Yahoo! Top Stories - J.Lo-Butt Implants Explode!
That butt´s da bomb, really!
InfoWorld: Microsoft to expand cheap Windows offer: July 29, 2004: By : PLATFORMS
InfoWorld: Microsoft to expand cheap Windows offer: July 29, 2004: By : PLATFORMS
I think Mr. Bill is getting scared of losing his share of the pie.......
I think Mr. Bill is getting scared of losing his share of the pie.......
The New York Times > Technology > Circuits > What's Next: Fleeting Experience, Mirrored in Your Eyes
The New York Times > Technology > Circuits > What's Next: Fleeting Experience, Mirrored in Your Eyes
Check this out! Of course Big Brother is gonna subvert this one.
Check this out! Of course Big Brother is gonna subvert this one.
En una conversación que sostuve en el MSN con una amiga en la tarde, esta frase salió de su computadora:
Cada vez es más preocupante que existan personas como tú.
Boquiabierto y perplejo. Ella lo dijo en broma pero la frase tiene su impacto.
Bubba Ho-tep, Ciudad de Dios y Helen Of Troy en el maratón peliculístico de anoche.
El cuarto ha sido recogido, hay espacio para caminar. Pero la cablería de las compus y el hub inalámbrico todavia es mucha, pero es parte del precio.
De nuevo al trabajo y a la rutina y sólo quiero dormir. Pronto.
Discutiendo los posibles usos de Pocky mientras Vero y yo comiamos clakbelgels en Burger King. Tripeando en ketchup, haciendo reir a Vero y ella muerta de la risa y yo por poco pierdo la chaveta muerto de la risa. Vero rules!
Cada vez es más preocupante que existan personas como tú.
Boquiabierto y perplejo. Ella lo dijo en broma pero la frase tiene su impacto.
Bubba Ho-tep, Ciudad de Dios y Helen Of Troy en el maratón peliculístico de anoche.
El cuarto ha sido recogido, hay espacio para caminar. Pero la cablería de las compus y el hub inalámbrico todavia es mucha, pero es parte del precio.
De nuevo al trabajo y a la rutina y sólo quiero dormir. Pronto.
Discutiendo los posibles usos de Pocky mientras Vero y yo comiamos clakbelgels en Burger King. Tripeando en ketchup, haciendo reir a Vero y ella muerta de la risa y yo por poco pierdo la chaveta muerto de la risa. Vero rules!
Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque | |
Your Name | |
Superhero Name | The Bankruptcy Lawyer |
Super Power | Impeccable Hearing |
Enemy | J-Lo |
Mode Of Transportation | Motorcycle |
Weapon | Tacos |
Quiz created with MemeGen! |
Ok so I had a blast at the Sin Rumbo party last Friday. It was good, it was fun, and it was a much needed rest from the routine. Busy with work and taking care of my father.
I just want to get enough money to get the fuck out of that madhouse. I honestly can't stand my family anymore.
I just want to get enough money to get the fuck out of that madhouse. I honestly can't stand my family anymore.
Missing: kissing, touching, caressing, warmth, hugs, making someone smile and swoon, wink, playfulness, flirting, holding hands, dancing like mad dervishes, etc. etc. etc.
Just for the record.
Work is keeping me busy and keeping the bad thoughts at bay. Dad's doing better. Still, gotta keep an eye on him.
Just for the record.
Work is keeping me busy and keeping the bad thoughts at bay. Dad's doing better. Still, gotta keep an eye on him.
Whoah! Check this out. Try the demo from any java enabled browser. Make sure you have a decent connection. Verrrrry interesting.........
Whoah! Check this out. Try the demo from any java enabled browser. Make sure you have a decent connection. Verrrrry interesting......... - EC approves Sony-BMG music merger - Jul 20, 2004 - EC approves Sony-BMG music merger - Jul 20, 2004 Not only the music "biz" is a whore and should be treated like one like Boiwie said, but right now it's as inbred as a West Virginia hilbilly town. So much for variety and diversity in the majors, eh?
