Just Read.
Got some work done with my Windoze partition as well. Trimmed a lot of fat, making it nice and slim. 1 day before my new job. Happy Memorial Day all.

You are StrongBad. You hate everyone, especially
HomeStar. Your e-mails and prank calls are
hilarious. You're my favorite character. You
try to be evil, but sorry, being shirtless with
boxing gloves just isn't scary. Don't worry
what everone else thinks because hey, they are
all "crap for brains".
What HomeStarRunner Character are you? (pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
Not that I enjoy pissing on parades, but so much hoopla over Pat Tillman's death and the fact that he left behind a lucrative sports career to join the Special Forces to fight this stupid war and get killed for it, and in the end it seems that he was killed by friendly fire. So much for martyrdom, eh?
Fun with three of the Pozzers last night. Yes, we were loud, stupid and very fucking funny. Gig got cancelled, but that didn't stop us from having long and laugh inducing conversations about sex, scatology, music and whatever was on our dirty little minds at the time being. Didn't sleep at all, so decided to do a fresh Linux install with Knoppix, but this time I decided to run the testing version instead of unstable so I can install GNOME and keep it there.
not much to do really. had to deal with some unpleasantness with my dad avoidance of treatment. otherwise not much going on. rented and recorded some movies. looking forward to start my job on tuesday.
We need more asylum seekers ||
We need more asylum seekers ||
Very interesting and witty piece about inmigration in the U.K.
Very interesting and witty piece about inmigration in the U.K. > misc > determine the optimum age for your next girlfriend, mistress, or wife > misc > determine the optimum age for your next girlfriend, mistress, or wife
According to the formula, 25 then, innit?
According to the formula, 25 then, innit?
I can't forget your face
even though I'm over you
just when I thought I was numb enough
your memory sneaks upon me
I cry again thinking about
what could've been
what should've been
things we should've said
words we should've spoken
I can't bring you back
I can't turn back time
I have to move on
I just wished we could've some closure
Moved on, See that you're ok
Then to each his/her own
I won't see you again
but I wish you well
Wherever you are
Breathe deep, breathe hard
Life goes on and so should I
Thanks Vero for today's lunch. I enjoyed your company and the jokes inmensely. You rule! Work tomorrow. I should get some sleep. I just can't right now. I need to get some work done or distract myself in order to take away the sadness. Anyway I'm happy for my friends and life goes on.
even though I'm over you
just when I thought I was numb enough
your memory sneaks upon me
I cry again thinking about
what could've been
what should've been
things we should've said
words we should've spoken
I can't bring you back
I can't turn back time
I have to move on
I just wished we could've some closure
Moved on, See that you're ok
Then to each his/her own
I won't see you again
but I wish you well
Wherever you are
Breathe deep, breathe hard
Life goes on and so should I
Thanks Vero for today's lunch. I enjoyed your company and the jokes inmensely. You rule! Work tomorrow. I should get some sleep. I just can't right now. I need to get some work done or distract myself in order to take away the sadness. Anyway I'm happy for my friends and life goes on.
"Only Nuclear Power Can Halt Global Warming" - according to Green guru James Lovelock, the creator of the Gaia Hypothesis. Environmentalists all over are going WTF?
Had lunch with Vero this afternoon and it was fun. We make each other laugh like silly. Rented some DVD's and back home. Not much to do until tomorrow.
Personality Disorder Test
Boy am I fucked! Tell me something I don't know!
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
How fucked are you? Take the test and find out.....
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
How fucked are you? Take the test and find out.....
Whatta Weekend!
Thursday night the guys at the radio show took me to dinner. Very nice of them. The dinner itself is a riot. I had a Colossal Burger, Fries, a drink and a cheesecake. That burger was fucking huge. Check out ze fotolog. I called it a Murderburger because they serve it to you with this obscenely huge knife. Definetely appeals to my inner serial killer. Anyway we dined in a Twilight Zone so to speak. Lots of cool, witty and very funny banter between us including references to tossing the salad in the salad bar, getting your coffee's cream via a handjob or by a machine, and fingering methods. Anyway the service was good but check this out. The beer mugs are deceptively light so in case you wanna grab your bear mug and go into pirate or viking drinking mode hardy har har, you might end up spilling someone else. Thank God no one had an accident. Then the punchline is that the drinking cups for the sodas, et. al. are heavy as fuck. We were like, WTF? and laughed at those contradictions. I think the highlight of the evening was we're in the middle of this restaurant full of diners and families with their kids having dinner. HBO's on the telly and the movie ends and Real Sex begins. The employees left the show on for a good 10 minutes before Cheo screams: "Hey! Change the channel! Can't you see there are families in here?" Our whole party laughed so loud. Gawd. Pepe gave me this cool t-shirt to wear and we had fun cranking the Judas Priest boxed set on his car afterwards. Crank it up to 11 Nigel! Best birthday dinner EVER!
