I passed the test for the Post Office Job. Now I have to take the typing test. I get to meet Ms. Lightshadow tomorrow for a movie.
Interesting News: The typing test is tomorrow. at 9:15 am. So I will get up early, take the test then meet Ms Lightshadow for Alexander.
So I better get some sleep.
Interesting News: The typing test is tomorrow. at 9:15 am. So I will get up early, take the test then meet Ms Lightshadow for Alexander.
So I better get some sleep.
Vero I'm sorry I don't make you happy because of my actions. I guess I can't make everyone happy, but like I told you, I'm the one with the problem, I'm the one to blame. I know it's hard to take, and it's not easy but it's all good.
Leo's Lyrics Database - Mission Of Burma - That's When I Reach For My Revolver lyrics
So Pedro Rossello gets his way and gets a Senate seat for a quick $300,000.00
The people in my country sickens me to the core.
Leo's Lyrics Database - Mission Of Burma - That's When I Reach For My Revolver lyrics:
"Once I had my heroes
Once I had my dreams
But all of that is changed now
They've turned things inside out
The truth is not that comfortable, no
And mother taught us patience
The virtues of restraint
And father taught us boundaries
Beyond which we must go
To find the secrets promised us, yeah
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when it all gets blown away
That's when I reach for my revolver
The spirit fights to find its way
A friend of mine once told me
His one and only aim
To build a giant castle
And live inside his name
Cry and whispers sing in muted pain
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when it all gets blown away
That's when I reach for my revolver
The spirit fights to find its way
Tonight the sky is empty
But that is nothing new
Its dead eyes look upon us
And they tell me we're nothing but slaves
That's when I reach for my revolver
(...but slaves)
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when I reach for my revolver"
The people in my country sickens me to the core.
Leo's Lyrics Database - Mission Of Burma - That's When I Reach For My Revolver lyrics:
"Once I had my heroes
Once I had my dreams
But all of that is changed now
They've turned things inside out
The truth is not that comfortable, no
And mother taught us patience
The virtues of restraint
And father taught us boundaries
Beyond which we must go
To find the secrets promised us, yeah
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when it all gets blown away
That's when I reach for my revolver
The spirit fights to find its way
A friend of mine once told me
His one and only aim
To build a giant castle
And live inside his name
Cry and whispers sing in muted pain
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when it all gets blown away
That's when I reach for my revolver
The spirit fights to find its way
Tonight the sky is empty
But that is nothing new
Its dead eyes look upon us
And they tell me we're nothing but slaves
That's when I reach for my revolver
(...but slaves)
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when I reach for my revolver
That's when I reach for my revolver"
Psychotica - Ice Planet Hell ??Find Over 240,000 Song Lyrics at!
Feel free to diss them all you want. I still love this song.
Psychotica - Ice Planet Hell ??Find Over 240,000 Song Lyrics at!:
"I think I'm stuck
makin no excuses and passing the buck
well I've just had twenty long years
twenty long years of real bad luck
crystal clear ringin in my ear like a bell
I'm comin from ice planet hell
and the germ I caught from the hill
can't be fixed with a little happy pill
and it's so cool and it's so swell
living here on ice planet hell
the hills a jinx
my boyfriend cried when his best friend died
one's in the slammer for a very long time
boy on the corner still drinkin his goddamn wine
unicycle boy, he touched that hill
his arm fell off when he took a spill
that's how it is when you come from my block
the only trouble was there was no electric shock
living here on ice planet hell
and we'll crawl home, fall home
fly home and die home
when will I see you standing in the acid rain
fall to your knees and call my name, call my name
well everybody died from that time
and I don't know why, I'm still alive
but everybody's dead and everybody's gone
and I'm all alone on Ice Planet Hell"
Psychotica - Ice Planet Hell ??Find Over 240,000 Song Lyrics at!:
"I think I'm stuck
makin no excuses and passing the buck
well I've just had twenty long years
twenty long years of real bad luck
crystal clear ringin in my ear like a bell
I'm comin from ice planet hell
and the germ I caught from the hill
can't be fixed with a little happy pill
and it's so cool and it's so swell
living here on ice planet hell
the hills a jinx
my boyfriend cried when his best friend died
one's in the slammer for a very long time
boy on the corner still drinkin his goddamn wine
unicycle boy, he touched that hill
his arm fell off when he took a spill
that's how it is when you come from my block
the only trouble was there was no electric shock
living here on ice planet hell
and we'll crawl home, fall home
fly home and die home
when will I see you standing in the acid rain
fall to your knees and call my name, call my name
well everybody died from that time
and I don't know why, I'm still alive
but everybody's dead and everybody's gone
and I'm all alone on Ice Planet Hell"
Anne of Green Gables
You're Anne of Green Gables!
by L.M. Montgomery
Bright, chipper, vivid, but with the emotional fortitude of cottage
cheese, you make quite an impression on everyone you meet. You're impulsive, rash,
honest, and probably don't have a great relationship with your parents. People hurt
your feelings constantly, but your brazen honestly doesn't exactly treat others with
kid gloves. Ultimately, though, you win the hearts and minds of everyone that matters.
You spell your name with an E and you want everyone to know about it.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
The best part of life is meeting someone who has a lot of common with you, is smart and witty and knows her music. Damn! A woman after my own heart if there is one.
The Hollow Men, by T.S. Eliot
Brought to you due to a conversation with She Who Walks Betweeen Light And Shadow In Thee West ;)
The Hollow Men, by T.S. Eliot: "The Hollow Men
T. S. Eliot (1925)
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us -- if at all -- not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.
Eyes I dare not meet in dreams
In death's dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind's singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.
Let me be no nearer
In death's dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer --
Not that final meeting
In the twilight kingdom
This is the dead land
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man's hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.
Is it like this
In death's other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.
The eyes are not here
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms
In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river
Sightless, unless
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death's twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.
Here we go round the prickly pear
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o'clock in the morning.
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow
Life is very long
Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
The Hollow Men, by T.S. Eliot: "The Hollow Men
T. S. Eliot (1925)
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us -- if at all -- not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.
Eyes I dare not meet in dreams
In death's dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind's singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.
Let me be no nearer
In death's dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer --
Not that final meeting
In the twilight kingdom
This is the dead land
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man's hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.
Is it like this
In death's other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.
The eyes are not here
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms
In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river
Sightless, unless
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death's twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.
Here we go round the prickly pear
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o'clock in the morning.
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow
Life is very long
Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
Anchorage Daily News | Wasilla man hard at work transforming 'mecha' dream into reality
In Review: Interoperability Headlined 2004
In Review: Interoperability Headlined 2004
Here lies the beauty of free/open source software and linux.
Here lies the beauty of free/open source software and linux.
Yahoo! News - Startups Take To The Open-Source Trail
Yahoo! News - Startups Take To The Open-Source Trail Interesting proving that open source does have the potential for revenue.
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