Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
cobwebs, dust, and a dream of a tall, willowy, british blonde
sorry for the cobwebs and dust. too much on my plate physically and mentally speaking. writing is an outlet but of late, aside from a lyric for my band the occasional request for a contribution I haven't written much. i just feel the need to write last night's dream before i forget it.
dreamt i lived in this apartment building. huge apartment building. i met this tall, willowy, british blonde woman, a meatier uma thurman, if you will. gorgeous and pretty much lost in the city. she seemed odd, but needed a place to crash. i offered mine.
we spoke of loss, loneliness, alienation, britain and music all night. we slept together. for a while we were happy. the next day, my family and friends came over and i introduced her. some people, which i haven't seen in years, were there as well. she was listening to local bands and whatnot. some of my friends were talking to her and listening music with her. the cojoba kids were back in pr and getting a show together. it was good to see taina and javier again. also the balún kids were around too. talking to her about music. philip padilla was there as well. i went outside to run some errands.
i dreamt i was driving again. first off, went with my brother with his old college. of course it wasn't actually his old college. it was near the real location, but it was another building altogether. we park and he told him to approach a car that had some of his friends who somehow were still studying there. they approached and started talking with my brother about old times. all the while they were bringing automatic assault rifles inside the car. i asked my brother what the fuck was going on. he told his friends off. off they went along with their weapons. i drove to supposedly an old workplace of mine with some cart and some goods to deliver. i told my brother to drive off. i would meet them back in my apartmant.
i went to the building's service entrance and there was a huge ramp leading several stories up. i went there and the entrance was blocked with debris and locked, no longer used. en employee went out another door for her smoking break. she recognized snd seemed surprised to see me. i asked her if she could let me in so i could deliver what i had in the cart. at first she seemed reluctant, but she let me in. i walked in trying not to be noticed, left the cart and the goods there. i think i stole something from that building. i don't know what. data? what? don't know.
i went back to the apartment and my family and friends were ready to go out. my willowy british friend was dressed and ready to go. i showered and got into a new set of clothes. when i was out and ready to go she told me she'd rather stay. wanted to skype someone and probably wanted to have sex afterwards. ok. good reason to stay at home. anyway, she skyped someone in my room and i changed into something comfortable. afterwards i heard her humming some popular song. a ballad maybe.
i was looking for her and i found her in her room. she has transformed in thie mechanical thing. a sort of cyborg. her face machine line. her arms are legs, still human. there was sawdust on her. i stood there wondering what the fuck was going on. suddenly and without warning, she jumped over me and i began transforming into some kind of machine as well. my features machine-like, my arms and legs still human. just like her. i started to realize what i have become.
and then i woke up. 'til next time.
dreamt i lived in this apartment building. huge apartment building. i met this tall, willowy, british blonde woman, a meatier uma thurman, if you will. gorgeous and pretty much lost in the city. she seemed odd, but needed a place to crash. i offered mine.
we spoke of loss, loneliness, alienation, britain and music all night. we slept together. for a while we were happy. the next day, my family and friends came over and i introduced her. some people, which i haven't seen in years, were there as well. she was listening to local bands and whatnot. some of my friends were talking to her and listening music with her. the cojoba kids were back in pr and getting a show together. it was good to see taina and javier again. also the balún kids were around too. talking to her about music. philip padilla was there as well. i went outside to run some errands.
i dreamt i was driving again. first off, went with my brother with his old college. of course it wasn't actually his old college. it was near the real location, but it was another building altogether. we park and he told him to approach a car that had some of his friends who somehow were still studying there. they approached and started talking with my brother about old times. all the while they were bringing automatic assault rifles inside the car. i asked my brother what the fuck was going on. he told his friends off. off they went along with their weapons. i drove to supposedly an old workplace of mine with some cart and some goods to deliver. i told my brother to drive off. i would meet them back in my apartmant.
i went to the building's service entrance and there was a huge ramp leading several stories up. i went there and the entrance was blocked with debris and locked, no longer used. en employee went out another door for her smoking break. she recognized snd seemed surprised to see me. i asked her if she could let me in so i could deliver what i had in the cart. at first she seemed reluctant, but she let me in. i walked in trying not to be noticed, left the cart and the goods there. i think i stole something from that building. i don't know what. data? what? don't know.
i went back to the apartment and my family and friends were ready to go out. my willowy british friend was dressed and ready to go. i showered and got into a new set of clothes. when i was out and ready to go she told me she'd rather stay. wanted to skype someone and probably wanted to have sex afterwards. ok. good reason to stay at home. anyway, she skyped someone in my room and i changed into something comfortable. afterwards i heard her humming some popular song. a ballad maybe.
i was looking for her and i found her in her room. she has transformed in thie mechanical thing. a sort of cyborg. her face machine line. her arms are legs, still human. there was sawdust on her. i stood there wondering what the fuck was going on. suddenly and without warning, she jumped over me and i began transforming into some kind of machine as well. my features machine-like, my arms and legs still human. just like her. i started to realize what i have become.
and then i woke up. 'til next time.
keeping busy!
the gospel according to
Moe Rituri
8/14/2010 02:58:00 p. m.
