BBC NEWS | Health | Woman has first face transplant
BBC NEWS | Health | Woman has first face transplant Straight outta Nip/Tuck
How to Become a Professional DJ -
How to Become a Professional DJ -
Hey Loudo! Check this article out!
Also this session will come handy
Hey Loudo! Check this article out!
Also this session will come handy
Slashdot | Just Say No to Microsoft
Slashdot | Just Say No to Microsoft
This and some books dealing with Mac OSX should be on my reading list this Christmas.
This and some books dealing with Mac OSX should be on my reading list this Christmas.
Cybercrime yields more cash than drugs: expert - Yahoo! News
Cybercrime yields more cash than drugs: expert - Yahoo! News
Shit I bet those Nigerian 419ers are the envy of the average drug lord!
Shit I bet those Nigerian 419ers are the envy of the average drug lord!
Orlando residents flipped out over cheap HP laptops - Engadget -
Orlando residents flipped out over cheap HP laptops - Engadget -
Gotta love them residents of the lovely city of Whorelanduh!
Gotta love them residents of the lovely city of Whorelanduh!
best week ever!
1. A nice little 14-inch Ibook courtesy of wanderlustmedia
2. A nice little 250GB firewire external hard drive courtesy of my girlfriend. She allowed me to get the Garageband Packs 1-3.
3. Finally got to see my girlfriend, gave her an Ipod, went to have an early dinner together. Finally spent some serious quality time together.
4. Longest weekend ever, but a good one.
2. A nice little 250GB firewire external hard drive courtesy of my girlfriend. She allowed me to get the Garageband Packs 1-3.
3. Finally got to see my girlfriend, gave her an Ipod, went to have an early dinner together. Finally spent some serious quality time together.
4. Longest weekend ever, but a good one.
i decided to try garageband and its an interesting piece of software. Easy to use and very handy. So I took the plunge and bought Garageband's Jam Packs 1-3, installed them and i'm working on some stuff for a possible outing. Let's see where that takes me.
well worked all day on the new wanderlust media page. need to talk to david's hosting so i can migrate it there.
meanwhile, check out the original page and check out the new version.
meanwhile, check out the original page and check out the new version.
gobble gobble toil and trouble
My only complaint about MacOS X is freaking samba. So freaking slow. It'd be nice if they fixed that bug. Further proof that nothing is perfect.
Wired 13.07: God's Little Toys
Wired 13.07: God's Little Toys And to add more to the mix, here's a William Gibson essay from July 2005
Neuromancer graphic novel
Neuromancer graphic novel
This is a graphic novel based on William Gibson's Neuromancer done ages ago. Unfortunately only Volume 1 was made. It's out of print, so check this shit out homeboys.
This is a graphic novel based on William Gibson's Neuromancer done ages ago. Unfortunately only Volume 1 was made. It's out of print, so check this shit out homeboys.
happy thanksgiving! feliz dia de accion de gracias!
happy thanksgiving to you all! be grateful for the things you have and try to share some with the ones who don't.
feliz diia de accion de gracias! demos gracias por lo que tenemos y tratemos de compartir con los que no las tienen.
en otras informaciones me sentee a leer los manuales de la ibook y descubri que una memoria que tenia de la averatec de 512MB que no estaba usando es compatible asi que raudo y veloz se la instale. asi que mi linda ibook tiene ahora un giga de RAM bwahahaahaah!
no se preocupen. la averatec tiene su lindo giga de RAM tambien. ninguna laptop fue herida durante la filmacion de este episodio. o algo.
mi novia esta de goo goo con mi ibook. que cosa cabrona!
in other news, i sat down to read the ibook's manuals (yeah i actually do that!) and found out that a spare 512MB RAM that i used for the averatec is compatible with it, so i upgraded the ibook's RAM to a whooping 1 GB bwahahaahahaahaahah!
don't worry, the averatec laptop has it's own 1 gig of RAM too. no laptops were harmed during the fiilming of this episode. or something.
my girlfriend is babytalking to my laptop. she's so unreal.
feliz diia de accion de gracias! demos gracias por lo que tenemos y tratemos de compartir con los que no las tienen.
