24 hours until vacation. I'm so careless here it's not even funny. A friend at work is leaving to take care of his baby. You heard me right. He's the one on maternity leave. 11 hours until I leave Trashville and I feel great. I should be in PR about 2 pm (1pm EST noon CT and 11am to those of you granola eating weirdos on the left coast). Be there for a week and then 5 days in Orlando. Hopefully it will be fun.
I do miss the prospect of going to the U.K. though. Maybe next year and then probably to visit my friend Kitipri and her hubby. I know it's August but X-mas without sending prezzies to the ex and her kids is gonna be sad, but I guess I gotta spin it into: no more money on presents and no more phonebills. Being alone again sucks. Only sometimes ;)
"What's Your Curse?"
"I Was Born Without A Conscience."
- Last Man Standing
Too bad mine bugs me all the fucking time.
Being on St. John's Wort reminds me of New Order's "True Faith". Actually that one was based on Bernard Sumner's experiences while taking prozac. Maybe it's that or maybe the fact that I'm leaving on vacation soon. The comedown is a bitch though. Or maybe it's because I worry too much and think a lot about things. Heh.
Two gigs when I get home and another job interview on this vacacion.
There are things happening in the work front. They will sort themselves out as soon as I'm back.
Two gigs when I get home and another job interview on this vacacion.
There are things happening in the work front. They will sort themselves out as soon as I'm back.
I got scars that I don't let heal * Tengo cicatrices que no dejo curar
I got scars that I want to be part of me * Tengo cicatrices y quiero hacerlas parte de mi
Just to remind me * Para Recordarme
How much I loved and lost * Cuanto Ame y Cuanto Perdi
Never forget * Para No Olvidarme
What you've been through * De Lo Sucedido
And never repeat the same mistakes * Y nunca repetir los mismos errores
I got scars that I want to be part of me * Tengo cicatrices y quiero hacerlas parte de mi
Just to remind me * Para Recordarme
How much I loved and lost * Cuanto Ame y Cuanto Perdi
Never forget * Para No Olvidarme
What you've been through * De Lo Sucedido
And never repeat the same mistakes * Y nunca repetir los mismos errores
I want to live * Quiero Vivir
be happy * Ser Feliz
Reach my potential * Completar Mi Potencial
Live at it's fullest * Vivir A Manos Llenas
Why it's so damn difficult? * Porque es tan dificil?
be happy * Ser Feliz
Reach my potential * Completar Mi Potencial
Live at it's fullest * Vivir A Manos Llenas
Why it's so damn difficult? * Porque es tan dificil?
Todo el mundo se muere a mi alrededor * Everyone around me dies
o por lo menos la gente que quiero * At least the people I care about
Siempre crei en ti * I always believed in you
Te segui * Followed you
Te Ame * Loved you
Te Quise * Wanted you
Pero la vida sigue * Life Goes On
y no puedo esperar mas * and I can't wait anymore
o peor * or worse
La vida nos juega una broma * Life delivers a joke
Y te marchas * And you leave
La vida continua * Life Goes On
y hay esperanzas * There's always hope
Pero nada puede sistituir * But nothing can make up
Tu partida * Your departure
o en este caso, * Or in this case,
la mia. * mine.
o por lo menos la gente que quiero * At least the people I care about
Siempre crei en ti * I always believed in you
Te segui * Followed you
Te Ame * Loved you
Te Quise * Wanted you
Pero la vida sigue * Life Goes On
y no puedo esperar mas * and I can't wait anymore
o peor * or worse
La vida nos juega una broma * Life delivers a joke
Y te marchas * And you leave
La vida continua * Life Goes On
y hay esperanzas * There's always hope
Pero nada puede sistituir * But nothing can make up
Tu partida * Your departure
o en este caso, * Or in this case,
la mia. * mine.
An image is worth a thousand words
Una imagen dice mil palabras

Part of those infamous 15 minutes. Quince minutos y contando..... :D :D :D :D :D
Una imagen dice mil palabras

Part of those infamous 15 minutes. Quince minutos y contando..... :D :D :D :D :D
Last night I witnessed one of the best shows by one of my favorite bands around: Mira. They are lovely, beautiful and for those of you who like shoegazer rock (My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, etc), it's a must. I shared this lovely show they did with Pain And Its Relief (Otherness didn't show up. Hello PDS and Daryl!) with 12 other people.
