"We're all players in the dating game" - Jose E. Roman 4/20/03 19:38

I spent the last 20 minutes waking in the rain. Letting it soak right through me. Deep in thought. It's been awhile since I done that. I guess the weather matches my mood these days after all. It's ok though. I was coming from dinner with someone I met recently. She's nice, cool, grounded, honest, and very funny. Talking to her gave me some insights into relationships. Especially she was talking to me about how her ex was so good and she blurted that she'll compare her dates against her ex. I told her that's not fair at all. To her, to her dates. It's not fair at all. I told her so. I can't believe how people do that. I mean, it's just unbelievable, but that's my opinion. She needs to get over some issues but I think she's good friend material. Friend only.

So anyway at least she's honest about stuff and I appreciate that. I look forward to meet her again. I like her so that will happen soon. Anyway I just thought about things and even though I can consider Lana the love of my life, I don't compare any people I meet against them. It's not fair because to start they're not the same. Each person is unique with their flaws and their virtues.
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