once again music, no matter how wrong it may be, has saved me from the horrible stuff life throws my way. thank you ezequiel!
Once dias y al guaynabicho de 20 an-os que mato al paramedico con el carro de su mama sigue por la libre. La doble vara en este pai$ e$ una co$a cabrona!
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so what have u done to contribute to our yearly #winterofourdiscontent campaign? please share....
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Good night children! Sleep well. Take care of yourselves and each other. Yes, I was quoting Jerry Springer. Deal with it.
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Triple dosis de HBO Latino con El Bufalo de la Noche, Epitafios y Capadocia.
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Hell is a very lonely place where people are stuck until they manage to get out of there. So far it's a state of mind. The fire and brimstone are just for theatrics.
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some light reading for the holidays
the gospel according to
11/27/2009 07:32:00 p. m.
political persecution,
Shower and sleep. The world will run fine without me.
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now seriously guys and gals...
the gospel according to
11/26/2009 11:11:00 p. m.
i am grateful for the love and support of my family, friends & loved ones. u know who u are. this has been a challenging year. i love u all.
Back from Soprano's. No bailotee pero fue bien bueno ver a Vero y a La Diabla. Feliz dia de la masacre del pavo!
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feliz dia de accion de gracias! Hartense y coman hasta que sus estomagos estallen! Bah humbug!
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segunda llamada para el bailoteo gostiko man~ana en soprano's. gente vestida de negro y/o de hot topic! el caco gotico! diversion a granel!
Out of the doctor's. On my way to babysit my dad and then off to get some documents for my appointment tomorrow. No rest for the wicked.
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Good morning you lovely brats! Get you ya-ya's out!
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ok you buncha grunts and rejects. off to get some shuteye. you best stay frosty. see you all tomorrow. over and out!
Presentando el nuevo logo de la Policia de Puerto Rico
the gospel according to
11/23/2009 10:19:00 p. m.
Policia de Puerto Rico,
Steve Ballmer y Rupert Murdoch vs. Google? This will get interesting....
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On Sacrifice...
the gospel according to
11/22/2009 09:42:00 p. m.
Hunter S. Thompson,
Jello Biafra,
Les Tambours Du Bronx,
San Juan Noise Fest V,
Traicion en Chavier
O.P.A.L. - Sacrifice Live At San Juan Noise Fest V
I have a very personal belief that art is both a means of expression and a con (mainly it's business side, and that is usually the subject of another rant). Anyway, it's my belief that for the last twenty years both in the U.S. and Puerto Rico we've seen efforts to suppress that expression. Whether it's a group of "concerned" citizens, or let's just come out and say it: religious zealots or conservative self appointed guardians of morality, who feel entitled to push their religious and political agendas down our throats, damn the opinions of others, much less our hard earned right to freedom of expression.
The funny thing about these people is that they hide behind the bible or their twisted sense of morality to suppress acts of artistic (and non-artistic) expression and are willing to censor them or manifest their 'shock and horror' about them, while they let similar or worse crimes go by unnoticed. Worse, they act 'concerned' while worst things are done by them on a daily basis.
Why am I writing about this? Well, the piece above is about sacrifice. Whether we sacrificed our rights for a false sense of security against a (mostly fabricated) enemy or worse yet, sacrifice our freedom to give an unaccountable few lots of power over our lives. Personally, the American (and to some extent the Puertorican) Dream, whatever that is, went downhill in the last 30 or 40 years. Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes, Romero Barcelo, Rossello and now Fortun~o have come to represent all of those forces who stifle expression and freedom. Whether it's the progressive dissection of our constitutional rights for the past 30 years, whether it's getting upset at a bunch of kids attempt to capture life at their housing project on video, it's all there. Captured in fourteen minutes fifteen seconds in a sound collage.
