una ultima gozaita....
Anyway, esta mañana tuve un sueño de que vi a la gente de mi clase y que tenian un asesino en serie detras matandolos. En el sueño me dio una paranoia cabrona y no queria ser la proxima victima. Que manera de despertar!
Nada, hoy es un dia como otro mas. Tengo antojo de mantecado carajo. Pero puej.
De cualquier manera, exito en el 2006 y espero que la pasen bien. Se me cuidan.
OOOOOOOOye esto esta bueno!!!!!
1. Aspirante a estrella de reggaeton envia SPAM con su material a diferentes medios en Macondo, USA, incluyendo nuestra estacion.
2. Nos reunimos el estaff de FA para escuchar dicho material NO SOLICITADO.
3. Eze let's him have it. Claro, que el es mucho mas diplomatico que yo. Jijiji.
4. Los fans-tasmas y amiguitos de el aspirante postean sus pensamientos.
5. Lo leo, y tiro la mia.
El debacle entero, disponible por aqui.
Sea la madre ahora tambien tengo el estomago jodio. ARGH! OJTIA!
Anyway, si no los veo antes, Feliz 2006! Que se multiplique todo lo que ustedes me deseen. Jijiji.
10 cosas que se deberian ir con el 2005
2. Pedro Rossello Gonzalez - prueba fehaciente de que el lambetranca servil que sigue a este mamon todavia esta vivito, coleando y haciendo el ridiculo. Como postee por otro blog, yo siendo estadista me daria verguenza que este ser represente el ideal de la estadidad.
3. Anibal Acevedo Vila - Pun~eta si el #2 es un megalomano, este es un mamao de siete suelas que esta tan desesperado por tratar de legitimizar su gestion gubernamental o salir en camara que hace lo que sea. Ahora es un fiebru de la Ipod. Si, como Chimp Boy en Washington, DC. Pun~eta estos politicos estan mas mediocres que nunca.
4. El editor que puso la noticia que a Ricky Martin le gusta ver videos de golden showers. WHO THE FUCK CARES? En verdad gracias esa informacion es bien vital y noticiosa y educativa. Gracias jodio paramecio. Ojala y cuando estes en la intimidad te den todos los golden showers que te mereces, pilaemierda.
5. El movimiento 'radical' estudiantil de la UPR - Fijate si fueran tan buenos fiscalizando y moviendo la opinion publica en contra del despilfarro que Antonio Garcia Padilla en la universidad como ellos son protestando, cerrando la universidad y haciendo muralitos alusivos al Che y a Filiberto (el nuevo martir de la patria cortesia del FBI), quizas los apoyaria y to. Mientras tanto, me hacen un gran cafe en las bolas. Lo peor es que estos pendejos tanto de izquierda como de derecha van a ser los futuros parasitos que estaran en la legislatura.
6. George W. Bush - porque este jodio chimpanze lo que ha logrado es convertir a Estados Unidos en la nacion mas odiada del planeta y convertirla en una nacion peor que cualquier estado terrorista religioso que dice combatir, coger el pueblo americano de pendejo y ahora coger un informe de 10 paginas el cual me imagino que gastaron una friolera de chavos en decir lo que todos ya conocemos.
7. Fidel Castro - Porque 40 an~os mas tarde la revolucion cubana esta igual o peor que cuando estaba Batista. Jineteras, casinos y porno cubano es la que hay. Lamentablemente eso es algo que me gustaria que resolvieran los mismos cubanos en vez de Washington meter la cuchara. Face it kids, la revolucion cubana fallo asquerosamente.
8. La industria disquera - Por ser una obsoleta y completamente indiferente a las necesidades de su clientela y de los artistas que supuestamente son parte de ella.
9. Propietary software y hardware. Porque Open Source lo hace mejor y es relativamente gratis. Fuck Bill Gates, fuck Apple, fuck anything that stifles development, creation and sharing of information. Despues se quejan porque no hay progreso tecnologico y cientifico.
10. La legislatura - El antro de parasitos mas grande de Puerto Rico. No hacen un carajo y despues tienen un guille cabron. Corruptos, inmorales, vividores. Dan asco.
encojonamiento laboral #57589303-D, una apologia y otros demonios
Mi primer instinto fue bajarle a la pendeja esta con todas las de la ley. Primero preguntandole quien carajos se cree ella para darme ordenes y cosas. Tu sabes, la ultima vez que me entere, misifus, tu titulo definitivamente no incluye nada gerencial. Como cantaba Polbo tu eres otra pendeja mas. Ahora eres una pendeja con guille? Negra plis! Asi empezo otra que rapido le dieron mas responsabilidades, se le fueron los humos a su cabecita y mira como termino. Huyendo despavorida porque se gano a todo el mundo de enemigo de gratis. Y tu puedes ser la proxima. De ahi a decirle quien carajos tu te crees mandandome a hacer algo que te asignaron a ti. Problema tuyo si te tiraste a hacer algo, por lambona buscando acumular brownie points con el jefe Y DE GRATIS. Not my job, sweetheart.
Lo que hice fue una vez entre a redaccion y me pregunta "leiste el email que te mande?" fue decirle, ven aca corazon tengo que hablar contigo. Y basicamente le dije lo arriba expuesto de manera un poco mas calmada por aquello de establecer mi posicion. La nena dio riversa mas rapido que ligero y se fue con el rabo entre las patas. Por no ser tan terrible le sugeri un metodo alterno de como ella puede hacer el trabajo que le asignaron para que no se tarde tanto. Pero creo que fui super claro en hacerle entender que
1. Yo no hago el trabajo que le asignan a ella.
2. Ella no es nadie para ponerse con esas bicherias. Y menos conmigo.
Hoy iba a ver a Santos a Moorings pero bregando con la aspirante a trepadora, mas trabjando el material de la pagina, mas transfiriendo unos audios que me envio Angelito termino aqui en casa despierto y alborotado. Que cojones!
Contrario a ayer, que todo fue miel sobre hojuelas. Lightshadow por fin llego a Radio Universidad y despues de despachar algo que tenia que montar nos fuimos a una experdicion de compras. Ubergeeks los dos.
Ella me regalo "Runes of The Earth" de Stephen Donaldson. Esta mujer no acaba con los regalos y ese libro estaba por comprarlo hace mucho tiempo. Si, Popu es fanatico de las Cronicas de Thomas Covenant. Damnation! Hellfire! Si si si Mr. Covenant y yo somos escepticos, cascarrabias y antiheroes por excelencia, fuck you very much.
Anyway, fuimos a CompUSA y ya oficialmente Lightshadow tiene su armamento para poder bregar bien decentemente en su trabajo y en su casa. Salio super bien con su compra y puej me auspicio un adaptador firewire para poder usar el HD de 250 en las otras dos laptops. $30 por una tarjeta PCI firewire con un cable y adaptador para el jack de nuestras laptops esta superfuckingcool.
