I know I gave you the Cliff Notes on those three days, but I was exhausted. Training was hard this last week because it was so goddamn boring. Nevertheless, V's company always made the day worthwhile. Whether talking our heads off or just staring at each other, we were so comfortable in each other's company. Conversations, like I said, were good, long and very intense. I think this is the start of something really good. Honesty, being the main policy here. I want things to be right. Maybe I ask too much of the few people that I care about and they care about me in return, but it saves us both a lot of trouble and grief. Right now I'm just counting the days until I get to see her again. Yeah it was very good. Being able to feel human again. My parentals overreacted at first due to some words I said, but everything's cool. V's smart, cute, funny, responsible and a very lovely person. "I believe that something good is gonna happen" - Kate Bush. Yes, I agree.
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