Boing Boing: Microsoft "Genuine Advantage" cracked in 24h: window.g_sDisableWGACheck='all'
Mannon Network :: View topic - RED BULL MIXER:ALEXI DELANO @ N-LOUNGE,H. NORMANDIE THIS FRI: "Very few times when an artist visits our island do we have the opportunity to sit down and talk with him about music, his approach to producing and his experiences as an international dj.
For this purpose Red Bull has again stepped up and given us the opportunity to share and communicate with one of the biggest dj/producers from Latin America:
This is the RED BULL MIXER: a FREE event for people who want to share and experience music at deeper, real level.
It will be held @ the N-Lounge in Normandy Hotel and will start @ 8 PM
Please come and join this intimate session with Alexi Delano and the local
music scene. Stay for the party afterwards: ALEXI DELANO, SANTOS, DJ JUANPE
For this purpose Red Bull has again stepped up and given us the opportunity to share and communicate with one of the biggest dj/producers from Latin America:
This is the RED BULL MIXER: a FREE event for people who want to share and experience music at deeper, real level.
It will be held @ the N-Lounge in Normandy Hotel and will start @ 8 PM
Please come and join this intimate session with Alexi Delano and the local
music scene. Stay for the party afterwards: ALEXI DELANO, SANTOS, DJ JUANPE
Siouxsie & The Banshees re-release entire album back catalogue - NME.COM
Siouxsie & The Banshees re-release entire album back catalogue - NME.COM GO CHUCHI! GO CHUCHI! ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!
Emociones Mezcladas en Una Batidora
Wow. Un dia clasico. La laptop muere y yo buscando resolver. A ver si el invento que hizo mi hermana resulta, sino plan b. Mi novia rulea, punto. Despues ir a Cafe Berlin a ver el documental "La Escena" y me trajo muchos recuerdos y un mal de risa cabron. Personalmente me hubiera gustado que hubieran incluido a mas gente que formo y forma parte de la pendejada, pero pues. De cualquier manera el documental la hizo.
The Jacket esta bastante buena. Adrien Brody se pasa otra vez, como lo hizo en The Pianist. El final en este caso trabaja porque en verdad que el personaje tuvo que pasar las de Cain para llegar a ese final.
Y pues salir con Vero y las Cabritas (se jodieron Vivi y Chichi) e Hiram fue algo bien fucking divertido. Hace tiempo que no compartia mucho con las nenas y me alegra que mi amistad con Vero sigue bien o mejor que nunca. Me alegro que ella esta saliendo y compartiendo porque a pesar de ser una nena malvada y perfida, ella se merece lo mejor.
Par de Heinis frente al Niuyorican y ver a la gente como se comporta siempre es entretenido.
Oh yes, despite all the complications you can dance to a rock n roll station and it was alright. Damn straight Mr. Reed!
Quiero hacer rawk ruidoso con Ariel, Carlitos y Vero.
Ariel el Punki (el hermano de Chino) tatuao, fornido y con una camisa de Judge. Si, El Demencial Niño Animal y Acelerado Que Ama Al Punk Vasco y A Los Ramones casi parecía un skinhead con esa t-shirt de Judge. QUE COSA CABRONA!
Anyway, SE SUPONE QUE ME ACUESTE A DORMIR, pero la conspiración de Rodolfo Font con el Servicio Postal me lo impide. Marrrditos!
The Jacket esta bastante buena. Adrien Brody se pasa otra vez, como lo hizo en The Pianist. El final en este caso trabaja porque en verdad que el personaje tuvo que pasar las de Cain para llegar a ese final.
Y pues salir con Vero y las Cabritas (se jodieron Vivi y Chichi) e Hiram fue algo bien fucking divertido. Hace tiempo que no compartia mucho con las nenas y me alegra que mi amistad con Vero sigue bien o mejor que nunca. Me alegro que ella esta saliendo y compartiendo porque a pesar de ser una nena malvada y perfida, ella se merece lo mejor.
Par de Heinis frente al Niuyorican y ver a la gente como se comporta siempre es entretenido.
Oh yes, despite all the complications you can dance to a rock n roll station and it was alright. Damn straight Mr. Reed!
Quiero hacer rawk ruidoso con Ariel, Carlitos y Vero.
Ariel el Punki (el hermano de Chino) tatuao, fornido y con una camisa de Judge. Si, El Demencial Niño Animal y Acelerado Que Ama Al Punk Vasco y A Los Ramones casi parecía un skinhead con esa t-shirt de Judge. QUE COSA CABRONA!
Anyway, SE SUPONE QUE ME ACUESTE A DORMIR, pero la conspiración de Rodolfo Font con el Servicio Postal me lo impide. Marrrditos!
christian bale is a scary brotha and a sadly underrated sci-fi flick
........yes, he was creepy and annoying as Patrick Bateman in "American Psycho", a very efficient killing machine in "Equilibrium", and very intense and effective in "Batman Returns" among other flicks, but Bale's role as Trevor Reznik in "The Machinist" is very FUCKING CREEPY. If you thought Robert De Niro's protrayal of Jake La Motta in "Raging Bull" was brutal not only because De Niro has some killer acting chops AND all that weight change was his, not due to make up or special effects, get ready for Bale in this film. Like we say back home "el hombre esta pasao". He went over and beyond the call of duty. Thin, skeletal, I don't know how this guy managed to pull it off. And so fucking scary. The movie's one big lovely suspense fest. The whole film was a treat and the cast was superb. You gotta rent this little gem. The Machinist. Go get it. Now.
