- ACLU: Airport frisks are invitation to sexual harassment - Nov 23, 2004
You don't say! - Supreme Court weighs marijuana as medicine - Nov 29, 2004 - Supreme Court weighs marijuana as medicine - Nov 29, 2004
Let's see what the justices have to say about this.
Let's see what the justices have to say about this. - Lava lamp left on hot stovetop explodes, killing man - Nov 30, 2004 - Lava lamp left on hot stovetop explodes, killing man - Nov 30, 2004 Killer name for a band. The Exploding Lava Lamps
Be geek, watch a movie :: :: powerpc addicted guys
Be geek, watch a movie :: :: powerpc addicted guys CHeck out Geexbox. Little but interesting distro.
TOM WAITS lyrics - Way Down In The Hole
TOM WAITS lyrics - Way Down In The Hole:
"When you walk through the garden
you gotta watch your back
well I beg your pardon
walk the straight and narrow track
if you walk with Jesus
he's gonna save your soul
you gotta keep the devil
way down in the hole
He's got the fire and the fury
at his command
well you don't have to worry
if you hold on to Jesus hand
we'll all be safe from Satan
when the thunder rolls
just gotta help me keep the devil
way down in the hole
All the angels sing
about Jesus' mighty sword
and they'll shield you with their wings
and keep you close to the lord
don't pay heed to temptation
for his hands are so cold
you gotta help me keep the devil
way down in the hole"
This has become one of my favorite songs. More spiritual than most stuff I've heard. Also love the Neville Brothers version. Yes, I'm a fan of the HBO show The Wire.
"When you walk through the garden
you gotta watch your back
well I beg your pardon
walk the straight and narrow track
if you walk with Jesus
he's gonna save your soul
you gotta keep the devil
way down in the hole
He's got the fire and the fury
at his command
well you don't have to worry
if you hold on to Jesus hand
we'll all be safe from Satan
when the thunder rolls
just gotta help me keep the devil
way down in the hole
All the angels sing
about Jesus' mighty sword
and they'll shield you with their wings
and keep you close to the lord
don't pay heed to temptation
for his hands are so cold
you gotta help me keep the devil
way down in the hole"
This has become one of my favorite songs. More spiritual than most stuff I've heard. Also love the Neville Brothers version. Yes, I'm a fan of the HBO show The Wire.
World Peace Herald
World Peace Herald Now if only the idiot in charge in the US would allow for stem cell research. Too bad that it was too late for the late Christopher Reeve.
Free hi-quality mp3s for your aural pleasure. Now go get 'em. Yeah, my X-mas present for all of you ingrates ;)
Descojon Urbano 1991 - 1994
Hijos De Cain - Cristales Rotos
Antartica - Antartica Starts Here
Antartica - Schonemaschinemusik
Antartica - Exiled On Trashville
Antartica - Ritmos Electricos
Antartica 1997 - 2001
If y'all behave, mebbe I'll get you some more.
Descojon Urbano 1991 - 1994
Hijos De Cain - Cristales Rotos
Antartica - Antartica Starts Here
Antartica - Schonemaschinemusik
Antartica - Exiled On Trashville
Antartica - Ritmos Electricos
Antartica 1997 - 2001
If y'all behave, mebbe I'll get you some more.
Everio DIGITAL MEDIA CAMERA Tapeless micro hard drive based digital cameras. The end of tape as we know it?
Linux PR: SolarPC Announces the $100 Personal Computer
Linux PR: SolarPC Announces the $100 Personal Computer. Check this out and their goals are very lofty.
Ok so this week it shaped up to be a really interesting one. Watched "Garden State", which is a lovely film and a must see. Beautiful, funny and very well done. Cool soundtrack too. Went to Nekropolis III and although at first I was bored and the music kinda sucked, I guess the drinkydrinks motivated me enough to go dancing. Actually the music improved and lots of friends were there.
Thanksgiving per se was a very boring day, but it was alright because after three days of no sleep, I finally collapsed and slept all day. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.
Got 18 gigs of music in the Nomad and counting. Heh. Trust me there's never enough music to listen to, as far as I am concerned.
Thanksgiving per se was a very boring day, but it was alright because after three days of no sleep, I finally collapsed and slept all day. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.
Got 18 gigs of music in the Nomad and counting. Heh. Trust me there's never enough music to listen to, as far as I am concerned.

Bought this. Testing it and I like the fact that for the same price for a 20GB Ipod, I get 40 gigs of space to store music and all. Yay!
Primera - La informaci?n exacta
Sonora Musical
Felicidades Jorge! Exito!
Sonora musical
Desde mi esquina
miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2004
Carmen M. Trelles Hernández PRIMERA HORA
En la tienda hay una selección de diferentes estilos de música independiente, tanto de bandas locales como extranjeras. (Julito Panell / Para PRIMERA HORA)
Es un espacio pequeño, pero muy abundante en variedad, estilos y acercamientos musicales. Para muchos amantes de la música alternativa y de las bandas locales, es el único lugar al que pueden acudir para encontrar aquellos títulos que rara vez tienen las grandes tiendas de discos. Se trata de Sonora, un lugar lleno de sonido que abrió sus puertas en junio pasado. El rincón de Jorge Castro se encuentra en los altos del teatro Coribantes, en la parte posterior del estacionamiento del Instituto de Banca que está ubicado en la Ave. Ponce de León en Hato Rey.
Un secreto a voces
Son muchos los que llegan al espacio de Castro en busca de títulos bastante raros o de grupos poco conocidos. Como la pólvora se ha ido regando la voz entre aquellos "fiebrús" que no saben dónde más buscar los ritmos y melodías de su predilección.
Jorge Castro, el dueño de la tienda, sabe mucho de ese sentimiento de frustración. "Desde hace tiempo quería abrir una tienda de música diferente, porque la realidad es que no hay ningún sitio en el que puedas conseguir cierto tipo de música. Aquí tenemos una oferta variada, con los sellos de casas independientes y la música de bandas locales que lanzan ellos mismos sus discos", explica el también bajista de la agrupación Superaquello. Advierte, sin embargo, que todavía está empezando y se trata de una operación bastante pequeña. La tienda es a penas un cuarto de oficina que él ha arreglado para atender a su público. A pesar de ello, Castro trabaja incansablemente por ampliar la oferta y para seguir creciendo.
En el anaquel de la tienda hay discos de punk, música electrónica experimental y convencional, Ska, Pop, Metal, en fin para todos los gustos. "No me cierro a ninguna propuesta", explica el músico. Una melodía suave, un poco juguetona ambienta la conversación. "Es un grupo japonés que se llama Takahiko Chiba y la canción se llama 'Slowly minutes' es un 'collage' electro acústico y medio pop", contesta con entusiasmo Castro.
Además de la oferta musical, hay varias revistas y publicaciones sobre el mundo de la música en la Isla. También hay camisetas y afiches de diferentes bandas.
Sonora no es una tienda para un público masivo. Por el contrario, se trata de un lugar para los que quieren ir un paso más allá, pues se sienten inconformes con la oferte uniforme y masiva de la mayoría de las tiendas grandes de música y de las grandes disqueras. "Sé que no estoy en un lugar muy visible, pero es bueno buscar un poco, explorar fuera de los grandes centros comerciales", explica Castro.
Por otro lado, en Sonora los discos tienen un precio bastante accesible. "Hay algunos discos que se pueden conseguir en otras tiendas, como el de Superaquello, pero a un precio mayor. Aquí casi todos los discos fluctúan entre los $13.00 y $14.00".
Como se trata de un espacio pequeño y acogedor, los discos están organizados en orden alfabético y no se dividen por género. "Puedes tener un disco de heavy metal al lado de uno de folk. Todo el que llega aquí tiene la oportunidad de escuchar el disco antes de comprarlo".
Rodeado de música
La música es la vida de Jorge Castro. "Desde chamaquito he estado metido en el mundo de la música. Empecé a tocar a los 14 años", recuerda Castro. Su afición por los ritmos y melodías comenzó aun antes, pues su hermano mayor era amante de la salsa vieja. "Todavía, cuando oigo esas canciones, siento un poco de nostalgia".
Con el tiempo, sus gustos fueron evolucionando y fue descubriendo nuevos ritmos y estilos. "Hace como 10 años empecé a escuchar música electrónica. Antes no me gustaba, pensaba que se trataba de algo totalmente mecánico". Irónicamente, desde el 1996 Castro tiene un proyecto con este tipo de música que se llama Cornucopia. El nombre lo escogió por casualidad: "Vi en un diccionario lo que significaba la palabra y pensé que esa abundancia podía referirse a las capas y capas de sonidos que no necesariamente tienen una forma o patrón y que caracterizan este género de música". Su socio en esta iniciativa es Claudio Echea.
