Well things are happening. Not all of them happy. They cut my hours down to 20 at my job so I'm in the market for another. There's some stuff that's panning out with two possible jobs. If the second one works out, I'll take it. Even if it means working from 4pm to 1am. Also I just had an argument with my family again. I don't have the money but I'll be moving out soon. I can't wait. I need my space and I don't need them fucking about my life when I need a place to rest, some peace and quiet. I never cared about living on this house anyway. Hated it since the second they moved in it. Anyway, I should be moving out soon.

In other news, I saw her last friday. Slept together. No nookie. Guess we were both too tired. I don't know. It comes and goes, does it? Saturday I sort of got into a blind date situation. Got a telephone number. She's cute. Aside from that, I don't know how things will work out with all of this. She's cute but we're different. Still gotta try somehow. Got a gig tomorrow and probably movies on Wendesday. So much to do, so little time. Right now my bed is calling me.
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