en otras informaciones me sentee a leer los manuales de la ibook y descubri que una memoria que tenia de la averatec de 512MB que no estaba usando es compatible asi que raudo y veloz se la instale. asi que mi linda ibook tiene ahora un giga de RAM bwahahaahaah!
no se preocupen. la averatec tiene su lindo giga de RAM tambien. ninguna laptop fue herida durante la filmacion de este episodio. o algo.
mi novia esta de goo goo con mi ibook. que cosa cabrona!
in other news, i sat down to read the ibook's manuals (yeah i actually do that!) and found out that a spare 512MB RAM that i used for the averatec is compatible with it, so i upgraded the ibook's RAM to a whooping 1 GB bwahahaahahaahaahah!
don't worry, the averatec laptop has it's own 1 gig of RAM too. no laptops were harmed during the fiilming of this episode. or something.
my girlfriend is babytalking to my laptop. she's so unreal.
la musica, la muerte y una mac (ej largo vite)
Habia una vez un fin de semana extendido que iba a ser supertotal. El Emotional Rescue con Un.real, Astrid Proll y Psiconautas el Jueves, un rave el viernes en Pier 10, el Nekropolis IV el sabado y el domingo a ver a mi linda novia a Mayaguez. Mucha diversion, poco suenyo y mucho caos. Como me gusta. Pero como dice el refran "el hombre propone..."
Jueves - Frecuencias Alternas y Emotional Rescue con Un.real, Astrid Proll y Psiconautas en Rumba. Bueno despues de tanta complicacion el show se da. Psiconautas se raja por problemas tecnicos pero el show va. Un.real y Astrid Proll simplemente alucinantes. Shoegazing, Postrock, Jameo y Sicodelia. Pa joder Astrid Proll se tira la mision de no solo tirarse su usual cover de los Stooges pero se tiran Warsaw y par de versos de Digital de Joy Division. Fucking hell! Excelente.
Viernes - BT/Roger Sanchez/Gabriel & Dresden en Pier 10 - No vi mucho de Mr. Sanchez y ni vi a G & D (muy tarde y estaba bien jodio de un dolor de un diente que esta jodiendo), BT estuvo cool pero me encojono la pose de Jesucristo a lo Paul Oakenfold y lo unico que le decia al publico era Whats Up? Pero la gente bailando. De los locales Santos y Godfader representando bien duro a los locales. Hubo mucho talento local y fue divertido.
Sabado - Iba a ir ar Nekropolis si no fuera porque me dio el bajon de azucar mas nasty de este y otros dos planetas y mi estomago jodio para complicar las cosas. Las pase negras y en un momento la cosa se puso tan nasty que pense que me iba a morir. La mente mia dispersa y desenfocada. Mi cuerpo estaba luchando por mantener algo de integridad mientras trataba de recobrarme. Mucha entropia, negatividad y mi mi mente estaba superdesenfocada. En el mismo medio del caos mental, logre concentrarme lo suficiente para poder disipar la nube de negatividad y empezar a enfocarme. Poco a poco mi cuerpo empezo a recuperarse. A las 4 am probe unas manzanitas y eso fue pura ambrosia. Anyway con esa pendejada no pude ir a ver a mi chica. Damn. Anyway esto fue senda experiencia para reevaluar mi dieta y cuidarme mas. Eso es algo esencial.
Domingo - Descanso. Dormir mucho. Comer bien. De repente, los jefes de redaccion no hicieron su trabajo y el audio de una seccion no era el que corresponde al del lunes proximo. Yo me dio cuenta de esto el domingo a las 10 de la noche. Asi es que gracias a la Osoria, la Loudo, Chocky y Io, pude ir a la estacion y salvar el noticiero. Pero fue entretenido hacer chistes y joder con ellos en lo que resolvia la crisis de mierda.