Sleeping is my drug of choice
Sometimes I yearn for isolation
I yearn for numbness
I'm tired of feeling
I'm tired of living
Yet I soldier on
as I watch my dreams die
and I hold on to hope
and I wait in vain
for change
for love
for you
Sometimes I yearn for isolation
I yearn for numbness
I'm tired of feeling
I'm tired of living
Yet I soldier on
as I watch my dreams die
and I hold on to hope
and I wait in vain
for change
for love
for you
Long weekend and I wished I was partying, but I was taking care of my father. During the week he complained of chest pains and we took him to the hospital and his doctor for observation. Nevermind that the heat here is of hellish proportions. Anyway, given my work hours, I took care of him during the weekend so the rest of the family could have a little break. Eze had his birthday on Sunday and I couldnt go, but I wished him a very happy birthday and it seems the party went pretty well.
Finally got PCLinuxOS to recognize my PCMCIA card on ze old laptop so I installed it. Its nice to have variety as far as Linux is concerned. Reading a Linux book on my spare time to get familiar with console commands and whatnot.
Well, better take a shower now. I hate this goddamn heat and humidity.
Finally got PCLinuxOS to recognize my PCMCIA card on ze old laptop so I installed it. Its nice to have variety as far as Linux is concerned. Reading a Linux book on my spare time to get familiar with console commands and whatnot.
Well, better take a shower now. I hate this goddamn heat and humidity.
It feels like ages since I've written something here and it's not like I've run out of things to say, but rather I've been too good procastrinating on this. You know, take time to do this instead of wandering off to some weird mental zone, sleeping, going out, yadda yadda yadda.
Vero and las nenas are a very fucking funny bunch. Dirty old men like yours truly do learn a lot from punk rawk girls who are smart, funny, witty, cook a mean pasta, have a band and sometimes get into pupup girly mode. I enjoy their company very much.
I've got a new laptop! I've got a cheap new laptop! Did I say I've got a brand spanking cheap new laptop? I sure did! I am putting it through the paces, installed Linux on it (Knoppix rules! Hurray!), its got USB2 and a wireless 801g card in it so it works on my network and my peripherals without a hitch.
Speaking of Linux, tested Xandros Open Circulation Edition and for me it's a waste of time. PCLinuxOS fared much better and it's way freaking cooler, but lacks in the USB department. I'd rather stay with Knoppix. Recognizes my hardware and customizing it to my liking, doesn't take much time, provided youve got a broadband connection. Window managers of choice are definetely KDE and Fluxbox. Gnome is ok, but the interface is way too simple for me and despite having cool things like Evolution, Rhythmbox and Nautilus spatial navigation thingamajig, KDE has the look and the cool apps that make stick with it.
Drinking with the Frecuencias Alternas and the SIn Rumbo posse after the show and then early morning dining at Levi's rule. It takes its toll on thee pocket but it's worth it. Cheers fuckers!
Ministry's "Houses Of The Mole" rules so much it's not even funny. This one is the proper sequel to "Psalm 69". The assault is so fucking relentless and intense that would put many of those sissy so-called metal bands to fucking shame. This album and the latest batch from Killing Joke and Skinny Puppy are essential. Buy these now!
Arab Strap rule. Yeah I hear a lot of agreeing noises now that the hip and young things are discovering them, but regardless, they're brilliant and they should not be played when your mind is wandering closely to the morbid introspective part of your life. Nevertheless, brilliant.
Interpol's latest is entertaining, but would somebody tell them to stop ripping off Joy Division and the Chameleons? That is not a bad thing, but all these kids trying to live the 80's are not fun. The 80's had very interesting moments, given that I actually lived through them, but these kids today don't get it.
I've only heard the latest single of The Cure even though somebody got me their latest album. The song's interesting in an indie rawk kinda way, but I've got to listen to it a bit more. At least my greatest fear hasn't been played yet (they're produced by Ross Robinson so I was afraid they would sound kinda like numetal, you know?).
Finally got to hear Porcupine Tree courtesy of Pepe. Heard a few tunes and yes, they remind me a bit of Yes but their sound is much up to date. They have parts that actually rawk. Lyrics are funny and very good. I can see why Pepe and others like them. Got to listen some more to have a good opinion of them.
