Yesterday I went to the christening of my nephews and my niece. Mostly everyone knows my stance on religion and whatnot, but since they are not my kids, it doesn't bother me that much. What bothers me is that 1. the godfather and godmother arrived a little late. 2. of all people that were there, I was the one who knew all the theological theory surrounding catholic baptism 3. i realized how much i don't like family gatherings. Yes, this brings out the anti-social in me, but I can't help me. The statement that says you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family rang so true yesterday.

Not all of it was gloom and doom. I went to see J. perform yesterday after dealing with family matters and it was really entertaining. It's a whole different scene and all, which makes it kinda cool. Basically J's gigs usually happen in these places that are quite different once the night falls. By day one could be, a bookies (sorry Brit slang but I can't seem to find the correct translation for it) dealing with horses and at night it transforms into a bar or dance hall. Obviously the demographic is older but there's no bullshit involved. People go, get dressed, drink and dance merengue, salsa, bachata and boleros. Last night's place was very cool in it's own place. Second floor of a business. Bar, some tables on the side, a tiny stage and plenty of room to dance. Dark. The way I like it. J.'s singing voice is top as usual, despite the technical problems.

Speaking of which, J. finally taught me how to dance bachata and it was very funny! Its easy too, but watching couple dance it was a sport by itself. J. did the gig and afterwards we were gonna hit El Cojo but the regulars didnt feel like it so off we went for a spot of our own. She's so gorgeous and so freaking sensual it's unreal. I am very glad she's around. We're supposed to watch a movie tonight, but let's see how it turns out.

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