Lunes - Bueno y finalmente luego de persuadir a Mr. Davidsohn para trabajar en su proyecto nuevo, llegamos a un acuerdo y soy el orgulloso propietario de una Ibook G4. Paren la prensa! Si. Popu con una Mac. Si. Yo anti-Windows y anti-software y hardware propietario. Con una Mac. Si. Son dindas y esteticamente placenteras a la vista. Tambien son sus procesadores son mas lentos que los Pentium, pero que se joda. Tengo que aprender a usar la plataforma de Mac porque si son relativamente faciles de usar *y* pues es bueno para las aplicaciones de audio y video. Y quiero compartir un secreto que muy pocos saben. Las primeras compus que use hace como 2 decadas atras son Macs. PLOP! w00t! Denle la bienvenida al nuevo encargado de Wanderlustmedia. Estuve como nene chiquito en Navidad. Mas cosas que hacer y con un mecenas con un sentido del humor bueno y creativo. Enyoya negro!
En otras noticias queremos anunciar la llegada de Jules y Vincent alias Beavis y Butthead a la familia extendida de mascotas que tiene mi novia. Digo les puse Jules y Vincent porque esos dos gatitos me recuerdan a Vincent Vega y a Jules de Pulp Fiction. Pero en este caso Jules es una nena. Podian haber sido Vincent y Mia pero puej....
Bueno y ahora los dejo que estoy tarde para el trabajo. Jijijiiji
Jueves - Frecuencias Alternas y Emotional Rescue con Un.real, Astrid Proll y Psiconautas en Rumba. Bueno despues de tanta complicacion el show se da. Psiconautas se raja por problemas tecnicos pero el show va. Un.real y Astrid Proll simplemente alucinantes. Shoegazing, Postrock, Jameo y Sicodelia. Pa joder Astrid Proll se tira la mision de no solo tirarse su usual cover de los Stooges pero se tiran Warsaw y par de versos de Digital de Joy Division. Fucking hell! Excelente.
Viernes - BT/Roger Sanchez/Gabriel & Dresden en Pier 10 - No vi mucho de Mr. Sanchez y ni vi a G & D (muy tarde y estaba bien jodio de un dolor de un diente que esta jodiendo), BT estuvo cool pero me encojono la pose de Jesucristo a lo Paul Oakenfold y lo unico que le decia al publico era Whats Up? Pero la gente bailando. De los locales Santos y Godfader representando bien duro a los locales. Hubo mucho talento local y fue divertido.
Sabado - Iba a ir ar Nekropolis si no fuera porque me dio el bajon de azucar mas nasty de este y otros dos planetas y mi estomago jodio para complicar las cosas. Las pase negras y en un momento la cosa se puso tan nasty que pense que me iba a morir. La mente mia dispersa y desenfocada. Mi cuerpo estaba luchando por mantener algo de integridad mientras trataba de recobrarme. Mucha entropia, negatividad y mi mi mente estaba superdesenfocada. En el mismo medio del caos mental, logre concentrarme lo suficiente para poder disipar la nube de negatividad y empezar a enfocarme. Poco a poco mi cuerpo empezo a recuperarse. A las 4 am probe unas manzanitas y eso fue pura ambrosia. Anyway con esa pendejada no pude ir a ver a mi chica. Damn. Anyway esto fue senda experiencia para reevaluar mi dieta y cuidarme mas. Eso es algo esencial.
Domingo - Descanso. Dormir mucho. Comer bien. De repente, los jefes de redaccion no hicieron su trabajo y el audio de una seccion no era el que corresponde al del lunes proximo. Yo me dio cuenta de esto el domingo a las 10 de la noche. Asi es que gracias a la Osoria, la Loudo, Chocky y Io, pude ir a la estacion y salvar el noticiero. Pero fue entretenido hacer chistes y joder con ellos en lo que resolvia la crisis de mierda.
Lunes - Bueno y finalmente luego de persuadir a Mr. Davidsohn para trabajar en su proyecto nuevo, llegamos a un acuerdo y soy el orgulloso propietario de una Ibook G4. Paren la prensa! Si. Popu con una Mac. Si. Yo anti-Windows y anti-software y hardware propietario. Con una Mac. Si. Son dindas y esteticamente placenteras a la vista. Tambien son sus procesadores son mas lentos que los Pentium, pero que se joda. Tengo que aprender a usar la plataforma de Mac porque si son relativamente faciles de usar *y* pues es bueno para las aplicaciones de audio y video. Y quiero compartir un secreto que muy pocos saben. Las primeras compus que use hace como 2 decadas atras son Macs. PLOP! w00t! Denle la bienvenida al nuevo encargado de Wanderlustmedia. Estuve como nene chiquito en Navidad. Mas cosas que hacer y con un mecenas con un sentido del humor bueno y creativo. Enyoya negro!