Su pasión por la música se ve no sólo en su rincón, lleno de ritmos y sonidos de diferentes bandas y agrupaciones, sino en todos los esfuerzos profesionales que emprende. Es por eso que a Jorge Castro no le preocupa la piratería ni se queja de esta costumbre de bajar canciones ilegalmente por la Internet. "A mí no me da problemas que las personas bajen la música que yo les ofrezco para la venta. Creo que lo que gusta de verdad se va a vender".
Para Castro este espacio es muy especial. Se trata de un esfuerzo, que todavía está comenzando, por dar a conocer la música de las agrupaciones locales y de los grupos y sellos discográficos independientes. "Esta gente toca por amor al arte. Lo que quieren es hacer música y la hacen a pulmón, a pesar de los contratiempos y problemas. Por eso es que mi trabajo es también de corazón".
Sonora abre de martes a domingo de 12 m. a 6:00 p.m. La tienda está localizada en el segundo piso del teatro Coribantes, en la Ave. Ponce de León, esquina Nemesio Canales, en el estacionamiento del Instituto de Banca. Para más información, visita la página de Internet o escribe a la dirección
Felicidades Jorge! Exito!
Sonora musical
Desde mi esquina
miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2004
Carmen M. Trelles Hernández PRIMERA HORA
En la tienda hay una selección de diferentes estilos de música independiente, tanto de bandas locales como extranjeras. (Julito Panell / Para PRIMERA HORA)
Es un espacio pequeño, pero muy abundante en variedad, estilos y acercamientos musicales. Para muchos amantes de la música alternativa y de las bandas locales, es el único lugar al que pueden acudir para encontrar aquellos títulos que rara vez tienen las grandes tiendas de discos. Se trata de Sonora, un lugar lleno de sonido que abrió sus puertas en junio pasado. El rincón de Jorge Castro se encuentra en los altos del teatro Coribantes, en la parte posterior del estacionamiento del Instituto de Banca que está ubicado en la Ave. Ponce de León en Hato Rey.
Un secreto a voces
Son muchos los que llegan al espacio de Castro en busca de títulos bastante raros o de grupos poco conocidos. Como la pólvora se ha ido regando la voz entre aquellos "fiebrús" que no saben dónde más buscar los ritmos y melodías de su predilección.
Jorge Castro, el dueño de la tienda, sabe mucho de ese sentimiento de frustración. "Desde hace tiempo quería abrir una tienda de música diferente, porque la realidad es que no hay ningún sitio en el que puedas conseguir cierto tipo de música. Aquí tenemos una oferta variada, con los sellos de casas independientes y la música de bandas locales que lanzan ellos mismos sus discos", explica el también bajista de la agrupación Superaquello. Advierte, sin embargo, que todavía está empezando y se trata de una operación bastante pequeña. La tienda es a penas un cuarto de oficina que él ha arreglado para atender a su público. A pesar de ello, Castro trabaja incansablemente por ampliar la oferta y para seguir creciendo.
En el anaquel de la tienda hay discos de punk, música electrónica experimental y convencional, Ska, Pop, Metal, en fin para todos los gustos. "No me cierro a ninguna propuesta", explica el músico. Una melodía suave, un poco juguetona ambienta la conversación. "Es un grupo japonés que se llama Takahiko Chiba y la canción se llama 'Slowly minutes' es un 'collage' electro acústico y medio pop", contesta con entusiasmo Castro.
Además de la oferta musical, hay varias revistas y publicaciones sobre el mundo de la música en la Isla. También hay camisetas y afiches de diferentes bandas.
Sonora no es una tienda para un público masivo. Por el contrario, se trata de un lugar para los que quieren ir un paso más allá, pues se sienten inconformes con la oferte uniforme y masiva de la mayoría de las tiendas grandes de música y de las grandes disqueras. "Sé que no estoy en un lugar muy visible, pero es bueno buscar un poco, explorar fuera de los grandes centros comerciales", explica Castro.
Por otro lado, en Sonora los discos tienen un precio bastante accesible. "Hay algunos discos que se pueden conseguir en otras tiendas, como el de Superaquello, pero a un precio mayor. Aquí casi todos los discos fluctúan entre los $13.00 y $14.00".
Como se trata de un espacio pequeño y acogedor, los discos están organizados en orden alfabético y no se dividen por género. "Puedes tener un disco de heavy metal al lado de uno de folk. Todo el que llega aquí tiene la oportunidad de escuchar el disco antes de comprarlo".
Rodeado de música
La música es la vida de Jorge Castro. "Desde chamaquito he estado metido en el mundo de la música. Empecé a tocar a los 14 años", recuerda Castro. Su afición por los ritmos y melodías comenzó aun antes, pues su hermano mayor era amante de la salsa vieja. "Todavía, cuando oigo esas canciones, siento un poco de nostalgia".
Con el tiempo, sus gustos fueron evolucionando y fue descubriendo nuevos ritmos y estilos. "Hace como 10 años empecé a escuchar música electrónica. Antes no me gustaba, pensaba que se trataba de algo totalmente mecánico". Irónicamente, desde el 1996 Castro tiene un proyecto con este tipo de música que se llama Cornucopia. El nombre lo escogió por casualidad: "Vi en un diccionario lo que significaba la palabra y pensé que esa abundancia podía referirse a las capas y capas de sonidos que no necesariamente tienen una forma o patrón y que caracterizan este género de música". Su socio en esta iniciativa es Claudio Echea.
Su pasión por la música se ve no sólo en su rincón, lleno de ritmos y sonidos de diferentes bandas y agrupaciones, sino en todos los esfuerzos profesionales que emprende. Es por eso que a Jorge Castro no le preocupa la piratería ni se queja de esta costumbre de bajar canciones ilegalmente por la Internet. "A mí no me da problemas que las personas bajen la música que yo les ofrezco para la venta. Creo que lo que gusta de verdad se va a vender".
Para Castro este espacio es muy especial. Se trata de un esfuerzo, que todavía está comenzando, por dar a conocer la música de las agrupaciones locales y de los grupos y sellos discográficos independientes. "Esta gente toca por amor al arte. Lo que quieren es hacer música y la hacen a pulmón, a pesar de los contratiempos y problemas. Por eso es que mi trabajo es también de corazón".
Sonora abre de martes a domingo de 12 m. a 6:00 p.m. La tienda está localizada en el segundo piso del teatro Coribantes, en la Ave. Ponce de León, esquina Nemesio Canales, en el estacionamiento del Instituto de Banca. Para más información, visita la página de Internet o escribe a la dirección
2FamousLyrics - W - Wesley Willis - Cut The Mullet - Songs, lyrics, Albums, Records, Solos, Artists!
2FamousLyrics - W - Wesley Willis - Cut The Mullet - Songs, lyrics, Albums, Records, Solos, Artists!:
"do something about your long filthy hair
it looks like a rat's nest
do something about your mullet
get out the hair clippers, jerk
cut the mullet(4x)
get the rat's nest off your head
get that crazy ass mullet off your skull
take your ass to the barber shop
tell the barber that your sick of looking like an asshole
cut the mullet(4x)
the mullet is the reason that people hate you
they are sick of looking at your nappy wheat sack
nobody wants to look at you with that mullet on your head
what dont you cut that mullet you numbskull
cut the mullet(4x)"
"do something about your long filthy hair
it looks like a rat's nest
do something about your mullet
get out the hair clippers, jerk
cut the mullet(4x)
get the rat's nest off your head
get that crazy ass mullet off your skull
take your ass to the barber shop
tell the barber that your sick of looking like an asshole
cut the mullet(4x)
the mullet is the reason that people hate you
they are sick of looking at your nappy wheat sack
nobody wants to look at you with that mullet on your head
what dont you cut that mullet you numbskull
cut the mullet(4x)"
Entertainment News Article |
Bourne director working on The Watchmen. So, Aronofsky bows out. A fucking shame. I hope that they respect the source, treat it right and hopefully it should be a really good film.
Anti-Spyware Test (Guide)
Anti-Spyware Test (Guide) Oh shit. I guess I gotta check out Ad Aware, again.
Slashdot | Federal Judge: Keystroke Logging Isn't Wiretapping
Slashdot | Federal Judge: Keystroke Logging Isn't Wiretapping That's good to know.
Monday. Whatta day! Didn't sleep until 6 am and then I had four hours of sleep at the most. Took my sweet time to get to work. Work is kinda slow today and I'm waiting for the rest of the articles to come up so I can set the page up and go home. Sleep. Got some free tix to watch "Garden State" tomorrow. Chillin' listening to the Monkey Radio webcast. Yeah, I need that funky porno muzak to soothe the nerves, relax and be able to deal with the rest of the day. It'd be nicer to have someone for the porno action, but this will have to do.