Anyway compras, comimos un rato, LS se fue para su casa y yo en la mia preparandome para lo que seria el dia que acaba de pasar.
Pun~eta me perdi a Santos. Pero si algo bueno tuvo el dia fue que gracias a Angelito consegui un cojon de musica chereve. Ese HD de el es la changa. Medio fucking terabyte mi gente. Que cosa cabrona!
Sorry a Nuria, Kitipri y demas gente que deje arrollada. Me estoy volviendo un fucking hermitan~o. Muy mal.
Besitos besitos,
Santa's 2005 Picks for Linux and Windows Computer Gifts- MozillaQuest Christmas and Winter Holiday Gift Guide - 2005 - Page 1 - MozillaQuest Magazine
MiamiHerald.com | 12/26/2005 | Fear destroys what bin Laden could not
Fear destroys what bin Laden could not
One wonders if Osama bin Laden didn't win after all. He ruined the America that existed on 9/11. But he had help.
If, back in 2001, anyone had told me that four years after bin Laden's attack our president would admit that he broke U.S. law against domestic spying and ignored the Constitution -- and then expect the American people to congratulate him for it -- I would have presumed the girders of our very Republic had crumbled.
Had anyone said our president would invade a country and kill 30,000 of its people claiming a threat that never, in fact, existed, then admit he would have invaded even if he had known there was no threat -- and expect America to be pleased by this -- I would have thought our nation's sensibilities and honor had been eviscerated.
If I had been informed that our nation's leaders would embrace torture as a legitimate tool of warfare, hold prisoners for years without charges and operate secret prisons overseas -- and call such procedures necessary for the nation's security -- I would have laughed at the folly of protecting human rights by destroying them.
If someone had predicted the president's staff would out a CIA agent as revenge against a critic, defy a law against domestic propaganda by bankrolling supposedly independent journalists and commentators, and ridicule a 37-year Marie Corps veteran for questioning U.S. military policy -- and that the populace would be more interested in whether Angelina is about to make Brad a daddy -- I would have called the prediction an absurd fantasy.
That's no America I know, I would have argued. We're too strong, and we've been through too much, to be led down such a twisted path.
What is there to say now?
All of these things have happened. And yet a large portion of this country appears more concerned that saying ''Happy Holidays'' could be a disguised attack on Christianity.
I evidently have a lot poorer insight regarding America's character than I once believed, because I would have expected such actions to provoke -- speaking metaphorically now -- mobs with pitchforks and torches at the White House gate. I would have expected proud defiance of anyone who would suggest that a mere terrorist threat could send this country into spasms of despair and fright so profound that we'd follow a leader who considers the law a nuisance and perfidy a privilege.
Never would I have expected this nation -- which emerged stronger from a civil war and a civil rights movement, won two world wars, endured the Depression, recovered from a disastrous campaign in Southeast Asia and still managed to lead the world in the principles of liberty -- would cower behind anyone just for promising to ``protect us.''
President Bush recently confirmed that he has authorized wiretaps against U.S. citizens on at least 30 occasions and said he'll continue doing it. His justification? He, as president -- or is that king? -- has a right to disregard any law, constitutional tenet or congressional mandate to protect the American people.
Is that America's highest goal -- preventing another terrorist attack? Are there no principles of law and liberty more important than this? Who would have remembered Patrick Henry had he written, ``What's wrong with giving up a little liberty if it protects me from death?''
Bush would have us excuse his administration's excesses in deference to the ''war on terror'' -- a war, it should be pointed out, that can never end. Terrorism is a tactic, an eventuality, not an opposition army or rogue nation. If we caught every person guilty of a terrorist act, we still wouldn't know where tomorrow's first-time terrorist will strike. Fighting terrorism is a bit like fighting infection -- even when it's beaten, you must continue the fight or it will strike again.
Are we agreeing, then, to give the king unfettered privilege to defy the law forever? It's time for every member of Congress to weigh in: Do they believe the president is above the law, or bound by it?
Bush stokes our fears, implying that the only alternative to doing things his extralegal way is to sit by fitfully waiting for terrorists to harm us. We are neither weak nor helpless. A proud, confident republic can hunt down its enemies without trampling legitimate human and constitutional rights.
Ultimately, our best defense against attack -- any attack, of any sort -- is holding fast and fearlessly to the ideals upon which this nation was built. Bush clearly doesn't understand or respect that. Do we?"
Josh Highland's Blog / Journal / Whatever - replacing the hard drive of a ipod
You can thank me later.
King Kong (pa Ms. Violentine)
Esta es una pelicula para estar apertrechado con alimentos, bebida y aguantarse los deseos incontrolables de ir al ban~o. En resumen, la pelicula es excelente. Como los filmes de Peter Jackson es un buen trabajo de equipo.
La cinta empieza un poco lenta para mostrarnos el trasfondo de los personajes y tenemos la razon porque ellos van a Skull Island. Los efectos estan bien impresionantes. Kong rulea. WETA se voto con los efectos. Ostia, bastante sufri en la parte de los encuentros de los aventureros con la vida salvaje de la isla.
Las actuaciones del elenco son bien acertadas. Especialmente la de Jack Black. El le da un buen tratamiento a su personaje y con esta pelicula demuestra que puede manejar tanto el drama como la comedia. Naomi Watts esta vulnerable pero noe es una rubia tonta. Pero ademas de Black, el actor que hizo del capitan se quedo con el canto. Pero Jackson siempre ha tenido buenos elencos para sus producciones.
Last Minute Christmas Guide - Twisted humor, funny videos, funny pictures
Gee I wished this article came out last year! Heehee!
Ragged Trousered Philosopher Talks To God
santa clos vino y me dejo....
ropa y tenis cortesia de la vieja (eso me sorprendio porque la vieja nunca regala en navidad. solo en reyes)
y aparte de eso, software y el hd que mi linda novia me consiguio. pero to cool.
eze me consiguio par de disquillos cheveres
angelito me consiguio un disquillo de 'o'rang bien total
y yo, bien agradecido. tan taaaan
lleve a mi sobrinito a ver a king kong y los dos nos la tripeamos bastante. un excelente remake. el elenco estuvo supercool. efectos deslumbrantes y creepy con cojones. otra para Peter Jackson, WETA y asociados.
Quiero ver Syriana. Badly.

Lectura requerida para todo aspirante a politico en este pais y un manual de de supervivencia del habitante promedio de Puerto Rico contra los politicos parasiticos. Kike Estrada rinde un excelente servicio publico con este libro. Apoyenlo
Tambien del mismo autor:

Y como Kike Estrada es sendo boricua bestial, pues porque no, lleveselos en un buen combo. El mejor combo que ha salido de Macondo USA desde Cortijo y Su Combo, El Gran Combo y los combos de pollo y papas de Fried Chicken Express (si si si Puerto Rico tuvo tambien su emporio de fast food alla en los ochenta. Demasiada trivia en mi cerebro).