I want to make music. I want to find the time. I want to find the will I will find them.
Job-wise, I'm still on my baby steps, but willing to learn, willing to work. I like my job and I'd like to keep it. Few places make me feel as comfortable as the station. I discovered that what I like doing is production work. I like doing interviews and writing, but only what I really care about. Nevertheless, doing production work keeps me busy, focused and makes me feel wanted and part of the team
Yeah, I'm sleepless, restless and in need of a good shag, but I'm not that desperate in the last part. People are still crawling out of the woodwork and sometimes it's not even funny. Another ex from the past comes forward, talks to me, finds me attractive, maybe shaggable, but I'm not interested, thank you. I find out that a former acquaintance will be driving a tank in Afghanistan real soon, courtesy of Uncle Sam. We didn't part in the friendliest of terms since he ripped off quite a bunch of people, but I hope he's careful out there. Someone who I haven't seen or heard in ages left a message through his wife in my answering machine. That was........erm........interesting. I should call back, but my phone is dead, so I'll holler back when I get around to it.
Me Dad was kinda sick yesterday. He's 82 and he rawks. I wished my Mom would take better care of him, but then again, that's my bloody family. Love them to bits, but currently can't fucking stand living under the same room as them. I should get my own digs, but somehow he's the glue that keeps me there for now.
Got a really nasty blister last weekend the size of a quarter in my leg. I have to get back into my meds now that I've got a job. Gotta take care of myself a bit better.
Enough of me, let's check out what everyone else is blogging. Out.
Vero and las nenas are a very fucking funny bunch. Dirty old men like yours truly do learn a lot from punk rawk girls who are smart, funny, witty, cook a mean pasta, have a band and sometimes get into pupup girly mode. I enjoy their company very much.
I've got a new laptop! I've got a cheap new laptop! Did I say I've got a brand spanking cheap new laptop? I sure did! I am putting it through the paces, installed Linux on it (Knoppix rules! Hurray!), its got USB2 and a wireless 801g card in it so it works on my network and my peripherals without a hitch.
Speaking of Linux, tested Xandros Open Circulation Edition and for me it's a waste of time. PCLinuxOS fared much better and it's way freaking cooler, but lacks in the USB department. I'd rather stay with Knoppix. Recognizes my hardware and customizing it to my liking, doesn't take much time, provided youve got a broadband connection. Window managers of choice are definetely KDE and Fluxbox. Gnome is ok, but the interface is way too simple for me and despite having cool things like Evolution, Rhythmbox and Nautilus spatial navigation thingamajig, KDE has the look and the cool apps that make stick with it.
Drinking with the Frecuencias Alternas and the SIn Rumbo posse after the show and then early morning dining at Levi's rule. It takes its toll on thee pocket but it's worth it. Cheers fuckers!
Ministry's "Houses Of The Mole" rules so much it's not even funny. This one is the proper sequel to "Psalm 69". The assault is so fucking relentless and intense that would put many of those sissy so-called metal bands to fucking shame. This album and the latest batch from Killing Joke and Skinny Puppy are essential. Buy these now!
Arab Strap rule. Yeah I hear a lot of agreeing noises now that the hip and young things are discovering them, but regardless, they're brilliant and they should not be played when your mind is wandering closely to the morbid introspective part of your life. Nevertheless, brilliant.
Interpol's latest is entertaining, but would somebody tell them to stop ripping off Joy Division and the Chameleons? That is not a bad thing, but all these kids trying to live the 80's are not fun. The 80's had very interesting moments, given that I actually lived through them, but these kids today don't get it.
I've only heard the latest single of The Cure even though somebody got me their latest album. The song's interesting in an indie rawk kinda way, but I've got to listen to it a bit more. At least my greatest fear hasn't been played yet (they're produced by Ross Robinson so I was afraid they would sound kinda like numetal, you know?).