It Can't Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis
It Can't Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis Take your time to read this when you can.
Couldn't go to the cinema because my stomach hurts, but it's ok. Looking forward to this week's Nekropolis III. Bought the ticket last night and things are going alright.
The Worst Jobs in Science: The Sequel - Popular Science
Think your job is bad? Check the ones at this article:
The Worst Jobs in Science: The Sequel - Popular Science
The Worst Jobs in Science: The Sequel - Popular Science
More fun with Vero, Nady and Jenny last night. Besides ripping some people apart, the drinkydrinks and the music, the evening went fine. Sleeping must of the day and looking forward to finally hit the cinema. I got a serious craving for ice cream. Aside from that, looking forward to another sort of boring Christmas, but you never know.

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Speaking of friends, we all met last night to watch Superaquello and they were awesome. Had lots of fun at the gig then we headed for drinky drinks, dancing and late night dining. That hit the spot. Today, rest and pure inertia. Tomorrow, radio show, dancing and watching Nicotina at the cinema.
Making some music and whatnot. Things are good. :)
When Your Co-Worker is Away
When Your Co-Worker is Away
This is so beautiful. Courtesy from the guys of
Thank you Fredda!
This is so beautiful. Courtesy from the guys of
Thank you Fredda!
Canadian Alternative : Immigration
Canadian Alternative : Immigration Now all I need is a whole buncha moolah.
Ok I didn't do well on the TSA test and I think it's due to that x-ray machine test. It's hard, but hey, no matter. My contract at the radio station was renewed, so no worries until July 05. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
Last night lots of drinky drinks, mayhem and punk rawk. I haven't offically slept yet.
Last night lots of drinky drinks, mayhem and punk rawk. I haven't offically slept yet.
Music rebels seek to tame P2P | CNET
Music rebels seek to tame P2P | CNET The guy responsible for Napster is now working for The Man.
I took thee test on Vero's blog and I'm a 53% Taurus.
I got here from taking the TSA test and figuring out graphics of smuggled items from an x-ray machine is tricky but I took care of that 3 hour test in 2 hours. I'm not sure how that will turn out, but let's see.
My younger brother's giving me shit, but this time I admit it's my fault. I'm taking care of that and mom's helping, but like everything that involves my lovely mother, it will come with a price. I'm waiting for the ensuing apocalypse. So much for my lovely family.
And YAY my contract got renewed until July next year! Yay! Fucking A! :D
I got here from taking the TSA test and figuring out graphics of smuggled items from an x-ray machine is tricky but I took care of that 3 hour test in 2 hours. I'm not sure how that will turn out, but let's see.
My younger brother's giving me shit, but this time I admit it's my fault. I'm taking care of that and mom's helping, but like everything that involves my lovely mother, it will come with a price. I'm waiting for the ensuing apocalypse. So much for my lovely family.
And YAY my contract got renewed until July next year! Yay! Fucking A! :D
You had a boring day at work. You hang out with Vero and watch her have dinner while you make all kinds of jokes and you laugh your ass off. You want to come home to unwind and get more shit in the process. La familia es una institucion........ - What's the greatest hip-hop album? - Nov 12, 2004 - What's the greatest hip-hop album? - Nov 12, 2004
I hope they include the Beastie Boys' "Paul's Boutique" in there. Or I'll be very very very angry.
I hope they include the Beastie Boys' "Paul's Boutique" in there. Or I'll be very very very angry.
RIP Jhon Balance, Dead at 42 (taken from
After John Peel, Chrislo Haas and New Model Army founding member Robert Heaton, another name that marked the musicscene for the past 20 years has died. Yesterday morning Side-Line was informed that John Balance (aka Geff Rushton, Jhon Balance) died, aged 42, in a tragic accident at his home on Saturday afternoon (November 13th). Apparently Balance fell from the first floor, and landed some 15 feet below. It was Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson who found Balance unconscious, though still breathing. Although rushed to hospital, his condition deteriorated, and he died soon after, without ever regaining consciousness. It was Chris Carter who contacted Side-Line early Monday morning with the sad news. In a reaction Cosey Fanni Tutti and Chris Carter say: "We were stunned when we received news from Sleazy that Geff had died. That word 'died' is so final and we know Geff would not perceive his own passing as an end to his presence in this world. We of course are left with the feelings of physical loss and the thoughts of never hearing his voice again or feeling his embrace. He has been a dear friend for over 25 years and we hold that as a privelege. He was one of the very few treasures in this troubled world and he remains so in our hearts. His voice always made me shiver and touched places within me that are seldom tapped by any other artist. I remember asking him recently to sing more at gigs as I adored the intimacy of his voice. We have talked and talked for hours on every subject imaginable and of course much on sex and the goddess. We have his music and spirit always beside us in our sadness but always smiling and feeling deep affection when we think of him." Born in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England on 16th February 1962 as Geoffrey Laurence Burton, he co-founded Coil on May 11th, 1983. At that time Balance was also a member of Psychic TV. Initially, Coil co-existed with another project called Zos Kia, with the core members of both bands being Balance, his fellow Psychic TV member John Gosling (aka Joan d'Arc) and Min. This line-up played four live performances as Coil and/or Zos Kia throughout 1983, often aided by Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson (ex-Throbbing Gristle, and also a member of Psychic TV). Soon after the appearance of Coil/Zos Kia and Psychic TV at the infamous Berlin Atonal Festival on December 3rd, 1983, Balance and Christopherson left Psychic TV and Zos Kia, becoming the core of Coil and continuing with the name until today. Other current members of Coil include producer Danny Hyde, Thighpaulsandra (Spiritualized, Queen Elizabeth), Simon Norris aka Osian Brown (ex-member Death In June, Cyclobe). In 1994, Coil started releasing material under other names. Names used so far include The Eskaton, ELpH, Black Light District, Time Machines and Rosa Mundi (the latter in collaboration with Rose McDowall and Robert Lee of Sorrow).
Esta es la de nunca acabar....por mi madre.........
Estando en mi trabajo me da por verificar mi correo electronico cuando recibo uno de J. diciendo:
Se que estas enojado conmigo y desconectado. Anyway, espero que todo este bien por alla.
Un abrazo,
Ok, veo que ella tiene un gran sentido de lo obvio. Pero en el espiritu de dejarle saber exactamente lo que sentia le respondi con:
Encuentro irónico esta preocupación de tu parte. Si asumes que estoy enojado y desconectado, ¿para qué contactarme? Pero para satisfacer tu curiosidad, ¿Desconectado? Sí. ¿Enojado? Diría más decepcionado que otra cosa. Decepcionado por tu proceder y decepcionado conmigo mismo por confiar y poner fe en algo que no se le dio la oportunidad de desarrollarse.
De mí parte sabes que te quise y te aprecié demasiado y tuve siempre un respeto y deferencia hacia tu persona. Lo que pasó, pasó es cierto, pero dejaste un mal sabor y por eso me fui. Tantas coincidencias, tanto en común, una buena base y tu con tu ausencia, tu silencio y tu distancia mataste lo poco de confianza que queda en mí por los demás. Lo más irónico es que a poco más de una semana de verte, me tiras esta nota.
Estas en pleno derecho de seguir tu vida y tus cosas J. y por lo tanto he respetado tu privacidad y he mantenido mi distancia. Me cansé de pagar los platos que otros rompieron en tu vida. Me cansé de no ser correspondido y me cansé de tu silencio y tu distancia.
No J., las cosas no están bien por acá. Me marché con el corazón hecho cantos, mi alma en pedazos y mi confianza en los demás hecha mierda. Ese es el saldo de esto.
Tanto que decías que confiabas en mí y yo también confiaba en ti. Tal parece que puse mi confianza en la persona equivocada. Sabía que era una lucha cuesta arriba y algo difícil, pero creí que si también ponías de tu parte, lo lograríamos poco a poco, paso a paso. Pero te dejaste llevar por tus fantasmas y por tu pasado. Si soy la persona tan maravillosa que tu alegas que soy, creo que por lo menos me merecí un mejor trato del que me diste. Por ejemplo, si dices que me vas a llamar, llama. Al menos se honesta en ese aspecto. Cumple con lo que dices que harás o mejor no lo digas.
Total, ¿Qué quieres de mí? ¿Mi amistad? Te di eso y más y lo echaste a un lado. Me heriste J. y no hay ninguna disculpa en el mundo que sane eso. Tu proceder da mucho que desear ¿y ahora quieres que todo este bien y aquí no paso nada? Dime, ¿Qué quieres? ¿Qué deseas? ¿Que buscas?
