keeping busy!
Upcoming gigs are a DJ gig at Los Petardos CD release, and at the Nocturama opening night at Sept the 3rd at Red Shield. DU will play as part of the Hasta el Limite Sonoro gig Sept 10, Also a gig on October the 1st at Red Shield as part of the October 1st Nocturama show.
Keeping busy, alright.
Presentaciones de Descojon Urbano y Nocturama @ Red Shield

Hay muchas cosas ocurriendo en la tierra de rojoynegro.
Primero que nada, de nuevo gracias por su presencia y sus palabras de reacción en cuanto al show con Nalgada de Oro. De hecho, antes de seguir con lo que ocurre, si desean obtener el disco de Nalgada de Oro y no viven en PR o desean descargarlo, pueden hacerlo aquí.
Descojón Urbano está vivo y coleando. Por lo menos hasta finales de éste año. Hay una regrabación de temas viejos en proceso y dos presentaciones. En cuanto a presentaciones nos han invitado a formar parte de estos dos eventos:
1. Hasta el Límite Sonoro - Viernes Sept 10 Red Shield, Ave. Roosevelt Hato Rey
2. Aniversario de Radio Clandestina Sábado Nov. 20 Soprano's Cataño. (Tentativo)
Por ahora tenemos ocho canciones regrabadas con las voces. Faltan las guitarras y bajos en algunos temas y estamos en proceso de hacer lo propio. Todo es cuestión de hacerlo. Puede que hayan cambios de personal en la alineación de la banda en directo debido al regreso de uno de nuestros integrantes. Todavía no puedo confirmarlo.
Lo que sí les puedo confirmar es que gracias a Noel Villegas y la gente de Red Shield estaremos presentando un evento mensual donde esperamos traer bandas, dj's invitados y cualquier otra locura que se nos ocurra. El evento se llama Nocturama y comenzará el Viernes 3 de Septiembre del 2010 a las 9pm en Red Shield, 1367 Ave. Roosevelt, Puerto Nuevo. Inauguraremos la noche con Psiconautas, Matotumba y los dj's a cargo serán Don Carlos Del Pepino aka Supercarlillo y este servidor. Están cordialmente invitados.
Así que en resumen esto es lo que me depara musicalmente en un futuro cercano.
Viernes Sept 3 - Nocturama @ Red Shield - Psiconautas, Matotumba y DJ sets de Supercarlillo y Popu
Viernes Sept 10 - Hasta el Límite Sonoro @ Red Shield - Descojón Urbano live set y muchas otras bandas muy buenas por anunciarse.
Viernes Octubre 1 - Nocturama @ Red Shield - Invitados por anunciarse.
Viernes Noviembre 5 - Nocturama @ Red Shield - invitados por anunciarse.
Sábado Nov 20 - Aniversario de Radio Clandestina @ Soprano's Cataño - Descojón Urbano live set (Tentativo)
Les daré más información de futuras actividades y/o acciones.
Gracias. Nalgada de Oro, Isabela Music Club, Descojon Urbano Jul 29 2010
A los que asistieron y que tuve el placer de ver y compartir despues de mucho tiempo. A Nalgada de Oro, a Isabela Music Club por compartir la tarima con nosotros. A Ariel, Rafy y Carlitos que fueron unos campeones. A El Padrino que trato con lo que habia disponible pero se hizo lo que se pudo. A La Respuesta, Monopolio Records y lFrecuencias ALternas por apostar al talento local. En verdad fue bueno compartir y tener varias pequen-as conversaciones que en realidad me impactaron mucho.
Una de ellas siembra la semilla para futras colaboraciones. Gracias Luis por hablar la clara. La otra fue la conclusion de la noche. Puedo decir con toda franqueza que hoy puedo morir feliz. La gente se divirtio, los muchachos se divirtieron y yo me diverti. Como se lo dije a Andres, se los digo a ustedes: si hoy muero, muero feliz y muero con un sentido de que he logrado lo que me he propuesto y nos divertimos en el proceso.