Final Cut went unnoticed in the theatres. At least I didn't even saw it shown here, and it's a shame. It's a really cool flick sci-fi flick with a cool premise. I kinda like Robin Williams when he's not doing comedy. Insomnia, One Hour Photo and this flick could be my favorite Robin Williams non-acting, non-tear jerker trilogy. I bet if, say, Michael Bay directed it and had a billion explosions, car chases and if Mira Sorvino had shown some skin then it would have been one of those horrible summer blockbuster movies. *rolleyes* It would've been interesting to see if, say, Cronenberg or Richard Linklater got their hands on it.
Got the Post Office exam notification today. Next Thursday it is. Gotta study some more. Gotta ace that test so I can get a proper job.
Today I gotta go to Cafe Berlin in Old San Juan to see a friend's documentary about Puerto Rico's punk scene. Supposedly I'm on it. So, I'll see what the fuzz is all about.
Missing Lightshadow terribly. She's my happy thought. Anyway, it's almost 4 am. What the fuck am I doing awake, eh?
Final Cut went unnoticed in the theatres. At least I didn't even saw it shown here, and it's a shame. It's a really cool flick sci-fi flick with a cool premise. I kinda like Robin Williams when he's not doing comedy. Insomnia, One Hour Photo and this flick could be my favorite Robin Williams non-acting, non-tear jerker trilogy. I bet if, say, Michael Bay directed it and had a billion explosions, car chases and if Mira Sorvino had shown some skin then it would have been one of those horrible summer blockbuster movies. *rolleyes* It would've been interesting to see if, say, Cronenberg or Richard Linklater got their hands on it.
Got the Post Office exam notification today. Next Thursday it is. Gotta study some more. Gotta ace that test so I can get a proper job.
Today I gotta go to Cafe Berlin in Old San Juan to see a friend's documentary about Puerto Rico's punk scene. Supposedly I'm on it. So, I'll see what the fuzz is all about.
Missing Lightshadow terribly. She's my happy thought. Anyway, it's almost 4 am. What the fuck am I doing awake, eh?
several things on my mind
I severed some ties to the past. Namely my oldest email account. Those who know me awhile, know which one I'm talking about. Haven't been using it for ages, so its for the best. I've also been speaking a lot with my girlfriend. I guess too much empty time in my hands and well, that's what the phone's for. Anyway, not much to write about, so I'm outie.
How to make a morituri |
Ingredients: 5 parts mercy 1 part courage 5 parts beauty |
Method: Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little lustfulness if desired! |
Personality cocktail
Insane in the membrane
After a morning conversation involving the possibility of Manny Manuel doing the entire Jose Luis Rodriguez and Raphael catalogs, my girlfriend told me to get some rest. This fucking heat and lack of sleep is certainly getting to me. Anyway, here's another burst of random weirdness and a tribute to "Good Times"

Sony Agrees to $10M 'Payola' Settlement
Sony Agrees to $10M 'Payola' Settlement
Sure it's a slap in the wrist, but they got caught with their pants down. Now you know how a lot of crappy music gets pushed on the commercial radio stations.
Sure it's a slap in the wrist, but they got caught with their pants down. Now you know how a lot of crappy music gets pushed on the commercial radio stations.
Decisions decisions decisions

250GB, 7200RPM, External RJ-45 Network Hard Drive
Manufacturer: Iomega
Mfg Part #: 33088
Product Number: 329119
Behind door number one a 250 GB hard drive with an ethernet connection. Just hook it up to my dsl router and we're cooking with enough space of my current two external hard drives and another.

NetDisk 200GB, 7200RPM Ethernet & USB 2.0 Combo Hard Drive
Receive e-mail notification when this product becomes available for delivery
NetDisk 200GB, 7200RPM Ethernet & USB 2.0 Combo Hard Drive
Manufacturer: Ximeta Technology
Mfg Part #: NDU10-200
Product Number: 316176
Behind door number two for 50 bucks less and with 50 Gigs less to play with, I not only get a nice ethernet connection for my network but I also can hook it up via USB as well.
Decisions, decisions, decisions....and I need to get one of these two real soon.
I luuuuuuuuuuuuv Open Source
Meet Gnomad an open source alternative to manage my Creative Nomad Zen Xtra Jukebox. W00t!
Anything But iPod - MobiBLU DAH-1500 Review
Anything But iPod - MobiBLU DAH-1500 Review Interesting...........
Monday Afternoon At The Movies
Took my nephew to watch Fantastic Four. He had a blast at the movie and he behaved well within established parameters. Kids being full and lively beings full of questions and as long as he behaves, it's fine by me. It was long overdue and I'm willing to repeat the experience again. Also, it gives him an opportunity to get out of the house and some breathing room for his parents. I am considering asking them to see if we could go to El Museo del Nin~o in Old San Juan. Let's see what pans out.
Meanwhile, the fucking irresponsible dolts behind some radio stations are stirring the populace again with false rumours about another strike. And like lemmings, people go en masse to refill their tanks and trying to repeat the same shit that happened last week. My respect for my fellow countrymen is low to begin with, and it is sliding downward. Fucking idiots. This island deserves all the bad shit that is coming to it. Unfortunately, I can not move out of here.
Aside from that, listening to a lot of music and enjoying my solitude. Thank you so much.
Meanwhile, the fucking irresponsible dolts behind some radio stations are stirring the populace again with false rumours about another strike. And like lemmings, people go en masse to refill their tanks and trying to repeat the same shit that happened last week. My respect for my fellow countrymen is low to begin with, and it is sliding downward. Fucking idiots. This island deserves all the bad shit that is coming to it. Unfortunately, I can not move out of here.