Friday was my first day of training and it went down smoothly. The Skatalites were being interviewed for the midday radio show and it was an honor to see them there. Carmelo took me out to dinner and we had steaks, because we could. It was fun. Carmelo's a smart witty man. He has some cool projects that I want to take part of. Later in the evening thanks to good ole Revkunin, we hit the show and it was a blast. Huge line to enter but we talked and chatted with some people for a bit. La Fundacion and Skatalites rocked the house. The club was packed and the second floor was the unnoficial ganja smoking station for those who partaked with the herb. Personally, I didn't partake but I found really amusing that the club security instead of busting the kids who smoked pot downstairs they hinted that they should go upstairs instead. It was good to hang out with Vero, Bea, Eze, Pepe, Blood, Kenny, Matura, Nina, Victor, Louk, Micro-bio, Mariana and the Rev. Doreen Schaeffer didn't come because she flew to Jamaica to attend Coxsonne Dodd's funeral, but all in all, it was a great show. Sorry Satrina, Doreen didn't show up so I couldn't get you a picture. Missed the Preurbano anniversary show because I went to see the Skatalites. Sorry people!
Saturday at the radio show it was a really good show despite an unexpected bump on the road. We pulled it off and another good show done. Pepe's set in the second hour killed. He should be out there spinning. Anais and Guili came to visit along with Mari and friends. Angelito and I were a riot on the way to the show. He's such a sweetheart. We had a blast after the show joking, having fun and the guys went out for drinks, but I headed home to catch some Z's.
All in all, a good week.
Thursday night the guys at the radio show took me to dinner. Very nice of them. The dinner itself is a riot. I had a Colossal Burger, Fries, a drink and a cheesecake. That burger was fucking huge. Check out ze fotolog. I called it a Murderburger because they serve it to you with this obscenely huge knife. Definetely appeals to my inner serial killer. Anyway we dined in a Twilight Zone so to speak. Lots of cool, witty and very funny banter between us including references to tossing the salad in the salad bar, getting your coffee's cream via a handjob or by a machine, and fingering methods. Anyway the service was good but check this out. The beer mugs are deceptively light so in case you wanna grab your bear mug and go into pirate or viking drinking mode hardy har har, you might end up spilling someone else. Thank God no one had an accident. Then the punchline is that the drinking cups for the sodas, et. al. are heavy as fuck. We were like, WTF? and laughed at those contradictions. I think the highlight of the evening was we're in the middle of this restaurant full of diners and families with their kids having dinner. HBO's on the telly and the movie ends and Real Sex begins. The employees left the show on for a good 10 minutes before Cheo screams: "Hey! Change the channel! Can't you see there are families in here?" Our whole party laughed so loud. Gawd. Pepe gave me this cool t-shirt to wear and we had fun cranking the Judas Priest boxed set on his car afterwards. Crank it up to 11 Nigel! Best birthday dinner EVER!
Friday was my first day of training and it went down smoothly. The Skatalites were being interviewed for the midday radio show and it was an honor to see them there. Carmelo took me out to dinner and we had steaks, because we could. It was fun. Carmelo's a smart witty man. He has some cool projects that I want to take part of. Later in the evening thanks to good ole Revkunin, we hit the show and it was a blast. Huge line to enter but we talked and chatted with some people for a bit. La Fundacion and Skatalites rocked the house. The club was packed and the second floor was the unnoficial ganja smoking station for those who partaked with the herb. Personally, I didn't partake but I found really amusing that the club security instead of busting the kids who smoked pot downstairs they hinted that they should go upstairs instead. It was good to hang out with Vero, Bea, Eze, Pepe, Blood, Kenny, Matura, Nina, Victor, Louk, Micro-bio, Mariana and the Rev. Doreen Schaeffer didn't come because she flew to Jamaica to attend Coxsonne Dodd's funeral, but all in all, it was a great show. Sorry Satrina, Doreen didn't show up so I couldn't get you a picture. Missed the Preurbano anniversary show because I went to see the Skatalites. Sorry people!