En realidad lo siento por las dificultades tecnidas, por no tocar las canciones que pidieron y por no poder complacerlos. Falta de tiempo y esa noche definitivamente le pertenecia a los chicos de Nalgada que se pasaron. Isabela Music Club tambien se tiro la mision empezando mellow pero poco a poco me gustaban mas y es bueno ver a los Hermanos Velez, junto a Joy y a Gabriel hacer lo suyo.
Los que no pudieron ir, se perdieron una noche especial, pero eso pasa. Y si, los extran-e.
No se que el futuro depara y no puedo hablar por el resto de los muchachos pero puedo decir de mi parte que tocar y ensayar junto a Ariel, Carlitos y Rafy fue muy divertido y bueno. Si se repite bajo Descojon Urbano u otra cosa, eso esta de parte de todos. Pero esta noche fue muy buena. Gracias.
De nuevo, gracias.
Ahora se pueden ir a otro rincon del Internet. Yo tengo que dormir algo antes de escuchar un lindo seminario de 5 horas man-ana.
Entrevista a Nalgada De Oro y a Descojon Urbano en Frecuencias Alternas
Nalgada De Oro gig promo video
Se repartirá protección en el show?
Estamos gestionando un auspicio con Condom World, pero recomendamos que siempre lleven protección. Mejor tenerla y no necesitarla que necesitarla y no tenerla.
En cuanto a chalecos anti-balas, carros blindados y otras medidas de seguridad, está de parte de ustedes llevarlas.
Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
Cuantos pañales recomiendas que se deben llevar por persona?
Depende de su problema individual de incontinencia. Recomendamos que consulte con su médico.
Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
Si Popu va a tocar algun instrumento y cuales serian?
Popu se toca su propio instrumento. Puro virtuosismo.
Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
tocaran canciones de Hijos de Cain? (anda p'al carajo, una pregunta en serio)
Sí. Tocaremos material de Hijos de Caín. Gracias por hacer una pregunta en serio.
Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
Cual es tu receta para el diaper rash?
No usamos pañales. Pregúntale a tus padres para ver qué remedio te recomiendan. ¡Éxito!
Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
Ustedes cantan reguetón?
Porque somos bien versatiles. Ademas tocamos cumbia, bachata, quebradita, joropo, el pasito duranguense y otros lindos ritmos para el deleite de grandes y chicos.
Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
Ahora que Obama esta en el poder y logro la reforma de salud, estan ustedes preocupados que los "death panels" si implementen en Puerto Rico?
Ya que el gobierno federal tiene la potestad de ejecutar a sus prisioneros, que les impide matar a los que se acojan a su plan de salud?
Ahora en serio, los death panels son otra teoria conspiratoria de la derecha y nos lo pelan. Dado que mucha de la poblacion aqui y en USA no tienen la capacidad de tener un plan de salud, es bueno que el gobierno decida ofrecer una alternativa a sus ciudadanos.
Y aqui en PR me imagino que las aseguradoras, los legisladrones y los payasos en el gobierno estaran afilandose los colmillos para robarse el dinero.
Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
Hazle una pregunta a Descojón Urbano
Para celebrar plenamente el verano del odio del 2010 propiamente....
Pero antes hice una parada obligada en un cajero automatico para retirar la partida designada para efectivo. Con parte de esta desayune (nunca vayan de compras con el estomago vacio), guarde el resto para el taxi de vuelta (extran-o tener un auto) y me dirigi a hacer la compra. Donde fui no habia mucha seleccion pero ya lo se para la proxima vez.
El resultado fue algo basico: 4 galones de agua, dos litros de diet coke, 2 litros de jugo de cranberry "light", 10 latas de sopa de pollo "saludable", 2 paquetes de leche imperecedera, 10 paquetes de comidita para el almuerzo, 2 cajas de cereal y 2 paquetes de 4 botellas de smoothies de dieta.
Todo esto para lograr una dieta balanceada (ja!) y no tener que gastar en comer afuera. Me sobro un 30% de la partida asi q la dejare para cuando vaya al otro lugar de compras y si tiene algo que me apetesca. Vamos a ver que mas nos depara la vida en este nuevo lugar.
Calor de puta madre! Tambien extran-o el a/c.
