You are good. You might not like it but you are
good. You are the kind of person that other
people don't mind hanging around. You would do
anything to help one in need. You will do
anything for the people you care about. They
are number one in the world you live in. Good
for you. I bet you will have a nice and easy
Are you Good or Evil
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You are in: The Lord of the Rings
"You stand between me and my lord and
kin. Begone, if you not be deathless! For
living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you
touch him.
"And then it seemed to him that as in his
dream in the house of Bombdil, the grey
rain-curtain turned all to silver glass and was
rolled back, and he beheld white shores and
beyond them a far green country under a swift
"His will was set. And only death would
break it."
Wow, brave, noble, and true, there just arent
people around like you anymore (if there ever
were in the first place). Be you a courageous
ranger turned king, a courageous elf prince, a
once simple but now courageous hobbit, a
courageous woman warrior, a courageous elf
princess who gave up her immortality for the
one you love, or a courageous wizard, guess
what...youre courageous (hard to figure out I
know). You live in a world where the lines of
good and evil are clear and distinct, and where
good will always win. While you prefer peace,
you will not hesitate to fight for your
friends, your country, or those you love. Of
course granted the world might be just a little
bit elitist with a rigid social. Even when
things seem darkest you will never give up, and
for that I must admire you. And hey where else
can you go on almost guaranteed suicide
missions and more than likely come out on top.
However dont expect everyone else to be living
in the same world as you, for this world is not
to everyones taste, because this isnt exactly
the most progressive or complex of places, and
some people actually like things like that.
But for you its perfect, and in the end, thats
all really matters.
What Scifi or Fantasy Series Are You Living In? (Long Quiz)
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