William S. Burroughs did it way before all of us with his cut-ups in his literary work. Sampling became it's logical successor. We steal shamelessly, but we try to steal from the best. This time, elements from Hunter S. Thompson´s Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, Jello Biafra´s No More Coccoons, Les Tambours Du Bronx, the audio from the video from the boys of the Chavier housing project itself, and an improvised song from a toddler. We added noises, feedback and put it together in one nice little package for your listening pleasure. I think it's our little fuck you to everyone who gets on a high horse and try to justify outright censorship and repression, whether by religious, moral and or political means.
Thanks to Carlos, who was crazy enough to join me on this one. Jorge, for inviting us to play and we created a piece fitting for his, according to him, last stint at helming the San Juan Noise Fest. Angelito, for recording it for posterity. Last but not least, the other artists who played and the staff at Executive Manolo.
Anyway, here it is. Listen to it. Download it. Write about it. Let us know about it. Take care.
We ignored the warnings, ignored the signs. Yes, we deserve to be taken off the face of the earth, like the ones before us. Hope the next ones learn from our mistakes.
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We've squandered the gifts we were given. We traded our rights for a false sense of security. We've left evil and shallow men control our lives. We deserve the harsh judgement future generations have for us.
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Internet Archive: Free Download: Sacrifice (Live At San Juan Noise Fest V)
Internet Archive: Free Download: O.P.A.L. - Sacrifice (Live At San Juan Noise Fest V)
Download, spread it and enjoy! Live performance with Carlos Hernandez Domenech. Not for the squeamish nor for the faint of heart, mind and spirit.
Download, spread it and enjoy! Live performance with Carlos Hernandez Domenech. Not for the squeamish nor for the faint of heart, mind and spirit.
"And I hate your country, and I hate you world. I hate your gods, you people reek on Earth". - FOTN #winterofourdiscontent
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Woke up this morning at 5am to babysit my dad while mum and sis buy presents for the kids. Crawling back home to bed.
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Took a trip down memory lane via Google Earth and Chrome for the last 20 years of my life. Strange trip indeed. Four hrs of sleep til tomorrow. Laters!
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At #sanjuannoisefest enjoying the celestial sounds of sketch. Not for the weak minded nor for the faint of heart.
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the feline computer takeover has begun: http://ping.fm/XRJJk
:"if if had a photograph of you, or something to remind me, I wouldn't spend my life just wishing" - FoS
Fun fact: in my experience, people who criticize hate crimes or racism usually belong to the parties not affected by said issues. Walk a mile in their shoes, I say.
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"Safety, obscurity. Just another freak in the freak kingdom". - HST
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Had a dream involving trading a Cabaret Voltaire boxed set with @TigerTanaka
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What does it take to make our world come alive? What does it take to make us sing? - TSOM
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how secure is cloud computing? http://ping.fm/PErvU
hay gente que conozco de toda una vida y pasan desapercibidos. y hay gente que a pesar de haber compartido por algunas horas, dejan recuerdos que duran toda una vida.
some people do not understand that they are too toxic for their own good and for others around them. me? i avoid them like the plague. go spread your sickness, whether physical or psychic, to others. i can´t be bothered.
Woke up from self-induced slumber and a dream about a road movie with WWE wrestlers. I watch too many wrestling shows for my own good.
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felicidades #macmamones #snowleopard se apaga en 4 segundos. suficiente para q no te mangen viendo porno! como quieran te mangaran masturbandote.
"here where i will sit alone, lost. here i will dream. why, give me a drink. i need to think now. i've got to rid my stinking brain". - tkk
Organizing and taking care of stuff. Everything and everyone in it's riiiiiiight plaaaaace. Waiting for my medical clearance.
Got HBO so whoever wants to watch the fight at my place, better bring food and drinks.
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In the kind words of Mr. Tom Jenkinson: feed me weird things. Well, not so weird though. My stomach might not like them. :)
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installed #mandriva 2010 one on ze laptop and everything's working on ze laptop without a hitch and everything's working fine. #mandriva and #pclos ftw!