Yes, you've heard me right. One of the few decent bands that bother to come accross this stupid town and no one shows up. Then people wonder why I hate this town and the people who live here. I can't wait for one of the offers to come through and leave. Like my man Taylor said in the original Planet Of The Apes: Damn You All To Hell!!!!!! I bought one of their CD's and a t-shirt in a lame attempt to make up for their troubles. Regina and the band were cool about it because it was their last date on their tour and they played to our heart's content.
Where was the rest of the so-called Nashville goth scene (this being a Projekt band and all that)???? Except for Ichabod and a few brave souls who actually do something here, you can find them bitching and moaning amongst themselves in Dark Entries and the Nashville Goth Board while they're desperately trying to act cool and dance only to Marylin Manson on Club Voodoo on Fridays and Sundays. Sorry people, but except for Ichabod, Xin and a few others, I've lost respect for the lot of you. Bella Morte and the Cruxshadows are coming soon to town. I would suggest that you try to earn it back showing up there.
Lo siento, falta de sueño e irritabilidad me impiden traducir esto en español. Si quieren una traduccion de esto, Babelfish esta disponible :) . Solo les pido que escuchen a Mira. Si les gusta My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive y todas esas bandas, no se arrepentiran.
Yes, you've heard me right. One of the few decent bands that bother to come accross this stupid town and no one shows up. Then people wonder why I hate this town and the people who live here. I can't wait for one of the offers to come through and leave. Like my man Taylor said in the original Planet Of The Apes: Damn You All To Hell!!!!!! I bought one of their CD's and a t-shirt in a lame attempt to make up for their troubles. Regina and the band were cool about it because it was their last date on their tour and they played to our heart's content.
Where was the rest of the so-called Nashville goth scene (this being a Projekt band and all that)???? Except for Ichabod and a few brave souls who actually do something here, you can find them bitching and moaning amongst themselves in Dark Entries and the Nashville Goth Board while they're desperately trying to act cool and dance only to Marylin Manson on Club Voodoo on Fridays and Sundays. Sorry people, but except for Ichabod, Xin and a few others, I've lost respect for the lot of you. Bella Morte and the Cruxshadows are coming soon to town. I would suggest that you try to earn it back showing up there.
Lo siento, falta de sueño e irritabilidad me impiden traducir esto en español. Si quieren una traduccion de esto, Babelfish esta disponible :) . Solo les pido que escuchen a Mira. Si les gusta My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive y todas esas bandas, no se arrepentiran.
Happy Songs * Canciones Felices
Beasts Of Bourbon - "Hard For You", Ren & Stimpy Soundtrack, South Park Soundtrack
Beasts Of Bourbon - "Hard For You", Ren & Stimpy Soundtrack, South Park Soundtrack
Maybe it's just me, maybe it's because I'm dealing with the aftermath of my decision to break up my relationship or maybe it's because I've seen the killing zoe dvd for the Nth time, but there are things in life i shouldn't do, and the phrase "BUT YOU MUST" appears, and I end up doing it.
Talvez soy yo, talvez es que estoy bregando con mi decision de romper una relacion, o talvez es que he visto la pelicula Killing Zoe demasiadas veces y hay cosas en la vida que no deberia hacer, pero la frase "HAZLO" aparece y termino haciendolo.
Talvez soy yo, talvez es que estoy bregando con mi decision de romper una relacion, o talvez es que he visto la pelicula Killing Zoe demasiadas veces y hay cosas en la vida que no deberia hacer, pero la frase "HAZLO" aparece y termino haciendolo.
mi fe en el rock no ha muerto. basta con escuchar a canciones de grupos como CIRCO, the strokes y the white stripes y el cadaver que es el rockanrol todavia tiene algunas señales de vida.
my faith in all things rock hasn't died, yet. just listen to some tunes by CIRCO, the strokes and the white stripes and the patient still has some signs of life.
my faith in all things rock hasn't died, yet. just listen to some tunes by CIRCO, the strokes and the white stripes and the patient still has some signs of life.