Todas estas cosas yo creo que se arreglan mejor dando cara y hablándolas frente a frente, algo que no espero de ti en estos días. Mucho logré que aparecieras el otro día y créeme en ese momento yo no estaba en la mejor disposición de hablarte. Después de todo el esperar por varios días por una gestión tan simple que te tomó tanto tiempo y tantas complicaciones, no me quiero imaginar el resto.
Yo he mantenido y mantuve tu espacio y siempre has tenido tu espacio para operar y hacer tus cosas. Haz tu vida y déjame hacer la mía. Sin tu presencia, porque tu presencia duele.
Me desconecté de todo esto porque el verte me recuerda lo que vivimos y lamentablemente ahora no es lo mismo. Duele el quererte y no ser correspondido. Duele el no poder compartir conmigo. Duele el no estar juntos. Duele no sentirte, no besarte, no quererte, no tocarte, no acariciarte, no amarte. Duele volver a una cama fría y vacía. Duele y mucho. Duele el que cuando te vea ahora me recuerde de este fracaso. Te llevaste mis sentimientos, mi corazón y mi confianza en ti. Es un vacío que duele.
Eventualmente me recuperaré de esto y espero encontrar a alguien que en verdad sepa valorarme y apreciarme. Es cuestión de tiempo. Es una pena que no supiste aprovechar la oportunidad que el destino te ofreció conmigo. Pero eso te lo dejo a ti, a tu corazón y a tu conciencia.
Si en verdad quieres enmendar los errores que cometiste contra mi persona J. creo que vas a tener que esforzarte mucho. Queda de ti tomar ese paso.
La saga continua. O algo.
Se que estas enojado conmigo y desconectado. Anyway, espero que todo este bien por alla.
Un abrazo,
Ok, veo que ella tiene un gran sentido de lo obvio. Pero en el espiritu de dejarle saber exactamente lo que sentia le respondi con:
Encuentro irónico esta preocupación de tu parte. Si asumes que estoy enojado y desconectado, ¿para qué contactarme? Pero para satisfacer tu curiosidad, ¿Desconectado? Sí. ¿Enojado? Diría más decepcionado que otra cosa. Decepcionado por tu proceder y decepcionado conmigo mismo por confiar y poner fe en algo que no se le dio la oportunidad de desarrollarse.
De mí parte sabes que te quise y te aprecié demasiado y tuve siempre un respeto y deferencia hacia tu persona. Lo que pasó, pasó es cierto, pero dejaste un mal sabor y por eso me fui. Tantas coincidencias, tanto en común, una buena base y tu con tu ausencia, tu silencio y tu distancia mataste lo poco de confianza que queda en mí por los demás. Lo más irónico es que a poco más de una semana de verte, me tiras esta nota.
Estas en pleno derecho de seguir tu vida y tus cosas J. y por lo tanto he respetado tu privacidad y he mantenido mi distancia. Me cansé de pagar los platos que otros rompieron en tu vida. Me cansé de no ser correspondido y me cansé de tu silencio y tu distancia.
No J., las cosas no están bien por acá. Me marché con el corazón hecho cantos, mi alma en pedazos y mi confianza en los demás hecha mierda. Ese es el saldo de esto.
Tanto que decías que confiabas en mí y yo también confiaba en ti. Tal parece que puse mi confianza en la persona equivocada. Sabía que era una lucha cuesta arriba y algo difícil, pero creí que si también ponías de tu parte, lo lograríamos poco a poco, paso a paso. Pero te dejaste llevar por tus fantasmas y por tu pasado. Si soy la persona tan maravillosa que tu alegas que soy, creo que por lo menos me merecí un mejor trato del que me diste. Por ejemplo, si dices que me vas a llamar, llama. Al menos se honesta en ese aspecto. Cumple con lo que dices que harás o mejor no lo digas.
Total, ¿Qué quieres de mí? ¿Mi amistad? Te di eso y más y lo echaste a un lado. Me heriste J. y no hay ninguna disculpa en el mundo que sane eso. Tu proceder da mucho que desear ¿y ahora quieres que todo este bien y aquí no paso nada? Dime, ¿Qué quieres? ¿Qué deseas? ¿Que buscas?
Todas estas cosas yo creo que se arreglan mejor dando cara y hablándolas frente a frente, algo que no espero de ti en estos días. Mucho logré que aparecieras el otro día y créeme en ese momento yo no estaba en la mejor disposición de hablarte. Después de todo el esperar por varios días por una gestión tan simple que te tomó tanto tiempo y tantas complicaciones, no me quiero imaginar el resto.
Yo he mantenido y mantuve tu espacio y siempre has tenido tu espacio para operar y hacer tus cosas. Haz tu vida y déjame hacer la mía. Sin tu presencia, porque tu presencia duele.
Me desconecté de todo esto porque el verte me recuerda lo que vivimos y lamentablemente ahora no es lo mismo. Duele el quererte y no ser correspondido. Duele el no poder compartir conmigo. Duele el no estar juntos. Duele no sentirte, no besarte, no quererte, no tocarte, no acariciarte, no amarte. Duele volver a una cama fría y vacía. Duele y mucho. Duele el que cuando te vea ahora me recuerde de este fracaso. Te llevaste mis sentimientos, mi corazón y mi confianza en ti. Es un vacío que duele.
Eventualmente me recuperaré de esto y espero encontrar a alguien que en verdad sepa valorarme y apreciarme. Es cuestión de tiempo. Es una pena que no supiste aprovechar la oportunidad que el destino te ofreció conmigo. Pero eso te lo dejo a ti, a tu corazón y a tu conciencia.
Si en verdad quieres enmendar los errores que cometiste contra mi persona J. creo que vas a tener que esforzarte mucho. Queda de ti tomar ese paso.
La saga continua. O algo.
First it was John Peel, then it was the guys from DAF/Liasons Dangerouses, then the drummer of New Model Army. Now Coil frontman Geff Rushton (Jhon Balance) has died this weekend as the result of a tragic accident. Rest in peace. - Colin Powell resigns - Nov 15, 2004 - Colin Powell resigns - Nov 15, 2004 I wonder who the Moron-In-Chief will appoint?
Let's blame this on my mood on this recent days, shall we? It's defintely a mix of indifference and numbness. There are some things in my life that shold be able to produce some kind of joy and honestly right now I don't give a crap about them. They are losing whatever meaning they had. Nothing makes much sense, except maybe the routine that I follow in my work. Well, at least I get paid and it's something that does not require a whole lot of attention from my part. I like my friends and they maeke the proper supportive noises and I appreciate it, really, but right now I feel nothing. Normally I shouldn't be affected, but I am. Actually whatever trust I had in people was affected. I had very little to begin with, right now it's almost dry. Honestly, I'd rather live these days in isolation from all of this for now. Unlike others, I'd rather be like this than to inflict myself into someone who is not to blame for what I'm going through.
I just came from going to the store to pick up some Coke. It was full of shoppers and the whole holiday spirit was beginning to spread. Full of noise and joy. Unfortunately for me, it was quite hollow, empty, boring. Paid for the goods and headed home. I enjoy my space, my silence, my darkness. Let me stew here for awhile. I'm sure Ill grow tired of it and eventually get back to business.
I just came from going to the store to pick up some Coke. It was full of shoppers and the whole holiday spirit was beginning to spread. Full of noise and joy. Unfortunately for me, it was quite hollow, empty, boring. Paid for the goods and headed home. I enjoy my space, my silence, my darkness. Let me stew here for awhile. I'm sure Ill grow tired of it and eventually get back to business.
I want it all
I want it now
forgive my eagerness
forgive my impatience
life's too short
I'd rather live the moment
than wait another day
Here and now
No time to waste
No words wasted
God! The choices for entertainment are dismal. I'd rather go back to sleep.
I want it now
forgive my eagerness
forgive my impatience
life's too short
I'd rather live the moment
than wait another day
Here and now
No time to waste
No words wasted
God! The choices for entertainment are dismal. I'd rather go back to sleep.
Rain rain rain rain rain
It's cold and grey and rainy and I love it. Got a faulty hard drive replaced at CompUSA and had dinner with a friend. That was it and it's ok. I'd rather enjoy my time indoors for a change. Just finished getting the hard drive replaced and installing WinXP with all the trappings and whatnot.
My trip to take the test for a new job was rescheduled. Gotta check out the dates.
Over and out.
My trip to take the test for a new job was rescheduled. Gotta check out the dates.
Over and out.
A Fractal life
New Scientist
Meet the father of the Mandelbrot set and the fractals, Benoit Mandelbrot.
By the way, I tweaked the site a bit. Made it a little more creepier and darker. Just the way I like it.
Meet the father of the Mandelbrot set and the fractals, Benoit Mandelbrot.