Apoya al talento local y compralo Ahora. O te mato. No, no recibo comision de esto. Lo hago por amor al arte, vite!
Otra compra recomendada para estas navidades es el libro Balada Transgenica de Carmelo Ruiz Marrero. Para informacion de donde conseguirlo en Macondo, USA pasa por aqui y bajas hasta encontrar la informacion referente al libro.
Si si si. Hoy dizque nacio Jesus para los cristoides. No fue hoy, pero pues, la gente se lo cree todo. De cualquier manera por fin pode a ver a la Maruja y a Kitipri y eso. Y me alegra verlas, independientemente de las circunstancias.
Bueno, se supone que yo este durmiendo. Si si si.
En serio, le prometi al sobrino ir al cine a ver a King Kong. Si. King Kong.
Feliz Navidad, Happy Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Saturnalia o Feliz Dia de Abrir Los Regalos y Descubir Que NO Recibiste Lo Que Tanto Deseabas.
O algo.
Srta Lightshadow - La extran~o en cantidades industriales. Solo queria decir eso. Ella definitivamente fue lo mejor que trajo el 2005.
The Turnpike Prank: Avoiding Tolls On The Massachusetts Turnpike
Que tripeo. Hmmm. Alguien se ofrece para hacer este experimento con los peajes de Macondo, USA? Anyone? Anyone?
El Diablo, Renny Harlin, Vampiros Rusos, Jiendas Del Demonio, Un Encojonamiento, Siempre Cae Un Pendejo y Otras Barbaridades del Tropico

Bueno empezemos que despues de un tiempito que no me decidia por verla, pues anoche pude ver y sentarme con calma a ver "Dominion: A Prequel To The Exorcist" de Paul Schrader. Vamos a darles un poquito de background para ponerlos al dia. Esta NO ES la precuela de El Exorcista que dieron en los teatros hace un tiempito conocida por su genial titulo de "Exorcist: The Beginning" y que dirigio Renny Harlin.
Primero que nada, Paul Schrader si no me equivoco fue el libretista de "Taxi Driver" y director de "Light Sleeper" entre otras peliculas, que pueden chequear si les sale del forro en el videoclub de su preferencia. La cuestion es que "Dominion" fue la pelicula que originalmente iba a salir como la precuela de la serie del Exorcista, y despues que los ejecutivos y las audiencias de prueba la vieron, no le dieron luz verde al proyecto . Quizas los mogules de Hollywood en su infinita "sabiduria", pensaron que una pelicula de horror sicologico como lo es "Dominion" no atraeria a mucha audiencia. Asi que pues mantuvieron elementos y actores del libreto de "Dominion" cambiaron algunos personajes, an~adieron varias mierdas en CGI y botaron a Paul Schrader como paper cagao del proyecto, filmaron otra pelicula y contrataron a Renny Harlin (Die Hard 2, The Long Kiss Goodnight, Mind Hunters, entre otras cosas) para dirigir esto. El resultado? Exorcist: The Beginning. Gracias y buenas tardes.
El tripeo es que la pelicula de Paul Schrader la engavetaron. Y esto es normal en la industria, pero como cuando tienes limones hay que hacer limonada y Hollywood necesita sacarle plata a lo que sea, pues primeramente querian incluir a "Dominion" junto a "Exorcist: The Beginnning" cuando sacaron el DVD de la segunda. Pero puej, a la gente no le gusto mucho lo que Harlin hizo con esto, asi que Dominion de nuevo, queda engavetada.
Pero puej, esto siendo Hollywood, de alguna manera Schrader logro que el estudio dejara que sacara a "Dominion" para exhibirla en algunos festivales en Euroooooooopaaaaaaa (si, hay que decirlo asi tu sabes) y parece que su tratamiento del tema no era nada malo. Asi es que antes de que algun pirata emprendedor la sacara por ahi y la subiera por algun torrente (PFFFT! me imagino que lo hicieron como quiera. Estos piratas son la changa!), pues en su infinita sabiduria y desesperacion por hacer dinero, Hollywood envio a "Dominion" al purgatorio conocido como DIRECT TO VIDEO o mejor dicho DIRECT TO DVD a ver que pasaba.
No tengo los recibos de venta de "Dominion" ni me interesa saberlos. Lo que si me interesaba era ver la version original de lo que iba a ser la precuela de una de las peliculas que a estas alturas no me deja dormir. Si, William Friedkin se paso con "El Exorcista" y la version extendida jode mas aun. Cabron. Hijoeputa. Lo que son "El Exorcista", "The French Connection" y "To Live and Die in L.A.", UF!
Personalmente tanto la primera como la tercera de El Exorcista la hacen bien duro. La segunda esta ok porque es mas sicologico. Exorcist: The Beginning se pudo haber trabajado mejor. Renny Harlin esta OK para peliculas de accion, explosiones y por un momento tuvo de actriz/amante a Geena Davis (te ENVIDIO Cabron!) pero tu sabes en el factor horror/terror como que le falta.
Asi que despues de todo este brote de background, me siento a ver la pelicula. Como dije, ambas peliculas tienen temas y personajes similares. Stellan Skarsgard hace un buen papel en ambas peliculas. Ahora creo que Dominion es mucho mejor que Exorcist The Beginning porque Schrader juega mucho con el horror no solo sicologico, sino que le provee una buena atmosfera a ese primer encuentro entre Pazuzu y el Padre Merrin. Si Schrader hubiera contado el re-write que le dieron a Harlin pero manteniendo lo que hizo en Dominion, la pelicula hubiera sido muy muy buena.
Vean las dos back to back y lleguen a sus propias conclusiones. La jugada les puede salir en $3 si se las juegan frias en su videoclub favorito.
Ok y hablando de Renny Harlin.....vayamos a.......

Mind Hunters. No sabia que Harlin la habia dirigido hasta ver los creditos. Me fije mas en que tenian a Johnny Lee Miller (Trainspotting), Val Kilmer y a Christian Slater junto a LL Cool J, Clifton Collins, Jr. (Traffic) junto a Kathryn Morris y Patricia Velasquez (un buen clon de Roselyn Sanchez. Se va!). Anyway, la pelicula a pesar de que tiene unos buenos goofs (chequeense su listado en imdb.com), se deja ver. Basicamente 7 aspirantes a profilers (la gente que hacen perfiles de asesinos en serie del FBI) van a una isla para un ejercicio de entrenamiento y descubren que hay un asesino entre ellos cuando los va matando poco a poco. La pelicula tripeo y el asesino, en el espiritu de Jigsaw en Saw, no los mata directamente. En verdad que esta y The Long Kiss Goodnight son las mejores de Harlin. Si amiguitos porque no todo el cine tiene que ser un statementa artistico y eso.
No se pero lo mas risible es que la pelicula la filmaron en Los Paises Bajos. The irony of it all.