Gaming the System: How Marketers Rig the Social Media Machine | Epicenter�|
Tom Silverman Proposes Radically Transparent Music Business | Epicenter�|
Dosis de Linux!
Esto se jodió
12 of the most interesting, unusual and useful Linux distros - operating systems, open source, Linux - Good Gear Guide
Plus Ca Change
The triumphant return of Nalgada de Oro

Was this the actual movie the guys took their name from? Mebbe. Mebbe not.
About a little less than twenty years ago, most of you weren't probably born or were wee lads and lasses, people used dial-up to access electronic bulletin board systems or BBS, and the only way you could score porn was through your dad's porn mag stash or if you somwhow acquired it/stole it from your friends. Music was mostly on CD, but there were some vynils available, and eMpTyV was actually playing music videos, starting their descent into "reality" tv hell. Most of all, there were local bands doing original music, be it punk rock, hardcore, thrash, all sorts of metal and all genres in between.
In that same period - in the midst of abusing my vocal chords, programming cheap synths, samplers, drum machines and generally annoying and amusing our audiences and each other in Descojon Urbano - we met an amazing bunch of people and bands that we had a blast playing with in several of the seediest dives this God forsaken island has to offer. Actually we played some dives that were not so seedy, but those being the exception let's not allow that fact to get in the way of a good yarn.
Among that amazing bunch of degenerates (I say this as a term of endearment, don't you fucking dare to start getting your panties in a bunch. It's quarter to 5 am and I don't give a shit about offending delicate sensibilities. I don't anyway.) was a trio of local youngsters who called themselves Nalgada de Oro. They took their name from a Mexican movie they found at a video store. They were funny, surreal, brilliant in a goofy kind of way. Words fail me to describe them and when you can't easily pigeonhole someone in this era of categorization, labels, and marketing bullshit, that is good. Alternative could be used in the true sense of the word. Unfortunately that word has been prostituted and watered down beyond belief.
Unlike most bands, they had the good sense to break up once they decided it was time to pack it in. Lead singer and guitar player Jorge Gonzalez went on to became a well-known playwright both in stage and radio. Bass player Marcelo Gomez went on to form La Murga (another brilliant band on it's own right) and later joined his brother Memo in La Experiencia de Ton-ito Cabanillas and then left to finish his studies abroad. Drummer Bernando Dominguez played in La Murga and then joined Burning Face, and has been there ever since. They were unique, brilliant, catchy, fun, goofy and they didn't have any recorded material of their songs. Until now.
Well, not now. Very soon. The boys went into the studio and after almost 20 years of their first appearance, they went into an actual studio and recorded their tunes. And you will be able to see them live on July 29th at La Respuesta in Santurce where they will release their record upon an unsuspecting world. They will play along with some guests, which should be announced shortly.
The only thing I have to say about all of this is: the date has been set. God help us all. See you there.
"Lost" Hijos de Cain tune released! Mujer Satanica!
A lost little gem from the Hijos de Cain's Cristales Rotos recording sessions basically one of the songs that for one reason or another didn't make the cut for the Hijos De Cain CD (possibly time and subject related. yeah, even for us), but thanks to Rafael Arroyo who had a copy handy. This was written in a pinch by Jose Ramon Jimenez and Jose E. Roman and then Rafy Arroyo and Luis Santiago added their guitars when we did the recording. A very sordid tale of a one-night stand gone very, very, very wrong.
O.P.A.L. - Mayoria Silente Minoria Invisible
A 79 minute generative music piece. O.P.A.L.'s second extended piece. A soundtrack to an imaginary film without a script full of actors devoid of any cues. Silences, noises, birdnoises, liquid, something that might be construed as words, drones. Created somewhere late at night. Feel free to remix, re-cut, re-edit at leisure, but do let me know and send me a copy. You can contact me at info at rojoynegro dot org.
If the player above does not work, you can checck it out here.
bad ass happenings
LS also has some evil plans and I'm in them. That's good.
I worry about the future of Mandriva Linux. That's bad.