Aside from that, listening to a lot of music and enjoying my solitude. Thank you so much.
Digital cameras, mobile phones and music players under Linux - A Simple Trick Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.: "Digital cameras, mobile phones and music players under Linux
These days, if you buy a digital camera, mobile phone or a digital music player, it is likely to come with a CD containing applications that make it easier for your new device to interact with a personal computer. Invariably, though, the software can only be installed on a system running a recent version of Microsoft Windows and, in case of a few broader-minded companies, on a Macintosh. But what about us, Linux users?
Luckily, we can still use many of these gadgets. That's because they often act as ordinary USB storage devices, which means that you can simply plug them into the USB port, then mount them to browse the directories, photo images, media files, etc. If you are using one of the recent distributions with hotplug and udev, this is a very simple process - first create a new directory, then mount the device like this:
mkdir /mnt/usb
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
Now you can browse the content of the mounted device in Konqueror, Nautilus or any other file manager you prefer.
Some distributions make things much easier. For example, the latest Linspire will detect a digital camera in your USB port and will automatically launch Lphoto, an application designed for managing digital photographs. Besides Lphoto, there are several other image viewers, including the GTK -based GQview (this is our favourite, with great zoom options and configurable slide shows) or the QT-based KView, among many other choices."
Courtesy of Ladislav Bonar and the kind folks at Distrowatch.
These days, if you buy a digital camera, mobile phone or a digital music player, it is likely to come with a CD containing applications that make it easier for your new device to interact with a personal computer. Invariably, though, the software can only be installed on a system running a recent version of Microsoft Windows and, in case of a few broader-minded companies, on a Macintosh. But what about us, Linux users?
Luckily, we can still use many of these gadgets. That's because they often act as ordinary USB storage devices, which means that you can simply plug them into the USB port, then mount them to browse the directories, photo images, media files, etc. If you are using one of the recent distributions with hotplug and udev, this is a very simple process - first create a new directory, then mount the device like this:
mkdir /mnt/usb
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
Now you can browse the content of the mounted device in Konqueror, Nautilus or any other file manager you prefer.
Some distributions make things much easier. For example, the latest Linspire will detect a digital camera in your USB port and will automatically launch Lphoto, an application designed for managing digital photographs. Besides Lphoto, there are several other image viewers, including the GTK -based GQview (this is our favourite, with great zoom options and configurable slide shows) or the QT-based KView, among many other choices."
Courtesy of Ladislav Bonar and the kind folks at Distrowatch.
vacation or how i learned to love the fact that i don't give a shit
Spent my Sunday with my girl dining and watching The Island. A really good time and a great way to spend the evening. Came home and some tosser torched a derelict car down the street, for that lovely ghetto feeling in the suburbs.
Anyway, called 911 got the fire department to take care of that thing. Went to my brother's house to play with the nephews for a little while. Taking the oldest to the movies tomorrow.
Downloading music this weekend. Need a new hard drive soon. Wendesday Memo is gonna show his documentary about the scene at Cafe Berlin. So i'll drop by and check it out. Netflix's movies are supposed to arrive tomorrow.
It's nice to spend time with friends, family and not giving a shit about the rest of the world.
I guess I'll stop by the station during the week to log in some hours but there are not much things to do. The work for next Monday can be taken care of Thursday and Friday.
Carlos Mencia is one mad boffin, but I like it. South Park re-run is on now and as usual, it's hysterical. The Special Olympics episode. Oh and Rescue Me's new season rocks.
Yeah I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuv my girlfriend. Missing you already babe.
Anyway, called 911 got the fire department to take care of that thing. Went to my brother's house to play with the nephews for a little while. Taking the oldest to the movies tomorrow.
Downloading music this weekend. Need a new hard drive soon. Wendesday Memo is gonna show his documentary about the scene at Cafe Berlin. So i'll drop by and check it out. Netflix's movies are supposed to arrive tomorrow.
It's nice to spend time with friends, family and not giving a shit about the rest of the world.
I guess I'll stop by the station during the week to log in some hours but there are not much things to do. The work for next Monday can be taken care of Thursday and Friday.
Carlos Mencia is one mad boffin, but I like it. South Park re-run is on now and as usual, it's hysterical. The Special Olympics episode. Oh and Rescue Me's new season rocks.
Yeah I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuv my girlfriend. Missing you already babe.
V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta
Even though Alan Moore basically disowns the movie version, the Wachowskis make some good visual candy. Hugo Weaving as V and Natalie Portman as Evey.....let's see what the final product looks liek on November the 5th.
I'll bet the movie will be more watered down due to the recent bombings in London and what not. A pity.
Even though Alan Moore basically disowns the movie version, the Wachowskis make some good visual candy. Hugo Weaving as V and Natalie Portman as Evey.....let's see what the final product looks liek on November the 5th.
I'll bet the movie will be more watered down due to the recent bombings in London and what not. A pity.
Microsoft and Mozilla
Microsoft and Mozilla Since IE7 is going to be for XP only, once again Microsoft's Folly is Firefox's gain.
Song of The Day: AND YOU WILL KNOW US BY THE TRAIL OF DEAD - Intelligence
Eyes obscured, by those bangs
Sun is shielded, by your shades
Kick it on the corner
Leather coat and safety pins
You got some ? news
And you smoke your ? cools
And it's 1977
You were rocking out of town
Will last night ring in your ears?
