ya tengo de nuevo mi propia linea telefonica. con el mismo numero que tenia antes y to. lo mejor de todo es que quien la instalo fue el padre de una de mis exes. fue interesante y divertido hablar con el. jej. ahora a esperar 72 horas a que el numero se refleje en el sistema para hacer la orden de dsl. mi prima vino a instancias de la vieja a trabajar en la casa. el domingo ire a arecibo con alberto y su familia y espero encontrarme con mi novia alla.
mientras tanto instale el cable digital y el modem en casa de mi hermano. lo envidio. compu nueva, todos los canales de cable digital y toda la pendejada. y cable modem. bueno, el trabaja duro para tener esos lujos asi que se lo merece.
yo necesito mi espacio, mi jeva y mi internet ya.
aparte de eso, preparando los shows de aniversario del show de radio. woojoo!
Glastonbury plugs into silent disco - NME.COM
Glastonbury plugs into silent disco - NME.COM Silent Disco......heh. whatta laugh.
Supreme Court takes hard look at P2P
Supreme Court takes hard look at P2P | CNET News.com The Supremes take a look at P2P. More intervention from the freaking government.
The U.N. thinks about tomorrow's cyberspece
The U.N. thinks about tomorrow's cyberspace | Newsmakers | CNET News.com The U.N. wants to regulate the Internet. More fodder for the U.N. conspiracy theorists.
What Does Your Month Reveal About You?
Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"
Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children.Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.
Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children.Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.
Om Malik on Broadband ? How Yahoo Got Its Mojo Back
Om Malik on Broadband ? How Yahoo Got Its Mojo Back Yahoo vs. Google: The Saga Continues..........
Schneier on Security: TSA Lied About Protecting Passenger Data
Schneier on Security: TSA Lied About Protecting Passenger Data Your taxes at work! W00t!
Security no match for theater lovers
Security no match for theater lovers And then you wonder why I consider most people stupid, Part Deux.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Passwords revealed by sweet deal
BBC NEWS | Technology | Passwords revealed by sweet deal And then you ask me why I think most of humanity are so stupid......
DNA Key to Decoding Human Factor (washingtonpost.com)
DNA Key to Decoding Human Factor (washingtonpost.com) or How the United States Secret Service is able to hack into your computer.
TrekToday - Shatner Pitched 'Academy' Show To Paramount
TrekToday - Shatner Pitched 'Academy' Show To Paramount
No No No PLEASE NO! Star Trek 90210! (throws up!)
No No No PLEASE NO! Star Trek 90210! (throws up!)
Version Extendida De Lo Que Escribi En Uno De Mis Antros Ciberneticos
1. Fate es la peor pelicula del mundo y del universo tambien. Michael Pare, Phillip Michael Thomas y Lee Majors dirigidos por Ace Cruz. Oh the humanity!
2. Confirmando que Richard Cheese es Dioj. El deberia hacer la banda sonora de una pelicula que salgan Bruce Campbell y Ron Jeremy.
3. "I'm feeling things I've only seen on TV' - The Hard Word. Los australianos son la changa.
Mi nombre es Popu son las 4:13 am y creo que deberia acostorme a dormir. Buenos Dias Shorroekbron@s!
2. Confirmando que Richard Cheese es Dioj. El deberia hacer la banda sonora de una pelicula que salgan Bruce Campbell y Ron Jeremy.
3. "I'm feeling things I've only seen on TV' - The Hard Word. Los australianos son la changa.
Mi nombre es Popu son las 4:13 am y creo que deberia acostorme a dormir. Buenos Dias Shorroekbron@s!
Sorry for the lack of posts. I got rid of my ISP at home and I haven't been online since last Tuesday. Spent from Tuesday to Saturday in Mayaguez at Viv and Stiv's and hanging out with my lovely girlfriend. Hung out, watched The Ring 2, Battle Royale 1 and 2, Ginger Snaps 1 and 2 and a horrible little film called Fate. Aside from that, things were going fine. I met my girlfriend's mother also. It was interesting and also got me a bit sad. She reminds me of my foster grandmother and my dad. Got me thinking about a lot of things. It's ok though. I came back home and I was a bit deppresed and sad. I wished I stayed a bit more there but I had to get back for an interview on Saturday morning. Last night's radio show went without a hitch despite my mood. Anyway, it improved as soon as I got together with Pepe and Eze to run the show. It's sad that I had to come back to my family's usual drama, my job and the usual routine. Missing LS a lot. Should be able to see her next week.
Ourmedia Homepage | Ourmedia
Ourmedia Homepage | Ourmedia Ches. Free lifetime multimedia hosting. Bwhahahahah!
Fuck 'em. Really.....
Ok everything's good until a bit after 9pm when the connection started giving me shit again. Fuck it. Called Customer Service and cancelled the account. Had enough of Adelphia's shit. Like we say here: 'lo barato sale caro'. I'd rather get DSL at a higher price but at least I'll know that the bandwidth is mine and mine alone. So fuck Adelphia and hopefully I'll be online in a few weeks or so.
BBC NEWS | Technology | What price for 'trusted PC security'?
BBC NEWS | Technology | What price for 'trusted PC security'? A must read. Trusted PC security my ass!
Pure, Unadulterated, Motherfucking Bliss
That's what I feel when LS is around. No matter how bad the day can get, at least she can soothe the savage beast. This woman has grown on me like you wouldn't even believe. Spent some time with her at the station doing the show and later at El Cojo. Athaxia showed up late and it's a damn shame, but the show must go on and has to be done. Cheo outdid himself with his 2 hour special. LS's chaos field was in force last night. Never mind the incident at the stop light. I think all hell broke loose when drinks were dropping at an exponential rate. No matter. No harm, no foul. She was there. We were there among friends. Drinking, having fun, laughing, having a good time. Then we had an early morning breakfast and a little more talk and cuddling. Can't wait to have my own place so she can stay a bit longer. This one's for real. Soulmate. Beautiful.
Anyway, went with my brother so he bought a brand spanking new laptop. Really cool machine. Updated and configured it to his liking. He'll be getting a cable modem so hopefully he shouldn't have more problems. Very short work week this week. Going to see my lovely LS this Tuesday and come back home Wendesday.
I WANT TO WATCH MILLIONS DAMNIT! and get The Incredibles for my sweetie
Anyway, went with my brother so he bought a brand spanking new laptop. Really cool machine. Updated and configured it to his liking. He'll be getting a cable modem so hopefully he shouldn't have more problems. Very short work week this week. Going to see my lovely LS this Tuesday and come back home Wendesday.
I WANT TO WATCH MILLIONS DAMNIT! and get The Incredibles for my sweetie
Yahoo! News - Woman's Scooter Blown Up in Security Scare
Yahoo! News - Woman's Scooter Blown Up in Security Scare Que mal! Cortesia de Ms. LS.
Every hour is Happy Hour!
So finally the cable got fixed this morning. So it should be fine when I come back. Now let's drink and celebrate! O algo.