I am now the meaning of everything
Been working way too hard and trying to get some stuff to get ahead, but Clusterfuck 2010 is in full effect. Right now, I'm on foodstamps and receiving subsidies for my phone and my electric bill. Trying to look for a way out of this situation, but it's not happening, so far. Caught some really good movies like "Unthinkable", "La Horde" and "Pontypool" and revisited an old classic "Near Dark". Fucking hellish heat and I've got a pile of laundry to look after, so I'll see you later you buncha crazy kids.
Opera Finds Flash Unappetizing For Web Video - Opera - Gizmodo
Adobe Hits Apple With Hugs - Adobe - Gizmodo
Great Moments in Alternate History: The Discovery Of The Multiverse - Books - io9
Your Posthumanism Is Boring Me - Posthumanity - io9
Dear Ubuntu: I Have Some Concerns
Here's a rant from a Ubuntu user concerned with recent developments within the Ubuntu community. For what it's worth, I find that his points are valid.Read on....
Goths! On The Bus! on Vimeo
Goths! On The Bus! from Jaimz Asmundson on Vimeo.
A couple of uber-goths ride the public transit to go to the mall and buy more lipstick.
Shot in sequence and in one take, for the 2009 One Take Super 8 Event at the WNDX Festival in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Film and Music by Karen & Jaimz Asmundson
* Winner of the Audience Favourite Award @ $100 Film Festival, Calgary
A hysterical look at the goth lifestyle. Thanks to Alejandra for bringing me this to my attention. The only thng missing on the mall was a stop at the Hot Topic! Actually the first two punks I met in Puerto Rico were on a bus ride.
French Film Blurred and Free Software Goodness!
Here's the trailer to La Horde, a French film dealing with cops, gangsters and zombies. Here's another example on how foreign filmmakers kick Hollywood's lazy ass in their own game. Looking forward to watch it.
BTW, Ubuntu's 10.04 is out and about, so is PCLinuxOS's 2010.1. Go get it and let me know how they handle. LinuxMint's Isadora is on Release Candidate status and I look forward to see what Clemente is up to. Also, the new Mandriva should be out soon.
Posthumanity: Jump To The Next Stage In Human Evolution - Posthumanity - io9
and The Essential Posthuman Sci-Fi Reading List
Here's some serious food for thought about our possible next steps in evolution. Before we kill ourselves and the planet.
Weekend Update. Yeah, that's it.
Got my BlackBerry whole again. My carrier's store replaced the little ball that acts as a cursos free of charge. Woohoo! Also visited some places to drop some resumés. I don't like my job but I have to stick with it until the next opportunity appears. Lots of shitwork and management is not the best for the task, but oh well. I haven't reached the desperation point yet, but now I am getting very concerned about the need for more cash to handle bills and basics.
Beltame and May the 1st came and went. I spent Saturday at the UMET and got pretty bushed when I got home and I'm not quite a pagan nor a commie, so no Beltane nor May 1st celebration for me. Sunday also happened to be the first rain shower and thank god we got one. The heat was hellish. Dropped by my parent's for Mother's Day and check out Dad. Dad's condition is about the same and there's nothing I can do about it. Fucking hell. Mom was alright and gave me some dinner, but I couldn't eat the whole thing unless I wanted to fall into a diabetic coma. So I ate what I could and got back home. Anyway, everyday is Mother's Day.
Tomorrow I have a nice little talk to give to some college staff about Joomla usage and Tuesday to a community up there in the mountains. Oh well.
Don't remember if I wrote this here or not, but had a really interesting and intense talk with Santos about religion and spirituality. I admire him because not only is he a killer dj and a great doctor, he cultivates that side of him as well. And no, he doesn't fall into the cliché of a religious fanatic. The things we spoke and his openness about it almost got me crying, something that's hard to accomplish these days. Sorry kids, I'm not an atheist. Raised a Catholic and went to Catholic school, but lost my faith, so that makes me an agnostic. I still believe. I just don't quite want to follow the rules of the Catholic Church, or most christians, anyway.
Organized religion is social and mind control and one of the oldest cons around, but I also recognize the power of faith and spirituality and I have to respect that.