(With last night ringing in your ears)
Kids are hopped up now
They are ready to go
In this burned out, shell of a place
Eveyone, everybody, hustles around
They were looking for that faraway/fiery court
To make this troubled sound
You were rocking out of town
Will last night ring in your ears?
(With last night ringing in your ears)
Kids are hopped up now
They are ready to go
You said they'd hate you first
But now they're coming 'round
You said you were a curse
But now your look has changed."
I love this bloody song.
Eyes obscured, by those bangs
Sun is shielded, by your shades
Kick it on the corner
Leather coat and safety pins
You got some ? news
And you smoke your ? cools
And it's 1977
You were rocking out of town
Will last night ring in your ears?
(With last night ringing in your ears)
Kids are hopped up now
They are ready to go
In this burned out, shell of a place
Eveyone, everybody, hustles around
They were looking for that faraway/fiery court
To make this troubled sound
You were rocking out of town
Will last night ring in your ears?
(With last night ringing in your ears)
Kids are hopped up now
They are ready to go
You said they'd hate you first
But now they're coming 'round
You said you were a curse
But now your look has changed."
I love this bloody song.
Internet Archive: kupei musika
Internet Archive: kupei musika
Rafael Irisarri's netlabel. You go boy. Also check out
Rafael Irisarri's netlabel. You go boy. Also check out
Si si si ya que la tienda de Averatec esta cerrada hasta Julio 31..........Joder!
Debido al accidente que la gata de Kymill causo, se me jodio el power supply de la laptop. Voy a la tienda de Averatec para conseguir un reemplazo y la tienda de Averatec esta cerrada hasta el 31 Julio de 2005. PLOP! Anyway, tengo que comprar un reemplazo a la bateria en par de meses.
Pero para resolver, tengo que comprar algo y termine con...........

iGo Juice 70. Me salio mas caro porque lo compre en Radio Shack, pero puej. Esto funciona de lo mas cool con la laptop y la puedo usar tambien en un carro y en un avion.
Gracias a Dios que la tarjeta de network y el slot de la tarjeta PCI salieron intactos del accidente. Sino...........mal me veia.
Bueno, back to work.
Pero para resolver, tengo que comprar algo y termine con...........

iGo Juice 70. Me salio mas caro porque lo compre en Radio Shack, pero puej. Esto funciona de lo mas cool con la laptop y la puedo usar tambien en un carro y en un avion.
Gracias a Dios que la tarjeta de network y el slot de la tarjeta PCI salieron intactos del accidente. Sino...........mal me veia.
Bueno, back to work.
Ole.....o algo......courtesy of Vero.........
Your Inner European is Spanish! |
![]() Energetic and lively. You bring the party with you! |
Mrs. Doe is One Evil Woman.........She Makes Me Take This Quizzes.......
Your Daddy Is Patrick Stewart |
![]() What You Call Him: Papito Why You Love Him: He takes you to Disneyland |
For the record: I haven't gone to Disneyland yet.
If There Is A Hell, I'll See You There......courtesy of Ms. Anais
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Very High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Moderate |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Very High |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Low |
Level 7 (Violent) | Very High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Very High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | High |
Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test
Kymill is dealing with the aftermath of Stiv's departure
Lightshadow's mum had an accident
One of Kymill's kitties fucked with my computer. Thank god it was not my house, nor my cat. Otherwise that cat would not be around.
I had a very upset stomach because I guess my system cannot stand dairy products. Namely ice cream.
Anyway, thanks to K for being such a gracious hostess and despite all that shit we saw some cool movies, ate dinner and made both K and LS laugh a lot.
Now if I could only get some sleep.
Lightshadow's mum had an accident
One of Kymill's kitties fucked with my computer. Thank god it was not my house, nor my cat. Otherwise that cat would not be around.
I had a very upset stomach because I guess my system cannot stand dairy products. Namely ice cream.
Anyway, thanks to K for being such a gracious hostess and despite all that shit we saw some cool movies, ate dinner and made both K and LS laugh a lot.
Now if I could only get some sleep.
BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Copy our music' urges rock band
BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Copy our music' urges rock band
Mick Jones from The Clash joins Tony James from Generation X, gather some pals (William Blake and Danny the Red), make music as Carbon Silicon and give a nice little fuck you to the music industry. Check out the article and their site as well.
Mick Jones from The Clash joins Tony James from Generation X, gather some pals (William Blake and Danny the Red), make music as Carbon Silicon and give a nice little fuck you to the music industry. Check out the article and their site as well.
:: :: Streaming
:: :: - Streaming. You're welcome to test it.
Roadrunner Records have announced the signing of seminal punk rock artists the NEW YORK DOLLS. Since rising to the heights of the lower east side glam/punk scene, the NEW YORK DOLLS have become synonymous with low-fi, down and dirty, rock music. The band Rolling Stone magazine credits with 'the sound and snarl of jubilant outlaw spirit,' will soon record an album of fresh, original material due out on Roadrunner in the spring of 2006.
Featuring founding members David Johansen and Sylvain Sylvain, with Steve Conte (guitar), Sami Yaffa (bass), Brian Delaney (drums) and Brian Koonin (keyboards), the band is currently touring North America with scheduled stops at Bumbershoot in Seattle, Sunset Junction Fest in LA and the Voodoo Fest in New Orleans.
Says Roadrunner Records Director of A&R David Bason, 'I can't believe I just signed the most dangerous band in the history of rock 'n' roll! I've heard all about the legendary first few years, bought the records, read the books, saw the photographs. From what I can tell the first time was just a dress rehearsal. Watch yer back!'