En otras noticias queremos anunciar la llegada de Jules y Vincent alias Beavis y Butthead a la familia extendida de mascotas que tiene mi novia. Digo les puse Jules y Vincent porque esos dos gatitos me recuerdan a Vincent Vega y a Jules de Pulp Fiction. Pero en este caso Jules es una nena. Podian haber sido Vincent y Mia pero puej....
Bueno y ahora los dejo que estoy tarde para el trabajo. Jijijiiji
Malbela: RIAA President to stop downloading, save the empire
Malbela: RIAA President to stop downloading, save the empire Just check out what he has to say.
Originally sung by Nine Inch Nails, but the Johnny Cash cover haunts me.
I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of shit
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feeling disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way
I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of shit
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feeling disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way
Al on tour with:
Tommy Victor - Prong - guitar
Paul Raven - Killing Joke - bass
Joey Jordison - Slipknot - drums
Que mal!
Al on tour with:
Tommy Victor - Prong - guitar
Paul Raven - Killing Joke - bass
Joey Jordison - Slipknot - drums
Que mal!
una de esas noches
para estar en un cuarto oscuro
con Bob Parlocha en la radio
en buena compan~ia
un buen vinillo
un buen porro (y eso que no me he metido nada en bueeeeeeeeeen tiempo. las drogas me aburren, pero creo que hoy estoy vulnerable. jejejej)
sexo sexo sexo
y despues colapsar
para luego repetirlo
hasta el amanecer
o la inconciencia
lo primero que llegue.
bellaco y vulnerable.
susceptible a las tentaciones
a los vicios
a la carne
menos mal que mañana saciarè mi apetito
con Bob Parlocha en la radio
en buena compan~ia
un buen vinillo
un buen porro (y eso que no me he metido nada en bueeeeeeeeeen tiempo. las drogas me aburren, pero creo que hoy estoy vulnerable. jejejej)
sexo sexo sexo
y despues colapsar
para luego repetirlo
hasta el amanecer
o la inconciencia
lo primero que llegue.
bellaco y vulnerable.
susceptible a las tentaciones
a los vicios
a la carne
menos mal que mañana saciarè mi apetito
jej. - U.S. Scientist Quits Stem-Cell Alliance - U.S. Scientist Quits Stem-Cell Alliance: "U.S. Scientist Quits Stem-Cell Alliance
November 12, 2005; Page A5A
A prominent U.S. scientist is withdrawing from an international collaboration to create human embryonic stem cells.
Gerald Schatten, a cell biologist at the University of Pittsburgh, said he was severing all collaborations with the laboratory of Dr. Woo Suk Hwang of Seoul University.
Dr. Hwang, a veterinarian, has drawn international applause for leading the first effort to clone human embryos and extract their stem cells. Last month, he announced the formation of the World Stem Cell Foundation, an international alliance aimed at spreading that technology.
Dr. Schatten, who was to have led the organization's board of directors, says he is now severing collaboration with Dr. Hwang, due to questions over the source of human eggs used in a 2004 cloning project, and errors in a 2005 paper coauthored by the scientists.
A 2004 news report in the journal Nature said at least one female laboratory worker had provided eggs for the project, an allegation that Dr. Hwang has denied on several occasions. Under U.S. rules, collecting eggs from women working on a cloning project would be considered unethical. In the original paper, published by the journal Science last year, the scientists said the eggs all came from anonymous donors."
November 12, 2005; Page A5A
A prominent U.S. scientist is withdrawing from an international collaboration to create human embryonic stem cells.
Gerald Schatten, a cell biologist at the University of Pittsburgh, said he was severing all collaborations with the laboratory of Dr. Woo Suk Hwang of Seoul University.
