the complete guide to google wave enjoy!
good morning and have a happy halloween you lot. everyday is halloween and you know the pagans are the niggers of the modern world - ministry via the cassandra complex. booyah!
movies and dreams about gf's potus and the self-playing cz-101
the gospel according to
10/31/2009 08:31:00 a. m.
disclaimer: i do have a gf. i love her and my relationshihp with her is peachy, but what my subconscious plays when i'm asleep is a whole different ballgame.
anyhoo, watched "hacia la oscuridad" last night. really intense colombian flick about a kidnapping. brutal. also watched epitafios and capadocia and last night chapters were good and both full of lesbionic action. so i fell asleep afterwards rather quickly.
had two dreams last night.
on the first one, I was an aide/advisor to the president of the us. sadly the president wasn't obama. it looked like a cross between actors sam neill and bruce greenwood. then again, sam neill played the antichrist as president on the omen 3 but this dream had no satanic overtones. however, there were some light security incidents in a building we were visiting in washington and i was sent to investigate and coordinate with their security. on the way i ran into two people. one of them twice.
the one i ran into twice was an old acquaintance of mine who i haven't seen in years. he was on a wheelchair in my dream and i spoke with him awhile and asked him about his mother and how they were doing. in real life i have nothing to do with him and last i heard he's suffering from a disease which i will not mention because i wish to respect his privacy and his loved ones. i'm sorry that he got it, but he is a prick who treat his friends and loved ones badly. oh well. in my dream we spoke twice and whatnot, but i had to keep my investigation going.
the second person i ran was a beautiful african american lady. in my dream she was an ex girlfriend and she was walking around with her new boyfriend. we ran into each other, said hi and apparently we ended up in good terms. she introduced me to her new man and we all got along fine. apparently we broke up because of my work schedule, but it was all good. i did wanted her advice on the current situation so we agreed to meet up later to discuss this....
then cut up to the second dream.
i was in puerto rico in a car somewhere in PR#1 speeding down Cayey. i was a passanger in this car and driving it was this cute blonde yuppi-ish mexican girl. she was making jokes and making fun of everything while we were speeding down the highway. apparently she was my current gf. we were driving to my house and while we were driving i was wondering what the hell that girl saw in me and i asked her and proceeded to tell me.
meanwhile i was explaining to her that i somehow found out a model of my first ever keyboard a casio cz-101 and that somehow this little synth had a newfound capability somehow it could play whole songs by itself by pressing one key and we started singing to Depeche Mode's Enjoy The Silence but the keyboard played some weird but cool arrangement of it. we stopped at wallgreen's at 65th avenue late at night and in my dream there was a chinese restaurant right across. so i went there looking for the bathroom. and then i woke up.
and here we are. happy halloween!
anyhoo, watched "hacia la oscuridad" last night. really intense colombian flick about a kidnapping. brutal. also watched epitafios and capadocia and last night chapters were good and both full of lesbionic action. so i fell asleep afterwards rather quickly.
had two dreams last night.
on the first one, I was an aide/advisor to the president of the us. sadly the president wasn't obama. it looked like a cross between actors sam neill and bruce greenwood. then again, sam neill played the antichrist as president on the omen 3 but this dream had no satanic overtones. however, there were some light security incidents in a building we were visiting in washington and i was sent to investigate and coordinate with their security. on the way i ran into two people. one of them twice.
the one i ran into twice was an old acquaintance of mine who i haven't seen in years. he was on a wheelchair in my dream and i spoke with him awhile and asked him about his mother and how they were doing. in real life i have nothing to do with him and last i heard he's suffering from a disease which i will not mention because i wish to respect his privacy and his loved ones. i'm sorry that he got it, but he is a prick who treat his friends and loved ones badly. oh well. in my dream we spoke twice and whatnot, but i had to keep my investigation going.
the second person i ran was a beautiful african american lady. in my dream she was an ex girlfriend and she was walking around with her new boyfriend. we ran into each other, said hi and apparently we ended up in good terms. she introduced me to her new man and we all got along fine. apparently we broke up because of my work schedule, but it was all good. i did wanted her advice on the current situation so we agreed to meet up later to discuss this....
