Well I kinda got a surprise visit from a friend and after some news I went to see Anger Management again. It was good. Then i hit Borders and finally got it. Ministry's "Animositisomina". MAN! What the doctor ordered! Oh yeah. Cranking this baby full blast. This is my favorite album already. 9 tunes plus a Magazine cover. Yes. The perfect prescription to eradicate these blues. Fuck yeah! This is one of those albums that motivate you to get back on the band game. Anyway ran into Georgie so I think I'm gonna hook up with my buddies at Golpe Justo for some action. It'd be a good way to vent some of that pentup energy. ;)

And yes, Al sings.

V - thanks. Your email moved me. Thanks for sharing that with me. Also thanks to the hippie. I love you mofo. I really do. Take care. You're progressing. Keep it up my man. Thanks also to my favorite Vampire. My favorite co-worker. I love you too. Thanks guys for showing me there's light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train. You guys are the air I breathe and my sunshine. Thank you.

PD - Keep in mind this one's a work in progress:

Twist The Knife Slowly
Right On My Back
What Hurts Me Most
A Friendship Lost
You Broke My Fucking Heart

(soon to be heard on some recording soon. who says anger ain't a source of energy?)

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