Bourbon Congratulations! You're 111 proof, with specific scores in beer (80) , wine (83), and liquor (86). |
Screw all that namby-pamby chick stuff, you're going straight for the bottle and a shot glass! It'll take more than a few shots of Wild Turkey or 99 Bananas before you start seeing pink elephants. You know how to handle your alcohol, and yourself at parties. |
![]() |
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Alcohol Knowledge Test written by hoppersplit on Ok Cupid |
Rubber Magazine - World's First Fuel Cell Motorcycle Unveiled
Rubber Magazine - World's First Fuel Cell Motorcycle Unveiled Mommy I Want One!
Decisions decisions......
.........Just spoke to Adelphia and they're attempting to fix my problem this Saturday. Hopefully, that should be the end of it. Given my luck, I started calling PRT to get a phone line in order to install DMAX on it. Let's see what happens this Saturday.
I am still having problems with the bloody cable so I am seriously considering dropping the service this Friday if it's not sorted out to my satisfaction. Been looking my options broadband-wise and I'm very tempted to go back to PRT's DMAX DSL service. Adelphia better get their shit together because I've had enough of their shit.
Working lots. Nearly losing the plot due to lack of sleep. Missing my girlfriend terribly.
Working lots. Nearly losing the plot due to lack of sleep. Missing my girlfriend terribly.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Have hackers recruited your PC?
BBC NEWS | Technology | Have hackers recruited your PC? Cybercrime, Part 2
BBC NEWS | UK | UK police foil massive bank theft
BBC NEWS | UK | UK police foil massive bank theft Cybercrime Part I
The Onion | Neverland Ranch Investigators Discover Corpse Of Real Michael Jackson
The Onion | Neverland Ranch Investigators Discover Corpse Of Real Michael Jackson
Courtesy of Pepe. Fucking A!
Courtesy of Pepe. Fucking A!
MSNBC - Rewriting the rules of copyright
MSNBC - Rewriting the rules of copyright WOW! About time these guys got a hold of these news!
Sea la madre. Yeah, as much as I love to curse in other languages (mainly English, but I can curse with the best of them in French and German), it's the mother tongue that has the best curses. Anyway, I've been almost for a week without my lovely cable modem. It's painful and things should be sorted by Wendesday morning. I've been looking at my options, but since I hope things will get on the way this summer, I might stay with Adelphia for a while.
Anyway, LS and I have been figuring things out for the long road ahead. It's gonna be an interesting journey. This week so far has been hot and heavy. Couple of interviews, dropped some resumes and I got a little gig on the side doing some audio recordings. Did thee Borders interview today. Let's see what happens.
Anyway, LS and I have been figuring things out for the long road ahead. It's gonna be an interesting journey. This week so far has been hot and heavy. Couple of interviews, dropped some resumes and I got a little gig on the side doing some audio recordings. Did thee Borders interview today. Let's see what happens.
Yahoo! News - BitTorrent May Prove Too Good to Quash
Yahoo! News - BitTorrent May Prove Too Good to Quash
The Street Finds It's Uses For Technology Part 8897457
The Street Finds It's Uses For Technology Part 8897457

Whatta weekend! Despite having cable modem troubles at home since Thursday evening, (update: still with problems with the cable modem. Should be sorted by Wendesday morning( I managed to get away from it all on Saturday to spend some serious quality time with my lovely girlfriend and visit Viv and Stiv. Sunday we spent it outdoors and while LS was busy doing some photo shoots for her paper, I took the camera and did some shooting as well.

CNN.com - UK anti-terrorism law approved - Mar 11, 2005
CNN.com - UK anti-terrorism law approved - Mar 11, 2005 Rule Britannia or rather Seig Heil!

Me and Lightshadow at Anais' birthday bash @ La Cueva del Chicken Inn. March 6th 2005.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Too busy. Too tired. Lots of stuff going on at work. Next Tuesday I'm scheduled for an interview for a managerial position. It'd be sweet if I actually get the job. Hopefully I'll see my lovely LS this Saturday. Things are taking off with us. Two months later, she's still here lovely as ever. I feel lucky and blessed with her presence. I look forward to the future of this relationship. I am so in love with her.
Two more months and my debt to my mum will be paid so I'll have more cash for my evil plans. O algo.
>>> AllofMP3.com escapes criminal lawsuit, for now
>>> AllofMP3.com escapes criminal lawsuit, for now
On February 2004 the Computer Crimes division of Moscow City Police recommended that prosecutors initiate a criminal lawsuit against AllofMP3.com, a Russian music site selling MP3 downloads by the megabytes. The investigation was initially launched at the request of IFPI Moscow. The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry previously sued a similar Spanish project, with PureTunes.com settling with the industry for $10 million.
The case of AllofMP3.com was further complicated by compulsory licensing, adopted by Russian legislature. Compulsory licensing stipulates that licenses should be issued in non-discriminatory manner to anyone who wants to get one on reasonable terms. Russian Multimedia and Network Society was in charge of establishing the reasonable terms, and according to Russian legislation, anyone could distribute music, provided they track downloads and pay back some nominal fee. This is very different from the legislature in the United States, where a music distributor would have to gain a license before selling any music online, and furthermore, could be denied such license for whatever reasons.
On March 4th prosecutor’s office of Moscow’s Southwestern region refused to charge AllofMP3.com in a criminal lawsuit. What’s interesting is that AllofMP3.com did not win the case due to the compulsory licensing legislated in Russia. The prosecutor’s office affirmed that the Russian music site was distributing copyrighted music from its site, and in many cases did not have a proper license to distribute them. Russian criminal law severely punishes attempts to distribute copyrighted music without proper licensing procured first. However, Russian law is quite specific about distribution of material goods, as the law usually applies to CD and DVD pirating.
Moscow prosecutor’s office noted that Russian music site does not distribute material goods, and since is not subject to prosecution under the criminal law. AllofMP3.com distributed digital goods via Internet, of which Russian criminal law says nothing. Moreover, prosecutors arrived at the conclusion that since no physical copies of the goods are delivered to the customer, AllofMP3.com can be treated as a service where site visitors can listen to the music. (The fact that it’s more than possible to burn an MP3 to an audio CD apparently escaped law enforcement).
AllofMP3.com cannot be charged for piracy, prosecutors ruled, under the current criminal law. Which does not prevent musicians and labels from launching civil lawsuits for cases where AllofMP3.com sold copyrighted music and did not pay back the copyright holders. This is the most likely development for label lawsuits in the future, but they will be quite difficult to win if AllofMP3.com can prove it made all the necessary payments to ROMS. Another way, of couse, would be to change the current criminal law to introduce DMCA-like clauses that specifically relate digital distribution and distribution of physical goods. It’s no coincidence that Russian office of IFPI is located in Moscow’s Tverskaya Street, which is also the address for the parliament of the country.
