I decided to stop caring today. Or rather to stop caring for people outside my immediate family. Not that suddenly I'll become this cold unfeeling bastard (trust me, the temptation is there, but i need a really good excuse). but I think the more I try to help people in need with advice and suggestions, the least attention they put to it. Fuck them. Truly. It's fucked how many times I try to help people with some advice they asked me to give and then they do the exact opposite or worse, nothing at all. Yeah I'm fucking mad now, and I'm just sick of it. So I'm going to save myself the trouble of caring. I'll try to take care of my life. Selfish? Yes, but honestly, 99.9% of the people aren't worth it.

And while I'm on the subject: fuck you you ungrateful bitch. You know who you are. I gave you my fucking life and you walked out when I needed you the most. I just paid you in the same fucking coin. All that hate and rage inside you rots whatever's left from your body and whatever your disease has not taken care of, your hatred and anger will. I'm only sorry because you'll leave behind 2 kids who have nothing to do with it. You didn't have many true friends to begin with and you just burned your bridges with me, you selfish cunt. Fine, be that way. Just don't expect me to cry at your funeral. You're already dead to me.

As much as I love and respect women, I can never understand their little moods. Some of them might be related to the hormones, others, I don't even know. If any male can safely and accurately figure women out, please holler.

You know what? Fucking right. Until now we were a generation (at least in the USA/Puerto Rico) of empty heads, no conviction. It takes something like Sept 11 to wake our collective asses off. To get up and evaluate everything around you. To really appreciate life. And with all due respect to the victims of the bombing and the fact that they were innocent people caught at the wrong place and at the wrong time, in this fucking anger and outrage that I feel, I hope we do go to war.

Why? Not because it will certainly complicate matters and will start an endless circle of reprisals and shit. Just because it will thin out the population, give us more breathing room, get people off the fucking planet and maybe with all these struggle and shit that will follow, our fucking generation will fucking grow some conviction, some balls, something other than the fucking numbed pablum that we live today.

By the way, fucking numbskulls at work here in fucking N(tr)ashville. An Iraqui immigrant got his two cars burned in front of his house, his son harassed at school and business harassed too. An arab woman almost got swerved on the road by yahoos in pick up trucks. Some islamic/arab businesses were hit by angry assholes and a fucking catfish joint in Kentucky has a sign that says 'NO CAMEL JOCKEYS ALLOWED." We need a fucking war so we can draft all these ignorant assholes and hopefully they will get their asses killed in the name of 'democracy'.
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