In a time in music that is chock full of comebacks (the reunited PIXIES and M?TLEY CR?E experiencing enormous success on their tours, among others), SMITHS legend Morrissey experienced his highest U.S. sales ever with the release of 'You Are The Quarry'. Morrissey, less notably a past President of the NEW YORK DOLLS fan-club years before he even joined THE SMITHS, made the request that reunited the NEW YORK DOLLS in 2004 for the Meltdown Festival in the U.K. Ever since, the 'DOLLS have been touring steadily, playing festivals around the world including two dates in Ireland as special guests of fans the WHITE STRIPES. In addition, the band has been headlining shows around the U.S. including Little Steven's Underground Garage Festival on Randall's Island, NY, WHFestival in Baltimore, MD and shows at both SXSW and NXNE.
Comments Johansen, 'We know that we're right where we're supposed to be.'"
Roadrunner Records have announced the signing of seminal punk rock artists the NEW YORK DOLLS. Since rising to the heights of the lower east side glam/punk scene, the NEW YORK DOLLS have become synonymous with low-fi, down and dirty, rock music. The band Rolling Stone magazine credits with 'the sound and snarl of jubilant outlaw spirit,' will soon record an album of fresh, original material due out on Roadrunner in the spring of 2006.
Featuring founding members David Johansen and Sylvain Sylvain, with Steve Conte (guitar), Sami Yaffa (bass), Brian Delaney (drums) and Brian Koonin (keyboards), the band is currently touring North America with scheduled stops at Bumbershoot in Seattle, Sunset Junction Fest in LA and the Voodoo Fest in New Orleans.
Says Roadrunner Records Director of A&R David Bason, 'I can't believe I just signed the most dangerous band in the history of rock 'n' roll! I've heard all about the legendary first few years, bought the records, read the books, saw the photographs. From what I can tell the first time was just a dress rehearsal. Watch yer back!'
In a time in music that is chock full of comebacks (the reunited PIXIES and M?TLEY CR?E experiencing enormous success on their tours, among others), SMITHS legend Morrissey experienced his highest U.S. sales ever with the release of 'You Are The Quarry'. Morrissey, less notably a past President of the NEW YORK DOLLS fan-club years before he even joined THE SMITHS, made the request that reunited the NEW YORK DOLLS in 2004 for the Meltdown Festival in the U.K. Ever since, the 'DOLLS have been touring steadily, playing festivals around the world including two dates in Ireland as special guests of fans the WHITE STRIPES. In addition, the band has been headlining shows around the U.S. including Little Steven's Underground Garage Festival on Randall's Island, NY, WHFestival in Baltimore, MD and shows at both SXSW and NXNE.
Comments Johansen, 'We know that we're right where we're supposed to be.'"
GROKLAW - The Michael Davidson Email. Outside consultant said to SCO that the Linux code is clean. PLOP!
NOUVELLE VAGUE : official website
NOUVELLE VAGUE : official website Another cool thing courtesy of my girlfriend. Cool concept. Must check it out.
Plexifilm -- New DVD Releases - Made In Sheffield
Plexifilm -- New DVD Releases - Made In Sheffield The history behind Cabaret Voltaire, Heaven 17, ABC, Pulp and John Peel. Fuck yeah! SHeffield's answer to 24 Hour Party People? Heheheh. Courtesy of my lovely beautiful smart and sexy girlfriend.
Sorry to announce that.......
The Mayaguez gig on the 15th was cancelled due to storm concerns. Hurricane season and all that. It might be rescheduled so I'll keep you posted.
BBC Mundo | Internacional | Evac?an centro de Birmingham
BBC Mundo | Internacional | Evac?an centro de Birmingham
Gracias a Dios no paso nada. Anyway, hay tres personas alla que estan en mis oraciones.
Gracias a Dios no paso nada. Anyway, hay tres personas alla que estan en mis oraciones.
london 07-07-05
My heart goes to the people of London victims of this needless round of terror. With security forces concentrated on the G-8 in Scotland it doesn't come much as a surprise, but what really upsets is that innocent civilians that have nothing to do with Tony Blair's policies on the Middle East were needlessly hurt. It's pointless and a fucking shame.
Wired 13.07: God's Little Toys
Wired 13.07: God's Little Toys
William Gibson on remix culture. A must read.
William Gibson on remix culture. A must read. - Longhorn Preview - Longhorn Preview Microsoft as always playing catchup with the rest of us.
New York Dolls influence lives on
New York Dolls influence lives on
Mon Jul 4, 2005 4:23 PM ET
By Sheri Linden
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - First-time filmmaker Greg Whiteley came to the subject of his documentary feature "New York Doll" not as a fan but as a friend of Arthur "Killer" Kane, bassist for the short-lived but influential '70s rock band the New York Dolls.
Their unlikely collaboration began at the Mormon temple in West Los Angeles, where the one-time hard-drinking musician worked part time until his death last year. This loving portrait centers on a June 2004 band reunion that quite startlingly turned out to be a valedictory for Kane. Slated for October release via First Independent Pictures, "New York Doll" is a tender take on life after stardom.
With their cheap-hooker drag and proto-punk ferocity, the Dolls dusted the sequins off glam rock and ignited passions at a time when self-serious metal and prog rock ruled the day. Bob Geldof, Chrissie Hynde, Morrissey, Iggy Pop and Mick Jones testify to the Dolls' inspirational sway. Mostly, though, Whiteley is concerned with how Kane weathered his post-Dolls comedown. "I've been demoted from rock star to schlep on the bus," the carless Kane notes with typically self-deprecating humor, childlike charm and the slightly stunned expression of someone not quite sure how his life turned out this way.
