Random Shit Running Through My Brain:

1. Stupid people shouldn't breed. They shouldn't even fucking get out the fucking gate as far as I'm concerned. Nevertheless they plague us with their own brand of stupidity. I shouldn't be worried overall about it *BUT* whenever one of these morons hits me with a stupid question, they deserve all the insults I can cram into him/her. Like Ford Fairlane said: "Too many assholes, so few bullets".

2. Creativity flowing. Another song for the record. Gotta take advantage of it. Sending resumes too. Keeping myself busy.

3. Le Tigre's the shiznit. Women having fun. I'm all for that.

4. Fuck em if they can't take it. Fuck em if they do anyway.

5. Four days before Armageddon, my birthday or whichever comes first.
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