On February 2004 the Computer Crimes division of Moscow City Police recommended that prosecutors initiate a criminal lawsuit against AllofMP3.com, a Russian music site selling MP3 downloads by the megabytes. The investigation was initially launched at the request of IFPI Moscow. The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry previously sued a similar Spanish project, with PureTunes.com settling with the industry for $10 million.
The case of AllofMP3.com was further complicated by compulsory licensing, adopted by Russian legislature. Compulsory licensing stipulates that licenses should be issued in non-discriminatory manner to anyone who wants to get one on reasonable terms. Russian Multimedia and Network Society was in charge of establishing the reasonable terms, and according to Russian legislation, anyone could distribute music, provided they track downloads and pay back some nominal fee. This is very different from the legislature in the United States, where a music distributor would have to gain a license before selling any music online, and furthermore, could be denied such license for whatever reasons.
On March 4th prosecutor’s office of Moscow’s Southwestern region refused to charge AllofMP3.com in a criminal lawsuit. What’s interesting is that AllofMP3.com did not win the case due to the compulsory licensing legislated in Russia. The prosecutor’s office affirmed that the Russian music site was distributing copyrighted music from its site, and in many cases did not have a proper license to distribute them. Russian criminal law severely punishes attempts to distribute copyrighted music without proper licensing procured first. However, Russian law is quite specific about distribution of material goods, as the law usually applies to CD and DVD pirating.
Moscow prosecutor’s office noted that Russian music site does not distribute material goods, and since is not subject to prosecution under the criminal law. AllofMP3.com distributed digital goods via Internet, of which Russian criminal law says nothing. Moreover, prosecutors arrived at the conclusion that since no physical copies of the goods are delivered to the customer, AllofMP3.com can be treated as a service where site visitors can listen to the music. (The fact that it’s more than possible to burn an MP3 to an audio CD apparently escaped law enforcement).
AllofMP3.com cannot be charged for piracy, prosecutors ruled, under the current criminal law. Which does not prevent musicians and labels from launching civil lawsuits for cases where AllofMP3.com sold copyrighted music and did not pay back the copyright holders. This is the most likely development for label lawsuits in the future, but they will be quite difficult to win if AllofMP3.com can prove it made all the necessary payments to ROMS. Another way, of couse, would be to change the current criminal law to introduce DMCA-like clauses that specifically relate digital distribution and distribution of physical goods. It’s no coincidence that Russian office of IFPI is located in Moscow’s Tverskaya Street, which is also the address for the parliament of the country.
Whatta weekend
Nice weekend. Lots of work but lots of fun. Seminar at work ended up better than expected. I didn't get to Vero's party because I had to wait for some sounds for the webpage. Anyway, I got the sounds, did the radio show and danced my ass off to Santos set at Resurrection. Julitza was drunk and Vero was laughing all the time. Went to sleep around 4 am. Sunday morning did my wash, LS came over and we had a great time together. Did the Tren Urbano ride, ate a bit, showed LS the local CompUSA store and then spent time at Anais' birthday party. That was fun. Each time I spend with LS gets us closer and I feel so comfortable with her, it's unreal. Also I had LS meet my brother and his family. Anyway, I finally did my taxes and now have a sweet little refund coming my way. Its not much but hey, at least I'm not paying this year so...
Success, excess and a music industry phantom
Success, excess and a music industry phantom
Guns N' Roses. Or rather what's left of it. Special appearance of Youth (Killing Joke)
Guns N' Roses. Or rather what's left of it. Special appearance of Youth (Killing Joke)
Better security not about tech: Mitnick: ZDNet Australia: News: Security
Better security not about tech: Mitnick: ZDNet Australia: News: Security Check what Kevin Mitnick has to say.
How to track a PC anywhere it connects to the Net: ZDNet Australia: News: Security
How to track a PC anywhere it connects to the Net: ZDNet Australia: News: Security Chan chan chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
Shamelessly stolen from Anais' blog
From Go-Quiz.com
So first I'm bewildered and very excited over this relationship. Then we get married and start a family. After we settle we're pretty content, we travel awhile and end up bankrupt. Que mal!
What Post Punk Icon Are You?

You're Steve Albini of Big Black, Shellack, and
Rapeman!!! You're about as nerdy as they come,
and you've been through hell because of it.
Well, now your an angsty, spiteful, little guy,
who's art is fuelled by the desire to piss
people off, as well as to expose the truth
behind society's most heinous ills. This makes
for some charged, fantastic, emotionally
tortured music, but may also distance you from
any potential relationships.
Which Post-Punk icon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
This thing with my sister has me a bit drained in the emotional department and it shows. Thing is, I realize things are not going to change at my parent's place so like I posted here before, I am taking steps to get out of there. What really fucks me up is that I am tired and weary and it's showing in unrelated aspects of my life. Yesterday and today when I was speaking to my significant other, I realized I was no longer cheerful and happy, my usual mood when she's around, and it's not her fault. Actually if she wasn't around to listen to my gripes, I would be really freaking miserable. Thanks for listening babe. You make life worthwhile and I really appreciate the fact that you're around. There's some stuff I need to talk about with her this coming Sunday. I value truth and honesty in my relationships with people and I need to tell her some stuff. Honestly, I don't know if this will change our relationship, but I owe her that much. Probably, I'm being a bit overdramatic and histrionic, but again, she deserves it.
Anyway, on Sunday we head for the Monorail, excuse me el Tren Urbano and CompUSA for window shopping and general drooling. Afterwards, we are heading to La Cueva del Chicken Inn for Anais' birthday celebration. O algo.
Saturday is gonna be a very freaking busy day. I got a writing seminar from 1 to 4 at the station, then Vero's having dinner at her house for her birthday, then it's back to the station for the radio show. Afterwards, Santos is playing on Nuestro Ambiente. Anyway, I don't think I won't get paid until next week so how much stuff I do on Saturday, it's gonna depend on how much money I got on my pocket (me being skint at the moment).
Les Rita Mitsouko - Ces't Comme Ca at full volume. Pura ochenteria franchuta.
Anyway, on Sunday we head for the Monorail, excuse me el Tren Urbano and CompUSA for window shopping and general drooling. Afterwards, we are heading to La Cueva del Chicken Inn for Anais' birthday celebration. O algo.
Saturday is gonna be a very freaking busy day. I got a writing seminar from 1 to 4 at the station, then Vero's having dinner at her house for her birthday, then it's back to the station for the radio show. Afterwards, Santos is playing on Nuestro Ambiente. Anyway, I don't think I won't get paid until next week so how much stuff I do on Saturday, it's gonna depend on how much money I got on my pocket (me being skint at the moment).
Les Rita Mitsouko - Ces't Comme Ca at full volume. Pura ochenteria franchuta.
Side effects of those wacky tunes by Metallica and Linkin Park
Serial Killer: METALLICA And LINKIN PARK Influenced Me To Kill - Mar. 3, 2005
Serial killer Richard Paul White (photo), one of Colorado's most notorious killers, recently spoke from jail about his crimes. He has confessed to six murders in the Denver area. A lifetime of untreated mental illness, heavy metal music and violent movies drove him to kill, he said, in an exclusive interview with CBS4 Denver News reporter Rick Sallinger.