Dr. Hwang, a veterinarian, has drawn international applause for leading the first effort to clone human embryos and extract their stem cells. Last month, he announced the formation of the World Stem Cell Foundation, an international alliance aimed at spreading that technology.
Dr. Schatten, who was to have led the organization's board of directors, says he is now severing collaboration with Dr. Hwang, due to questions over the source of human eggs used in a 2004 cloning project, and errors in a 2005 paper coauthored by the scientists.
A 2004 news report in the journal Nature said at least one female laboratory worker had provided eggs for the project, an allegation that Dr. Hwang has denied on several occasions. Under U.S. rules, collecting eggs from women working on a cloning project would be considered unethical. In the original paper, published by the journal Science last year, the scientists said the eggs all came from anonymous donors."
O'Reilly to San Francisco: "[I]f Al Qaeda comes ... [Media Matters]
O'Reilly to San Francisco: "[I]f Al Qaeda comes ... [Media Matters]
Score another one for one of the right's liveliest morons, Bill O'Reilly! Way to go, you idiot!
Score another one for one of the right's liveliest morons, Bill O'Reilly! Way to go, you idiot!
Pigdog Journal (Software Jihad) -- d00d, Quit being a FUCKING ASS
Pigdog Journal (Software Jihad) -- d00d, Quit being a FUCKING ASS!!! An open letter to the Sony fucks who created that DRM rootkit that's been crippling computers everywhere.
BLABBERMOUTH.NET - 'Heavy Metal Parking Lot' Classic Movie Plus Two Hours Of Bonus Footage Available On DVD
Si si si. Jose needs. Robao de to' el corillo, vite?
Jose needs to regain a common vision. - So I need a "vision thing". One thousand points of light, One billion dollars? Is that it?
Jose needs a better plan ... Jose needs to grow - Yeah the plan is still in effect, but I agree it needs to be tweaked in order to get it done. As for growing, physically I'm tall enough. Spiritually and mentally? There's always room for improvement.
Jose needs more jobs, not boycotts - Well I actually need a better salary, and a proper benefits package.
Jose Needs Your Help! - So start coughing up the cash!!!!!!!
Jose needs more multi-family housing. - Well actually as long as I have a/c, high speed internet, cable and space for my gear, I'm happy.
Jose needs help in the bathroom. There is no special equipment and he doesn?t
want his mother to help in the bathroom. - Ok whoever found out is DEAD! FUCKING DEAD, I TELL YOU! :D
Jose needs you - Yes. You. So what are you gonna do about it, huh?
Jose Needs Stronger Mix of Retail Activity. - So if you want me to pimp you out, no problem, but you better have my money!!!!!!!!!
Jose needs a better plan ... Jose needs to grow - Yeah the plan is still in effect, but I agree it needs to be tweaked in order to get it done. As for growing, physically I'm tall enough. Spiritually and mentally? There's always room for improvement.
Jose needs more jobs, not boycotts - Well I actually need a better salary, and a proper benefits package.
Jose Needs Your Help! - So start coughing up the cash!!!!!!!
Jose needs more multi-family housing. - Well actually as long as I have a/c, high speed internet, cable and space for my gear, I'm happy.
Jose needs help in the bathroom. There is no special equipment and he doesn?t
want his mother to help in the bathroom. - Ok whoever found out is DEAD! FUCKING DEAD, I TELL YOU! :D
Jose needs you - Yes. You. So what are you gonna do about it, huh?
Jose Needs Stronger Mix of Retail Activity. - So if you want me to pimp you out, no problem, but you better have my money!!!!!!!!!