Bueno y de los paises bajos vamos a.......

Nochnoi Dozor - Nightwatch
Es una pena que a esta cinta la dejaron solo por dos semanas. Pero que cara'. Una cinta rusa de horrorpunk en los cines de Macondo. Mucho duro. Y despues como el tipico puertorriquen~o es asi medio brutoide. Bueno, la reaccion seria como una morona que trabaja conmigo y la vio: 'NO ENTIENDO!' Ay mija! Bueno, si la tipa ni siquiera sabe prender una computadora, pero puej.
De cualquier manera, esta pelicula supone un mundo en donde existen dos facciones de personas y criaturas sobrenaturales que coexisten en una tregua muy fragil en la Rusia de hoy en dia. Como toda buena fantasia, la llegada de un ser escogido alteraria el balance de todo y ambas facciones estan desesperadamente detras de el. La peli esta repleta de efectos especiales y los personajes no estan del todo mal. Me gusto la manera en que la cosa llego al final de la pelicula. Es la primera de una trilogia y me gustaria ver las otras dos. Pero dudo que la traigan aca. A esperarla en video o algo.
Me encojona que la hubieran quitado rapido porque queria llevar a mi cun~ada a verla.
Ok back to reality kids....
Anoche me perdi un show bien bueno en Rumba y ver a mi amiga la Maruja Posmoderna que esta de vacaciones por aca. Resulta que ayer fue la fiesta de navidad de mi trabajo. No, no hubo intercambio de regalos (score 1 for Popu The Grinch), pero habia musica y comida en cantidades industriales. Yo no comparti alli porque a pesar de que hay un monton de gente en el trabajo que me cae bien, que quiero y aprecio mucho y que me gusta mucho mi trabajo, prefiero mantener mi vida social completamente separada de mi trabajo.
Eso no significa que si me encuentro a mi gente preferida del trabajo en algun lugar y nos damos un trago o algo, puej no hay problema. Pero en verdad nunca he sido fanatico de las funciones sociales en los lugares donde trabajo. And I hate crowds. Really. Anyway, siempre en esas funciones alguien siempre trae alcohol de contrabando y eso. Eso siempre pasa, quieranlo o no. Normalmente a mi me importa un bledo tu sabes porque no me gustan las funciones sociales en el trabajo y mucho menos beber en ellas.
Pero cuando eso afecta el trabajo de uno me encojona. Mas me encojona cuando la persona continua bebiendo y se convierte en un problema para hacer el trabajo del dia. Y mas me encojona cuando la persona es uno de tus mejores amigos. Me jode. Me jode mas cuando esta tan jodio y quiere seguir bebiendo. Y ahi yo no transo. Le compre comida pa que bajara la nota y nada. Estaba a nivel de que si no bebia, no trabajaba. "Tu problema" - le dije. Y me fui a continuar con mi trabajo. El tipo estaba tan borracho y despues pidiendo perdon repetidamente despues de hacer la pachotada. Digo el tipo es mi hermano y todo, pero carajo. Yo por lo menos pude contener mi encojonamiento porque en verdad me preocupaba lo mal que estaba. Lo peor de todo es que el cabron no recuerda nada de las barbaridades que dijo horas antes.
Anyway, gracias a Eze pudimos llevar al hombre y su auto a su casa. Pero estaba cansado fisica y emocionalmente. Drenado. Exhausto. Llame a Villegas a ver si Maruja y Kitipri estaban por ahi. No me dijo nada asi que Eze me dio pon a casa. Llame al celular de Kitipri y me disculpe con ellas. Me acoste bien encojonao mano. Sorry, el es como mi hermano, pero si hay algo que odio es la gente que no controla su caracter cuando estan bebiendo o metiendose algo al sistema. Me jode.
Bueno, se supone que se hubiera reportado a trabajar y no fue hoy. Well, shit happens. Y aqui va la moraleja de la historia: si vas a beber o endrogarte, pun~eta hazlo con moderacion. Si no puedes hacerlo, no lo hagas. Al menos no en mi presencia. Porque me encojono. Asi es la cosa.
Ah y para terminar alguien me conto algo. Siempre hay alguien que cae de pendejo y mas por su avaricia. Lo que mas me hace reir es que el tipo es todo un empresario pero no tiene la man~a ni el conocimiento que le evitaria enredarse en la gran ola de mierda que le va a caer cuando la cosa explote. Mientras tanto al otro lado del oceano habran unos nigerianos que estaran muertos y meados de la risa y empezando a desplumar a la mas reciente presa de su treta. Me daria pena y todo, pero con lo cabron que este tipo es, se lo merece. Prueba fehaciente de que siempre cae un pendejo.
Y hablando de pendejos. Un comite interagencial nombrado por Chimp Boy tiro un informe para recomendar un plebiscito. Un informe que tardo un fracatan de tiempo, me imagino que gastaron una friolera de chavos para producir un informe de 10 paginas que dice lo que todos sabemos de la colonia macondiana. Wow. Otro plebiscito mas. Otra perdida de tiempo. Otra excusa barata para distraer al publico de la gran ola de mierda que nos arropa. Pero puej, como el puertorriquen~o es tan fucking pendejo y cae de cualquier cosa.....
Ah! Feliz Navidad. Si si si. Matense en los malls comprando sus regalos de ultima hora. O algo.
MORE CHRISTMAS CHEER GODDAMNIT! - NME.COM - News - Gorillaz to make Queen's speech

Ok para que entiendan el tripeo y eso. Cada an~o en Inglaterra la reina envia un mensaje de navidad al pueblo britanico al igual que Chimp Boy hara uno de Casa Blanca y Walbert hara el suyo de La Fortaleza.
Lo particular de Inglaterra es que todos los an~os alguien viene y por joder compra espacio en la tele o en los medios y se tira un discursito durante o despues del mensaje de Su Majestad como una antitesis al protocolo oficial. En an~os pasados fue Sharon Osborne, but nevermind her, tu saes creo que el de este an~o con Murdock es de lo mas aquel.
And without further ado.....ah y gracias a las nuevas visitas. Pueden comentar y eso malvados. Si se portan bien les doy chocolate, galletitas Export Sodas y si se portan bien, par de Schaefer. Si, porque las Schaefer son para las visitas. Because I love you. I really do. Y si a estas alturas de sus vidas no han escuchado a Gorillaz, que rayos esperan? AH?
NME.COM - News - Gorillaz to make Queen's speech: "Gorillaz to make Queen's speech
The band will deliver their own festive message
Gorillaz are set to deliver their own Queen's speech on Christmas Day (December 25).
The animated band's bass player, Murdoc, will give his own spin to the festive tradition direct to mobile phones.
Voiced by Damon Albarn, Murdoc is due to say that the future is 'a wonderful place full of exciting possibilities'.
'We've all had so many ups and down over the last year with toxic vapour clouds, earthquakes, face transplants, floods in Glastonbury and the end of the old Routemaster buses,' he will say, adding: 'But it's not all good news.'