Music was a big influence in his life, White said. His spree of killing was accompanied by a soundtrack of heavy metal.
"METALLICA probably the most," he said.
A set of lyrics stand out: "Guilty as charged, but damn it, it ain't right, there's someone else controlling me." (from METALLICA's "Ride the Lightning" off the album of the same name.)
Music by LINKIN PARK would also play in the background.
"I would listen, actually, to LINKIN PARK before I would kill," White said. "And, while I was killing usually that music LINKIN PARK was on."
A childhood of abuse, coupled with untreated mental illness, set the stage. A society filled with violence did little to hold back White.
"Today's culture, here in America, everything is based on violence," he said.
White talked about movies he would watch that influenced him to kill. There was one in particular, "The Boondock Saints", about two Irish youth who set about to rid Boston of gangsters.
"There's just a lot of killing," White said. "And it makes it seem right and makes it almost OK to go out and kill."
Add to the mix violent video games, such as Doom, that White played.
"I think they influenced me towards killing," he said. "It desensitized me to the killing, because when I pulled the trigger on the TV screen, something would just go away."
Watch the complete 48-minute interview with White, conducted by CBS4 Denver News reporter Rick Sallinger, at this location.
BTW, Metallica's forum got hacked.
Serial killer Richard Paul White (photo), one of Colorado's most notorious killers, recently spoke from jail about his crimes. He has confessed to six murders in the Denver area. A lifetime of untreated mental illness, heavy metal music and violent movies drove him to kill, he said, in an exclusive interview with CBS4 Denver News reporter Rick Sallinger.
Music was a big influence in his life, White said. His spree of killing was accompanied by a soundtrack of heavy metal.
"METALLICA probably the most," he said.
A set of lyrics stand out: "Guilty as charged, but damn it, it ain't right, there's someone else controlling me." (from METALLICA's "Ride the Lightning" off the album of the same name.)
Music by LINKIN PARK would also play in the background.
"I would listen, actually, to LINKIN PARK before I would kill," White said. "And, while I was killing usually that music LINKIN PARK was on."
A childhood of abuse, coupled with untreated mental illness, set the stage. A society filled with violence did little to hold back White.
"Today's culture, here in America, everything is based on violence," he said.
White talked about movies he would watch that influenced him to kill. There was one in particular, "The Boondock Saints", about two Irish youth who set about to rid Boston of gangsters.
"There's just a lot of killing," White said. "And it makes it seem right and makes it almost OK to go out and kill."
Add to the mix violent video games, such as Doom, that White played.
"I think they influenced me towards killing," he said. "It desensitized me to the killing, because when I pulled the trigger on the TV screen, something would just go away."
Watch the complete 48-minute interview with White, conducted by CBS4 Denver News reporter Rick Sallinger, at this location.
BTW, Metallica's forum got hacked.
What Alice in Wonderland Character Are You?
You are The Mad Hatter
One thing is for sure- you're as mad as a hatter.
You have an obsession with time and if tea time
were to ever cease, you would probably be even
more confused.
What Alice in Wonderland Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
MobileTracker - Sony Ericsson W800i announced, Walkman phone
MobileTracker - Sony Ericsson W800i announced, Walkman phone
Step right up and get more radiation here!
Step right up and get more radiation here!
Slashdot | When Should You Quit Your Job?
Slashdot | When Should You Quit Your Job?
This article is essential for those considering a career change.
This article is essential for those considering a career change.
I'm going thru changeeeeeeeeeeeees
Ok so my sister came back home early morning. I talked to my mother this morning and told her once I settle my debt to her, I am off. My own apartment or my own car. I have to do it. The Noisex gig has changed to April 1st and due to my job, I can't commit to the new date. Also, I have to talk to Pepe about the offer.
Blogthings - You Belong in the UK
You Belong in the UK |
![]() Blimey! A little proper, a little saucy. You're so witty and charming... No one notices your curry breath |
PS - My sis is back home. More of the usual bullshit at home. I'm so out of here.
Apoyo senatorial al reggaetón
Apoyo senatorial al reggaetón
ESCENARIO/Luis Alberto López
Por: Rita Portela López
"Las cosas están cambiando y el género (reggaetón) seguirá evolucionando", dijo ayer Tito el Bambino tras reunirse con el presidente del Senado de Puerto Rico, Kenneth McClintock, en el Capitolio.
Según el intérprete de "La cazadora", las puertas se están abriendo a nivel nacional e internacional por lo que el gobierno del país entendió que "el reggaetón vino para quedarse".
"Nuestro género creció cuando Velda González hizo las primeras críticas. Ahora, McClintock optó por apoyarnos para que esa evolución continúe. Creo que lo que resta es que nosotros, los raperos, pongamos de nuestra parte para que sigamos saliendo airosos", destacó el artista.
El cantante dijo que durante la reunión, a la que asistieron además varios productores musicales y locutores de radio, tocaron el tema sobre las letras de las canciones. "Hablamos sobre las líricas y nos comprometimos a hacer canciones de calidad, para que no sólo compitan con el mundo entero, sino que aporten al panorama musical del país", agregó.
Tito mencionó que con el ejemplo que ofrecerán él y sus colegas, pioneros en el género, a los "que están subiendo" la dinámica cambiará y cada vez se presentarán mejores propuestas musicales.
"No quiero acusar a nadie, pero todavía existen raperos que empañan el esfuerzo de los que hemos evolucionado con letras que no aportan en nada. Sin embargo uniéndonos, como lo hicimos ayer, podremos contrarrestar esa tendencia y seguir hacia delante", sostuvo.
El encuentro sirvió además para que el Presidente del Senado de Puerto Rico les entregara una proclama reconociendo su labor en el panorama musical y exhortándolos a que continúen poniendo el nombre del país en alto.
El artista dijo que McClintock se comprometió a participar de la primera convención de reggaetón a celebrase del 17 al 19 de marzo en el hotel Caribe Hilton, y que además se reunirá con un nutrido grupo de exponentes musicales para manifestarles su apoyo.
"Es importante que las personas del gobierno tomen esta iniciativa, porque lo cierto es que los artistas del reggaetón no son tratados como los de otros géneros", concluyó.
Apoyo senatorial al reggaetón
ESCENARIO/Luis Alberto López
Por: Rita Portela López
"Las cosas están cambiando y el género (reggaetón) seguirá evolucionando", dijo ayer Tito el Bambino tras reunirse con el presidente del Senado de Puerto Rico, Kenneth McClintock, en el Capitolio.
Según el intérprete de "La cazadora", las puertas se están abriendo a nivel nacional e internacional por lo que el gobierno del país entendió que "el reggaetón vino para quedarse".
"Nuestro género creció cuando Velda González hizo las primeras críticas. Ahora, McClintock optó por apoyarnos para que esa evolución continúe. Creo que lo que resta es que nosotros, los raperos, pongamos de nuestra parte para que sigamos saliendo airosos", destacó el artista.