Barely getting by on extras work in films like "Spaceballs" after several failed attempts to start a band, he hit bottom after seeing former Dolls frontman David Johansen on TV in "Scrooged." His disastrous alcoholic rage led to the breakup of his marriage and his serendipitous discovery of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which he joined in 1989.
Several interviewees speak of Kane's envious appraisal of Johansen's music and film careers, his sense of being denied something due him and his obsession with the Dolls' heyday. So when Morrissey, guest curator of London's annual Meltdown Festival, asked the band to play last year, it was in many ways a dream materialized. Church colleagues gave Kane the $262.50 he needed to get his bass guitar out of hock.
Whiteley's access is most rewarding in footage of rehearsals for the show. Playing together for the first time in almost 30 years, the three surviving members -- Johansen, Sylvain Sylvain and Kane -- have an easy chemistry. Whatever jealousies and adversarial tensions Kane felt toward Johansen dissolve in the very evident creative connection and deep affection between them. As "New York Doll" powerfully captures, that reconnection turned out to be a blessing when Kane died unexpectedly just weeks after the show.
Reuters/Hollywood Reporter
Mon Jul 4, 2005 4:23 PM ET
By Sheri Linden
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - First-time filmmaker Greg Whiteley came to the subject of his documentary feature "New York Doll" not as a fan but as a friend of Arthur "Killer" Kane, bassist for the short-lived but influential '70s rock band the New York Dolls.
Their unlikely collaboration began at the Mormon temple in West Los Angeles, where the one-time hard-drinking musician worked part time until his death last year. This loving portrait centers on a June 2004 band reunion that quite startlingly turned out to be a valedictory for Kane. Slated for October release via First Independent Pictures, "New York Doll" is a tender take on life after stardom.
With their cheap-hooker drag and proto-punk ferocity, the Dolls dusted the sequins off glam rock and ignited passions at a time when self-serious metal and prog rock ruled the day. Bob Geldof, Chrissie Hynde, Morrissey, Iggy Pop and Mick Jones testify to the Dolls' inspirational sway. Mostly, though, Whiteley is concerned with how Kane weathered his post-Dolls comedown. "I've been demoted from rock star to schlep on the bus," the carless Kane notes with typically self-deprecating humor, childlike charm and the slightly stunned expression of someone not quite sure how his life turned out this way.
Barely getting by on extras work in films like "Spaceballs" after several failed attempts to start a band, he hit bottom after seeing former Dolls frontman David Johansen on TV in "Scrooged." His disastrous alcoholic rage led to the breakup of his marriage and his serendipitous discovery of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which he joined in 1989.
Several interviewees speak of Kane's envious appraisal of Johansen's music and film careers, his sense of being denied something due him and his obsession with the Dolls' heyday. So when Morrissey, guest curator of London's annual Meltdown Festival, asked the band to play last year, it was in many ways a dream materialized. Church colleagues gave Kane the $262.50 he needed to get his bass guitar out of hock.
Whiteley's access is most rewarding in footage of rehearsals for the show. Playing together for the first time in almost 30 years, the three surviving members -- Johansen, Sylvain Sylvain and Kane -- have an easy chemistry. Whatever jealousies and adversarial tensions Kane felt toward Johansen dissolve in the very evident creative connection and deep affection between them. As "New York Doll" powerfully captures, that reconnection turned out to be a blessing when Kane died unexpectedly just weeks after the show.
Reuters/Hollywood Reporter
Billy Bragg - Some Days I See The Point - England, Half English
Never saw a meaningful TV advert,
I don't think shopping is a metaphor for life
Don't waste my time at the gym in the morning,
Try to keep trim by living my life.
Wanna feel the wind blowing in my hair,
Wanna hear the waves crashing on the beach
I'm not seeking easy answers or inner peace
I'm just looking for some relief.
I want to help to make the world better,
But I can't do it all on my own
Try to keep a lid on my disappointment,
'Cos cynicism's such a cop out I know.
Watch the shadows of cloud moving on the hill
Open my eyes and drink my fill
On those days that I feel dejected
I come up here for a bit of perspective.
Gonna follow the path that climbs up through the trees
Walk along the cliff top and gaze out to sea
I feel free when I come up here
And if it's clear some days I see the point.
I don't think shopping is a metaphor for life
Don't waste my time at the gym in the morning,
Try to keep trim by living my life.
Wanna feel the wind blowing in my hair,
Wanna hear the waves crashing on the beach
I'm not seeking easy answers or inner peace
I'm just looking for some relief.
I want to help to make the world better,
But I can't do it all on my own
Try to keep a lid on my disappointment,
'Cos cynicism's such a cop out I know.
Watch the shadows of cloud moving on the hill
Open my eyes and drink my fill
On those days that I feel dejected
I come up here for a bit of perspective.
Gonna follow the path that climbs up through the trees
Walk along the cliff top and gaze out to sea
I feel free when I come up here
And if it's clear some days I see the point.
Live8, the heat and other related crap
Just about as we were gonna test the servers for the station this morning, they were not available so I had to get up and go to the station. Normally that was not a problem, but when I couldn't sleep the night before because the fuckers who run the church in front of my house decided to have two trucks and some fuckers dumping cement in their parking lot until 2 am, that was a problem.
Yes, we did call the police. Apparently when bodies are not involved, they don't bother to come. I should've killed some of those fuckers then.
Anyhoo, made my way to the station in this fucking heat and it was no fun at all. Managed to check the servers and get the stream going.