'On the bad side, we've had new music from James Blunt - who needs valium? - Westlife, and more films from Harry Potter. So it really does look like we're just one step closer to the apocalypse, eh?'
Rounding off, Murdoc will add: 'So have a very Merry Christmas and remember...Hail Satan!'
The speech will be available to download free on the mobile network 3 from Christmas morning (December 25) until December 31. To access it, users will have to click the Planet 3 button on their handset and then click on the Gorillaz icon on 'Today on 3'.
The Gorillaz' official website www.gorillaz.com will be hosting the speech from January 1.
Have some fucking christmas cheer, goddamnit!
A que no usan a Calle 13? AH? AH? AH? Apunten Otra Pa'l Army PSYOPS!

Eminem 'used for torture'
Rapper's music centre of human rights claims
Eminem's music has allegedly been used by the US to torture detainees.
The Human Rights Watch (HRW) have claimed that America operated a secret prison near Afghanistan last year and say that music by the rapper and Dr. Dre was used to make inmates suffer.
According to Sky News, the group quote a prisoner who alleges that he was forced to listen to their music for 20 days whilst being kept in a pitch-black prison.
He then said the rap was replaced by "horrible ghost laughter and Halloween sounds."
The HRW's report also says that detainees were deprived of sleep, kept in the darkness for days and chained to walls in the so-called Dark Prison.
The US denies torturing suspects and the CIA have not commented. The HRW have now called for an enquiry.
PJ Harvey - Good Fortune
Of the top of
A tall building
I'd rather have done it with you
Your boy's smile
Five in the morning
Looked into your eyes
And I was really in love
In Chinatown
Hung over
You showed me
Just what I could do
Talking about
Time travel
And the meaning
Just what it was worth
And I feel like
Some bird of paradise
My bad fortune slipping away
And I feel the
Innocence of a child
Everybody's got something good to say
Things I once thought
In my life
Have all taken place
When we walked through
Little Italy
I saw my reflection
Come right of your face
I paint pictures
To remember
You're too beautiful
To put into words
Like a gypsy
You dance in circles
All around me
And all over the world
And I feel like
Some bird of paradise
My bad fortune slipping away
And I feel the
Innocence of a child
Everybody's got something good to say
So I take my
Good fortune
And I fantasize
Of our leaving
Like some modern-day
Gypsy landslide
Like some modern day
Bonnie and Clyde
On the run again
On the run again
Es uno de esos dias en que a pesar de que afuera esta lluvioso, por dentro estoy mas feliz que una lombriz. Solo faltas tu.
JajajajajajajajJA!!!!!!!!!!! cortesia de bigolemess.com

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUFFFFFFFFFFF! Digo lo de Quentin era obvio pero la info extra de Mr. Costa mas el plot twist de Kit les quedo chevere. Tambien el subplot de Matt quedo nitido. Pero esos ultimos 15 minutos fueron muy rusheados en mi opinion. Oh well. Pero puej...that's TV for you.
Ahora.......yo no estaria taaaaaaaaaaaaaan tranquilo celebrando con mi familia cuando se que los responsables de El Carver estan sueltos por ahi. Oh well.....
PD - Los que no querian spoilers se jodieron. Quien les manda a estar atras? :D
es uno de esos dias
hoy, como diria mi amiga liz, me siento mas humano. no se. quizas es el aburrimiento general que este periodo crea. pero puej. aniguei solo queria desahogarme por un ratito.
mi amiga la maruja posmoderna acaba de aterrizar a macondo, usa. ay santo!
espero poder tirarme una escapadita el 23 a ver a mi noviecita dinda y preciosa.
y bueno, ahi se los dijo. man~ana les traere mi reaccion al descubrimiento de la identidad del carver y otras estupideces.
ah! este an~o no hubo intercambio de regalos en mi trabajo. tal parece que mi gestion causo repercusiones. bwahahaahah! o algo.
the good news is.......
2)......that I won't be signing a contract at work every six months. 'Tis a yearly thingie.
3)I got an Ibook! I got an Ibook! :p
Well and now back to Monday's usual crap starring:
1. A section that was scheduled for tomorrow won't air because the person responsible for it went on vacation.
2. El Centro closes at 2 p.m. due to the Xmas recess so I have to go early if I want to buy lunch
3. The useless piece of human flesh that passes as the station's engineer wanted to set up one of my co-worker's computers and he can't because OSI is having their xmas party and they won't be available until Wendesday.
4. I need to get some certifications if I want to get a permanent position here. Fucking bureaucrats, pero puej I gotta get this done.
5. I so don't want to be here. Still.
Ok laters.
Apple Power Mac G5 Quad
The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux. (Official site of the table)
Dungeons & Dragons? Online: Stormreach > Home Page
What Kind Of Weapon Are you? My Yearbook - You've got friends
What Kind Of Weapon Are you?

You're the gun! Quite traditional actually. You've been used to kill more human beings throughout time than any other weapon. What an honor for a weapon. Truly an honor. You're loved by militaries, hunters, police, the mafia and psychos everywhere! You're the universal weapon. You can be used for assassinations, threats, war, hunting, brutal murder and torture! You're stylish, people use you constantly in high-priced movies such as The Matrix, Equilibrium, The Pretender, etc. etc. You're bad. Very, very bad. But attractive, no doubt.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Me Jode y Me Tripea PLOP!
Nada. Por joder reactive mi buscador de trabajos en el area de
Nashville. Y los salarios estan bien atractivos. Damn! Anyway, ahora
tengo otras prioridades y eso. Pero no deja de joder. Tambien en Savannah, GA estan interesantes.
Hoy me tire una mezcla para la presentacion de hoy y el segmento de las 11 de FA. Fue bueno preparar ambas cosas. Y otra excusa para encerrarme a jugar con Audition.
Anyway, el guiso de hoy fue short and sweet. Habia que empezar temprano y llegue a la hora indicada para el soundcheck pero Icaro Azul estaba en el suyo, asi que a esperar con una hambre cabrona. Me dijeron que empezara un poco mas tarde e hice lo mio y chachacha. Anyway, 8 canciones se fueron en un poco mas de media hora. Me jampee una pizza personal mal hecha y un refresco pero pues, resolvi. Hice el set y bueno estaba medio incomodo con el dia tan largo que tuve hoy, asi que me fui pal carajo. Bueno, como en todo buen guiso uno pierde dinero en la comida y el taxi pero que se joda. No podia estar mas alli.
Maria y Vero originalmente iban para el show pero Vero tenia un compromiso familiar y Maria tenia el shower de una amiga y el dia se le complico. Oh well, eso pasa.
Nada. Pa'lante. Por lo menos tuve break de relajar con Alpha, Gardy, Macoyo y eso.
Si. Y todavia estoy despierto viendo a Springer, jajajajaj. JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!
Oh and by the way, wanderlustmedia.org esta arriba. Enyoyen.
PD - La mezcla del show de hoy la grabe para la posteridad. Quizas me tire la mision de tirarlo a un CD para venderlo a Subterranea en Den Caya o algo. RAWK! O algo.
PPD - Si Rafi es Napoleon Dynamite y Nuria es la jeva, Gardy encontro a Pedro. Joselyn ex La Mancha! Que mal! BTW, Nuria viene para Macondo USA el 20 de Diciembre. W00t! Quiero ver Night Watch y Aeon Flux. A ver si llevo a Irina a ver Night Watch
things done. things to do.
Lightshadow is very happy with her Ipod. Gotta get her an FM transmitter. Also some plans to get her a proper laptop for her.
I haven't seen Viv in ages. Wanted to go to Mayaguez this Sunday, but LS works on Sunday. Damn.
Gig tomorrow. Have a vague idea on a set. Have to be there at 7 p.m. No new pieces unfortunately, Garageband sounds great, and the ideas sound great, but none are up to my satisfaction.
FA show tomorrow. Have a vague idea on a set. Probably will have to do the mixdown and all by my bad self. No biggie.
Finally figured out the firewall and the international keyboard protocols for the Mac.
Glad to see Serge being a gadget geek. Glad to see Eze visit The City of Light, even if it was for business. Glad to see Codeina working hard to fulfill her ambition. Glad to be with a very understanding, kind, loving woman who makes me very happy just because she is being herself. Take a bow, Lightshadow.
Missing Viv's crazy self. Missing Stiv. Missing Vero and our conversations while having klakbelgels y mantekado. Anyway, it's all good.
Got my patron a nice little deal for his website. Once everything is A-OK, I'll move his site there. Might as well buy a url I want to get, since they've got a good price for three years.
Ok. I'm happy. There, I said it. Happy, Ok? Now fuck off!
FindLaw's Writ -- Hilden: Could Tom Cruise Sue "South Park" For Suggesting He is Gay? And Even If He Could, Should He?
The Cardinal Inquirer - Talking with The Woz
Rejoice my little Apple Acolytes, The Woz is interviewed. Actually, it's a good read.
Gene variant may depress IQ of males | www.azstarnet.com ?
In short, scientists in North Carolina discover scientific evidence that justify stupidity among males. Here's to you, Homer Simpson!
Entertainment: Industry Article | Reuters.com
By Derek Caney
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The radio industry could find itself at the kids' table in the media banquet hall, as new technology threatens the business, advertising executives said this week at the Reuters Media and Advertising Summit.
Satellite radio, digital music players and the Internet are slowly encroaching on traditional radio's stronghold on local entertainment and advertising. Plus, radio ads themselves are less memorable and creative, these executives said.
"Radio is at the center of a perfect storm of technological threats," said David Verklin, chief executive of media buying agency Carat Americas. "It has to reinvent itself."
He noted that Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod and other music players like it have given listeners the ability to listen to what they want when they want.
Satellite radio services such as XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. and Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. are offering more channels, many commercial free, for a monthly subscription.
Finally, the third threat he saw was over-commercialization. "To some listeners, radio is a little bit of content in a sea of ads."
Radio revenue growth has been slowing since 2003, according to the Radio Advertising Bureau. Prior to 2001, the industry logged four consecutive years of double-digit revenue growth.
To address these concerns, Clear Channel Communications Inc., the top U.S. radio company, said last month that 95 percent of its 1,200 stations would be upgraded to digital by 2007. If successful, the company could offer free programing rivaling that of the satellite radio industry.
"Why would you pay for something you get for free?" asked John Hogan, CEO of Clear Channel's radio business, echoing a mantra throughout the radio industry.
Television executives said similar things in the 1970s, when cable TV was a fledgling business. Cable and satellite TV services now serve about 81 percent of U.S. homes.
And satellite radio is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on programing exclusive to its medium, the biggest chunk of which is Sirius' five-year $500 million package to lure shock jock Howard Stern away from Viacom Inc.'s Infinity radio unit.
"There is a genuine question whether people are going to want to pay $12 a month for (Howard Stern)," said Les Moonves, co-chief operating officer of Viacom.
One of the key problems radio faces, ad executives said, is the dearth of creative commercials. "Radio is seen as the poorest cousin of all the creative canvases," said David Droga, outgoing chief creative officer of Publicis Groupe's Publicis Worldwide, who is building his own creative shop.
"But to me, radio is a fantastic canvas," Droga said. "It's theater of the mind." Still, he said good radio ads are "few and far between."
Clear Channel, for its part, is betting that by cutting advertising on its stations, it will increase its listenership and raise the value of the remaining ad inventory.
The strategy, which Clear Channel dubs "less is more," drove radio revenue down for the last three consecutive quarters, but Hogan remains positive.
"We think the early returns are extraordinarily promising," he said. "We knew there would be a financial cost to this."
Indeed, while Clear Channel's shares have fallen 1.4 percent in the last year, it has outperformed the S&P Media Index, which has fallen 11 percent.
But even as it shores up its own business model, Internet firms such as Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc. are striking at the radio industry's lifeblood -- local advertising -- by offering services like restaurant recommendations, movie times and other features.
"There's over $100 billion of local advertising dollars that are spent on newspapers, radio, television stations, and yellow pages," said David Sanderson, head of consulting firm Bain & Co.'s media practice. "Where will those dollars migrate in the future?"
One possible destination is Clear Channel, which this year hired an AOL executive to craft an online strategy.
Sanderson added, "These business models will go through dramatic change in 10 years."
Fender >>> Hello Kitty and Badz Maru GUITARS!
Yes. Fender has made a Hello Kitty and Badz Maru guitars and basses. In pink and black! Ok I can hear the squeals of delight already!
Buy, Play, Trade, Repeat - New York Times
Op-Ed Contributor
Buy, Play, Trade, Repeat
Los Angeles
THE record company Sony BMG recently got in trouble after attempting to stem piracy by encoding its CD's with software meant to limit how many copies can be made of the discs. It turned out that the copy-protection software exposed consumers' computers to Internet viruses, forcing Sony BMG to recall the CD's.
This technological disaster aside, though, Sony BMG and the other major labels need to face reality: copy-protection software is bad for everyone, consumers, musicians and labels alike. It's much better to have copies of albums on lots of iPods, even if only half of them have been paid for, than to have a few CD's sitting on a shelf and not being played.
The Sony BMG debacle revealed the privacy issues and security risks tied to the spyware that many copy-protection programs install on users' computers. But even if these problems are solved, copy protection is guaranteed to fail because it's a house of cards. No matter how sophisticated the software, it takes only one person to break it, once, and the music is free to roam and multiply on the peer-to-peer file-trading networks.
Meanwhile, music lovers get pushed away. Tech-savvy fans won't go to the trouble of buying a strings-attached record when they can get a better version free. Less Net-knowledgeable fans (those who don't know the simple tricks to get around the copy-protection software or don't use peer-to-peer networks) are punished by discs that often won't load onto their MP3 players (the copy-protection programs are incompatible with Apple's iPods, for example) and sometimes won't even play in their computers.
Conscientious fans, who buy music legally because it's the right thing to do, just get insulted. They've made the choice not to steal their music, and the labels thank them by giving them an inferior product hampered by software that's at best a nuisance, and at worst a security threat.
As for musicians, we are left to wonder how many more people could be listening to our music if it weren't such a hassle, and how many more iPods might have our albums on them if our labels hadn't sabotaged our releases with cumbersome software.
The truth is that the more a record gets listened to, the more successful it is. This is not just our megalomania, it's Marketing 101: the more times a song gets played, the more of a chance it has to catch the ear of someone new. It doesn't do us much good if people buy our records and promptly shelve them; we need them to fall in love with our songs and listen to them over and over. A record that you can't transfer to your iPod is a record you're less likely to listen to, less likely to get obsessed with and less likely to tell your friends about.
Luckily, my band's recently released album, "Oh No," escaped copy control, but only narrowly. When our album came out, our label's parent company, EMI, was testing protective software and thought we were a good candidate for it. Record company executives reasoned that because we appeal to college students who have the high-bandwidth connections necessary for getting access to peer-to-peer networks, we're the kind of band that gets traded instead of bought.
That may be true, but we are also the sort of band that hasn't yet gotten the full attention of MTV and major commercial radio stations, so those college students are our only window onto the world. They are our best chance for success, and we desperately need them to be listening to us, talking about us, coming to our shows and yes, trading us.
To be clear, I certainly don't encourage people to pirate our music. I have poured my life into my band, and after two major label records, our accountants can tell you that we're not real rock stars yet. But before a million people can buy our record, a million people have to hear our music and like it enough to go looking for it. That won't happen without a lot of people playing us for their friends, which, in turn, won't happen without a fair amount of file sharing.
As it happened, for a variety of reasons, our label didn't put copy-protection software on our album. What a shame, though, that so many bands aren't as fortunate.
Damian Kulash Jr. is the lead singer for OK Go.
The Ultimate Switch That Would Work (Talk)
Nice idea. If you can get Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to actually work on it, which might be when hell freezes over. O algo.
Apple’s Got a New Foe in Town: The Penguin (News)
Ajajajjaaj. Looks like St. Steve Jobs has a serious fear of the Almighty Linux! What a bufoon!
Square Wheels, Part Deux
Square Wheel Car Propels Itself by Shifting Weight - Possible MEMS Locomotion | |
A new method of locomotion has recently been invented that may prove useful in many scales of operation. While the title suggests a very narrow topic, there are in fact many interesting variations that arose during the development of this patent pending device. The application of which include robots, micro machines, novelty toys, and others. Troy, N.Y. (PRWEB) December 2, 2005 -- A new method of locomotion has recently been invented that may prove useful in many scales of operation. While the title suggests a very narrow topic, there are in fact many interesting variations that arose during the development of this patent pending device. The application of which include robots, micro machines, novelty toys, and others. |
technorati tags: science, robotics, weird stuff
Square Wheels, Part 1
Before starting our long working week, let's relax with this story of a bicycle with square wheels. No, it's not a joke. And it even rides smoothly. But there is a trick: the road must have a specific shape. The Math Trek section of Science News Online tells us more about this strange bicycle -- actually a tricycle with front wheel and two back wheels.
Stan Wagon, a mathematician at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn., has a bicycle with square wheels. It's a weird contraption, but he can ride it perfectly smoothly. His secret is the shape of the road over which the wheels roll.
Here is Stan Wagon riding his tricycle (Credit: Stan Wagon).
A square wheel can roll smoothly, keeping the axle moving in a straight line and at a constant velocity, if it travels over evenly spaced bumps of just the right shape. This special shape is called an inverted catenary.
A catenary is the curve describing a rope or chain hanging loosely between two supports. At first glance, it looks like a parabola. In fact, it corresponds to the graph of a function called the hyperbolic cosine. Turning the curve upside down gives you an inverted catenary -- just like each bump of Wagon's road.
In fact, the idea is not new, and Wagon picked it after seeing an exhibit about square wheels at the Exploratorium in San Francisco. But Wagon went further by exploring the relationship between all kinds of wheels and road shapes.
Just as a square rides smoothly across a roadbed of linked inverted catenaries, other regular polygons, including pentagons and hexagons, also ride smoothly over curves made up of appropriately selected pieces of inverted catenaries. As the number of a polygon's sides increases, these catenary segments get shorter and flatter. Ultimately, for an infinite number of sides (in effect, a circle), the curve becomes a straight, horizontal line.
Here is the conclusion of the article.
So far, no one has found a road-and wheel combination in which the road has the same shape as the wheel. That's an intriguing challenge for mathematicians.
So why don't you try to solve this math puzzle?
Source: Ivars Peterson, Science News Online, Week of April 3, 2004
technorati tags: science, mathemathics, weird stuff
New Mammal Discovered in Borneo
Last Updated: Tuesday, 6 December 2005, 01:21 GMT![]() ![]() |
'New mammal' seen in Borneo woods | ||||
WWF caught two images of the animal, which is bigger than a domestic cat, dark red, and has a long muscular tail. Local people, the WWF says, had not seen the species before, and researchers say it looks to be new. The WWF says there is an urgent need to conserve forests in south-east Asia which are under pressure from logging and the palm oil trade. The creature, believed to be carnivorous, was spotted in the Kayan Mentarang National Park, which lies in Indonesian territory on Borneo. The team which discovered it, led by biologist Stephan Wulffraat, is publishing full details in a new book on Borneo and its wildlife. "You don't find new mammals that often, and to do so must be extraordinary," said Callum Rankine, head of the species programme at WWF-UK. "We've got camera traps there, which are passive devices relying on infra-red beams across forest paths," he told the BBC News website. "Lots of animals come past - it's much easier than pushing through the forest itself - and when an animal cuts the beam, two cameras catch images from the front and back." Not a lemur
"The photos look most like a lemur," he told the BBC News website. "But there certainly shouldn't be lemurs in Borneo." These long-tailed primates are confined to the island of Madagascar. "It's more likely to be a viverrid - that's the family which includes the mongoose and civets - which is a very poorly known group," Dr Isaac said. "One of the photos clearly shows the length of the tail and how muscley it is; civets use their tails to balance in trees, so this new animal may spend chunks of its time up trees too." That could be one reason why it has not been spotted before. Another could be that access to the heart of Borneo is becoming easier as population centres expand and roads are built. The WWF says this is the heart of the issue. It accuses the governments of Indonesia and Malaysia, which each own parts of Borneo, of encouraging the loss of native jungle by allowing the development of giant palm oil plantations. Last week Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud, chief minister of Sarawak, the larger Malaysian state on Borneo, said that such claims are unfounded and part of a smear campaign. He told the BBC News website that palm oil plantations are mainly sited on land which had previously been cleared for cultivation or are in "secondary jungle". But the WWF says species like the new viverrid - if new viverrid it be - are threatened by such development. It is concerned that other as yet unknown creatures may go extinct before their existence can be documented. The group is planning to capture the new species in a live trap so it can be properly studied and described. |
I will try to keep this short and sweet
Sunday I stayed at home. Worked on some stuff, then saw Millions. Danny Boyle is brilliant and the film is beautiful. Especiallly Alex Etel's acting. The whole movie is so good, the script (Frank Catrell Boyce who wrote 24 Hour Party People), the music, the camera work. The last five minutes made me cry so much. Mainly because the conversation at the end is word for word, the same things I want to say to someone from my past. Word for word, I shit you not. Anyway, I cried and thank God that Santini didn't send his trash trucks at 3 am so I got a decent sleep.