By the way, I tweaked the site a bit. Made it a little more creepier and darker. Just the way I like it.
Me and Vero down by the dancefloor
Last nite we hit Communion and Carlos was on fire with his selection. Too bad there were not many people there, but we had fun fun fun. Lots of drinkydrinks, some dancing and we made fun of everything and everyone. Then we had some late night munchies in order to flush the alcohol from the system. Worked like a charm.
Dreamt that I was working back in Citibank starting in a whole new job and that somehow I hooked up with this old classmate of mine from my high school days. I mean, in reality we never hung out or spent time together and all and on those days she was really skinny. In this dream, she had a nice bod and she ran into me and wanted to catch a movie and go to a convention. We went, had a great time, cuddled and kissed (yeah big WTF moment there) and she was gonna drop me at work in her car. Somehow the bill for the whole ordeal was expensive and I paid for it, but she promised to make it up for me with a playful wink. I went back to work and met my supervisor yadda yadda yadda then I woke up.
I don't feel like going to work today, but I must. It's not because I'm tired. I just don't feel like it. Heh. Anyway, I better get going.
Dreamt that I was working back in Citibank starting in a whole new job and that somehow I hooked up with this old classmate of mine from my high school days. I mean, in reality we never hung out or spent time together and all and on those days she was really skinny. In this dream, she had a nice bod and she ran into me and wanted to catch a movie and go to a convention. We went, had a great time, cuddled and kissed (yeah big WTF moment there) and she was gonna drop me at work in her car. Somehow the bill for the whole ordeal was expensive and I paid for it, but she promised to make it up for me with a playful wink. I went back to work and met my supervisor yadda yadda yadda then I woke up.
I don't feel like going to work today, but I must. It's not because I'm tired. I just don't feel like it. Heh. Anyway, I better get going.
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz - El Primero Sueño
Another great poem and just in time for her anniversary.
Another great poem and just in time for her anniversary.
Luis Pal?s Matos: Puerta al tiempo en tres voces (III). Poema en Palabra Virtual.
Luis Pales Matos: Puerta al tiempo en tres voces (III). Poema en Palabra Virtual.
One of the best poems I've ever read. Brilliant!
One of the best poems I've ever read. Brilliant!
Ok. Just go to the nearest Cineplex and watch it. Vero and I came from watching it and it was delightful and it's one of the best suspense/horror movies we've seen in quite a while. The whole plot, characters, acting and the ending is just priceless. I haven't been so excited about this kind of movie since probably Silence of The Lambs or 28 Days Later. Later Vero and I hit the spot with some late night burgers and ice cream while some pathetic wigga was having an argument with his girl over alimony or child support. Vero and I were trying very hard not to laugh at this pathethic little man. All in all, it was a blast. Tomorrow we'll probably hit Communion. YAY! "
paste this code in your livejournal, deadjournal, blog, site, etc, to tell the world. 
take the nerd test.
and go to a nerd utopia. "
Oh rea-a-a-a-a-ally?
paste this code in your livejournal, deadjournal, blog, site, etc, to tell the world.

take the nerd test.
and go to a nerd utopia.
Oh rea-a-a-a-a-ally?
Monday came home bushed, but I only managed to sleep for an hour and half, so I did some work on the computer and watched Francis Ford Coppola's "The Conversation". Really good film, although the pace is slow, but a good film nonetheless. Watching right now "Rosencrantz and Guildernstern Are Dead". Freaking Gary Oldman and Tim Roth rule. Good acting and an interesting on those two minor Shakespeare characters. My favorite Shakespeare rework though is Richard The Third with Sir Ian McKellen. Wicked!
Let's drink to...
A toast
(a vero)
Here we are again
chatting the night away
Making up for lost time
I wish I was there with you
with a bottle of wine or two
and make a toast
to that boring boy of yours
and to that flaky girl of mine
to the fact that despite all of that
we're still here
bound by friendship
and to the fact that
you stuck through thick and thin
and though I am hardly perfect
I'm glad you consider me a friend
(another letter never sent)
Part of me wishes
to reach out and call you
but I think I know better
Cause what I felt for you
was more than just friendship
I rolled the dice, took my chances
You didn't stick to see it through
and it hurts like a motherfucker
You didn't care to make the time
and it hurts like a motherfucker
You didn't want to settle this
and it hurts like a motherfucker
I gladly take my share
still it hurts like a motherfucker
and I can't
take this fall
and I won't
make the call
cause the aftermath's a mess
and I know I can't be friends
cause there something still inside
that won't be returned in kind
I'd rather walk away
than stay unrequited
I'd rather keep my distance
than stick around for nothing
what i felt was selfless
but never stupid
What i felt was blind
but never dumb
Another call I never made
Another letter I never sent
Disconnected dead letter office
Thank you. Good night.
(a vero)
Here we are again
chatting the night away
Making up for lost time
I wish I was there with you
with a bottle of wine or two
and make a toast
to that boring boy of yours
and to that flaky girl of mine
to the fact that despite all of that
we're still here
bound by friendship
and to the fact that
you stuck through thick and thin
and though I am hardly perfect
I'm glad you consider me a friend
(another letter never sent)
Part of me wishes
to reach out and call you
but I think I know better
Cause what I felt for you
was more than just friendship
I rolled the dice, took my chances
You didn't stick to see it through
and it hurts like a motherfucker
You didn't care to make the time
and it hurts like a motherfucker
You didn't want to settle this
and it hurts like a motherfucker
I gladly take my share
still it hurts like a motherfucker
and I can't
take this fall
and I won't
make the call
cause the aftermath's a mess
and I know I can't be friends
cause there something still inside
that won't be returned in kind
I'd rather walk away
than stay unrequited
I'd rather keep my distance
than stick around for nothing
what i felt was selfless
but never stupid
What i felt was blind
but never dumb
Another call I never made
Another letter I never sent
Disconnected dead letter office
Thank you. Good night.
CBS News | Bush Cabinet Shakeup Begins | November 9, 2004?20:57:31
CBS News | Bush Cabinet Shakeup Begins | November 9, 2004?20:57:31
John Ashcroft resigns from the Justice Department. I wonder who will be his replacement.
John Ashcroft resigns from the Justice Department. I wonder who will be his replacement.
Hello Freaky Darlings!
Ok so I finally managed to figure out ze template so the space doesn't look that bare. So feel free to check it out and whatnot. The ghost blog is still standing and it's freaky to watch sometimes, but hey, there's your proof of ghosts in the machine. By the way, should be up soon. O algo.
For Days Like These And Times Like This (A Mix)
For Days Like These and Times Like This
(A Mix)
Bowery Electric - Deep Blue
Mazzy Star - Tell Me Now
Nina Simone - I Want Some Sugar In My Bowl
Galaxy 500 - Ceremony
Sisters Of Mercy - We Are The Same, Suzanne
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Only Dreaming (Wide Awake
Over The Rhine - The Body Is A Stairway Of Skin
Luna (feat. Laetitia Sadler) - Bonnie and Clyde
Placebo - Taste In Men
Dinosaur Jr. - Feel The Pain
Hum - Stars
Fudge Tunnel - Grey
Junior Reid - Police and Thieves
(some track I think either by Natasha Atlas, Loop Guru or Transglobal Underground, yes I forgot the bloody track's name. Fuck you and kill me now.)
The Damned - New Rose
At The Drive-In - One Armed Scissor
(A Mix)
Bowery Electric - Deep Blue
Mazzy Star - Tell Me Now
Nina Simone - I Want Some Sugar In My Bowl
Galaxy 500 - Ceremony
Sisters Of Mercy - We Are The Same, Suzanne
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Only Dreaming (Wide Awake
Over The Rhine - The Body Is A Stairway Of Skin
Luna (feat. Laetitia Sadler) - Bonnie and Clyde
Placebo - Taste In Men
Dinosaur Jr. - Feel The Pain
Hum - Stars
Fudge Tunnel - Grey
Junior Reid - Police and Thieves
(some track I think either by Natasha Atlas, Loop Guru or Transglobal Underground, yes I forgot the bloody track's name. Fuck you and kill me now.)