then cut up to the second dream.
i was in puerto rico in a car somewhere in PR#1 speeding down Cayey. i was a passanger in this car and driving it was this cute blonde yuppi-ish mexican girl. she was making jokes and making fun of everything while we were speeding down the highway. apparently she was my current gf. we were driving to my house and while we were driving i was wondering what the hell that girl saw in me and i asked her and proceeded to tell me.
meanwhile i was explaining to her that i somehow found out a model of my first ever keyboard a casio cz-101 and that somehow this little synth had a newfound capability somehow it could play whole songs by itself by pressing one key and we started singing to Depeche Mode's Enjoy The Silence but the keyboard played some weird but cool arrangement of it. we stopped at wallgreen's at 65th avenue late at night and in my dream there was a chinese restaurant right across. so i went there looking for the bathroom. and then i woke up.
and here we are. happy halloween!
had a couple of interesting dreams last night. blogging full details at
"first thing you learn is that you've always gotta wait. i'm waiting for the man". - the velvet underground
the gospel according to
10/28/2009 06:59:00 a. m.
good morning! had to cancel this morning's appointment because the fuckers at the lab didn't deliver the results i needed for this visit
If you say you are open at 6 friggin' AM, why aren't u open when I arrived around 6:05?
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why am i up at 2am? glad u asked. the work won't b done by itself. it's 3am. i'm done. got 2 hours of sleep til 5am and it's off 2 da doctor
anhedonia - noun psychology.
lack of pleasure or of the capacity to experience it. adjective anhedonic.
lack of pleasure or of the capacity to experience it. adjective anhedonic.
@yavaro asked what's the female equivalent of bros before hoes. I submit chicks before pricks for your consideration.
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To sleep a dreamless sleep. To be expunged from memory. To leave no traces, no records, no evidence of my time here. To leave no marks. To be forgotten and gone. Off to bed. Good night.
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There are reasons I like to be alone or I enjoy the company of certain people: I don't like most people. I like silence and/or solitude and I don't relate to most people. There!
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viajando por los tubos del internet me entere de la muerte lenta de uno de mis antros favoritos en psu. wehr, east halls radio, la ultima estacion de radio de los complejos de dormitorios que quedaba en la universidad, murio en el 2005. RIP.
thee final slice of #ubuntuporn just for you.
the gospel according to
10/26/2009 09:03:00 p. m.
I am allergic to stupidity and burrocracy. My allergies are acting up since this morning.
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Mi medico primario es el gemelo perdido de Lento Rodriguez, por mi madre.
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Monday at the doctor's. Lab tests to be taken. Med orders to be requested. Empty pockets and empty stomach. No fun!
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watch all the pictures of #explosionpr while listening to louis armstrong's whatta wonderful world. that sums up puerto rico. enjoy!
finally after a bad start and downloading several programs and themes to make it work the way i want to, i added fluxbox to my #ubuntu setup.a picture mebbe later.
si. porque inferanal es sexo anal en el infierno. not a pleasant thought, but then again some of you sickos might even enjoy that.
you see dead people? well there might be an explanation for that via scienceblog
ghost in the shell americanized, live action and in 3-d? oh boy! via io9 and variety.
a people's history of the internet via
#bsg the plan review
astroboy review.
days of future past: a proposal for london in the victorian age. #steampunk as fuck! via io9 and strangemaps
new film for #district9 director and a #district9 sequel will come after that. via variety.
starwarsuncut: crowdsourced and fan made trailer
siempre quisiste saber que pasaria si rob zombie dirigiera "where the wild things are". enjoy! via g4tv
have you seeen this man in your dreams? and via io9
if you think the #explosionpr is bad, check out these photographs of china's polluted landscape via io9.
#pclinuxos website revamped, a new issue of their mag, and pclos 2009 gnome and pclos 2009 phoenix released. enjoy!
#ubuntu karmic koala overview via omgubuntu
Here's some Windows 7 coverage.
the gospel according to
10/24/2009 02:06:00 p. m.
