Watching "Abre Tus Ojos". Can't say anymore. Really. It's just that kind of flick. Loved "Tesis" and "The Others".
Found myself missing my ex. Not in the "I want to get back with her" sense of the word, but in the fact that I remembered the good times that we all had, her smile, the little things that I'll store in my memory forever. Cause it was the best relationship I've ever had. And it's a part of me whether I like it or not. A sense of acceptance. Yes, it's been over for a long while. It won't come back. Done and over with. Time to move on. I just accept the fact that there was a good relationship and it's now over. TIme to live by what's written down before this post because I've got this life to live. Nothing and no one will keep me from doing what I must do. Achieve. Create. Succeed. No room for failure. No room for defeat. No room for negativity.

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