Watched Live8 and yeah it was cool in so many levels, but somehow I was detached from it. Our station was rebroadcasting it and Iohann was making some commentary, but you don't open your mouth while the bands are playing. Who the fuck you think you are? That exasperated me to no end.
Aside from that, it was nice to hear the artists do their thing. The Pink Floyd reunion was great. Even if it was for four songs, that was worth it.
And what did Puerto Rico do to show for it? A stupid little show at the Borders near my place. That was all. How fucking pathetic. Pero puej, esto es Puerto Rico.
Wished Robbie Williams played 'We Will Rock You' with Queen. A proper fitting tribute to Freddie Mercury. Oh well. Anyhoo, you can kill me and shoot me but I do happen two like two Robbie Williams songs. The cover he did with Nicole Kidman of 'Something Stupid' and this one....
Robbie Williams - Feel Lyrics
Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
My head speaks a language
I don't understand
I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
'Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste
I don't want to die
But I ain't keen on living either
Before I fall in love
I'm preparing to leave her
I scare myself to death
That's why I keep on running
Before I've arrived
I can see myself coming
I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
'Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste
And I need to feel real love
And a life ever after
I cannot give it up
I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
I got too much love
Running through my veins
To go to waste
I just wanna feel real love
In a life ever after
There's a hole in my soul
You can see it in my face
It's a real big place
Come and hold my hand
I want to contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Music-wise, this is what I've been cranking on the Nomad these days:
Black Sabbath - Black Box - The Original Black Sabbath Years
The Damned - Damned Damned Damned
Sinead O'Connor - Collaborations
Mano Negra - the whole discography. This band rocked the planet
Primus - the whole discography. I do like Les Claypool's quirky musical world.
Wishing you a fucking hot and long Fourth of July. T minus two days to see my lovely girlfriend.
Out, bitches!
Yes, we did call the police. Apparently when bodies are not involved, they don't bother to come. I should've killed some of those fuckers then.
Anyhoo, made my way to the station in this fucking heat and it was no fun at all. Managed to check the servers and get the stream going.
Watched Live8 and yeah it was cool in so many levels, but somehow I was detached from it. Our station was rebroadcasting it and Iohann was making some commentary, but you don't open your mouth while the bands are playing. Who the fuck you think you are? That exasperated me to no end.
Aside from that, it was nice to hear the artists do their thing. The Pink Floyd reunion was great. Even if it was for four songs, that was worth it.
And what did Puerto Rico do to show for it? A stupid little show at the Borders near my place. That was all. How fucking pathetic. Pero puej, esto es Puerto Rico.
Wished Robbie Williams played 'We Will Rock You' with Queen. A proper fitting tribute to Freddie Mercury. Oh well. Anyhoo, you can kill me and shoot me but I do happen two like two Robbie Williams songs. The cover he did with Nicole Kidman of 'Something Stupid' and this one....
Robbie Williams - Feel Lyrics
Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
My head speaks a language
I don't understand
I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
'Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste
I don't want to die
But I ain't keen on living either
Before I fall in love
I'm preparing to leave her
I scare myself to death
That's why I keep on running
Before I've arrived
I can see myself coming
I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
'Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste
And I need to feel real love
And a life ever after
I cannot give it up
I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
I got too much love
Running through my veins
To go to waste
I just wanna feel real love
In a life ever after
There's a hole in my soul
You can see it in my face
It's a real big place
Come and hold my hand
I want to contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Music-wise, this is what I've been cranking on the Nomad these days:
Black Sabbath - Black Box - The Original Black Sabbath Years
The Damned - Damned Damned Damned
Sinead O'Connor - Collaborations
Mano Negra - the whole discography. This band rocked the planet
Primus - the whole discography. I do like Les Claypool's quirky musical world.
Wishing you a fucking hot and long Fourth of July. T minus two days to see my lovely girlfriend.
Out, bitches!
Derecho A Admision A Los Malls
Lo que faltaba. Que mal!
Derecho de admisión a malls
Viernes, 1 de julio de 2005
Por Rafael Lama Bonilla
Por años, los centros comerciales de Puerto Rico han contado con códigos de conducta, pero sin las garras necesarias para poder penalizar a aquellos que los violentan.
Sin embargo, todo esto podría cambiar en las próximas semanas si el gobernador Aníbal Acevedo Vilá convierte en ley el Proyecto del Senado 410, una medida que le permitirá a los centros comerciales reservarse el derecho de admisión de aquellos que violan estos códigos, al igual que declarar ciertas conductas delitos menos grave con penalidades de hasta $500.
Durante una reunión del Capítulo de Puerto Rico del Concilio Internacional de Centros Comerciales (ICSC, por sus siglas en inglés), el senador Héctor Martínez, autor de la medida, habló sobre la importancia de la aprobación de dicho proyecto, a raíz del sinnúmero de delitos que se han suscitado en centros comerciales alrededor de la Isla en años recientes.
Francis Xavier González, presidente entrante del capítulo local del ICSC, explicó el proyecto no provee espacio para que se discrimine por religión, raza o condición social, pero sí viabiliza que se analice la conducta delictiva de un individuo para así poder prohibirle el acceso al centro comercial.
“Hoy en día cualquier persona que venga a cometer delito en centro comercial, ya sea robo de cartera o de lo que sea, lo sacas hoy y mañana regresa. De ser aprobada, la ley me permite impedirle la entrada por un tiempo determinado y si vuelve antes de este tiempo, puedo ir a las autoridades para que lo declaren un delito menos grave con multas de hasta $500”, comentó González, quien también funge como gerente general regional de Developers Diversified, dueños centros comerciales como Plaza del Sol en Bayamón, Plaza del Norte en Hatillo y Plaza Río Hondo, entre otros.