John Dvorak,
Windows 7
Slate loves it
John Dvorak isn't impressed,2817,2354446,00.asp
Apple gets snarky for a change
Windows 7 has some download problems
More Windows 7 upgrade install snafus
John Dvorak isn't impressed,2817,2354446,00.asp
Apple gets snarky for a change
Windows 7 has some download problems
More Windows 7 upgrade install snafus
So I haven't hit the sack yet. Anyway sleep well you lovely bunch of thought criminals!
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Linux Torvalds gives Windows 7 a thumbs up.
the gospel according to
10/23/2009 12:28:00 p. m.
Linus Torvalds,
Windows 7
Baby's on fiiiiire, better get her to the wateeeeer! Set me on fiiiiire! Kerosene! Brian Eno and Big Black for today.
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The sky is on fire. And there's no one at the wheel. Bayamordor's burning. Careful out there.
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Bye bye Onelink Powerlink and let's cut the cellphone bill down to size. Gotta tighten up ze budget. Times *are* tough all over.
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sorted out streaming issues and check them out.
Woke up at 5 frakkin' AM to get here at 6 frakkin' AM with a frakkin' appointment! And I still only made number 15. Frak my life!
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El jingle nuevo del Departamento de Justicia debe ser "I bought the law (and the law won)". Estos idiotas de turno parece q piden a gritos el regreso de DU. Faaawk!!
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Google Music Service launch imminent? Via Techcrunch
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Odio despertar temprano. Pero early bird gets the fucking Reforma referral. O algo.
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Last nite dreamt that I was in Spain on vacation and it was in a high school reunion as well. Dreamt that I was with people I haven't seen in nearly 25 yrs!
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How to Upgrade the Windows 7 RC to RTM (Final Release) via @thedrfate
#flashforward fans check this out.
jajajajajaajaj! me encanta cuando el moron de kobbo santarrosa #lacomay se pone moralista cuando el es el el tipo mas sucio que existe.
trekkies rejoice! star trek's second pilot is coming to blu-ray
26 stills from Richard Kelly's The Box. via io9
man of extremes: the return of james cameron via the new yorker
a costume only @beelzenutz would love
we're heading for a new cold war. fear - let's have a war.mp3
shadowpeople via deviantart happy nightmares baby!
We're Heading For A New Cold War, Argues Futurist via io9
Get your get out of jail free cards! Disponibles para radiologos alcoholicos al volante y estudiantes de ciencias medicas que siembran mafu!
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ok luvs uncle popu might call it an early night. anyway enjoy life under this republican wet dream, this tropical paradise we call puerto rico.
Agradezcan a las bestias que ustedes eligieron abrumadoramente. Los dejan sin trabajo y ahora tambien no los dejan beber para olvidar las penas. Aguanten y jodanse.
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Si me disfrazo este halloween, me disfrazare de desempleado. Creo que muchos usaran este disfraz.
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El gobierno despide miles y espera que la delincuencia no se dispare. Si no consiguen trabajo ni ayudas, adivinen que haran....
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microsoft sensecam designed to aid alzheimer patients also can be used for lifeblogging via newscientist
maldives leader dramatizes climate change via bbc news
microsoft surface meet d&d rpg sweetness!
#astroboy director speaks via amctv
32 planets found outside the solar system via bbc news
evelyn vazquez eat your heart out!
dude, where's your mustache? via thechive
Scams and shams: the trouble with social networks via computerworld
mondays are for marvel as well and
Well I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Now it's back to our regularly scheduled episodes of working for the man. Cheers!
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#slumdogmillionaire still makes me cry. Especially when I see the little ones. Like #millions it's fucking brilliant.
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here's some #ubuntuporn for ya. #ubuntu 9.04 on 2 lcds. my workplace and a dvd on vlc.
here's some #ubuntuporn for you. running #ubuntu on 2 screens. my workspace and a dvd on vlc.
Good morning you working class heroes! Let's all join hands and keep the economy running! Have a very productive day!
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10 Most Annoying Things About Dining Out
vampire movie timeline 1987-2007 (twilight fans fuck off!) and the rza meets colbert
best farewell email, best farewell video and epitafios
the gospel according to
10/16/2009 10:16:00 p. m.
half baked,
best farewell email best farewell video watching #epitafios bother me at your own risk. toodles!
the gospel according to
10/16/2009 09:05:00 p. m.