$100 and some hours to spare
A friend sold me his 20 GB Ipod for $100 because he wants one of the new ones with video capabilities. My girlfriend was looking for a portable audio device and whatnot, so I bought it for her. Then I proceeded to fill it up with music of the following artists:
Bad Religion
Beastie Boys
Billy Idol
Black Sabbath
Bob Marley and The Wailers
The Breeders
The Cars
Chemical Brothers
The Clash
The Cult
Culture Club
The Cure
David Bowie
Depeche Mode
Donna Summer
The Doors
Duran Duran
George Thorogood and The Destroyers
Green Day
Guns N'Roses
The Hives
The Human League
Hunter S. Thompson
Iggy Pop
Iron Maiden
Jane's Addiction
Jeff Buckley
The Jesus and Mary Chain
Jimi Hendrix
Johnny Cash
Joy Division
Judas Priest
Kate Bush
Killing Joke
Leonard Cohen
Lou Reed
Marylin Manson
Mark Lanegan
New Order
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Nine Inch Nails
The Offspring
Pearl Jam
Peter Gabriel
Pink Floyd
The Pixies
PJ Harvey
The Police
Power Station
The Pretenders
Public Image Ltd.
The Rolling Stones
Screaming Trees
Sex Pistols
Sinead O'Connor
Siouxsie and The Banshees
The Sisters of Mercy
Smashing Pumpkins
The Smiths
Sonic Youth
The Sugarcubes
Talk Talk
Talking Heads
Tenacious D
So here's your lovely Ipod, lightshadow. Consider it a belated birthday present. Enjoy!
Bad Religion
Beastie Boys
Billy Idol
Black Sabbath
Bob Marley and The Wailers
The Breeders
The Cars
Chemical Brothers
The Clash
The Cult
Culture Club
The Cure
David Bowie
Depeche Mode
Donna Summer
The Doors
Duran Duran
George Thorogood and The Destroyers
Green Day
Guns N'Roses
The Hives
The Human League
Hunter S. Thompson
Iggy Pop
Iron Maiden
Jane's Addiction
Jeff Buckley
The Jesus and Mary Chain
Jimi Hendrix
Johnny Cash
Joy Division
Judas Priest
Kate Bush
Killing Joke
Leonard Cohen
Lou Reed
Marylin Manson
Mark Lanegan
New Order
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Nine Inch Nails
The Offspring
Pearl Jam
Peter Gabriel
Pink Floyd
The Pixies
PJ Harvey
The Police
Power Station
The Pretenders
Public Image Ltd.
The Rolling Stones
Screaming Trees
Sex Pistols
Sinead O'Connor
Siouxsie and The Banshees
The Sisters of Mercy
Smashing Pumpkins
The Smiths
Sonic Youth
The Sugarcubes
Talk Talk
Talking Heads
Tenacious D
So here's your lovely Ipod, lightshadow. Consider it a belated birthday present. Enjoy!
Brazil News 24/7 - Nothing But Brazil - Brazzil Magazine - Fresh news daily - English-language Magazine on Brazilian Culture - Brazil - Brasil - Br?si
Mannon Network :: View topic - ESTE VIERNES NOV 11 @ BRAVA (2nd floor): STRYKE & SANTOS
(Circle, Monoid, Ovum)
MARATHON SET: Opening - Closing!
Brava es en el antiguo Babylon. O algo.
(Circle, Monoid, Ovum)
MARATHON SET: Opening - Closing!
Brava es en el antiguo Babylon. O algo.
screw you guys, i am going home!
yesterday was a very trying day for me.
first, i had to deal with my paycheck not being issued because the burrocrats wanted a more detailed description of duties. even though my job is pretty much a strict routine where variations are rare. so after listening to them patiently, yet secretly wanting to snap their necks, i complied. i do need my check after all.
then while i was sorting this out, i heard theat there was still more problems for the event on the 17th. i think i've had enough of that shit so i told them that i wished them well, but i'm pulling out of it. all i ever wanted was a nice little gig. 3 bands, the FA staff and Noel as DJ's. things started snowballing from then on and the thing that broke the straw was that the bands were reluctant to share the drumkit because one of them was recording, which was cool with me, but the other two were reluctant because of money issues and i am not responsible for those. and i didn't hear about those money issues until that day.
sorry guys, but first you want to do things on your own adding more stuff to the mix without consulting me twice and now this. fuck that! i'm too old for all this petty bullshit. ten years ago, people were more willing to cooperate and make things happen. it seems that the older we get, the less willing we are to move things alongs and get things done. a fucking shame. then people wonder why i'm not playing anymore. too many cooks did spoil the broth, so i basically got the fuck out. besides, i got other things to tend to and i'm not gonna risk my health nor my sanity any further. it's not worth it.
anyway, last i heard the thing is still going ahead as planned and they have my blessing, but i'm not getting involved in that shit anymore. not my problem.
so with those two situations going, i somehow managed to finish my work in record time, go home and actually rest. probably because i finally got some rest after sleepless nights and i think my decision to leave took a lot of tension off my system. anyhoo, i got a gig tomorrow so here's the shameless self-promotion.