The Damned - New Rose
At The Drive-In - One Armed Scissor
Luna Bonnie and Clyde Gainsbourg lyrics
Luna Bonnie and Clyde Gainsbourg lyrics:
Luna - Bonnie and Clyde (feat. Laetitia Sadler)
"vous avez lu l'histoire
de jesse james
comment il vicut
comment il est mort
ca vous a plus hein
vous en d'mandez encore
et bien
ecoutez l'histoire
de bonnie and clyde
alors voil'
clyde a une petite amie
elle est belle et son prinom
c'est bonnie
a eux deux ils forment
le gang barrow
leurs noms
bonnie parker et clyde barrow
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
moi lorsque j'ai connu clyde
c'itait un gars loyal
honnjte et droit
il faut croire
que c'est la sociiti
qui m'a difinitivement abnmi
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
qu'est c' qu'on a pas icrit
sur elle et moi
on pritend que nous tuons
de sang froid
c'e'st pas drol'
mais on est bien obligi
de fair' tair'
celui qui s'met ' gueuler
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
chaqu'fois qu'un polic'man
se fait buter
qu'un garage ou qu'un' banque
se fait braquer
pour la polic'
ca ne fait pas d'myster
c'est signi clyde barrow
bonnie parker
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
maint'nant chaq'fois
qu'on essaie d'se ranger
de s'installer tranquill's
dans un meubli
dans lees trois jours
voil' le tac tac tac
des mitraillett's
qui revienn't ' l'attaqu'
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
un de ces quatr'
nous tomberons ensemble
moi j'm'en fous
c'est pour Bonnie que je tremble
qu'elle importanc'
qu'ils me fassent la peau
moi bonnie
je tremble pour clyde barrow
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
d'tout' fagon
ils n'pouvaient plus s'en sortir
la seule solution
c'itait mourir
mais plus d'un les a suivis
en enfer
quand sont morts
barrow et bonnie parker
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde"
Luna - Bonnie and Clyde (feat. Laetitia Sadler)
"vous avez lu l'histoire
de jesse james
comment il vicut
comment il est mort
ca vous a plus hein
vous en d'mandez encore
et bien
ecoutez l'histoire
de bonnie and clyde
alors voil'
clyde a une petite amie
elle est belle et son prinom
c'est bonnie
a eux deux ils forment
le gang barrow
leurs noms
bonnie parker et clyde barrow
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
moi lorsque j'ai connu clyde
c'itait un gars loyal
honnjte et droit
il faut croire
que c'est la sociiti
qui m'a difinitivement abnmi
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
qu'est c' qu'on a pas icrit
sur elle et moi
on pritend que nous tuons
de sang froid
c'e'st pas drol'
mais on est bien obligi
de fair' tair'
celui qui s'met ' gueuler
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
chaqu'fois qu'un polic'man
se fait buter
qu'un garage ou qu'un' banque
se fait braquer
pour la polic'
ca ne fait pas d'myster
c'est signi clyde barrow
bonnie parker
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
maint'nant chaq'fois
qu'on essaie d'se ranger
de s'installer tranquill's
dans un meubli
dans lees trois jours
voil' le tac tac tac
des mitraillett's
qui revienn't ' l'attaqu'
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
un de ces quatr'
nous tomberons ensemble
moi j'm'en fous
c'est pour Bonnie que je tremble
qu'elle importanc'
qu'ils me fassent la peau
moi bonnie
je tremble pour clyde barrow
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde
d'tout' fagon
ils n'pouvaient plus s'en sortir
la seule solution
c'itait mourir
mais plus d'un les a suivis
en enfer
quand sont morts
barrow et bonnie parker
bonnie and clyde
bonnie and clyde"
-= Red : Lorry : Yellow : Lorry =-
-= Red : Lorry : Yellow : Lorry =-:
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Only Dreaming (Wide Awake)
"You always hurt the one you love
I heard it yesterday
'cos you're the one i'm thinking of
In such a special way
Even in my wildest dream
i never thought this could cometrue
Want to touch you, want to hold you
Want to give my life away
I cut my skin to break your fall
I hate the things you say
My arms around you put me down
In such a special way
Want to touch you, want to hold you
Want to kiss my life away
Only dreaming in your side
Only dreaming, only dreaming
If love is sweet, then i am thorn
By every move you make
I lose my grip as i have found
By this our last mistake
Even in my wildest dream
I never thought this could com true
Want to touch you, want to hold you
Want to give my life away"
I'd like to sing this song to someone. Someday.
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Only Dreaming (Wide Awake)
"You always hurt the one you love
I heard it yesterday
'cos you're the one i'm thinking of
In such a special way
Even in my wildest dream
i never thought this could cometrue
Want to touch you, want to hold you
Want to give my life away
I cut my skin to break your fall
I hate the things you say
My arms around you put me down
In such a special way
Want to touch you, want to hold you
Want to kiss my life away
Only dreaming in your side
Only dreaming, only dreaming
If love is sweet, then i am thorn
By every move you make
I lose my grip as i have found
By this our last mistake
Even in my wildest dream
I never thought this could com true
Want to touch you, want to hold you
Want to give my life away"
I'd like to sing this song to someone. Someday.
If you need proof that there are ghosts in the machine, check this out. I changed the blogspot address of this blog this weekend to this one. The old address still pops up when you call the url! Heh. Funny how old things still linger. Oh well.
Well closed off another chapter in my life today. Another girl another name, like The Cure would sing. It's a shame, but you all know the story by now. Anyway, since I ditched YACCS for the comments and use blogger's own system instead, that's the reason you won't see any comments made in past posts. And yes, you have to register to comment. Cuts down on the anonymous posters and the rabble.
"I've been crowned in sorrow
I've been crowned by hate
I've been crowned in black
Now I abdicate"
- These Immortal Souls
I shed my old skin and create a new one. Change is in the air. I decided to shut out the rest of the world. I still retain this space, but I changed it's name, it's face. Those with the will and perseverence will find it eventually. I will not disclose it. I need time for myself. Time to heal these wounds. Quality time. My sanctum. My little private space. My lodge. This is what remains of my old self. This is where I treasure my old memories and hopefully will begin new ones. Tabula rasa.
I've been crowned by hate
I've been crowned in black
Now I abdicate"
- These Immortal Souls
I shed my old skin and create a new one. Change is in the air. I decided to shut out the rest of the world. I still retain this space, but I changed it's name, it's face. Those with the will and perseverence will find it eventually. I will not disclose it. I need time for myself. Time to heal these wounds. Quality time. My sanctum. My little private space. My lodge. This is what remains of my old self. This is where I treasure my old memories and hopefully will begin new ones. Tabula rasa.
Mindjack - Cities Without Borders: Digital Culture and Decentralization
Mindjack - Cities Without Borders: Digital Culture and Decentralization
Here's some stimulating food for your brain.
Here's some stimulating food for your brain.
Had a pleasant dream for a change. Of course, as dreams go this one's impossible, but hey. I was back in England with L. We had a nice flat (apartment) in Birmingham. One of her kids was in all places, Arkansas studying to be a guitar player. Her youngest was still around. Somehow my mother was also there apparently because we were getting married. I was taking some sociology courses over there as well. Of course it was all good and it was a nice dream. It's the reality that I currently live throught that has some sucky elements. Heh.
Rolling Stones 19th Nervous Breakdown lyrics
Cranking this to 11! Heh!
Rolling Stones 19th Nervous Breakdown lyrics:
"You're the kind of person
You meet at certain dismal dull affairs.
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud
Running up and down the stairs.
Well, it seems to me that you have seen too much in too few years.
And though you've tried you just can't hide
Your eyes are edged with tears.
You better stop
Look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
Here comes your nine - teenth nervous breakdown.
When you were a child
You were treated kind
But you were never brought up right.
You were always spoiled with a thousand toys
But still you cried all night.
Your mother who neglected you
Owes a million dollars tax.
And your father's still perfecting ways of making ceiling wax.
You better stop, look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
Here comes your nilne - teenth nervous breakdown.
Oh, who's to blame, that girl's just insane.
Well nothing I do don't seem to work,
It only seems to make matters worse. Oh please.
You were still in school
When you had that fool
Who really messed your mind.
And after that you turned your back
On treating people kind.
On our first trip
I tried so hard to rearrange your mind.
But after while I realized you were disarranging mine.
You better stop, look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
Here comes your nine - teenth nervous breakdown.
Here comes your nine - teenth nervous breakdown
Here comes your nine - teenth nervous breakdown"
Rolling Stones 19th Nervous Breakdown lyrics:
"You're the kind of person
You meet at certain dismal dull affairs.
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud
Running up and down the stairs.
Well, it seems to me that you have seen too much in too few years.
And though you've tried you just can't hide
Your eyes are edged with tears.
You better stop
Look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
Here comes your nine - teenth nervous breakdown.
When you were a child
You were treated kind
But you were never brought up right.
You were always spoiled with a thousand toys
But still you cried all night.
Your mother who neglected you
Owes a million dollars tax.
And your father's still perfecting ways of making ceiling wax.
You better stop, look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
Here comes your nilne - teenth nervous breakdown.
Oh, who's to blame, that girl's just insane.
Well nothing I do don't seem to work,
It only seems to make matters worse. Oh please.
You were still in school
When you had that fool
Who really messed your mind.