El cantante dijo que durante la reunión, a la que asistieron además varios productores musicales y locutores de radio, tocaron el tema sobre las letras de las canciones. "Hablamos sobre las líricas y nos comprometimos a hacer canciones de calidad, para que no sólo compitan con el mundo entero, sino que aporten al panorama musical del país", agregó.
Tito mencionó que con el ejemplo que ofrecerán él y sus colegas, pioneros en el género, a los "que están subiendo" la dinámica cambiará y cada vez se presentarán mejores propuestas musicales.
"No quiero acusar a nadie, pero todavía existen raperos que empañan el esfuerzo de los que hemos evolucionado con letras que no aportan en nada. Sin embargo uniéndonos, como lo hicimos ayer, podremos contrarrestar esa tendencia y seguir hacia delante", sostuvo.
El encuentro sirvió además para que el Presidente del Senado de Puerto Rico les entregara una proclama reconociendo su labor en el panorama musical y exhortándolos a que continúen poniendo el nombre del país en alto.
El artista dijo que McClintock se comprometió a participar de la primera convención de reggaetón a celebrase del 17 al 19 de marzo en el hotel Caribe Hilton, y que además se reunirá con un nutrido grupo de exponentes musicales para manifestarles su apoyo.
"Es importante que las personas del gobierno tomen esta iniciativa, porque lo cierto es que los artistas del reggaetón no son tratados como los de otros géneros", concluyó.
Creaky Operating Systems Show Their Age
Mon Feb 28,10:48 AM ET
Add to My Yahoo! Technology - washingtonpost.com
By Rob Pegoraro
A program can't ever really die, but it can get old.
Very old.
This is a paradox millions of computer users are living with. Almost four years after the release of Windows XP (news - web sites) and Mac OS X (news - web sites), they boot their machines into more senior versions of Windows or the Mac OS.
Those operating systems still fire up in the morning as they always did. But they show their age in other ways -- newer programs and gadgets can't or won't coexist with them.
The research firm IDC estimates that of the roughly 514 million paid-for copies of Windows on desktops and laptops worldwide at the end of 2004, almost 21 percent were the aging Win 95, 98 and Millennium Edition releases. Among the 19 million Mac OS desktop and laptop installations IDC surveyed, just about half were running releases predating Mac OS X.
If your machine is among that contingent and you find that it performs its assigned tasks properly, there's no problem -- for you, the software is old but not obsolete. But if you're still using your machine for the tasks it was designed for, you are likely in a small minority. Home computing these days has little in common with five years ago, and not all of these changes leave room for older systems.
Here are how the past few consumer releases of Windows and the Mac OS compare in terms of viability:
Windows 95: This nearly-decade-old operating system is swimming with several anchors around its neck, the heaviest of them being its lack of USB support. That rules out using the vast bulk of the devices -- printers, digital cameras, MP3 players, handheld organizers -- made in the past few years.
Software support for Win 95 is vanishing, too. Microsoft last released a Win 95 version of its Internet Explorer browser five years ago; AOL's software last supported Win 95 in 2001. Nor can you run the current editions of Intuit's Quicken (news - web sites) and Microsoft Money in Win 95.
Windows 98 (news - web sites): This version has weathered the years better than Win 95. For one thing, USB does work in Win 98, although not perfectly (for instance, most of Creative's MP3 players, Epson's printer/scanner combos and many WiFi adapters need newer Windows releases).
For another, a lot of software still runs on Win 98 -- among the 20 top-selling Windows programs in December, as compiled by the research firm NPD Group, 15 are listed as Win 98-compatible. Media software is a big exception: If you want to make MP3 copies of your CDs, Win 98 offers few options.
Windows 98 Second Edition and Millennium Edition: Despite the chorus of yawns it was greeted with at its summer 1999 introduction, Win 98 SE turns out to be a fairly significant update seven years later -- it's the oldest Windows release I would consider halfway viable. Win ME, which shipped only a year later, offers almost the same compatibility.
These releases' USB support is good enough to accept almost all the peripherals you might plug into a new Win XP machine.
Win 98 SE and ME also remain the minimum system for many popular applications, such as Microsoft's Money and RealNetworks' RealPlayer. They can't, however, run some of the best-known media software, including Apple's iTunes, Napster (news - web sites), Roxio Easy CD and DVD Creator 7 and Adobe Photoshop Elements 3. You might not think that word processing demands the latest system software, but Microsoft Office 2003 won't run on these systems, either.
Windows 2000 (news - web sites): The immediate ancestor of Windows XP, used by few home users, is barely a year older than Win XP. Yet Microsoft is backing away from it anyway. The latest versions of its flagship Web and media programs -- the pop-up-blocking IE 6 and the cleaner, more capable Windows Media Player 10 -- both require XP.
With little or no built-in support for such wireless standards as WiFi and Bluetooth, Win 2000 is also far behind XP in the networking department.
On the Mac side, there have been far more system updates in recent years -- the downside of that being a quick sunset for older releases. This has continued past the onset of Mac OS X -- the 3 1/2-year-old Mac OS X 10.1 is now as far behind the times as Win 98 SE.
Mac OS 8 and 8.5: These 1997 and 1998 releases are as dead as Windows 95, thanks to their own lack of USB support -- as well as an even more complete abandonment by software developers. Not a single modern, compatible browser is available for these systems. Multimedia software is also hard to find.
Mac OS 8.6-9.2: These releases are slightly better in terms of software support -- there still aren't any good browsers, but you can run an old version of iTunes (which doesn't connect to the iTunes Music Store or recent iPod models). And you can plug in USB devices.
Mac OS X 10.0 and 10.1: The first two releases of Mac OS X have been so badly outclassed by succeeding releases that there is no good reason to run them.
Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar: This operating system, a mere 2 1/2 years old, is already being prepped for retirement. This is not the fault of third-party software developers or hardware manufacturers; most of whose wares function just fine in Jaguar. Instead, look to Apple, which is giving Jaguar the Windows 2000 treatment -- the current versions of its Safari Web browser and iPhoto and iLife packages require OS X 10.3 Panther.
If your system shows up on this list, that's not a death sentence. First, you can simply install the latest system software. A machine that runs Win 2000 or any Mac OS X version should handle Windows XP or Panther -- as long as you up its memory to 512 megabytes.
Second, you can look past Microsoft or Apple for your upgrades. Using Win 98, ME or 2000? Ditch Microsoft's Internet Explorer, essentially abandoned on pre-XP versions, for the free Firefox browser. The same recommendation applies in Jaguar; the version of Safari in that release doesn't display some sites properly. Microsoft Office 2003 may not tolerate Win 98 SE, but Corel's WordPerfect Office 12 and the free OpenOffice will.
But if you're spending any time with digital photos, music or video and you're not running at least Win 2000 or Jaguar, forget it. Take one common question I see, getting an iPod to work in Win 98. You can do it with a fair amount of tinkering -- but even then, you'll be stuck with a machine whose hard drive is probably smaller than the iPod's and which will take hours to copy over that music unless you upgrade its USB connections.
