Was this the actual movie the guys took their name from? Mebbe. Mebbe not.
About a little less than twenty years ago, most of you weren't probably born or were wee lads and lasses, people used dial-up to access electronic bulletin board systems or BBS, and the only way you could score porn was through your dad's porn mag stash or if you somwhow acquired it/stole it from your friends. Music was mostly on CD, but there were some vynils available, and eMpTyV was actually playing music videos, starting their descent into "reality" tv hell. Most of all, there were local bands doing original music, be it punk rock, hardcore, thrash, all sorts of metal and all genres in between.
In that same period - in the midst of abusing my vocal chords, programming cheap synths, samplers, drum machines and generally annoying and amusing our audiences and each other in Descojon Urbano - we met an amazing bunch of people and bands that we had a blast playing with in several of the seediest dives this God forsaken island has to offer. Actually we played some dives that were not so seedy, but those being the exception let's not allow that fact to get in the way of a good yarn.
Among that amazing bunch of degenerates (I say this as a term of endearment, don't you fucking dare to start getting your panties in a bunch. It's quarter to 5 am and I don't give a shit about offending delicate sensibilities. I don't anyway.) was a trio of local youngsters who called themselves Nalgada de Oro. They took their name from a Mexican movie they found at a video store. They were funny, surreal, brilliant in a goofy kind of way. Words fail me to describe them and when you can't easily pigeonhole someone in this era of categorization, labels, and marketing bullshit, that is good. Alternative could be used in the true sense of the word. Unfortunately that word has been prostituted and watered down beyond belief.
Unlike most bands, they had the good sense to break up once they decided it was time to pack it in. Lead singer and guitar player Jorge Gonzalez went on to became a well-known playwright both in stage and radio. Bass player Marcelo Gomez went on to form La Murga (another brilliant band on it's own right) and later joined his brother Memo in La Experiencia de Ton-ito Cabanillas and then left to finish his studies abroad. Drummer Bernando Dominguez played in La Murga and then joined Burning Face, and has been there ever since. They were unique, brilliant, catchy, fun, goofy and they didn't have any recorded material of their songs. Until now.
Well, not now. Very soon. The boys went into the studio and after almost 20 years of their first appearance, they went into an actual studio and recorded their tunes. And you will be able to see them live on July 29th at La Respuesta in Santurce where they will release their record upon an unsuspecting world. They will play along with some guests, which should be announced shortly.
The only thing I have to say about all of this is: the date has been set. God help us all. See you there.