And after that you turned your back
On treating people kind.
On our first trip
I tried so hard to rearrange your mind.
But after while I realized you were disarranging mine.
You better stop, look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
Here comes your nine - teenth nervous breakdown.
Here comes your nine - teenth nervous breakdown
Here comes your nine - teenth nervous breakdown"
William Blake once wrote that "the road to the excess leads to the palace of wisdom".
Buckle up your seatbealts Blakey boy, the weekend's here!
So instead of wallowing in self-pity and that nonsense please bring the alcohol, bring the noise, bring the sex, bring me the radio show, bring me communion, just bring it so the weekend goes fast, hard and very fucking loud. Bring it so sleep and exhaustion become the only reason to rest. Bring it so Monday can come and my mind and body keeps busy so I can get all this shit done and over with.
Nihilism never sounds so sweet and tempting. And I will indulge. Oh yes, I will indulge.
Some might say I might harm myself by doing this. Fuck that! I'm already hurt, so bring the pain as well.
Have a good weekend kiddies!
Buckle up your seatbealts Blakey boy, the weekend's here!
So instead of wallowing in self-pity and that nonsense please bring the alcohol, bring the noise, bring the sex, bring me the radio show, bring me communion, just bring it so the weekend goes fast, hard and very fucking loud. Bring it so sleep and exhaustion become the only reason to rest. Bring it so Monday can come and my mind and body keeps busy so I can get all this shit done and over with.
Nihilism never sounds so sweet and tempting. And I will indulge. Oh yes, I will indulge.
Some might say I might harm myself by doing this. Fuck that! I'm already hurt, so bring the pain as well.
Have a good weekend kiddies!
Interview with Richard Stallman |
Interview with Richard Stallman | Interview with the proponent of the GNU GPL free software license. A must read.
Just when you thought things were bad enough. A co-worker's close relative just died and she just learned the news. Death being part of life and all, but it's hard anyway. I gave her my condolonces and wish for her all the strength to go through that process. Fuerza bebe, fuerza.
Otro dia mas, which isn't bad actually. Words were spoken, ideas exchanged and I hope that J. understands her role in the matter and takes responsibility for her actions and learns from them, as I take responsibility for mine. That said, I can move on and go on with my life. Yes, I am hurt, but life hurts anyway. You fall, get scraped, tend to your wounds and scars and move the fuck on. It's a pity something so good didn't last, but thanks anyway. In many ways I did see it coming and I enjoyed it as long as it did. Short and sweet, but for her sake, I hope she gets over her issues.
J you said todays that I'll always be your angel and your knight in shining armor. Unfortunately how can I be your knight if I you're not my damsel and how can I be your angel when you cut off my wings? Riddle me that, darling.... Contradictions galore.
Change is coming and I can feel it. More like a cathartic kind of change. It is needed and it is welcome.
In other news, part of me wants to sort out something with someone who cares for me a lot and I'm the one who can't return her feelings, but that same part knows that even though we have lots of things in common and we do enjoy each other 's company and we care lots for each other, I cannot fully return all that is given to me. It's fucking hard and fucking sad and it kills me because if there is someone in this world that deserves lots of good things, it's her.
Life is so fucking unfair it's not even funny, but I cannot dwell on that. I have to be grateful with many aspects of my lot in life. I have to follow that proverb: "Change the things you can, accept the things you can't and learn to know the difference". If it were that easy.
J you said todays that I'll always be your angel and your knight in shining armor. Unfortunately how can I be your knight if I you're not my damsel and how can I be your angel when you cut off my wings? Riddle me that, darling.... Contradictions galore.
Change is coming and I can feel it. More like a cathartic kind of change. It is needed and it is welcome.
In other news, part of me wants to sort out something with someone who cares for me a lot and I'm the one who can't return her feelings, but that same part knows that even though we have lots of things in common and we do enjoy each other 's company and we care lots for each other, I cannot fully return all that is given to me. It's fucking hard and fucking sad and it kills me because if there is someone in this world that deserves lots of good things, it's her.
Life is so fucking unfair it's not even funny, but I cannot dwell on that. I have to be grateful with many aspects of my lot in life. I have to follow that proverb: "Change the things you can, accept the things you can't and learn to know the difference". If it were that easy.
Kymill, Vero, Eze and The Good Doctor - thanks for your kind words of support. Love y'all.
Kymill - Extra thanks to you. Unfortunately I cannot think of England at this time. She's gone and I wish her well. She's pretty much the love of my life, but "todo tiene su final, NADA dura para siempre". So, I let go of her. In the very small chance that she actually comes back into my life (and I dream of this more often than I want or care to admit) there are lots of wounds to heal and lots of things to say. As it is, I don't see that day coming, but I still wish her and hers the best. Dredging up those memories don't help the healing process, but I know you didn't do it un purpose to hurt, rather to make a point in your case. Thanks.
Last night was a nightmare. I wanted to cry, kick, scream, curse, punch and I just couldn't. Vero, L. and The Good Doctor probably saw me in my worst. Lack of sleep and the J. situation took it's toll on me, but I'm still here. After a long night of the soul an hour of sleep and no internet at 3 am to work on, I managed to get it together enough so I finished all that I needed to do at 6:30 am. Then I just collapsed and slept a couple of hours. Enough so I could get up, shower eat something and head for work. I still had some residue in my head when I got to work but I heard Laika and music does soothe this savage beast. Work kept me busy and life a bit livable.
Had dinner at El Mexicano with an acquaintance then headed back for work. Feel much better now. It's an uphill battle, but it has to be done, and it will.
"I'll still be here
as long as you
and I'll walk away
in spite of you"
Bauhaus - Crowds
"Worry is what I have instead of you." - Me. No, J. that wasn't meant to be funny. Oh well.
And now for something completely different:
Kymill - Extra thanks to you. Unfortunately I cannot think of England at this time. She's gone and I wish her well. She's pretty much the love of my life, but "todo tiene su final, NADA dura para siempre". So, I let go of her. In the very small chance that she actually comes back into my life (and I dream of this more often than I want or care to admit) there are lots of wounds to heal and lots of things to say. As it is, I don't see that day coming, but I still wish her and hers the best. Dredging up those memories don't help the healing process, but I know you didn't do it un purpose to hurt, rather to make a point in your case. Thanks.
Last night was a nightmare. I wanted to cry, kick, scream, curse, punch and I just couldn't. Vero, L. and The Good Doctor probably saw me in my worst. Lack of sleep and the J. situation took it's toll on me, but I'm still here. After a long night of the soul an hour of sleep and no internet at 3 am to work on, I managed to get it together enough so I finished all that I needed to do at 6:30 am. Then I just collapsed and slept a couple of hours. Enough so I could get up, shower eat something and head for work. I still had some residue in my head when I got to work but I heard Laika and music does soothe this savage beast. Work kept me busy and life a bit livable.
Had dinner at El Mexicano with an acquaintance then headed back for work. Feel much better now. It's an uphill battle, but it has to be done, and it will.
"I'll still be here
as long as you
and I'll walk away
in spite of you"
Bauhaus - Crowds
"Worry is what I have instead of you." - Me. No, J. that wasn't meant to be funny. Oh well.
And now for something completely different:

Novell hits back at Ballmers anti-Linux memo - Computer Business Review
Novell hits back at Ballmers anti-Linux memo - Computer Business Review
Novell laying thee smackdown on Microsoft. Booya!
Novell laying thee smackdown on Microsoft. Booya!
Wired 12.11: The Mystery of the Coca Plant That Wouldn't Diei
Wired 12.11: The Mystery of the Coca Plant That Wouldn't Die
Herbicide resistant coca plants? And it was natural?
Herbicide resistant coca plants? And it was natural?
First, off let me make clear that I cherish what little we had and thank you for sharing those moments with me. I don't ask much of life and I certainly didn't ask much of you because of your other commitments that I understand are way more important. I only asked of you to be honest, which you are, and I'm grateful.
I also asked you to share a little quality time together and in all fairness, I didn't require much at all. Like all human beings, I need time for companionship, love, affection, intimacy, conversation, or something as simple as you being there. Given your schedule, I didn't ask much.
Unfortunately it takes two to create a relationship and I thought we had a good basis to work on. I was wrong. It takes also some willingness from your part to make things work, which you don't have. I'm sorry that others before me didn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated, but that's not my problem. I'm not responsible for the damage they gave you.
I deserve to be happy with someone that appreciates me for what I am and viceversa. I deserve someone who makes this world a little more livable and fun to be around with. I thought you were that person. I'm sorry that you don't believe yourself to be that person.