In that case, you either have to accept the limits of your old machine or ante up for a new one. The alternative is endless fussing with your computer, the kind of drudgery that will make you feel old.
Living with technology, or trying to? E-mail Rob Pegoraro at rob@twp.com.
Mon Feb 28,10:48 AM ET
Add to My Yahoo! Technology - washingtonpost.com
By Rob Pegoraro
A program can't ever really die, but it can get old.
Very old.
This is a paradox millions of computer users are living with. Almost four years after the release of Windows XP (news - web sites) and Mac OS X (news - web sites), they boot their machines into more senior versions of Windows or the Mac OS.
Those operating systems still fire up in the morning as they always did. But they show their age in other ways -- newer programs and gadgets can't or won't coexist with them.
The research firm IDC estimates that of the roughly 514 million paid-for copies of Windows on desktops and laptops worldwide at the end of 2004, almost 21 percent were the aging Win 95, 98 and Millennium Edition releases. Among the 19 million Mac OS desktop and laptop installations IDC surveyed, just about half were running releases predating Mac OS X.
If your machine is among that contingent and you find that it performs its assigned tasks properly, there's no problem -- for you, the software is old but not obsolete. But if you're still using your machine for the tasks it was designed for, you are likely in a small minority. Home computing these days has little in common with five years ago, and not all of these changes leave room for older systems.
Here are how the past few consumer releases of Windows and the Mac OS compare in terms of viability:
Windows 95: This nearly-decade-old operating system is swimming with several anchors around its neck, the heaviest of them being its lack of USB support. That rules out using the vast bulk of the devices -- printers, digital cameras, MP3 players, handheld organizers -- made in the past few years.
Software support for Win 95 is vanishing, too. Microsoft last released a Win 95 version of its Internet Explorer browser five years ago; AOL's software last supported Win 95 in 2001. Nor can you run the current editions of Intuit's Quicken (news - web sites) and Microsoft Money in Win 95.
Windows 98 (news - web sites): This version has weathered the years better than Win 95. For one thing, USB does work in Win 98, although not perfectly (for instance, most of Creative's MP3 players, Epson's printer/scanner combos and many WiFi adapters need newer Windows releases).
For another, a lot of software still runs on Win 98 -- among the 20 top-selling Windows programs in December, as compiled by the research firm NPD Group, 15 are listed as Win 98-compatible. Media software is a big exception: If you want to make MP3 copies of your CDs, Win 98 offers few options.
Windows 98 Second Edition and Millennium Edition: Despite the chorus of yawns it was greeted with at its summer 1999 introduction, Win 98 SE turns out to be a fairly significant update seven years later -- it's the oldest Windows release I would consider halfway viable. Win ME, which shipped only a year later, offers almost the same compatibility.
These releases' USB support is good enough to accept almost all the peripherals you might plug into a new Win XP machine.
Win 98 SE and ME also remain the minimum system for many popular applications, such as Microsoft's Money and RealNetworks' RealPlayer. They can't, however, run some of the best-known media software, including Apple's iTunes, Napster (news - web sites), Roxio Easy CD and DVD Creator 7 and Adobe Photoshop Elements 3. You might not think that word processing demands the latest system software, but Microsoft Office 2003 won't run on these systems, either.
Windows 2000 (news - web sites): The immediate ancestor of Windows XP, used by few home users, is barely a year older than Win XP. Yet Microsoft is backing away from it anyway. The latest versions of its flagship Web and media programs -- the pop-up-blocking IE 6 and the cleaner, more capable Windows Media Player 10 -- both require XP.
With little or no built-in support for such wireless standards as WiFi and Bluetooth, Win 2000 is also far behind XP in the networking department.
On the Mac side, there have been far more system updates in recent years -- the downside of that being a quick sunset for older releases. This has continued past the onset of Mac OS X -- the 3 1/2-year-old Mac OS X 10.1 is now as far behind the times as Win 98 SE.
Mac OS 8 and 8.5: These 1997 and 1998 releases are as dead as Windows 95, thanks to their own lack of USB support -- as well as an even more complete abandonment by software developers. Not a single modern, compatible browser is available for these systems. Multimedia software is also hard to find.
Mac OS 8.6-9.2: These releases are slightly better in terms of software support -- there still aren't any good browsers, but you can run an old version of iTunes (which doesn't connect to the iTunes Music Store or recent iPod models). And you can plug in USB devices.
Mac OS X 10.0 and 10.1: The first two releases of Mac OS X have been so badly outclassed by succeeding releases that there is no good reason to run them.
Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar: This operating system, a mere 2 1/2 years old, is already being prepped for retirement. This is not the fault of third-party software developers or hardware manufacturers; most of whose wares function just fine in Jaguar. Instead, look to Apple, which is giving Jaguar the Windows 2000 treatment -- the current versions of its Safari Web browser and iPhoto and iLife packages require OS X 10.3 Panther.
If your system shows up on this list, that's not a death sentence. First, you can simply install the latest system software. A machine that runs Win 2000 or any Mac OS X version should handle Windows XP or Panther -- as long as you up its memory to 512 megabytes.
Second, you can look past Microsoft or Apple for your upgrades. Using Win 98, ME or 2000? Ditch Microsoft's Internet Explorer, essentially abandoned on pre-XP versions, for the free Firefox browser. The same recommendation applies in Jaguar; the version of Safari in that release doesn't display some sites properly. Microsoft Office 2003 may not tolerate Win 98 SE, but Corel's WordPerfect Office 12 and the free OpenOffice will.
But if you're spending any time with digital photos, music or video and you're not running at least Win 2000 or Jaguar, forget it. Take one common question I see, getting an iPod to work in Win 98. You can do it with a fair amount of tinkering -- but even then, you'll be stuck with a machine whose hard drive is probably smaller than the iPod's and which will take hours to copy over that music unless you upgrade its USB connections.
In that case, you either have to accept the limits of your old machine or ante up for a new one. The alternative is endless fussing with your computer, the kind of drudgery that will make you feel old.
Living with technology, or trying to? E-mail Rob Pegoraro at rob@twp.com.
DenverPost.com - How Secure Is Your Computer?
DenverPost.com - How Secure Is Your Computer?
How secure is your computer?
“Honey pot” experiment shows unprotected Windows SP 1 at risk
By Ross Wehner
Denver Post Staff Writer
Post / Andrew Lucas
A Windows computer without the latest security patches is in big trouble.
That's the conclusion from a "honey pot" experiment conducted by StillSecure, a Louisville network security firm.
StillSecure attached six computers - loaded with different versions of the Windows, Linux and Apple's Macintosh operating systems - earlier this month to the Internet without anti-virus software.
The results show the Internet is a very rough place.
Over the course of a week, the machines were scanned a total of 46,255 times by computers around the world that crawl the Web looking for vulnerabilities in operating systems.