Descojon Urbano,
dj gigs,
Isabela Music Club,
Red Shield
Yesterday was a very busy day. Work, then recording some Descojon Urbano guitar tracks with Rafi Arroyo, then off to Red Shield for a DJ gig on the Ongo,, Francotiradores de la Melancolia and Saul from Un.real.
Upcoming gigs are a DJ gig at Los Petardos CD release, and at the Nocturama opening night at Sept the 3rd at Red Shield. DU will play as part of the Hasta el Limite Sonoro gig Sept 10, Also a gig on October the 1st at Red Shield as part of the October 1st Nocturama show.
Keeping busy, alright.
Upcoming gigs are a DJ gig at Los Petardos CD release, and at the Nocturama opening night at Sept the 3rd at Red Shield. DU will play as part of the Hasta el Limite Sonoro gig Sept 10, Also a gig on October the 1st at Red Shield as part of the October 1st Nocturama show.
Keeping busy, alright.
Presentaciones de Descojon Urbano y Nocturama @ Red Shield
the gospel according to
Moe Rituri
8/05/2010 09:49:00 a. m.
Descojon Urbano,
dj sets,
Nalgada de Oro,
Red Shield,
rock local

Hay muchas cosas ocurriendo en la tierra de rojoynegro.
Primero que nada, de nuevo gracias por su presencia y sus palabras de reacción en cuanto al show con Nalgada de Oro. De hecho, antes de seguir con lo que ocurre, si desean obtener el disco de Nalgada de Oro y no viven en PR o desean descargarlo, pueden hacerlo aquí.
Descojón Urbano está vivo y coleando. Por lo menos hasta finales de éste año. Hay una regrabación de temas viejos en proceso y dos presentaciones. En cuanto a presentaciones nos han invitado a formar parte de estos dos eventos:
1. Hasta el Límite Sonoro - Viernes Sept 10 Red Shield, Ave. Roosevelt Hato Rey
2. Aniversario de Radio Clandestina Sábado Nov. 20 Soprano's Cataño. (Tentativo)
Por ahora tenemos ocho canciones regrabadas con las voces. Faltan las guitarras y bajos en algunos temas y estamos en proceso de hacer lo propio. Todo es cuestión de hacerlo. Puede que hayan cambios de personal en la alineación de la banda en directo debido al regreso de uno de nuestros integrantes. Todavía no puedo confirmarlo.
Lo que sí les puedo confirmar es que gracias a Noel Villegas y la gente de Red Shield estaremos presentando un evento mensual donde esperamos traer bandas, dj's invitados y cualquier otra locura que se nos ocurra. El evento se llama Nocturama y comenzará el Viernes 3 de Septiembre del 2010 a las 9pm en Red Shield, 1367 Ave. Roosevelt, Puerto Nuevo. Inauguraremos la noche con Psiconautas, Matotumba y los dj's a cargo serán Don Carlos Del Pepino aka Supercarlillo y este servidor. Están cordialmente invitados.
Así que en resumen esto es lo que me depara musicalmente en un futuro cercano.
Viernes Sept 3 - Nocturama @ Red Shield - Psiconautas, Matotumba y DJ sets de Supercarlillo y Popu
Viernes Sept 10 - Hasta el Límite Sonoro @ Red Shield - Descojón Urbano live set y muchas otras bandas muy buenas por anunciarse.
Viernes Octubre 1 - Nocturama @ Red Shield - Invitados por anunciarse.
Viernes Noviembre 5 - Nocturama @ Red Shield - invitados por anunciarse.
Sábado Nov 20 - Aniversario de Radio Clandestina @ Soprano's Cataño - Descojón Urbano live set (Tentativo)
Les daré más información de futuras actividades y/o acciones.
Gracias. Nalgada de Oro, Isabela Music Club, Descojon Urbano Jul 29 2010
the gospel according to
Moe Rituri
7/30/2010 03:01:00 a. m.
Descojon Urbano,
Isabela Music Club,
Nalgada de Oro,
En si se pudiera concentrar todo lo que acaba de pasarme en la noche de hoy es esa palabra: gracias.
A los que asistieron y que tuve el placer de ver y compartir despues de mucho tiempo. A Nalgada de Oro, a Isabela Music Club por compartir la tarima con nosotros. A Ariel, Rafy y Carlitos que fueron unos campeones. A El Padrino que trato con lo que habia disponible pero se hizo lo que se pudo. A La Respuesta, Monopolio Records y lFrecuencias ALternas por apostar al talento local. En verdad fue bueno compartir y tener varias pequen-as conversaciones que en realidad me impactaron mucho.