I really get upset when I see a wasted opportunity, a wasted chance to make something good, or when I see something with good potential thrown out the window and discarded like yesterday's trash. It's a damn shame what happened to us, because I believed that we had great potential, should we've chosen to take that route. Obviously, you don't.
So I take it upon myself to find someone who can. Someone to enjoy the good and the bad. Someone who can give some meaning to an otherwise meaningless existence. Someone who gets it. Someone who's not only a friend, but a lover as well. Someone with a sense of humor, wit and intelligence. Sensitive, passionate. With her own mind about things. I didn't ask much from you and I don't ask much from life. Formalities and all that bullshit mean nothing to me, because I only look for what matters. I thought you had it. I'm sorry you didn't realize that.
You're so beautiful and you have so much to give to the lucky one who manages to be with you. I'm glad I was lucky enough to be with you, even if it was for a short while. I'm sorry you don't have the courage and strength to give us a go, but I cannot stick around for something that won't happen. I value what little I have in life, but there are some things that I need in order to make this life worth living. Like the song goes "I am human and I need to be loved, just like everybody else does". I'm sorry that you didn't choose to walk this path with me, but I cannot and will not force you. You are responsible for your own decisions, as I am of mine.
So being grateful for what we had, I walk away from you. Dissappointed because the potential was there for something good, but otherwise grateful. Thank you for what we shared. Thank you for bringing some light and happiness into this life of mine. It seems that we shined so bright and intensely, but it didn't last as long. Then again, better to burn out than to fade away.
I hope you manage to regain your confidence and trust in yourself. I hope that you manage to be able to once you regain that, you will find someone who will make your life worth living. I am alright, but this path I will walk alone. I will not bother you nor contact you. I think it's best because you'll have the space and time to take care of your things and I'll have the same. I'd rather part ways with a clean slate and little or no negativity between us.
Anyway, this is getting long, winding and repetitive so like the Indians say walk in beauty girl. Have a nice life. Thank you and good bye.
Ok kids, move on, nothing to see here. A long day, a long conversation, longing for J. for two weeks and the inevitable conclusion. Shit happens, then you die. At least others around me are experiencing good things in the relationships department and I'm glad for them. Me? I'm just dissappointed but otherwise happy and eager to move on.
First, off let me make clear that I cherish what little we had and thank you for sharing those moments with me. I don't ask much of life and I certainly didn't ask much of you because of your other commitments that I understand are way more important. I only asked of you to be honest, which you are, and I'm grateful.
I also asked you to share a little quality time together and in all fairness, I didn't require much at all. Like all human beings, I need time for companionship, love, affection, intimacy, conversation, or something as simple as you being there. Given your schedule, I didn't ask much.
Unfortunately it takes two to create a relationship and I thought we had a good basis to work on. I was wrong. It takes also some willingness from your part to make things work, which you don't have. I'm sorry that others before me didn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated, but that's not my problem. I'm not responsible for the damage they gave you.
I deserve to be happy with someone that appreciates me for what I am and viceversa. I deserve someone who makes this world a little more livable and fun to be around with. I thought you were that person. I'm sorry that you don't believe yourself to be that person.
I really get upset when I see a wasted opportunity, a wasted chance to make something good, or when I see something with good potential thrown out the window and discarded like yesterday's trash. It's a damn shame what happened to us, because I believed that we had great potential, should we've chosen to take that route. Obviously, you don't.
So I take it upon myself to find someone who can. Someone to enjoy the good and the bad. Someone who can give some meaning to an otherwise meaningless existence. Someone who gets it. Someone who's not only a friend, but a lover as well. Someone with a sense of humor, wit and intelligence. Sensitive, passionate. With her own mind about things. I didn't ask much from you and I don't ask much from life. Formalities and all that bullshit mean nothing to me, because I only look for what matters. I thought you had it. I'm sorry you didn't realize that.
You're so beautiful and you have so much to give to the lucky one who manages to be with you. I'm glad I was lucky enough to be with you, even if it was for a short while. I'm sorry you don't have the courage and strength to give us a go, but I cannot stick around for something that won't happen. I value what little I have in life, but there are some things that I need in order to make this life worth living. Like the song goes "I am human and I need to be loved, just like everybody else does". I'm sorry that you didn't choose to walk this path with me, but I cannot and will not force you. You are responsible for your own decisions, as I am of mine.
So being grateful for what we had, I walk away from you. Dissappointed because the potential was there for something good, but otherwise grateful. Thank you for what we shared. Thank you for bringing some light and happiness into this life of mine. It seems that we shined so bright and intensely, but it didn't last as long. Then again, better to burn out than to fade away.
I hope you manage to regain your confidence and trust in yourself. I hope that you manage to be able to once you regain that, you will find someone who will make your life worth living. I am alright, but this path I will walk alone. I will not bother you nor contact you. I think it's best because you'll have the space and time to take care of your things and I'll have the same. I'd rather part ways with a clean slate and little or no negativity between us.
Anyway, this is getting long, winding and repetitive so like the Indians say walk in beauty girl. Have a nice life. Thank you and good bye.
Ok kids, move on, nothing to see here. A long day, a long conversation, longing for J. for two weeks and the inevitable conclusion. Shit happens, then you die. At least others around me are experiencing good things in the relationships department and I'm glad for them. Me? I'm just dissappointed but otherwise happy and eager to move on.
At press time we don't know who's the president of the u.s. recount, anyone?
Meanwhile back at home, we got ourselves a recount and if things prevail the elected governor has to deal with not only a legislature of the opposing party (a good thing. check and balances and all that) but a resident commissioner of the opposing party as well. So compromises and deals have to be made if any work is going to get done.
Anyway, the local independence party lost is franchise due to their arrogance. Even though they got in their token candidates to their legislature, their sheer arrogance and their lack of wisdom to exclude other branches of the independence movement got them the lowest percentage ever. So they'll have to take it to the streets in order to get inscribed and keep sucking on the electoral fund tit. I'd suggest they disband and get together with all other branches and form a new party, but they're too stubborn to realize that. Fuck 'em.
J. needs all the support she needs in order to quit smoking. Send good vibes her way, thank you!
At press time we don't know who's the president of the u.s. recount, anyone?
Meanwhile back at home, we got ourselves a recount and if things prevail the elected governor has to deal with not only a legislature of the opposing party (a good thing. check and balances and all that) but a resident commissioner of the opposing party as well. So compromises and deals have to be made if any work is going to get done.
Anyway, the local independence party lost is franchise due to their arrogance. Even though they got in their token candidates to their legislature, their sheer arrogance and their lack of wisdom to exclude other branches of the independence movement got them the lowest percentage ever. So they'll have to take it to the streets in order to get inscribed and keep sucking on the electoral fund tit. I'd suggest they disband and get together with all other branches and form a new party, but they're too stubborn to realize that. Fuck 'em.
J. needs all the support she needs in order to quit smoking. Send good vibes her way, thank you!
Well elections at home are interesting and probably a recount will be issued. In the US, Bush is winning the electoral vote, but still he has a 100 votes to go before winning. I fear for Puerto Rico and the US.
HOW-TO: Get music OFF your iPod - Engadget -
HOW-TO: Get music OFF your iPod - Engadget -
Hello, beautiful people. Here's some useful information for you Ipod Addicts.
Hello, beautiful people. Here's some useful information for you Ipod Addicts.
Your Quiz Score: Liberal-Libertarian
Your Quiz Score: Liberal-Libertarian: "According to your answers, the political description that fits you best is...
Borderline between Left (Liberal) and Libertarian.
Left (Liberal)
Liberals usually embrace freedom of choice in personal matters, but tend to support significant government control of the economy. They generally support a government-funded 'safety net' to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations, defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles.
Libertarians support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence. Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties.
The red dot on the Chart shows where you fit on the political map.
Your Personal issues Score is 90%.
Your Economic issues Score is 50%."
Your Quiz Score: Liberal-Libertarian: "According to your answers, the political description that fits you best is...
Borderline between Left (Liberal) and Libertarian.
Left (Liberal)
Liberals usually embrace freedom of choice in personal matters, but tend to support significant government control of the economy. They generally support a government-funded 'safety net' to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations, defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles.
Libertarians support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence. Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties.
The red dot on the Chart shows where you fit on the political map.
Your Personal issues Score is 90%.
Your Economic issues Score is 50%."
It was a really slow day at the office and I decided to change my linux distributions on the laptops. Switched from Knoppix to Kanotix. Seems like that distro is better suited to work with laptops and the latest technology. You need to tweak it a bit, but then again, that's what's Linux is all about.
OkCupid! Slut Test
OkCupid! Slut Test: "The Results ARE IN! You are: 69% Slut. Your above score was normalized against the average, so don't even TRY to disagree with us. Science is certain, and so are we: you are absolutely 69% Slutty."
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