Finally got some e-mail from Tom Joyce, one of my college buddies from PSU. Connected him to Jon B and Tom D as well. Good to be able to exchange e-mails with him to see how he's doing.
Christ! 16 more days and I'll reach one more year in this planet, much to the chagrin of those lovely people who can't stand me. Cheers, bitches!
A mighty shout out to djr who's somewhere over NYC, to my lovely lady LS who still loves me and hasn't given up on me and to the usual suspects who make this existence worth living.
Anyway, work awaits tomorrow. Laundry in the dryer. Fun, fun, fun! Hope your weekend went well.
Mandriva 2010.0 on a MacBook Pro 5,1 (Unibody, Late 2008)
First Jonah Hex Trailer Blasts Amazing Josh Brolin Antics Into Your Melted Face - Jonah Hex - io9
The first one that starts to rant about how awesome this film will be and then bitches and moans about the Wild, Wild West remake, gets it. Christ, has all the elements of summer action flick written on it, and Mastodon is doing the soundtrack. Unfortunately, this is not the Jonah Hex I knew and loved from the comic books. Although it has that Joe Landsdale feel.
A Jonah Hex film can be made. Something mean and cruel, like The Unforgiven, The Proposition or with the spirit of some of the vintage Leone westerns. Oh well.
Top 10 Greatest Science Fiction Detective Novels Of All Time - Books - io9
Australia's Answer To Red Dawn, Coming In September - Tomorrow when the war began - io9
TRIBECA 2010: Review of TETSUO: THE BULLET MAN - Tetsuo - io9
Good review of the movie. I still want to see it. Anyway, the original is still the stuff of nightmares. David Cronenberg must be proud somewhere.
At Last, A Family Movie About Children Going To Hell - Heck - io9
Tabula Rasa (Everything in it's Right Place)
Well, along came apps like, hootsuite, tweetdeck and the like that allow me to more or less centralize the whole deal. What some media types would call create synergy, what military types would call reach total spectrum dominance. Well, some of you who happen to be able to reach me through more than one of those channels find it annoying. I could say I feel your pain but I don't want to lie. As adults you can block me out one or more channels, and that's fine. Your loss really. Haven't lost any sleep because of it.
But something made me change my outlook, partly motivated by a very polite request from someone known all around me to be one of the meanest, rudest cunts on and off-line. It's ok. He would take it as a compliment and I mean it as a term of endearment as well. Also, he happens to be one quite a killer web designer/graphic artist and is one of those people who I actually look forward to have an argument when the situation calls for it. Partly because of him, but mainly because another reason. Bear with me, there is a point to all of this.
Somehow in my quest for synergy or redundancy, depends on how you look at it, I let this blog go. Granted, I've been blogging unofficially since 1998 and on this platform since 2001 and it's home not only to a handy dandy collection of links of articles that hold my interest, but also of my very own lengthy rants about whatever my sick little brain might come up at any given time. Not that they were or are particularly entertaining nor enlightening, but at least for me they are a necessary cathartic exercise for my neurons, my writing skills and whatever passes for my soul these days.
I could blame all of it on blog fatigue and/or good old lazy-itis, but yeah, the blog was becoming sad just being a collection of tweets and links from said tweets. I came to that realization early this morning. So, I woke up unusually early today to try to change the looks and test-drive the draft feature in blogger, which is quite nifty and gives blogger's default template a much needed face-lift. Of course, there are alternatives to change them, one of which I'm using right now, but people are generally lazy and couldn't be bothered.
Anyway, after playing with several layouts, I was about to get the day's brunch when his polite request came. Thought about it and said "why not?" and got into it. So, in the kind words of Bill Maher, I say "new rule": short, sharp, succinct observations and/or conversations to twitter, facebook, etcetera and lengthier rants of whatever my mind would find interesting at the blog. Mind you, I'll still post linkage here, but with the handy BlogThis! tool, I can add some color commentary to it, whenever possible. So Say We All!
Of course, I reserve every right to change my mind about everything in any given moment, but let's see what happens now.
To Alf: I hope you're happy, you fucking content nazi. All my love always.
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Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry
Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry