Gaaaaaaaah. Ok I'm So Much Better Now

GAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Ok. I'm so much better now.
Emotional rollercoaster rides from love interests aside, yesterday I rehearsed with good ole Revkunin. More tunage and lunch with the guy. Came home wanted to go to a rave and got on the guest list......but........I DIDNT HAVE A FOOKIN RIDE!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAARGH OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!! Anyway to add some more troubles to the ongoing struggle I typed the wrong command while updating my Linux distro on the laptop and had to reinstall the whole thing and download updates and whatnot. Somehow when I hit apt-get can't get to install gnome, but the rest of it went smoothly. And here we are.

Ok. I think I should sleep or something, right?

On Monday I'll have to deal with more bureaucratic madness regarding my dole check. Got some Xmas bonus money and half of it was spent two days ago, but it's all good.

Ok I really think I should get some sleep.

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