Por su parte María Cristina Castillo, directora de Mercadeo para Simon -dueños de Plaza Carolina- explicó que tanto ellos, como Plaza Las Américas y Plaza del Sol- ya cuentan con sus propios códigos de conducta.
En el caso de Plaza Carolina el mismo cuenta con 18 normas, incluyendo la prohibición del uso de fuerza física y el uso de improperios.
“Pero al día de hoy no se ha podido reforzar como tal, porque no tenemos el derecho de sacar a las personas. De ser aprobada la ley, algunas de esas conductas, dependiendo de la gravedad, podrán ser penalizadas”, afirmó Castillo.
Derecho de admisión a malls
Viernes, 1 de julio de 2005
Por Rafael Lama Bonilla
Por años, los centros comerciales de Puerto Rico han contado con códigos de conducta, pero sin las garras necesarias para poder penalizar a aquellos que los violentan.
Sin embargo, todo esto podría cambiar en las próximas semanas si el gobernador Aníbal Acevedo Vilá convierte en ley el Proyecto del Senado 410, una medida que le permitirá a los centros comerciales reservarse el derecho de admisión de aquellos que violan estos códigos, al igual que declarar ciertas conductas delitos menos grave con penalidades de hasta $500.
Durante una reunión del Capítulo de Puerto Rico del Concilio Internacional de Centros Comerciales (ICSC, por sus siglas en inglés), el senador Héctor Martínez, autor de la medida, habló sobre la importancia de la aprobación de dicho proyecto, a raíz del sinnúmero de delitos que se han suscitado en centros comerciales alrededor de la Isla en años recientes.
Francis Xavier González, presidente entrante del capítulo local del ICSC, explicó el proyecto no provee espacio para que se discrimine por religión, raza o condición social, pero sí viabiliza que se analice la conducta delictiva de un individuo para así poder prohibirle el acceso al centro comercial.
“Hoy en día cualquier persona que venga a cometer delito en centro comercial, ya sea robo de cartera o de lo que sea, lo sacas hoy y mañana regresa. De ser aprobada, la ley me permite impedirle la entrada por un tiempo determinado y si vuelve antes de este tiempo, puedo ir a las autoridades para que lo declaren un delito menos grave con multas de hasta $500”, comentó González, quien también funge como gerente general regional de Developers Diversified, dueños centros comerciales como Plaza del Sol en Bayamón, Plaza del Norte en Hatillo y Plaza Río Hondo, entre otros.
Por su parte María Cristina Castillo, directora de Mercadeo para Simon -dueños de Plaza Carolina- explicó que tanto ellos, como Plaza Las Américas y Plaza del Sol- ya cuentan con sus propios códigos de conducta.
En el caso de Plaza Carolina el mismo cuenta con 18 normas, incluyendo la prohibición del uso de fuerza física y el uso de improperios.
“Pero al día de hoy no se ha podido reforzar como tal, porque no tenemos el derecho de sacar a las personas. De ser aprobada la ley, algunas de esas conductas, dependiendo de la gravedad, podrán ser penalizadas”, afirmó Castillo.
Clerk Of Caught - June 30, 2005 - MORON OF THE DAY
Clerk Of Caught - June 30, 2005: "
Clerk Of Caught
NYC man busted for selling pot from federal courthouse office
JUNE 30--A Brooklyn man was arrested yesterday for actually running a marijuana sales operation out of the clerk's office in the Manhattan federal courthouse. According to the below criminal complaint, file clerk Nikolas Morales sold $10 dime bags to a confidential witness working with federal investigators. Morales was hit with a felony drug rap for his efforts, which occurred in a building populated with federal prosecutors, judges, FBI and DEA agents, and other assorted law enforcement personnel. To his credit, though, Morales advised his customer--who was wearing a government wire--not to toke near the courthouse due to the elevated fuzz quotient. Instead, Morales suggested that the purchaser head to the vicinity of a nearby C-Town supermarket where, presumably, the coast was clear. (6 pages)"
Clerk Of Caught
NYC man busted for selling pot from federal courthouse office
JUNE 30--A Brooklyn man was arrested yesterday for actually running a marijuana sales operation out of the clerk's office in the Manhattan federal courthouse. According to the below criminal complaint, file clerk Nikolas Morales sold $10 dime bags to a confidential witness working with federal investigators. Morales was hit with a felony drug rap for his efforts, which occurred in a building populated with federal prosecutors, judges, FBI and DEA agents, and other assorted law enforcement personnel. To his credit, though, Morales advised his customer--who was wearing a government wire--not to toke near the courthouse due to the elevated fuzz quotient. Instead, Morales suggested that the purchaser head to the vicinity of a nearby C-Town supermarket where, presumably, the coast was clear. (6 pages)"
XP Starter under the gun | CNET
XP Starter under the gun | CNET
If it looks like crap and it smells like crap, it must be Redmond's latest!!!! WOOOO!!!!!
If it looks like crap and it smells like crap, it must be Redmond's latest!!!! WOOOO!!!!!
LXer: Following Bill Gates' Linux Attack Money
LXer: Following Bill Gates' Linux Attack Money muckraking 101 - Brazil may build?$100 laptops - Jun 30, 2005 - Brazil may build?$100 laptops - Jun 30, 2005
$100 laptops in Brazil. $100 desktops in India. TOMA!
$100 laptops in Brazil. $100 desktops in India. TOMA!
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