Saturday at the radio show it was a really good show despite an unexpected bump on the road. We pulled it off and another good show done. Pepe's set in the second hour killed. He should be out there spinning. Anais and Guili came to visit along with Mari and friends. Angelito and I were a riot on the way to the show. He's such a sweetheart. We had a blast after the show joking, having fun and the guys went out for drinks, but I headed home to catch some Z's.
All in all, a good week.
Been listening to this album today. Still one of my favorites after all these years. Pretty in Pink, Mr. Jones, Dumb Waiters, Into You Like A Train, I Wanna Sleep With You and All Of This And Nothing still sound fresh to me.
It's raining all day indeed, Mr. Butler.
Been listening to this album today. Still one of my favorites after all these years. Pretty in Pink, Mr. Jones, Dumb Waiters, Into You Like A Train, I Wanna Sleep With You and All Of This And Nothing still sound fresh to me.
It's raining all day indeed, Mr. Butler.
Went to see Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind with Vero and I feel like crap because although I enjoyed it inmensely and we made fun of the ditzy girls in front and behind us, Vero didn't like it. She has her reasons and I understand it, and to be fair, I could choose to have the same reaction she did, but I didn't.
I've loved and lived with the good and the bad of it, but these days I refuse to feel miserable. These days I don't allow myself that 'luxury'. I've got to live life at my fullest and not dwell on my loneliness or lack of someone to love and have industrial quantities of passionate lovemaking. Seriously, I'd rather live life and have a positive mental attitude about it than be Mr. Glum. You attract people with honey and good vibes rather than piss and vinegar. I value my friends and love the few that I have and I still think I'm not worthy of you guys, but I treasure them and I treasure the good moments I have. On my own, or with someone else.
I should start training for my new job tomorrow, so here we go back to the workforce. I'm excited. Did my laundry and my chores and I want some fun, NOW! :D
Sorry Vero that my choice of movie brought you down. I guess we should've seen The Dreamers. My apologies.
I've loved and lived with the good and the bad of it, but these days I refuse to feel miserable. These days I don't allow myself that 'luxury'. I've got to live life at my fullest and not dwell on my loneliness or lack of someone to love and have industrial quantities of passionate lovemaking. Seriously, I'd rather live life and have a positive mental attitude about it than be Mr. Glum. You attract people with honey and good vibes rather than piss and vinegar. I value my friends and love the few that I have and I still think I'm not worthy of you guys, but I treasure them and I treasure the good moments I have. On my own, or with someone else.
I should start training for my new job tomorrow, so here we go back to the workforce. I'm excited. Did my laundry and my chores and I want some fun, NOW! :D
Sorry Vero that my choice of movie brought you down. I guess we should've seen The Dreamers. My apologies.
Apple seeks patent for see-through windows - News - ZDNet
Apple seeks patent for see-through windows - News - ZDNet
It's that old Apple vs. Microsoft tune again..........
It's that old Apple vs. Microsoft tune again..........
Hubble snaps new world: Is this the first photo of a planet beyond our solar system?
Hubble snaps new world: Is this the first photo of a planet beyond our solar system?
Space.........The Final Frontier........and it was discovered at PSU! GO NITTANY LIONS! WOOT!
Space.........The Final Frontier........and it was discovered at PSU! GO NITTANY LIONS! WOOT!
Well yesterdaay was good in several levels. Met Carmelo for lunch and got some stuff organized for his upcoming project. All I can say is that I didn't expect him to be a playa, but he is in his on way. I even got jealous. LOL. Came home for cake and ice cream and a mind-blowing episode of The Shield. Intense. Spent the evening installing a new version of Knoppix and test-driving a DVD-R and here we are. Should be going to the station on Friday to start feeling my way around this new job that starts on June. Thanks guys for all the IM's and happy thoughts. Much appreciated.
Older, Wiser, Crazier
Older, Wiser, Crazier. Today I'm 36. Woopty Do! I've got a whole bunch of stuff to do and Vero is taking me to the movies. Aside from that, a lot of errands and not much else. Anyway, lots of love to my friends and a big wet sloppy kiss to my enemies. Starting that lovely downward spiral to my 40's. Woot!
Wired News: Getting Naked for Big Brother
Wired News: Getting Naked for Big Brother
"Those who would sacrifice
freedom for security deserve neither."
- Benjamin Franklin
And as always, there are some ever-so-willing assholes who are willing to do just that. Wear your birthday suit, bend over and enjoy the cavity search bitches!
"Those who would sacrifice
freedom for security deserve neither."
- Benjamin Franklin
And as always, there are some ever-so-willing assholes who are willing to do just that. Wear your birthday suit, bend over and enjoy the cavity search bitches!