San Juan Noise Fest V: Official Flyer
the gospel according to
11/12/2009 03:11:00 p. m.
san juan noise fest

Here's the flyer for San Juan Noise Fest V
found a gui streaming solution for 'nix. now i need a workable dvr solution for 'nix compatible with my tv card.
It came from Detroit to blow my brains out!
the gospel according to
11/10/2009 12:27:00 p. m.
Drag City Records,
Detroit 1975. Three young brothers get together for some Black Sabbath and The MC5 fueled jamming and they end up with 7 songs way ahead of their time predating Bad Brains and the Dead Kennedys. Thanks to Mr. Carlos Rivera-Jones, I bring you DEATH (not the black metal band). They have a collection of their singles titled For The Whole World To See on Drag City Records. Get it. Listen to it. Turn it up to 11. Lick it. Sniff it. Taste it. Fuck it. Think this was 1975 and proceed to get your ass and mind blown. This made my day. Drag City Records rescued this little gems from oblivion for all of you to listen to. Thank you.
While u get up, I am heading to sleep. Have a great day my fellow bipeds with opposable thumbs!
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hey kids! @killiansteele sent me this and i want to share. tune in to pirate cat radio http://ping.fm/NyEkZ
Waking up after a nice afternoon nap. Shower, food, then watch ze dvr recordings. Tonight's episodes of #epitafios and #capadocia are waiting to be watched.
wants 2 use his superpowers 4 hire. The 1st person who actually brings me a double quarter pounder w/cheese, no mustard, lg wedge fries and a lg diet drink gets them. Go!
Celebremos el primer aniversario de la eleccion de @luis_fortuno. Ustedes son los que lo eligieron y ahora estan pagando las consecuencias. :D
Si le dedicaran la energia q desperdician odiando el reggaeton, etc., a las cosas q verdaderamente importan, estariamos mucho mejor. ;)
el joven @supercarlillo se unira a mi presentacion en el #sanjuannoisefestv a celebrarse el 19 de nov. esto va a terminar en una tragedia.
o.p.a.l. live nov 19th @ san juan noisefest
i've been invited 2 play in the new edition of the san juan noise fest as o.p.a.l. nov 19th at executive manolo. it should b interesting.extracto del comunicado.
El SJNF V se va a celebrar en Executive Manolo el 19 de noviembre de 8 a 11 PM. Executive Manolo es un espacio en la avenida Ponce de Leon en Santurce, frente a la Central High School.
En esta edición del San Juan Noise Fest se ha invitado a:
El SJNF V se va a celebrar en Executive Manolo el 19 de noviembre de 8 a 11 PM. Executive Manolo es un espacio en la avenida Ponce de Leon en Santurce, frente a la Central High School.
En esta edición del San Juan Noise Fest se ha invitado a:
Ozzy en RAW Chocky esta pompiao y yo estoy admirando a los cirujanos plasticos de los Osbournes.
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in case you didn't got it, here's the campo-formio ep free! http://ping.fm/IwACR cause we love you.
Alguien le puede decir al idiota de Milhaus q la casa no se salva desmantelandola ni vendiendola en pedazos? Gracias!
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Gov. Milhaus es una estrella de rawk bonafide. Hace que hasta a las feministas les ensen-en sus tetas!
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Things 2 do: pick up lab results, do payroll, visit friend, learn that years later this girl I dated still can't get her shit together. Good riddance!
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Feliz dia d los muertos! Siouxsie and The Banshees - el dia de los muertos.mp3 recordemos a los q se fueron y gozen con los q estan!
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ok the good thing about working in the wee hours is no distractions. the bad thing is finding someone to talk to. sleep well you lovely people.
ok. voz de david sylvian = #camote. voz de margaret fiedler = #camote voz de kim gordon = #camote. u get the idea....
the truth behind them anti-drug commercials. repent hippies, repent! http://ping.fm/fNAiS
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