planning, plotting, pondering, much ado about.........

anyway, i'm doing fine in my job according to my bosses, but i don't see myself doing what i currently do for an extended period of time. there's so much shit i can take, and i don't need any more thrown in my lap. let's see what the future brings.

meanwhile, aside from that, i stopped making plans. long range. thinking short term reachable goals. something i can accomplish. once those are established maybe i'll get back to long range planning. right now i want to take each day on it's own and enjoy the moment. zen-like.

yeah, i'm difficult, weird, strange, sometimes paranoid, sometimes too careful, sometimes too careless and daring. well, that's me baby. you can take it or leave it. i stopped being accomodating a long time ago. lot of good it did.

thanks rose for being there. thanks mari for looking out. thanks big al for your friendship and our tete a tetes. thanks to mista ducky for writing his heart out and making me think, laugh and cry in the same paragraph. thanks v. for your voice and your wiiiiiiiiii and your gay obssession and the method to your 'madness'. thanks to the ones that stick around, that are true to themselves, that can dish it out and take it. the ones that are not afraid to be honest. i love you all. you make life worth living. i might not say it, but i freaking mean it. love the lot of you.

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