Una de ellas siembra la semilla para futras colaboraciones. Gracias Luis por hablar la clara. La otra fue la conclusion de la noche. Puedo decir con toda franqueza que hoy puedo morir feliz. La gente se divirtio, los muchachos se divirtieron y yo me diverti. Como se lo dije a Andres, se los digo a ustedes: si hoy muero, muero feliz y muero con un sentido de que he logrado lo que me he propuesto y nos divertimos en el proceso.
En realidad lo siento por las dificultades tecnidas, por no tocar las canciones que pidieron y por no poder complacerlos. Falta de tiempo y esa noche definitivamente le pertenecia a los chicos de Nalgada que se pasaron. Isabela Music Club tambien se tiro la mision empezando mellow pero poco a poco me gustaban mas y es bueno ver a los Hermanos Velez, junto a Joy y a Gabriel hacer lo suyo.
Los que no pudieron ir, se perdieron una noche especial, pero eso pasa. Y si, los extran-e.
No se que el futuro depara y no puedo hablar por el resto de los muchachos pero puedo decir de mi parte que tocar y ensayar junto a Ariel, Carlitos y Rafy fue muy divertido y bueno. Si se repite bajo Descojon Urbano u otra cosa, eso esta de parte de todos. Pero esta noche fue muy buena. Gracias.
De nuevo, gracias.
Ahora se pueden ir a otro rincon del Internet. Yo tengo que dormir algo antes de escuchar un lindo seminario de 5 horas man-ana.
A los que asistieron y que tuve el placer de ver y compartir despues de mucho tiempo. A Nalgada de Oro, a Isabela Music Club por compartir la tarima con nosotros. A Ariel, Rafy y Carlitos que fueron unos campeones. A El Padrino que trato con lo que habia disponible pero se hizo lo que se pudo. A La Respuesta, Monopolio Records y lFrecuencias ALternas por apostar al talento local. En verdad fue bueno compartir y tener varias pequen-as conversaciones que en realidad me impactaron mucho.
Una de ellas siembra la semilla para futras colaboraciones. Gracias Luis por hablar la clara. La otra fue la conclusion de la noche. Puedo decir con toda franqueza que hoy puedo morir feliz. La gente se divirtio, los muchachos se divirtieron y yo me diverti. Como se lo dije a Andres, se los digo a ustedes: si hoy muero, muero feliz y muero con un sentido de que he logrado lo que me he propuesto y nos divertimos en el proceso.
En realidad lo siento por las dificultades tecnidas, por no tocar las canciones que pidieron y por no poder complacerlos. Falta de tiempo y esa noche definitivamente le pertenecia a los chicos de Nalgada que se pasaron. Isabela Music Club tambien se tiro la mision empezando mellow pero poco a poco me gustaban mas y es bueno ver a los Hermanos Velez, junto a Joy y a Gabriel hacer lo suyo.
Los que no pudieron ir, se perdieron una noche especial, pero eso pasa. Y si, los extran-e.
No se que el futuro depara y no puedo hablar por el resto de los muchachos pero puedo decir de mi parte que tocar y ensayar junto a Ariel, Carlitos y Rafy fue muy divertido y bueno. Si se repite bajo Descojon Urbano u otra cosa, eso esta de parte de todos. Pero esta noche fue muy buena. Gracias.
De nuevo, gracias.
Ahora se pueden ir a otro rincon del Internet. Yo tengo que dormir algo antes de escuchar un lindo seminario de 5 horas man-ana.
Entrevista a Nalgada De Oro y a Descojon Urbano en Frecuencias Alternas
the gospel according to
Moe Rituri
7/25/2010 04:49:00 a. m.
Descojon Urbano,
Frecuencias Alternas,
Nalgada de Oro,
rock local
Los Alternos Frecuentes entrevistaron a Nalgada De Oro y a Descojon Urbano con motivo de la presentacion de las bandas junto a Isabela Music Club el 29 de Julio en la Respuesta. Aqui puedes escucharla y descargarla. Gracias a los muchachos de Frecuencias Alternas por su acostumbrada atencion.
Nalgada De Oro gig promo video
the gospel according to
Moe Rituri
7/25/2010 01:18:00 a. m.
Nalgada de Oro,
rock local
Se repartirá protección en el show?
Estamos gestionando un auspicio con Condom World, pero recomendamos que siempre lleven protección. Mejor tenerla y no necesitarla que necesitarla y no tenerla.
En cuanto a chalecos anti-balas, carros blindados y otras medidas de seguridad, está de parte de ustedes llevarlas.
Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
Cuantos pañales recomiendas que se deben llevar por persona?
Depende de su problema individual de incontinencia. Recomendamos que consulte con su médico.
Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
Si Popu va a tocar algun instrumento y cuales serian?
Popu se toca su propio instrumento. Puro virtuosismo.
Pregúntanos lo que quieras. Que te contestemos, esos son otros $20.
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