Once the vulnerabilities were identified, the remote computers launched 4,892 direct attacks with a staggering variety of worms, Trojan Horses, viruses, spyware and other forms of malware.
The test examined only what happens when computers are turned on and connected to the Internet. The test didn't evaluate additional dangers that computer users face when they use e-mail, surf the Web, click on Internet links or use file-sharing programs.
The good news is that none of the up-to-date, patched operating systems succumbed to a single attack.
The Windows Service Pack 2, or SP 2, system is the most up-to-date Windows operating system. It received 16 direct attacks.
The Macintosh system received three attacks. Two of the Linux systems received eight attacks each, though Red Hat's version of Linux received no attacks at all.
But in the end, none of the attacks were successful.
The Linux and Macintosh sytems were installed out of the box without any additional security patches. Windows SP 2 automatically downloads the latest security patches from the Microsoft website.
Windows Service Pack 1, or SP 1, however, was another story. It's an older version of Windows that was sold in computer stores until a few months ago.
SP 1 was attacked 4,857 times. It was infested within 18 minutes by the Blaster and Sasser worms. Within an hour it became a "bot," or a machine controlled by a remote computer, and began attacking other Windows computers.
Microsoft responded that the tests prove that any operating system is vulnerable when not patched.
"The results don't surprise me at all," said David Brandt, principal technology architect at Microsoft in Denver.
Microsoft stopped shipping SP 1 in August and replaced it with the more secure Windows SP 2. Most computers with SP 1 had been sold from stores by Christmas, said Microsoft spokesman Sean Sundwall.
SP 2 comes with a firewall and automatic security updates, said Sundwall. These features had to be manually turned on in SP 1, which meant that some users missed out on computer patches.
Many computers around the world are still running Windows SP 1, though exact numbers are hard to come by. Gartner research director Michael Silver estimates that by the end of 2005, half of the world's desktops used in businesses will still be using SP 1.
"But most companies are pretty good about keeping their PCs patched, and most have corporate firewalls," said Silver.
Large companies are switching to SP 2 slowly because they have to make adjustments to thousands of different software programs first.
The honey pot test is a good indication that many small-business and home computers are still using older versions of Windows, according to StillSecure chief technology officer Mitchell Ashley.
"Why are we getting hit by Blaster?" asked Ashley. "Because there are infected machines out there. Why are they infected? Because they don't have the updated patch."
Microsoft is concerned about security issues surrounding Windows and Internet Explorer, and the resultant surge of Linux, which can be downloaded for free from the Internet. Most companies, however, chose to pay a Linux vendor in order to receive security patches.
Experts also consider Linux less prone to viruses.
"(Security) is a huge pain point for Microsoft," said Silver. "Microsoft takes the threat of Linux very seriously."
Over the last nine months, Microsoft has gone on the offensive with a "Get the Facts" campaign that argues that Windows is cheaper and more secure than Linux.
Microsoft's leadership position means that more viruses are written for Windows, said Silver, who estimates that 96 percent of all desktops and laptops worldwide used Windows at the end of 2004. Macintosh has 2.5 percent of the market, while Linux is at 1.3 percent, Silver said.
"There are going to be security holes in just about any operating system," said Silver.
Silver predicts that Linux will climb to 3 percent of the market by 2008.
As of this month, 25 million people around the world have downloaded a free Web browser, Mozilla Firefox, which a variety of security experts have trumpeted over Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
Microsoft is racing to roll out its new Longhorn operating system in 2006.
But for the moment, it's sticking with Windows, for which it rolled out a new patch Tuesday.
"SP 1 is not a current operating system," said Sundwall. "It doesn't surprise me that it only took 18 minutes to get infected."
Staff writer Ross Wehner can be reached at 303-820-1503 or rwehner@denverpost.com .
Operation Honey Pot
StillSecure, a Louisville-based network security firm, connected six computers - with six operating systems - to the Internet for a week without any virus protection. The results: 4,892 direct attacks by viruses, worms and other types of malicious code, and 46,255 scans by remote computers looking for weaknesses.
Here's what happened:
Windows XP Service Pack 1
Attacks: 4,857
Results: Attacked successfully within 18 minutes by the Blaster and Sasser worms. Within an hour, the computer was taken over and began attacking other Windows machines.
Windows XP Service Pack 2
Attacks: 16
Results: Survived all attacks
Apple Mac OS X Jaguar
Attacks: 3
Results: Survived all attacks
Linux, Suse Professional 9.2
Attacks: 8
Results: Survived all attacks
Linux, Fedora Core 3
Attacks: 8
Results: Survived all attacks
Linux Red Hat 9
Attacks: 0
Source: StillSecure
Protecting your PC
Computers are vulnerable to viruses unless three basic protections are in place: a patched operating system, anti-virus software and a firewall for blocking viruses.
1. Patched operating system. Windows users should visit www.windowsupdate.com , a Microsoft website that will scan your computer and suggest updates. Linux vendors and Apple also offer patches.
2. Anti-virus software. Windows SP 2 automatically alerts users if they don't have a working anti-virus software program.
Experts say spyware programs are also necessary for Windows users. Microsoft is offering a free beta version of its spyware program at www.microsoft.com/athome , and Webroot is offering its spyware program free to Colorado residents through April 15 at www.webroot.com Free spyware programs are available at www.download.com
3. Firewall. Windows SP 2 comes with a firewall, as does Symantec's Norton Internet Security 2005 and other security software packages. Zone Alarm firewall can be downloaded free at www.zonelabs.com
- By Ross Wehner
Viruses vs. Spyware
There are many types of malware, or malicious software. Experts often divide them into two groups:
Viruses are a form of computer vandalism that often have no other purpose than to prove the prowess of the virus' author. Viruses are classified by how they spread:
Trojan Horses hide themselves within an apparently innocuous computer program.
Worms take over a machine in order to attack, and spread to, other computers.
Spyware, unlike a virus, has a financial driver. The most lethal forms help identity thieves gather information from computer users without their consent. Spyware gets on computers in the same way viruses do. Apart from making a computer run slowly, it rarely announces its presence.
Some forms of spyware:
Key loggers record keystrokes and then transmit credit card numbers and other sensitive information to identity thieves.
Cookies are used by online companies to track user preferences.
Adware causes annoying pop-up ads but often harvests information like spyware.
The best way to know if your computer has spyware is to run an anti-spyware program.
- By Ross Wehner
How secure is your computer?
“Honey pot” experiment shows unprotected Windows SP 1 at risk
By Ross Wehner
Denver Post Staff Writer
Post / Andrew Lucas
A Windows computer without the latest security patches is in big trouble.
That's the conclusion from a "honey pot" experiment conducted by StillSecure, a Louisville network security firm.
StillSecure attached six computers - loaded with different versions of the Windows, Linux and Apple's Macintosh operating systems - earlier this month to the Internet without anti-virus software.
The results show the Internet is a very rough place.
Over the course of a week, the machines were scanned a total of 46,255 times by computers around the world that crawl the Web looking for vulnerabilities in operating systems.