It's kind of interesting
like watching a car wreck
but you're in it too
Trying to let go
Trying to ease the pain
Trying to get by
And remember that
you wanted this
you asked for it
now deal with it
like watching a car wreck
but you're in it too
Trying to let go
Trying to ease the pain
Trying to get by
And remember that
you wanted this
you asked for it
now deal with it
happy thoughts * pensamientos felices
quotes for my headstone * citas para mi lapida
wish you were here
be right back
shut up, i'm sleeping
ring the bell for service
quotes for my headstone * citas para mi lapida
wish you were here
be right back
shut up, i'm sleeping
ring the bell for service
"I've been crowned by sorrow
I've been crowned by hate
I've been crowned in black
Now I abdicate"
- Rowland S. Howard
I've been crowned by hate
I've been crowned in black
Now I abdicate"
- Rowland S. Howard
A Mi Reflejo * To My Reflection
Esto duele pero despues de cuatro años solo tengo que decir: basta y lo siento. El Sueño ha muerto. Cuidate Mucho.
This hurts but after four years I have to say: stop and i'm sorry. The Dream is dead. Walk In Beauty.
Esto duele pero despues de cuatro años solo tengo que decir: basta y lo siento. El Sueño ha muerto. Cuidate Mucho.
This hurts but after four years I have to say: stop and i'm sorry. The Dream is dead. Walk In Beauty.
happy thoughts * pensamientos felices
"language is a virus"
"exterminate all rational thought"
william s. burroughs
"language is a virus"
"exterminate all rational thought"
william s. burroughs
Actually, happiness is blasting a Butthole Surfers CD at work with the following titles:
Otro momento feliz es tocar a todo volumen un CD de los Butthole Surfers con las siguientes canciones:
Booze Tobacco Dope Pussy Cars
Butthole Surfers Theme Song
Dancing Fool
Dog Inside Your Body
Dust Devil
Goofy's Concern
Hurdy Gurdy Man
Moving To Florida
Some Dispute Over T-Shirt Sales
The Annoying Song
The Lord Is A Monkey
They Came In
Who Was In My Room Last Night?
You Don't Know Me
Yes I played these sacred hymns at full blast in my office. The company's president's and my boss's offices are right within earshot. I don't fucking care. I've had enought of this Mickey Mouse Bullshit........
Si. Puse estos himnos sagrados a todo volumen en mi trabajo. Las oficinas del presidente de la compañia y las de mi jefe estaban cerca. Ya no me importa un carajo. Ya tengo bastante con esta mierda......
Otro momento feliz es tocar a todo volumen un CD de los Butthole Surfers con las siguientes canciones:
Booze Tobacco Dope Pussy Cars
Butthole Surfers Theme Song
Dancing Fool
Dog Inside Your Body
Dust Devil
Goofy's Concern
Hurdy Gurdy Man
Moving To Florida
Some Dispute Over T-Shirt Sales
The Annoying Song
The Lord Is A Monkey
They Came In
Who Was In My Room Last Night?
You Don't Know Me
Yes I played these sacred hymns at full blast in my office. The company's president's and my boss's offices are right within earshot. I don't fucking care. I've had enought of this Mickey Mouse Bullshit........
Si. Puse estos himnos sagrados a todo volumen en mi trabajo. Las oficinas del presidente de la compañia y las de mi jefe estaban cerca. Ya no me importa un carajo. Ya tengo bastante con esta mierda......
It's all good D! Happiness is finding and reading a copy of "City Come A Walkin'" by John Shirley. The first cyberpunk novel predating Neuromancer.
Esta bueno pero la felicidad es encontrar y leer una copia de "City Come A Walkin'" de John Shirley. La primera novela cyberpunk. Publicada mucho antes que Neuromancer
Esta bueno pero la felicidad es encontrar y leer una copia de "City Come A Walkin'" de John Shirley. La primera novela cyberpunk. Publicada mucho antes que Neuromancer
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