Finally got to hear Porcupine Tree courtesy of Pepe. Heard a few tunes and yes, they remind me a bit of Yes but their sound is much up to date. They have parts that actually rawk. Lyrics are funny and very good. I can see why Pepe and others like them. Got to listen some more to have a good opinion of them.
I want to make music. I want to find the time. I want to find the will I will find them.
Job-wise, I'm still on my baby steps, but willing to learn, willing to work. I like my job and I'd like to keep it. Few places make me feel as comfortable as the station. I discovered that what I like doing is production work. I like doing interviews and writing, but only what I really care about. Nevertheless, doing production work keeps me busy, focused and makes me feel wanted and part of the team
Yeah, I'm sleepless, restless and in need of a good shag, but I'm not that desperate in the last part. People are still crawling out of the woodwork and sometimes it's not even funny. Another ex from the past comes forward, talks to me, finds me attractive, maybe shaggable, but I'm not interested, thank you. I find out that a former acquaintance will be driving a tank in Afghanistan real soon, courtesy of Uncle Sam. We didn't part in the friendliest of terms since he ripped off quite a bunch of people, but I hope he's careful out there. Someone who I haven't seen or heard in ages left a message through his wife in my answering machine. That was........erm........interesting. I should call back, but my phone is dead, so I'll holler back when I get around to it.
Me Dad was kinda sick yesterday. He's 82 and he rawks. I wished my Mom would take better care of him, but then again, that's my bloody family. Love them to bits, but currently can't fucking stand living under the same room as them. I should get my own digs, but somehow he's the glue that keeps me there for now.
Got a really nasty blister last weekend the size of a quarter in my leg. I have to get back into my meds now that I've got a job. Gotta take care of myself a bit better.
Enough of me, let's check out what everyone else is blogging. Out.
Very busy at work and in life, so sorry for the lack of proper posts. I bought a new laptop and I'm putting it through the wringer to make sure this one's right for moi. Some people are coming back to my life and it feels like it's 1993 again. Life's a spiral indeed. I think I am gonna take a sabbatical to work on music and get something good going. Meanwhile, I got a lot of work to do at home, do my wash, and go to Da Pozzers rehearsal. Or else.
Digital Spy - Ten-disc 'Matrix' DVD boxset planned
Digital Spy - Ten-disc 'Matrix' DVD boxset planned
The Wachowski's latest attempt to milk The Matrix cow. Are they flogging a dead horse?
The Wachowski's latest attempt to milk The Matrix cow. Are they flogging a dead horse?
It's been a very busy week and an eventful weekend so apologies. Things are slowly getting into place and I'm slowly getting back where I want to be. I just want this job to last and to avoid having any unnecessary worries. Having lots of fun with the guys at the radio show and our little tete a tetes are great along with the sin rumbo clique who are always welcome to join us. last night we had a blast with drinky drinks, alcohol then we went to a local eatery for a delicious churrasco steak to die for (at 5 am) and then came back floating on air thanks to Pepe blasting TV On The Radio on his car. I've got "Colours" by Donovan in my head all day because is such a cool beautiful song. That and some Velvet Underground tunes make my day. I feel great, happy and I'm walking on air. If someone was around to share this with me, that would've been perfect.
Yahoo! News - U.S. Steers Consumers Away From IE
Yahoo! News - U.S. Steers Consumers Away From IE
I wonder how Bill Gates will react when even the gummint is telling people to steer away from his company's browser.
I wonder how Bill Gates will react when even the gummint is telling people to steer away from his company's browser.
How-To Tuesday: Make your own Pirate Radio Station with an iPod - Engadget -
How-To Tuesday: Make your own Pirate Radio Station with an iPod - Engadget -
More Fun With Your Ipod You fucking yuppies!
More Fun With Your Ipod You fucking yuppies!
?Copy Protection? on the album Velvet Revolver: Contraband - Features - Engadget -
?Copy Protection? on the album Velvet Revolver: Contraband - Features - Engadget -
"The Street Always Finds It's Uses For Technology" - William Gibson
Loving every single minute of the technology curve ;)
"The Street Always Finds It's Uses For Technology" - William Gibson
Loving every single minute of the technology curve ;)
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