Slashdot | Flying Car More Economical Than SUV
Slashdot | Flying Car More Economical Than SUV
It's 2004. Where the fuck is my flying car, damnit?!?!?
It's 2004. Where the fuck is my flying car, damnit?!?!?
Slashdot | Cell Phone Jammers: Coming To An Event Near You?
Slashdot | Cell Phone Jammers: Coming To An Event Near You?: Jam on it. Jam on it. J-j-j-j-j-jam on it!
Slashdot | Dutch Portal Cleared of Copyright Infringement
Slashdot | Dutch Portal Cleared of Copyright Infringement
Rejoice Mista Ducky and our Dutch readership!
Rejoice Mista Ducky and our Dutch readership!
Courtney Love, Conspiracy Theorist - May 14, 2004
Courtney Love, Conspiracy Theorist - May 14, 2004
Sure Courtney, whatever you say. Shut up, OD, die. No one cares about you anyway.
Sure Courtney, whatever you say. Shut up, OD, die. No one cares about you anyway.
Popular Science | Is This What War Will Come To?
Popular Science | Is This What War Will Come To?
Cranking up Atari Teenage Riot's "The Future of War" at 11
Cranking up Atari Teenage Riot's "The Future of War" at 11
Not much to write about these days. Maybe because nothing is going on, maybe because I'd rather not sound like a broken record and I want to write something worthy. I've got a lot on my plate and I'm procastrinating and maybe I'm enjoying these last few days of freedom before rejoining the ranks of the working class starting on June the 1st. I have some lyrics that I have to transcribe to a friend, gotta work on the frecuencias site and promote my friend's band. Right now, I'm just bleh. ;)
Fucking hell. Things going more or less fine until:
1. My throat is fine and I'm no longer dripping snot in industrial quantities but I'm still having phleghm in a nice disgusting colour every once in a while.
2. I haven't had DSL service since last night at 7 p.m. Their lovely customer service personnell say that there's a problem in my area, but I take their word with a grain of salt. Those kids there get minimum wage, almost no training and most of them don't even know what they're doing.
3. My mother is sooooooooo fucking supportive these days. Nevermind that I asked her to do a single favor since Friday afternoon for something due on Wendesday and of course and as usual, she can't deliver. She never fucking does anything to help me, even if it's a single request. I'm still waiting for that lovely job she promised to get me. That was ages ago. Fucking hell. Then she's all appearances and making shit for the fucking church accross the street that I sometimes wish I could firebomb to hell. Yes, that's my lovely mother people. All appearances and looking nice to the world, but can't fucking do a favor to someone she fucking gave birth to.
4. My birthday is coming up and I have no plans and I don't want no plans. Fuck it. Got stuff to do. Out.
1. My throat is fine and I'm no longer dripping snot in industrial quantities but I'm still having phleghm in a nice disgusting colour every once in a while.
2. I haven't had DSL service since last night at 7 p.m. Their lovely customer service personnell say that there's a problem in my area, but I take their word with a grain of salt. Those kids there get minimum wage, almost no training and most of them don't even know what they're doing.
3. My mother is sooooooooo fucking supportive these days. Nevermind that I asked her to do a single favor since Friday afternoon for something due on Wendesday and of course and as usual, she can't deliver. She never fucking does anything to help me, even if it's a single request. I'm still waiting for that lovely job she promised to get me. That was ages ago. Fucking hell. Then she's all appearances and making shit for the fucking church accross the street that I sometimes wish I could firebomb to hell. Yes, that's my lovely mother people. All appearances and looking nice to the world, but can't fucking do a favor to someone she fucking gave birth to.
4. My birthday is coming up and I have no plans and I don't want no plans. Fuck it. Got stuff to do. Out.
Slashdot | Microbroadcasting Summer Camp
Slashdot | Microbroadcasting Summer Camp
Check this out and if you can attend, so much the better. Enjoy!
Check this out and if you can attend, so much the better. Enjoy!
So it seems that I might get a job sooner than I think. Thanks for the good vibes people! Let's make it happen. O algo. :)
Not much to do or say do to illness. Serious coughing, sneezing, sore throat, couldn't speak properly for days and once the throat was healed, my nose started to drop snot in industrial quantities. Enough for the next Alien vs. Predator and Alien 5 movies! Um, grossness aside, I installed the latest version of Knoppix (3.4) on the laptop and it's working fine so far. Got an interview coming up and two leads for jobs, so fingers crossed.
So I've got 15 more days to live? Ok let's start partying. Hard. Bring the hard liquor and the women. Time to get real busy.
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