At press time we don't know who's the president of the u.s. recount, anyone?

Meanwhile back at home, we got ourselves a recount and if things prevail the elected governor has to deal with not only a legislature of the opposing party (a good thing. check and balances and all that) but a resident commissioner of the opposing party as well. So compromises and deals have to be made if any work is going to get done.

Anyway, the local independence party lost is franchise due to their arrogance. Even though they got in their token candidates to their legislature, their sheer arrogance and their lack of wisdom to exclude other branches of the independence movement got them the lowest percentage ever. So they'll have to take it to the streets in order to get inscribed and keep sucking on the electoral fund tit. I'd suggest they disband and get together with all other branches and form a new party, but they're too stubborn to realize that. Fuck 'em.

J. needs all the support she needs in order to quit smoking. Send good vibes her way, thank you!
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