Once the vulnerabilities were identified, the remote computers launched 4,892 direct attacks with a staggering variety of worms, Trojan Horses, viruses, spyware and other forms of malware.
The test examined only what happens when computers are turned on and connected to the Internet. The test didn't evaluate additional dangers that computer users face when they use e-mail, surf the Web, click on Internet links or use file-sharing programs.
The good news is that none of the up-to-date, patched operating systems succumbed to a single attack.
The Windows Service Pack 2, or SP 2, system is the most up-to-date Windows operating system. It received 16 direct attacks.
The Macintosh system received three attacks. Two of the Linux systems received eight attacks each, though Red Hat's version of Linux received no attacks at all.
But in the end, none of the attacks were successful.
The Linux and Macintosh sytems were installed out of the box without any additional security patches. Windows SP 2 automatically downloads the latest security patches from the Microsoft website.
Windows Service Pack 1, or SP 1, however, was another story. It's an older version of Windows that was sold in computer stores until a few months ago.
SP 1 was attacked 4,857 times. It was infested within 18 minutes by the Blaster and Sasser worms. Within an hour it became a "bot," or a machine controlled by a remote computer, and began attacking other Windows computers.
Microsoft responded that the tests prove that any operating system is vulnerable when not patched.
"The results don't surprise me at all," said David Brandt, principal technology architect at Microsoft in Denver.
Microsoft stopped shipping SP 1 in August and replaced it with the more secure Windows SP 2. Most computers with SP 1 had been sold from stores by Christmas, said Microsoft spokesman Sean Sundwall.
SP 2 comes with a firewall and automatic security updates, said Sundwall. These features had to be manually turned on in SP 1, which meant that some users missed out on computer patches.
Many computers around the world are still running Windows SP 1, though exact numbers are hard to come by. Gartner research director Michael Silver estimates that by the end of 2005, half of the world's desktops used in businesses will still be using SP 1.
"But most companies are pretty good about keeping their PCs patched, and most have corporate firewalls," said Silver.
Large companies are switching to SP 2 slowly because they have to make adjustments to thousands of different software programs first.
The honey pot test is a good indication that many small-business and home computers are still using older versions of Windows, according to StillSecure chief technology officer Mitchell Ashley.
"Why are we getting hit by Blaster?" asked Ashley. "Because there are infected machines out there. Why are they infected? Because they don't have the updated patch."
Microsoft is concerned about security issues surrounding Windows and Internet Explorer, and the resultant surge of Linux, which can be downloaded for free from the Internet. Most companies, however, chose to pay a Linux vendor in order to receive security patches.
Experts also consider Linux less prone to viruses.
"(Security) is a huge pain point for Microsoft," said Silver. "Microsoft takes the threat of Linux very seriously."
Over the last nine months, Microsoft has gone on the offensive with a "Get the Facts" campaign that argues that Windows is cheaper and more secure than Linux.
Microsoft's leadership position means that more viruses are written for Windows, said Silver, who estimates that 96 percent of all desktops and laptops worldwide used Windows at the end of 2004. Macintosh has 2.5 percent of the market, while Linux is at 1.3 percent, Silver said.
"There are going to be security holes in just about any operating system," said Silver.
Silver predicts that Linux will climb to 3 percent of the market by 2008.
As of this month, 25 million people around the world have downloaded a free Web browser, Mozilla Firefox, which a variety of security experts have trumpeted over Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
Microsoft is racing to roll out its new Longhorn operating system in 2006.
But for the moment, it's sticking with Windows, for which it rolled out a new patch Tuesday.
"SP 1 is not a current operating system," said Sundwall. "It doesn't surprise me that it only took 18 minutes to get infected."
Staff writer Ross Wehner can be reached at 303-820-1503 or rwehner@denverpost.com .
Operation Honey Pot
StillSecure, a Louisville-based network security firm, connected six computers - with six operating systems - to the Internet for a week without any virus protection. The results: 4,892 direct attacks by viruses, worms and other types of malicious code, and 46,255 scans by remote computers looking for weaknesses.
Here's what happened:
Windows XP Service Pack 1
Attacks: 4,857
Results: Attacked successfully within 18 minutes by the Blaster and Sasser worms. Within an hour, the computer was taken over and began attacking other Windows machines.
Windows XP Service Pack 2
Attacks: 16
Results: Survived all attacks
Apple Mac OS X Jaguar
Attacks: 3
Results: Survived all attacks
Linux, Suse Professional 9.2
Attacks: 8
Results: Survived all attacks
Linux, Fedora Core 3
Attacks: 8
Results: Survived all attacks
Linux Red Hat 9
Attacks: 0
Source: StillSecure
Protecting your PC
Computers are vulnerable to viruses unless three basic protections are in place: a patched operating system, anti-virus software and a firewall for blocking viruses.
1. Patched operating system. Windows users should visit www.windowsupdate.com , a Microsoft website that will scan your computer and suggest updates. Linux vendors and Apple also offer patches.
2. Anti-virus software. Windows SP 2 automatically alerts users if they don't have a working anti-virus software program.
Experts say spyware programs are also necessary for Windows users. Microsoft is offering a free beta version of its spyware program at www.microsoft.com/athome , and Webroot is offering its spyware program free to Colorado residents through April 15 at www.webroot.com Free spyware programs are available at www.download.com
3. Firewall. Windows SP 2 comes with a firewall, as does Symantec's Norton Internet Security 2005 and other security software packages. Zone Alarm firewall can be downloaded free at www.zonelabs.com
- By Ross Wehner
Viruses vs. Spyware
There are many types of malware, or malicious software. Experts often divide them into two groups:
Viruses are a form of computer vandalism that often have no other purpose than to prove the prowess of the virus' author. Viruses are classified by how they spread:
Trojan Horses hide themselves within an apparently innocuous computer program.
Worms take over a machine in order to attack, and spread to, other computers.
Spyware, unlike a virus, has a financial driver. The most lethal forms help identity thieves gather information from computer users without their consent. Spyware gets on computers in the same way viruses do. Apart from making a computer run slowly, it rarely announces its presence.
Some forms of spyware:
Key loggers record keystrokes and then transmit credit card numbers and other sensitive information to identity thieves.
Cookies are used by online companies to track user preferences.
Adware causes annoying pop-up ads but often harvests information like spyware.
The best way to know if your computer has spyware is to run an anti-spyware program.
- By Ross Wehner
Slashdot | Costa Rica May Criminalize VoIP
Slashdot | Costa Rica May Criminalize VoIP
So much for my plans to move there when I retire. *sighs* Belize here we come!
So much for my plans to move there when I retire. *sighs* Belize here we come!
Slashdot | Engineers Devise Invisibility Shielw
Slashdot | Engineers Devise Invisibility Shield
Now I need a freaking time machine, the flying car, a smartass artificial intelligence and a moonbase and we're all set.
Now I need a freaking time machine, the flying car, a smartass artificial intelligence and a moonbase and we're all set.
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