It's one of those days that it's so emotionally bleak for me. Even though I spent quality time with my best friend and helped him around and had lunch with him and his family. That part was good. When I get back to my own reality. So lonely. So bleak. So cold. I guess it's good when you are someone object of lust, affection. When you feel it. Coming down from that it's a bit hard. Broke. Lonely. I wish I could find some substitute. Something to feel the time. When you really want to be with someone just to feel them by your side. To hear them spin their tales, their narratives, to feel their kisses, their warmth, their longing. I wander the streets talking to my self daydreaming about past lovers, what if, making amends, wishing for one last time, one last kiss, one last word. Unfortunately those options are not available. I have to move on. See what tomorrow brings. Hold on.

Shit. Pathetic, innit?

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