Dreamt that I was getting married to @killiansteele did the civil wedding in SJU and the church at Mayawest. The reception was at a bar.
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Good morning my lovely ticks and leeches! Ready to suck the day dry? I know you can! Keep on sucking!
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Good night my friends. Sleep well and take care of yourselves and each other. Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
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Dungeons and Dragons Online: Behold the Power of Free via @arstechnica
9 Best Eco Apocalyptic Science Fiction Films of All Time by Mairi Beautyman via @treehugger
Good night my lovelies! Sleep well, be safe and don't let the bastards grind you down! The struggle is hard. The struggle is beautiful.
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no puedo ir por la pata pero a los que van al #paropr do not take any guff from the swine! dense a respetar!
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Spending time with my heterosexual life partner in Borders. Later lunch and a movie. Current mood: fuck the world!
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Is bored and tired of the social networks. Pardon me if I nurture my inner antisocial for awhile. Those who need to reach me know how. Laters.
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Good morning my lovely hamsters! Go run in your treadmills while @killiansteele and I have some breakfast. Nom nom nom....
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Es dificil hablar y actuar de paz cuando la otra parte no respeta ni conoce ese concepto.
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Taking a nap b4 picking up the missus at ze airport.
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crapple woe is you. #macmamones comienzen el lloriqueo
crapple woe is you. #macmanoes comienzen el lloriqueo.
hello my dears! hope you are enjoying your holiday. waiting for @killiansteele to arrive later in the evening.
Logan's Run: Lastday comic coming on January
7 Supervillians we wouldn't mind taking over the world (and why) via io9
Extran-a los parties de la orden de Las Hermanitas de la Decadencia Perpetua. Sor Presa represent!
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So Obama won the Nobel Peace prize. Some people are upset. I think he won it because he got rid of the idiots who were running the White House. :D
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Has the hate levels high today. No reason. You were warned.
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BTW, y pa q la gente le coja pena los suyos se inventan lo de la amenaza de muerte. Milhaus te subestima.
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Luis Fortun-o llora de q no hay chavos y bota chavos en una encuesta q dice lo obvio: he sux!
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ok configuring the radio station with #ubuntu and it sure gets interesting. i think i almost finally got it the way i want to.
The Independent - The demise of the dollar. Esto se jodio! via @eldifusor
got the appointment for the revision. office full to the gills, but at least got everything taken care of.
Burrocracia 101; mas lento q un suero de brea #clusterfuck 2009 continues!
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Last session at the chamber. Payroll and more crap to do. Mondays...
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joins the poor huddled masses who run #ubuntu on their boxes. Let's see what happens.
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Buenas noches Sra. Sosa. Gracias por tu voz y tus canciones.
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talking and catching up with friends. thanks to my cousin for doing a great job in the house and mom for helping me with the car. thanks!
Done with the car's registration due to the local garage. Off to bed.
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Giving a shit about someone else may not be cool, but who the fuck told you I was cool in the first place?
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Dell Laptop Aims to Impress Impression Makers via NYT
waking up too early in the morning. in the quiet words of rip van winkle: "leave it out! i want more sleep!"
Fuerza y buenas vibras para BB Justo e Ileana. Much luv a ambos y sus familiares.
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Mis oraciones y buenas vibras a mi hermanito BB Justo que sufrio un accidente y esta estable en Centro Medico. Fuerza y pronta recuperacion! Gracias a Noel Davila y a Ruly por la info.
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Preocupado por mi pana BB Justo. El que sepa algo, que me avise por favor. Gracias.
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Watching Southland Tales again. Because I caaaan. Back in the antibiotics.
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un gobernador que despide a 16 mil empleados a distancia, se caga pq le tiraron un huevazo y ahora compra una funcion de la sinfonica entera para que el pueblo no lo abuchee. #guevopafortun-o
Escribiendo par de cositas. A ver que ocurre. Be careful what you wish for....
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Good morning my fellow inhabitants of this cosmic ant farm! Are we ready for today's cosmic jokes?
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via io9 and what really happened to hitler?
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