...so long and thanks for all the fish.....

Stolen shamelessly from Douglas Adams, RIP.

Anyhoo I've been busy with work, parental health troubles, personal health issues and other lovely things that come with having 2 jobs and a lousy health problem. I take full blame for it. No excuses there, but I'm taking charge.

Tomorrow I'll be under the knife for some much needed foot surgery to see if the pressure can be relieved in order to heal an ulcer in my right foot. It will be painful, it will be nasty, but necessary. After jumping some bureaucratic hurdles, the surgery will go as scheduled. And I have to be there really fucking early so I'll try to keep this short and sweet.

I'll be in some serious pain for at least three weeks and I hope that the good doctor brings some painkillers along for the ride. Anyway, these three weeks shall be challenging, to say the least. And I need to take this seriously. I also do not want to become addicted to those pills, so I'm gonna have to work things out. Adapt and overcome.

Anyway, I want to take a little time to appreciate everyone who helped and helps me through this. Your help and support has been noted. Thank you. Please redirect whatever good vibes you have coming my way and send them to my father. He's going through a very rough time and needs all the good karma he can get at his age. I love him dearly and wished he didn't have to go through what he's going through.

Take care. Walk in beauty.
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2 observations:

Ana Oquendo dijo...

Here... Take this towel...

Bohemia6 dijo...

Con razon no te vi en el get together de anoche en Cafe Seda :0

Nada mano que te mejores. Pronto te envio un carinito...