^^^ Jim Kerr looks way older now. Twenty years have taken it's toll. Heh. Be there or be square!
first, i had to deal with my paycheck not being issued because the burrocrats wanted a more detailed description of duties. even though my job is pretty much a strict routine where variations are rare. so after listening to them patiently, yet secretly wanting to snap their necks, i complied. i do need my check after all.
then while i was sorting this out, i heard theat there was still more problems for the event on the 17th. i think i've had enough of that shit so i told them that i wished them well, but i'm pulling out of it. all i ever wanted was a nice little gig. 3 bands, the FA staff and Noel as DJ's. things started snowballing from then on and the thing that broke the straw was that the bands were reluctant to share the drumkit because one of them was recording, which was cool with me, but the other two were reluctant because of money issues and i am not responsible for those. and i didn't hear about those money issues until that day.
sorry guys, but first you want to do things on your own adding more stuff to the mix without consulting me twice and now this. fuck that! i'm too old for all this petty bullshit. ten years ago, people were more willing to cooperate and make things happen. it seems that the older we get, the less willing we are to move things alongs and get things done. a fucking shame. then people wonder why i'm not playing anymore. too many cooks did spoil the broth, so i basically got the fuck out. besides, i got other things to tend to and i'm not gonna risk my health nor my sanity any further. it's not worth it.
anyway, last i heard the thing is still going ahead as planned and they have my blessing, but i'm not getting involved in that shit anymore. not my problem.
so with those two situations going, i somehow managed to finish my work in record time, go home and actually rest. probably because i finally got some rest after sleepless nights and i think my decision to leave took a lot of tension off my system. anyhoo, i got a gig tomorrow so here's the shameless self-promotion.

^^^ Jim Kerr looks way older now. Twenty years have taken it's toll. Heh. Be there or be square!
on my command, unleash hell! stolen from lightshadow
![]() | You scored as Maximus. After his family was murdered by the evil emperor Commodus, the great Roman general Maximus went into hiding to avoid Commodus's assassins. He became a gladiator, hoping to dominate the colosseum in order to one day get the chance of killing Commodus. Maximus is valiant, courageous, and dedicated. He wants nothing more than the chance to avenge his family, but his temper often gets the better of him.
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0 created with |
NTIA: National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTIA: National Telecommunications and Information Administration Is The US issuing a Monroe-like doctrine regarding the Internet?
Outlook vs Evolution vs Kontact: an e-mail client comparison - Part 2 :: Open Source Versus :: Open Source Versus Proprietary Software
Outlook Express vs Thunderbird: an e-mail client comparison - Part 1 :: Open Source Versus :: Open Source Versus Proprietary Software
Minority Report: Will Apple send in the clones? - Operating Systems - Breaking Business and Technology News at
Puro fucking bleh. Se nota que estoy en los dias previos al cobro. No me huelen ni las azucenas. Nada. Tranquilo. Espero cobrar lo mas tardar el lunes. El sabado toco con Willie Wanker en Desperately Seeking The 80's.
Es uno de esos dias..........
Es uno de esos dias donde no dormi un carajo. Cuando puedo descansar me vienen con jodiendas y tengo unas terribles ganas de mandar al mundo al carajo. Pero nada, es cuestion de levantarse, ban~arse, vestirse, desayunar algo y patitas pa' que te quiero. Solo para llegar a un trabajo que uno ama pero con un jefe en estado permanente de ADD y el bullicio normal de mi trabajo. Yo creo que hoy poncho, me escondo por algun rincon y me aparezco cuando todos se hallan ido para completar mi labor.
Si. Es uno de esos dias.
Si. Es uno de esos dias.
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