Anyway, did my thing at work, and today the job went pretty fast. My girlfriend sent me some info about Savannah, Georgia. So I guess NOLA's pretty much out of the question. Heh.
I'll go into some of the details later. I'm tired and I need some sleep.
Angry BellSouth Withdrew Donation, New Orleans Says
Another instance of corporate greed when things don't go their way. Bell South withdrew donation after NOLA's city officials announced to install free wi-fi in the city. A fucking shame, really.
Boing Boing: Hoodies with masks shipping soon
Atmospheric Vortex Engine
Read the letter that won the internet governance battle | The Register
Read the letter that won the internet governance battle | The Register
The US using strong-arm tactics? Never!
When murder hits the blogosphere - Tech News & Reviews - MSNBC.com
And now blogging is EEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIL. Christ!
The MySpace Generation
Think Secret - Road to Expo: Apple's new media experience coming soon
Nice article except for this:
In an effort to appease media companies wary of the security of digital rights management technology, Apple's new technology will deliver content such that it never actually resides on the user's hard drive. Content purchased will be automatically made available on a user's iDisk, which Front Row 2.0 will tap into. When the user wishes to play the content, robust caching technology Apple previously received a patent for will serve it to the users computer as fast as their Internet connection can handle. The system will also likely support downloading the video content to supported iPods but at no time will it ever actually be stored on a computer's hard drive.
So not only you have to probably pay for the bloody content, you don't fucking own it AND you have to pay Apple to keep it since the .mac membership ain't free baby. This is so fucking stupid. I mean, Apple acolytes everywhere criticize the Microsoft Way of doing things, but them Apple head honchos are acting the same way.
This doesn't sound good, but fear not, here's a caveat:
Some questions remain about the particulars of the system that sources have been unable to clarify, including how customers without a .Mac account will be handled and how Apple will market the system to laptop-toting road warriors. It also remains to be seen whether the iDisk tie-in will only apply to some content. Apple's current video offerings are downloaded directly to a computer's hard drive, for example. Additionally, it's unknown whether the content system will be marketed as a Mac mini-only feature, which is unlikely but possible if it is dependent upon technologies in that system, or whether it will be available to Mac and Windows users as a whole.
Anyway, this is mostly speculation, so don't take it as the gospel according to Steve Jobs. Let's wait till they actually make an announcement.
BTW, Garageband + free Audio Units + free VST's some extra free sounds and proggies I downloaded = sheer fucking heaven. I got some good ideas and I hope to have them for you in next week's gig.
Now off to work and to see my girlfriend.
yeah yeah popu has to freaking try it, does he?
Did the proper adjustments as outlined in the Kubuntu site. Did a pretty lovely dist-upgrade and voila!
Of course when I tried to follow the same steps to do it in Kanotix, it's a nice little clusterfuck, but they're having problems with apt-get dist-upgrade so i kept it pretty much to an upgrade for now.
It looks great. Very beautiful eye candy!
And Firefox 1.5 is out so two days ago, I installed it as well. Teehee!
Anyway, I'm still playing with ze Mac. Pretty much have it configured the way I want to. Bwahahahah!
Ok enough geekiness, I should sleep. O algo.
Hey them folks love me at Pulsorock. Even nominated me to their awards. Teehee!
Ok off I go.
PD - Thanks to Vero for sending me ze link. I'll download it and record it for posterity
PPD - I should start programming stuff for the gig on the 10th!
PPPD - Nip/Tuck, The Colbert Report, South Park and Drawn Together rawk! The Shield's new season starts in January 10th.
Thomas Hawk's Digital Connection: PriceRitePhoto: Abusive Bait and Switch Camera Store
BBC NEWS | Health | Woman has first face transplant
How to Become a Professional DJ - InternetDJ.com
Hey Loudo! Check this article out!
Also this session will come handy http://www.internetdj.com/topics.php
Slashdot | Just Say No to Microsoft
This and some books dealing with Mac OSX should be on my reading list this Christmas.
Cybercrime yields more cash than drugs: expert - Yahoo! News
Shit I bet those Nigerian 419ers are the envy of the average drug lord!
Orlando residents flipped out over cheap HP laptops - Engadget - www.engadget.com
Gotta love them residents of the lovely city of Whorelanduh!
best week ever!
2. A nice little 250GB firewire external hard drive courtesy of my girlfriend. She allowed me to get the Garageband Packs 1-3.
3. Finally got to see my girlfriend, gave her an Ipod, went to have an early dinner together. Finally spent some serious quality time together.
4. Longest weekend ever, but a good one.
meanwhile, check out the original page and check out the new version.
gobble gobble toil and trouble
Wired 13.07: God's Little Toys
Neuromancer graphic novel
This is a graphic novel based on William Gibson's Neuromancer done ages ago. Unfortunately only Volume 1 was made. It's out of print, so check this shit out homeboys.
happy thanksgiving! feliz dia de accion de gracias!
feliz diia de accion de gracias! demos gracias por lo que tenemos y tratemos de compartir con los que no las tienen.
en otras informaciones me sentee a leer los manuales de la ibook y descubri que una memoria que tenia de la averatec de 512MB que no estaba usando es compatible asi que raudo y veloz se la instale. asi que mi linda ibook tiene ahora un giga de RAM bwahahaahaah!
no se preocupen. la averatec tiene su lindo giga de RAM tambien. ninguna laptop fue herida durante la filmacion de este episodio. o algo.
mi novia esta de goo goo con mi ibook. que cosa cabrona!
in other news, i sat down to read the ibook's manuals (yeah i actually do that!) and found out that a spare 512MB RAM that i used for the averatec is compatible with it, so i upgraded the ibook's RAM to a whooping 1 GB bwahahaahahaahaahah!
don't worry, the averatec laptop has it's own 1 gig of RAM too. no laptops were harmed during the fiilming of this episode. or something.
my girlfriend is babytalking to my laptop. she's so unreal.