A little rant against a general malaise

Let me clear my throat and get this off my chest.

I understand that our blogs are our space where we can rant, bitch, moan, complain, kick around and basically figure out what's going on in our lovely little lives. Thing is, I read a lot of them and there's a general sense of inconformity. Inconformity is good. At lesat, it keeps me sharp and a little ambition is not bad at all.

Thing is, I don't know, maybe I just got to the point that if your present situation is so bad, why not work to change it? I mean yes we are entitled to vent against whatever is making us feel bad or plain old miserable, but for fuck's sake do two things.

Take a look around you. You might find out that there are people in a worst position that you are. Be grateful for what you have and what you accomplished so far.

Now if after taking stock of your situation you still feel miserable, I'd suggest you sit down, think hard and plan for change.

You hate your job? Make a resume and prepare for a long set of interviews, rejections, whatever until you find a job that is right and challenging for you.

You hate the fact that you're alone? Go out, have fun, live a little. Prince of Princess Charming will arrive in due time, but meanwhile have fun, enjoy life in the company of friends, develop an active social life and maybe you'll get some worthy company. Don't settle for less. Eventually you'll run into someone that will make the wait worth your while. Yes some of us have our little quirks, neuroses and things that separates us from the others, but hey if I can get a lovely woman like the one I'm currently with, I'm sure you can get someone who will love, understand and accept the way you are.

What I also noticed is that while people are dreading their current situation they are afraid of change. Well, there are three constants in life: death, change and taxes. Eventually you will have to deal with the tree of them. No matter how you try to isolate yourself from them, they will come. So I think it's better to brace for them and accept them.

To make this rant short, if you feel you are stuck in a rut, then work for change.


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1 observations:

Pepe dijo...

So right.

Told you. You are like Yoda..only slightly younger and with better skin!
