I will try to keep this short and sweet

Saturday I spent it at a work related seminar then I saw my girlfriend. It was nice to spend some quality time with her and she's happy with her Ipod. Oh and I'm avoiding malls like the proverbial plague this holidays. People are insane.

Sunday I stayed at home. Worked on some stuff, then saw Millions. Danny Boyle is brilliant and the film is beautiful. Especiallly Alex Etel's acting. The whole movie is so good, the script (Frank Catrell Boyce who wrote 24 Hour Party People), the music, the camera work. The last five minutes made me cry so much. Mainly because the conversation at the end is word for word, the same things I want to say to someone from my past. Word for word, I shit you not. Anyway, I cried and thank God that Santini didn't send his trash trucks at 3 am so I got a decent sleep.

Anyway, did my thing at work, and today the job went pretty fast. My girlfriend sent me some info about Savannah, Georgia. So I guess NOLA's pretty much out of the question. Heh.

I'll go into some of the details later. I'm tired and I need some sleep.
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